generally positive feedback indicates the overall ef-
fectiveness of our approach.
The interaction between absolute and relative con-
straints (RQ3) was presented to graph drawing experts
and users of graphical languages supported by the lan-
guage server and reported as intuitive.
We presented a solution to inform the user about pos-
sible constraints using an interactive constraint over-
lay (RQ1). Adding constraints (RQ2) via simple drag
and drop is intuitive as reported in a preliminary user
study. Possible conflicting constraints (RQ3) are ei-
ther resolved by reevaluating or forbidding the con-
straint, given they are introduced interactively, or by
being robust such that the latest constraint overrides
existing ones. As reported in the preliminary user
study, the constraint icons are sufficient to perceive
existing constraints (RQ4). The framework was tested
by adding interactive layout for tree drawing algo-
rithms, which was able to utilize the already existing
features for the layered approach to change the order
of nodes inside a tree level.
Developer feedback revealed that although the
specification of constraints is intuitive, constraints of
the layout algorithm itself, such as forbidden in-layer
edges of the layered algorithm, might change the lay-
out in an undesired way.
Future work on interactive layout goes in several
directions: (Domr
os and von Hanxleden, 2022) con-
strain the layout via the source model. As part of fu-
ture work it should be evaluated whether users prefer
constraints or textual order to create desired layouts.
Textual order for a stable layout and interactive lay-
out for tweaking the layout of the diagram might be
the ideal solution.
Introducing a new first layer, when using the lay-
ered algorithm, would require to constrain all other
nodes to make this possible. Since this seemed unde-
sired at first glance, this was not added to the frame-
work for the layered approach. Whether it is actually
desired or whether the absence of this option seems
unintuitive should be evaluated as part of future work.
Additionally, other ways to express such a constraint
should be explored.
The movement of a node that belongs to a chain
can be further improved. All nodes that will be
moved together with the moved node, when releasing
it should already move with it to indicate the conse-
quences of the reevaluation.
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An Interactive Graph Layout Constraint Framework