A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for
Cooperative Digital Ecosystems
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
and Luigi Canadè
iDEA Lab, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Keywords: Cooperative Digital Ecosystems, ICT, Open Source Technologies, Multidimensional Paradigms, Intelligent
Abstract: Cooperative Digital Ecosystems are an emerging class of information systems where the main goal is that of
supporting cooperation in human activities, driven by ICT technologies. Inspired by this main area, in this
paper we provide the anatomy and definitions of a multidimensional-paradigm-centered architecture for
supporting Cooperative Digital Ecosystems.
Cooperative Digital Ecosystems (e.g., (Bakhtadze &
Suleykin, 2021; Li et al., 2012; Tsai et al., 2022)) are
an emerging class of information systems where the
main goal is that of supporting cooperation in human
activities, driven by ICT technologies. In this context,
this paper proposes a multidimensional-paradigm-
centered architecture for supporting Cooperative
Digital Ecosystems, called KnowExplo. KnowExplo
focuses on the definition of models, methodologies
and tools in the field of Open Source ICT
technologies that can be applicable to cooperative
digital ecosystems, such as data- and knowledge-
intensive environments (e.g., (Draheim et al., 2021;
Kuruppuarachchi et al., 2022; Riasanow et al.,
2021)). They play a supporting role in the production,
management and dissemination of knowledge
performed by Users, Operators and Decision Makers.
Recently, there has been a relevant interest about the
interaction of such class of systems with emerging big
data trends (e.g., (Cuzzocrea, 2009; Cuzzocrea &
Serafino, 2009; Cuzzocrea & Wang, 2007; Cuzzocrea
& Matrangolo, 2004; Cuzzocrea et al., 2003)), like
highlighted by recent studies (e.g., (Rrushi & Nelson,
2015; Schultes et al., 2022; Sheng et al., 2016)).
KnowExplo is characterized by an architecture
inspired by the multidimensional paradigm (e.g.,
(Gray et al., 1997)), as modern systems have a
multidimensional, multi-level and multi-resolution
nature. This paradigm is used by actors in an
interactive and cooperative way, followed by
multidimensional analysis of unconventional data
such as XML documents, Web pages, etc. The main
features of the KnowExplo platform concern with the
aspect of evolution of models and data schemas
which do not have a fixed and rigid structure but are
flexible on the basis of the evolution of interactions
among actors. The lifecycle of data- and function-
levels is characterized by an innovative and non-
conventional paradigm, and the level of interaction
and cooperation with processing models is
characterized a semi-structured and reconfigurable
paradigm. In this paper, we also describe the
implementation of the target architecture through a
component structure with different functionalities.
In order to describe the KnowExplo platform,
several components are introduced. First, the
Information/Knowledge Extraction component is
identified, in order to extract information and
knowledge from the primary data sources. Then, the
Ontology Modeling/Mapping component, which
creates appropriate mapping with the
multidimensional schemas of the global repository,
called MD Universal Schema (MDUS), is identified.
In particular, multidimensional modelling of the
MDUS schemas and their evolution using Data
Mining algorithms, such as clustering and frequent-
itemset-mining, over Constellations of Facts are
Cuzzocrea, A. and Canadè, L.
A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for Cooperative Digital Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011813800003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 130-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
introduced. Another goal of the actual research
proposal focuses the attention on the efficient
representation of multidimensional structures in
secondary memory, as well as querying and browsing
procedures to be implemented within the KnowExplo
With these principles in mind, one of the most
probing research challenges figured-out by the
KnowExplo platform consists in the issue of
effectively and efficiently presenting data,
information and objects from primary sources to
actors, being such data useful in cooperative and
decision-making processes. This will be also
discussed throughout the paper.
In addition to these contributions, several cloud-
computing-based verticalizations of the proposed
platform are described, namely: Taxation, Justice,
and Social Networks. Finally, the development
environment is presented through a collection of
programmable APIs and implementation of case
The general objective of the KnowExplo platform can
be summarized in the definition of a set of models,
methodologies and tools (with relative
implementation and experimentation in the form of
case studies and significant verticalizations) that are
positioned in the context of support of Open Source
ICT technologies to digital ecosystems that are
strongly characterized by a high degree of interaction
and cooperation among the actors involved in the
stages of production, management and dissemination
of knowledge, in the dual form of data and processes.
Due to these specific characteristics, the digital
ecosystems of interest by the platform are classified
as data- and knowledge-intensive environments.
Actors of these digital ecosystems can be
classified into three large groups: Users, Operators,
Decision Makers. Users request and perform
services/functions available in the reference digital
ecosystem; Operators act as an intermediary between
the Users and the services/functions available in the
reference digital ecosystem; Decision Makers carry
out decision-support processes aimed at
modifying/restructuring the services and functions
available on the basis of the general progress of the
digital ecosystem, and the achievement of a pre-fixed
set of business objectives.
As previously mentioned, in such a scenario,
Open Source ICT technologies play an essential role
by offering, in fact, an indispensable support to all the
activities of production, management and
dissemination of knowledge carried out by the actors
of the digital ecosystem in a marked way, also
including interaction and cooperation. Significant
verticalizations of this general scenario are the
following: (i) tax management, where citizens and
governance (government companies, regions, etc.)
cooperate in the management and payment of taxes;
(ii) justice, where the actors of civil justice (judges,
clerks, etc.) cooperate in the management and
conduct of civil justice cases and trials; (iii) social
networks, where citizens and territorial authorities
(municipalities, mountain communities, etc.)
cooperate in managing life and processes of the
In order to achieve the described objectives, the
KnowExplo platform provides the definition of an
advanced Open Source platform that is able to
embody both the paradigms of production,
management and dissemination of knowledge of a
markedly interactive and cooperative type, and
support paradigms for the representation and
processing of data and processes of data- and
knowledge-intensive environments. These two
different aspects play significant roles within the
KnowExplo platform, and are also characterized by a
relevant inter-relationship, as will be described
In order to adequately support the application and
functional requirements required by data- and
knowledge-intensive environments, the architecture
of the KnowExplo platform, shown in Figure 1, is
strongly characterized by representation, query,
processing and delivery models for data, information
and objects of the platform’s multidimensional
primary sources. This peculiarity is dictated by the
fact that, in modern systems and applications (such as
those described by the mentioned verticalizations),
data and processes are increasingly characterized by
a multidimensional, multi-level and multi-resolution
nature, from which it follows the need for modelling,
analyzing and processing data, information and
objects that populate these systems and applications
according to multidimensional abstractions. These
multidimensional models and abstractions
implemented in the data/function layer of the
platform are used by the platform actors as part of
their interactive and cooperative knowledge
production, management and dissemination
processes, in the form of access, query, processing
A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for Cooperative Digital Ecosystems
Figure 1: KnowExplo platform reference architecture.
and delivery of data, information and objects.
Possible applications that derive from the integration
of these functionalities of the data/functions level in
the interaction/cooperation level are in a great
number, and they range from the multidimensional
analysis of unconventional data sources (RDF
networks, XML documents, data from social
networks, etc.) to classification and multidimensional
analysis of document corpus (Web pages, etc.). These
functions range from the effective management of
complex objects coming from intermediate
computations of Data Mining processes/algorithms
(graphs, trees, etc.) to the use and multidimensional
navigation of image databases, and many others.
Figure 1 shows the reference architecture of the
KnowExplo platform.
Models, methodologies and tools for supporting
digital ecosystems with a high degree of interaction
and cooperation that are intended to be defined and
tested within the KnowExplo platform are
characterized by two fundamental aspects:
Evolution: this aspect refers to the fact that
models and patterns of data and processes
through which the actors of the platform interact
do not adhere to a fixed and rigid structure over
time, but rather they are flexible and can vary
their structure in an adaptive way, based on the
evolution of the interactions of actors in the
interaction/cooperation level of the platform.
Rich Life Cycle at the Data-Level/Function
Frontier – Interaction/Cooperation Level: this
aspect refers to the fact that, in the context of
their interactive and cooperative knowledge
production, management and dissemination
processes, actors of the platform give birth to a
rich lifecycle at the frontier between the
data/function layer (which is internal to the core
layer of the platform - see Figure 1) and the
interaction/cooperation level (which is external
to the core layer of the platform - see Figure 1).
This requires that, on one hand, data/functions
layer of the platform must support functionalities
of access, querying, processing and delivery of
data, information and objects of the platform
primary sources in an innovative and
unconventional manner. On the other hand, the
interaction/cooperation level of the platform
must support semi-structured and reconfigurable
processing models, according to innovative
paradigms that enhance the degree of interaction
and cooperation between the platform.
These two fundamental aspects define, in fact, the
main features of the KnowExplo platform
As shown in Figure 1, the reference architecture of
the KnowExplo platform is characterized by a
complex component structure, such that each
component adheres to a well-established logic and
implements a particular and well-separated
functionality. To facilitate the description and
understanding of the KnowExplo platform, an
approach that maps several implementation
objectives (ORs) of the KnowExplo framework on
this platform is adopted, based on the isolation of the
different layers/levels/components that characterize
the same platform. Figure 2 shows this mapping.
As it can be argued by Figure 2, every OR is
mapped onto a specific set of (software) components
of the target KnowExplo platform. This nice amenity
allows us to achieve a pertinent separation during the
design phase as well as a solid software maintenance
at run time.
A description of the various ORs of the
framework is provided next, as referred to the
KnowExplo platform architecture (see Figure 2).
3.1 OR1 – Cooperation with
Information Producers
OR1 focuses attention on the following two main
activities/components. The first component, called
Information/Knowledge Extraction, deals with the
task of implementing information and knowledge
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Mapping of the framework ORs on the reference
architecture of the KnowExplo platform.
extraction functions from the primary data sources
that populate the KnowExplo platform. It is useful to
highlight that these sources can be classified into
three major classes: (i) conventional sources, such as,
for example, relational DBs, RDF bases, XML
documents, etc.; (ii) multimedia sources, such as, for
example, documents, images, etc.; (iii) complex
objects, such as, for example, trees, graphs, time
series, etc. deriving from intermediate computations
of Data Mining processes/algorithms. The second
component, called Ontology Modeling/Mapping, is
dedicated to the creation of Ontologies for modelling
the knowledge inherent to the primary data sources in
the form of networks of concepts and relationships,
and creating the appropriate mappings towards the
multidimensional schemas of the global repository
MDUS. Furthermore, to ensure effectiveness and
efficiency, the ontologies so-constructed are stored
and made persistent in a specific layer of the
KnowExplo platform.
In the KnowExplo proposal, the aggregation of
these multidimensional schemas in the MDUS
pursues an innovative interpretation according to
which such schemas that are located in the core layer
of the KnowExplo platform architecture define the
data universe of next generation applications and
systems that will be based on this platform. The idea
behind this approach consists in integrating data,
information and objects of primary sources in a global
and universal schema that offers the advantage of
being able to use the well-known multidimensional
abstractions on the sources themselves. As
highlighted above, these multidimensional
abstractions and the numerous supported applications
are then used by the KnowExplo platform actors in the
interaction/cooperation layer of the platform. Overall,
this contributes to improve the representation and
mining capabilities of the whole platform, in an
effective and pragmatical manner.
3.2 OR2 – Development of the
OR2 is dedicated to two central aspects within the
KnowExplo platform. The first aspect concerns with
the multidimensional modelling of the MDUS
schemas, which is the primary objective of the MD
Schema Modeling/Evolution component. The second
aspect concerns with the evolution of these schemas
as a result of data- and knowledge-intensive processes
triggered by the actors in the interaction/cooperation
level of the platform. In fact, these data- and
knowledge-intensive processes, which operate on the
data/function level of the platform, can give rise to
inconsistencies such that the multidimensional
schemas of the MDUS are no longer able to capture
the (multidimensional) knowledge embedded in the
primary data sources (which feed the platform and are
processed by the platform actors). This involves in the
so-called evolution of (multidimensional) schemas,
which plays a central role in the KnowExplo platform.
The identification of inconsistencies between the
knowledge embedded in the primary sources and the
knowledge currently represented by the
multidimensional schemas of the MDUS is
implemented by the Intelligent Mining Layer
component, while the MD Schema Restructuration
component is dedicated to carry-out the necessary
restructuring of these schemas.
As regards the multidimensional modeling of the
MDUS schemas, within the KnowExplo platform the
use of the Constellations of Facts is proposed. These
latter are multidimensional logical models that have
the double positive effect of (a) capturing the
multidimensional and multi-resolution nature of
primary sources that feed the platform, also
guaranteeing the necessary flexibility that must
necessarily characterize functions exported from a
knowledge-intensive platform such as KnowExplo,
and (b) effectively and efficiently supporting the
activities of navigation, exploration and analysis of
data, information and objects of primary sources
(note that these operations/functions are then
exploited by the actors of the KnowExplo platform in
the interaction/cooperation level).
More in details, two modalities are envisaged as
related to the multidimensional modeling phase of the
MUDS schemas. The first is of a classical type, and it
A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for Cooperative Digital Ecosystems
involves in a multidimensional business-oriented
modelling, according to which schemas are edited by
a knowledge worker on the basis of the knowledge of
the target application domain, and a fixed number of
business analysis objectives. The second pursues the
most innovative paradigm of automatically
discovering of multidimensional patterns directly
from the primary sources that feed the KnowExplo
platform, without the aid of the knowledge worker. It
is obvious that, at this level, the Ontologies created
within the OR1, and the related mappings, also
As regards the evolution of the multidimensional
schemas of the MDUS, within the KnowExplo
platform the use of Data Mining algorithms (stored in
an appropriate repository - see Figure 1) is proposed,
in order to simultaneously process data, information
and objects of the primary sources that feed the
platform and the multidimensional schemes of the
MDUS in their current modeling. This with the aim
of identifying possible inconsistencies between the
(multidimensional) knowledge embedded in the
primary data sources and the knowledge currently
represented by the schemas themselves. As
mentioned earlier, this task is the main goal of the
Intelligent Mining Layer component. Among the
various alternatives of Data Mining algorithms that
can be useful for this purpose, clustering and
frequent-item set-mining are the ones that best lend
themselves to support this important functionality.
These possible inconsistencies can be of various
types. For example, a clustering algorithm could
detect that the current multidimensional partition that
characterizes a certain MDUS schema is no longer
able to effectively capture the actual clusters that can
be discovered in a certain collection of data,
information and objects of the primary sources. In this
case, multidimensional schemas must be
restructured, which is the main objective of the MD
Schema Restructuration component. The
restructuring of multidimensional schemas can take
place through a wide range of cases, which include,
among others: the discovery of a new
multidimensional entity (dimension, level,
dimensional member, aggregation, etc.), the collapse
of two or more existing multidimensional entities into
a single multidimensional entity (for example, two
dimensional members of a certain OLAP hierarchy
could merge into a single dimensional member),
adding a new OLAP dimension that was not foreseen
in the design/discovery phase of such schemas, the
addition of new aggregations that were not considered
in the design/discovery phase of such schemas, and
so forth. The latter topic is left as future work.
3.3 OR3 – Reorganization and
Production of Structures
OR3 focuses the attention on the efficient
representation in secondary memory of the
multidimensional structures stored in the MDUS.
This KnowExplo platform functionality is
implemented by the MD Schema Materialization
component. This component makes use of column-
oriented open-source database technology, in order
to ensure maximum flexibility during the
restructuring phases of the multidimensional schemas
of the MDUS. In fact, column-oriented representation
is much more flexible than traditional approaches
such as, for example, array-based (MOLAP) ones.
For example, adding a new dimensional level to a pre-
existing OLAP hierarchy corresponds, in the case of
column-oriented databases, to the simple addition of
a new column to the pre-existing ones and to the
construction of the necessary low-level references
(pointers) that implement the hierarchical
relationships between the pre-existing dimensional
levels in the reference OLAP hierarchy and the new
dimensional level to be added.
3.4 OR4 – KnowExplo Query and
OR4 focuses attention on two different aspects of the
KnowExplo platform. The first concerns with the
definition of models, techniques and algorithms for
querying and navigating multidimensional structures
(such as data cubes and multidimensional OLAP
views) stored in the MDUS, a function to which the
MD Schema Querying/Browsing component is
dedicated. The main purpose of this component is to
support essential functionalities within the
KnowExplo platform, such as those of querying data,
information and objects of primary sources through
sophisticated multidimensional abstractions, and the
navigation of these repositories using successful
OLAP tools such as multi-level and multi-resolution
browsing, OLAP operators such as, for example, slice
& dice, pivoting, complex OLAP queries such as, for
example, similarity queries on multidimensional
metric spaces, etc.
The second problem on which OR4 focuses
concerns with the definition of models, techniques
and algorithms for the mining of the multidimensional
structures stored in the MDUS. This task is
implemented by the MD Schema Mining component.
The idea behind this component consists in making
complex functionalities for the extraction of
knowledge from multidimensional structures
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
available to the actors of the KnowExplo platform. In
turn, these functionalities can be integrated by the
actors in their activities of production, management
and dissemination of the knowledge in the
interaction/cooperation level of the platform.
3.5 OR5 – Presentation and
OR5 focuses attention on a central issue of the
KnowExplo platform, namely the presentation and
visualization of data, information and objects of
primary sources through the multidimensional
abstractions offered by the MDUS. These features are
implemented by the Presentation/Visualization
component. It should be explicitly noted that this
component is directly interfaced with the
interaction/cooperation level of the KnowExplo
platform actors, and, consequently, the greater
number of the application functionalities of the
platform are implemented and exported at this level.
In this context, the central research theme is
represented by the problem of effectively and
efficiently presenting data, information and objects of
primary sources modeled according to
multidimensional abstractions to actors who have to
elaborate them in order to support their cooperative
and decision-making processes.
There are numerous models and techniques that
are implemented by this component of the platform.
One of these concerns with the “flattening” of
multidimensional OLAP data cubes to support their
use on mobile devices with scarce computational
resources, or to support the definition of OLAP-like
interfaces for complex objects, by overcoming the
limitations of current OLAP platforms that focus only
on conventional data sources. For example, Figure 3
shows a possible OLAP-like interface for the
multidimensional and multi-resolution fruition of
Figure 3: OLAP-like processing and fruition of images.
3.6 OR6 – Integrated Platform
OR6 focuses attention on the definition, development
and testing of the application architecture supporting
the KnowExplo platform, according to the Cloud
Computing paradigm. This task is implemented by
the Cloud-based Architecture component. The choice
of the Cloud Computing paradigm is motivated by the
fact that this paradigm allows considerable flexibility,
scalability and reliability. Therefore, it perfectly
adapts to the requirements of the KnowExplo
The Cloud-based architecture interfaces both to
the core of the platform and to a layer of
programmable APIs (OR7) and, above all, to the
verticalizations to be built on the basic framework
offered by the KnowExplo platform (OR8, OR9,
OR10). OR6 therefore provides not only the
definition, development and testing of the core
architecture of the KnowExplo platform, but also of
its interfaces to the layers and external components,
according to well-understood software patterns.
As highlighted above, verticalizations play a key
role within the KnowExplo platform. In greater
details, the verticalizations are built directly on the
Cloud-based architecture of the KnowExplo platform
and are concerned with complete instances of the
general platform in which the general purposes
components of the platform are “rewrittenthrough
specialized functionalities and procedures on the
basis of the particular application case considered by
the current verticalization.
Platform verticalizations, which are essentially
based on Cloud Computing software architectures,
and cover real-life instances coming from modern
settings, are presented in the next Sections.
3.7 OR7 – Development Environment
OR7 is dedicated to the definition, implementation
and testing of development environments that
interface with the functionalities offered by the
KnowExplo platform through a collection of
programmable APIs and support the construction of
data- and knowledge-intensive applications that
adhere to the paradigms encapsulated in the platform
(multidimensionality, cooperation, intelligent use,
etc.). Development & Programming Environments is
the component that implements this layer of the
reference architecture of the KnowExplo platform.
This component offers both the API collection
and development environments which, again, adhere
to KnowExplo’s paradigms. Thanks to this
component, the platform becomes “programmable”
A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for Cooperative Digital Ecosystems
and completely open, so it can be integrated with
other next-generation platforms, systems and
applications, as well as interfaced with traditional
legacy systems.
A secondary but no less important activity of OR7
is represented by the definition and implementation
of a series of case studies which, on the one hand,
show the operational functionality of applications
based on the KnowExplo APIs and, on the other hand,
serve to test the effectiveness and efficiency of
applications built on the KnowExplo platform. It
should be noted that these topics are also relevant for
what regards the issue of scalability of big data
processing, which is an hot-topic of high interest at
3.8 OR8 – Verticalization 1: Taxation
This verticalization (implemented by the Fiscal
Management component) focuses on the
management and payment of taxes through the
interaction and cooperation of actors such as citizens,
government companies, regions, etc.
3.9 OR9 – Verticalization 2: Justice
This verticalization (implemented by the Justice
component) focuses on the management and conduct
of civil justice cases and processes through the
interaction and cooperation of actors such as judges,
clerks, law enforcement agencies, etc.
3.10 OR10 – Verticalization 3: Social
This verticalization (implemented by the Social
Networks component) focuses on the management of
civic life of territorial areas such as metropolitan
areas, municipalities, mountain communities, etc.,
through the interaction and cooperation of actors such
as citizens, territorial authorities, politicians, etc.
By inspecting actual literature, there exist several
research proposals that are relevant to our research.
This further corroborates our feeling about the
relevance of the investigated research field. In the
following, we overview the most noticeable ones.
(Alam et al., 2017) presents a digital twin
architecture reference model for the cloud-based
cyber-physical system, C2PS, where the key
properties of the C2PS are analytically described. The
model helps in identifying various degrees of basic
and hybrid computation-interaction modes in this
paradigm. The C2PS smart interaction controller has
been designed using a Bayesian belief network, so
that the system dynamically considers current
contexts. The composition of fuzzy rule base with the
Bayes network further enables the system with
reconfiguration capability. Finally, authors present a
telematics-based prototype driving assistance
application for the vehicular domain of C2PS, VCPS,
to demonstrate the efficacy of the architecture
reference model.
(Vedeshin et al., 2019) highlights the advent of
personal manufacturing, where home users, small,
medium, and Fortune 500 enterprises use devices
such as 3D printers, CNC mills, and robotics to
manufacture products locally. Authors propose a
digital ecosystem of personal manufacturing, which
is currently used or being tried by 111 Fortune 2000
enterprises. In this paper, they focus on the creation
of the cloud-based manufacturing operating system,
3DPrinterOS, to address an evolving critical problem
of personal manufacturing. Therefore, authors
introduce a novel software ecosystem architecture to
sustain a massive communication load of command,
control, and telemetry data to and from millions of
manufacturing machines and users. This solution
allows users to create and deploy their own
applications into 3DPrinterOS cloud operating system.
To guide the architecture design process in the
context of digital twins, (Tekinerdogan & Verdouw,
2020) provides a pattern-oriented approach for
architecting digital twin-based systems. Authors
propose a catalog of digital twin architecture design
patterns that can be reused in the broad context of
systems engineering. The patterns support the various
phases in the systems engineering life cycle process,
and are described using a well-defined pattern docu-
menttation template. For illustrating the application of
digital twin patterns, a multi-case study approach in the
agriculture and food domain is adopted.
Finally, (Yun et al., 2022) proposes a digital twin
architecture to provide accurate disaster prediction
services with a similarity-based hybrid modeling
scheme. The hybrid modeling scheme creates a
hybrid disaster model that compensates for the errors
of physics-based prediction results with a data-driven
error correction model to enhance the prediction
accuracy. The similarity-based hybrid modeling
scheme reduces errors from the data dependency of
the hybrid model by constructing a training dataset
using similarity assessments between the target
disaster and the historical disasters.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This paper has focused the attention on innovative
Cooperative Digital Ecosystems, an emerging class of
systems where the cooperation among different actors
is the main aspect to be considered. In order to
support the main underlying process, we have
introduced and described in details KnowExplo, a
multidimensional-paradigm-centered architecture
for supporting these systems. Future work is mainly
oriented towards equipping the proposed architecture
with emerging big data trends (e.g., (Campan et al.,
2017; Cuzzocrea et al., 2014; Li et al., 2022)).
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(2014). Mining Constrained Frequent Itemsets from
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Cuzzocrea, A., & Serafino, P. (2009). LCS-Hist: taming
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Draheim, D., Krimmer, R., & Tammet, T. (2021). On State-
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A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for Cooperative Digital Ecosystems