plex to work on and requires a careful modification of
the core components.
In conclusion, both variants of the distributed
PSO algorithm have their advantages and disadvan-
tages. Due to the multitude of configuration param-
eters available (e.g., SuperRDD size, number of par-
titions, nodes in the cluster, cores per node) it is not
possible to identify one as the "best" one. Therefore
only a real production setting will be able to identify
the most suitable variant for a specific use case – for
which we have given some indicators.
In this paper, we proposed distributed variants of
the PSO algorithm that were implemented on top of
Apache Spark, specifically an asynchronous variant
called DAPSO and two synchronous variants called
DSPSO with Local Update (LU) and Distributed Up-
date (DU). The variants provide options for different
performance and fault tolerance needs.
In our evaluation, we compared our solutions ex-
perimentally with the traditional PSO. We demon-
strated that our distributed algorithms perform bet-
ter than the traditional PSO, resulting on average in
a five times speed improvement. Only in small cases,
the traditional PSO solution performs better concern-
ing elapsed time, but does not provide either adequate
fault tolerance. Fault tolerance is also considered by
tailoring our distributed variants to specific features
offered by the implementation platforms. We pro-
vided indications in which particular situations one
of the three distributed variants would be most bene-
In the future, we intend to improve the perfor-
mance of our distributed algorithms by fine-tuning
their implementation better to Apache Spark features.
In conclusion, also testing the algorithms in real-
world scenarios should be performed, to fully validate
our assumptions.
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