Figure 10: NMR Mask-RCNN Model.
as an image the defaults used in Mask R-CNN does
not perform sufficiently. We have opted for avoid-
ing data type conversions in order to preserve the in-
formation in the NMR data which were initially lost.
Following hyper-parameter tuning, we observed poor
detection on low intensity peaks. In order to increase
our detection, we implemented uniform scaling on the
data matrix during training. In this further improved
pipeline we have achieved greater performance with
0.90 mAP, 10.17% FP and 1.7% FNs with a scaling
factor of 150. The necessity of scaling is most likely
due to the nature of the NMR data. Regular pictures
have very clear borders between object; in the case
of NMR, the objects (peaks) in the picture (spectra)
has gradually disappearing borders. When the object
of interest is intrinsically smaller (low intensity peak),
it is particularly challenging to differentiate between
the baseline, borders and the maxima. Thus, applying
some prior to training can make these feature more
detectable by Mask R-CNN. Our conclusion is that
this framework is promising and needs further inves-
tigations. Further directions include in particular con-
sidering more realistic spectra with multiple possibly
overlapping peaks and testing on both synthetic and
real experimental data.
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