a novel analysis that includes experimentation with
simulation and track driving. The second and third
outcomes can be concurrently utilised in enhancing
the simulator techniques to train road users for a safer
traffic environment through the functional develop-
ment of the proposed drivers’ behaviour monitoring
The outcome of this study is encouraging in terms
of explanation methods that require further research.
The lack of prescribed evaluation metrics in the lit-
erature led to the use of different borrowed metrics
from different concepts. However, the results showed
promising possibilities to enhance and modify them
for future works on the evaluation of explanation
methods. Another possible research direction would
be to improve the feature attribution methods to pro-
duce more insightful explanations.
This study was performed as a part of the project
SIMUSAFE funded by the European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement N. 723386.
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