Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling
of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship
Competency and Complex Thinking
José Carlos Vázquez-Parra
, Carles Lindín-Soriano
Marco Cruz-Sandoval
and Martina Carlos-Arroyo
Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Professional Education, Educational Innovation, Future of Education, Complex Thinking, Social
Entrepreneurship, Higher Education.
Abstract: The purpose of this text is to present the results of a pilot test that is part of a validation process of a proprietary
methodology, which aims to develop skills and competencies associated with social entrepreneurship, along
with the competency of complex thinking. This methodology considers the use of a technological platform
that, through self-directed activities, promotes the development of social entrepreneurship and complex
thinking skills. From these results, we seek to argue the relevance of this methodology by focusing on the
development of capabilities, beyond the generation of entrepreneurial projects. This text exposes the need to
develop educational technological tools that allow the development of people, regardless of the institution to
which they belong or the specialized human resources to which they have access.
Social entrepreneurship is an excellent way to address
local problems, even more efficiently than
philanthropy and altruism (Ashoka, 2022). Therefore,
more and more universities are paying attention to the
formation of social entrepreneurship as a valuable
competency for any student (Alvarez, Melandet, &
Núñez, 2021). However, not all educational
institutions have human capital specialized in social
entrepreneurship training, causing many ideas and
proposals of their students to be diluted and not to be
Seeking to mitigate this need, a group of
academics from a university in western Mexico
specialized in social entrepreneurship, set out to
develop a methodology that would not only aim to
develop social entrepreneurship projects, but also the
development of skills associated with
entrepreneurship, i.e., a methodology for the
development of entrepreneurial skills and
capabilities. Thus Social Entrepreneurship Learning
for Complexity (SEL4C) was born, a proprietary
methodology that develops social entrepreneurship
and complex thinking competencies as part of a
process of ideation of social entrepreneurship
In this context, the present text seeks to share the
first results of the validation process of this
methodology, which considers a pilot implementation
carried out in the summer of 2022, and a wide
implementation that is currently being carried out
during the August-December 2022 semester. Part of
these results, beyond validating the methodology,
allow us to appreciate the relevance of scaling joint
competencies, by demonstrating the significant
relationship between the competencies of social
entrepreneurship and complex thinking. Although the
results of the broad implementation (i.e., August-
December 2022) are not yet available, it is considered
Vázquez-Parra, J., Lindín-Soriano, C., Cruz-Sandoval, M. and Carlos-Arroyo, M.
Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship Competency and Complex Thinking.
DOI: 10.5220/0011816300003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 357-363
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that the results obtained at present are valuable to
guide and scale the work being done by the research
1.1 Social Entrepreneurship
Currently, educational institutions are key factors in
the development of social entrepreneurship. This is
based on the fact that these institutions act as
environments in which people detonate and
materialize innovative ideas in complex
environments (Tecnologico de Monterrey, 2019).
Although programs focused on entrepreneurship have
become popular since the 1980s, they have been
focused on the development of triggering ideas and
business ideas, while ignoring or ignoring the
development of competencies in the training of
entrepreneurs (Bublitz, Nguyen, & Peracchio, 2020).
Table 1: Social Entrepreneurship Competency and its sub-
competencies and indicators.
Sub-competencies Indicato
Self-Control Motivation; Perseverance
and resilience;
to uncertainty, ambiguity
and master
of stress.
Leadership Strategic planning;
Communication and
persuasion; Mobilizing
Social awareness and
Social involvement;
Identification of
issues; Focus on
Social innovation and
financial sustainability
Creativity; Economic and
financial literacy;
Assessment of ideas,
results and impacts on the
environment and people;
Learning and adaptability;
Management of limited
resources for social
Source: Created by the authors, inspired on García, Ramírez,
de León, and Aragón (2020).
Educational work should not be so reductionist in
focusing on entrepreneurship per se, but should pay
attention to entrepreneurship skills training
(According to García-González, Ramírez-Montoya,
de León, & Aragón, 2020). Particularly, training in
social entrepreneurship should consider domains in
cognitive, procedural and attitudinal aspects. In this
sense, these domains are expected to detonate in the
generation of innovation with a differentiating value
for society, always seeking to be sustainable (García-
Gonzalez & Ramírez-Montoya, 2021).
In this sense, for this study, social
entrepreneurship has been taken into account as a
macro-competency made up of four sub-
competencies that in turn are related to personal
dimensions, self-control, leadership, social
innovation, social value and entrepreneurial
management (for more information see García-
González, Ramírez-Montoya, de León and Aragón,
2020). Table 1 illustrates the sub-competencies of
social entrepreneurship, as well as the indicators per
1.2 Complex Thinking Competency
For the present study, complex thinking is understood
as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow
the comprehensive analysis of phenomena,
developing a broad and interconnected vision of all
the elements and factors involved in them (Tobón &
Luna, 2021). Due to its versatility of applications,
complex thinking is qualified as a general or
transversal competency, as it is valued as a relevant
skill for any professional, regardless of the
disciplinary area in which he/she works (Drucker,
The competency of complex thinking considers
four sub-competencies or types of reasoning:
systemic thinking, critical thinking, scientific
thinking and creative thinking (Cruz-Sandoval,
Vázquez-Parra, & Alonso-Galicia, 2022). Systems
thinking is the type of reasoning that allows analyzing
problems in an interconnected way, recognizing the
elements that make it up and the dynamics between
them (Jaaron & Backhouse, 2018). For its part,
critical thinking allows evaluating the validity of
reasoning from its own vision, rethinking problems
beyond existing paradigms (Cui, et al., 2021).
Scientific thinking gives people the opportunity to
make decisions and solve problems from the adoption
of objective and validated methodologies, adopting
tools for reasoning, formulating and testing
hypotheses (Suryansyah, Kastolani, & Somantri,
2021). Finally, innovative thinking, or also called
creative thinking, considers the inclusion of processes
that evaluate reality from different angles and
perspectives, seeking to generate proposals and
solutions that are both original and feasible (Zhou,
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
As part of the work of an interdisciplinary research
group, a methodology for the acquisition and scaling
up of social entrepreneurship competency was
developed. This methodology comprises nine
practical training activities aimed at developing a
process of ideation and construction of a social
entrepreneurship project at a basic level (the activities
were designed by a team of specialists in social
entrepreneurship with training in pedagogy and
instructional design).
The design of this methodology contemplates the
development of other skills and therefore, each of the
activities has an objective, instructions and its
relationship with the development of the social
entrepreneurship competency and its sub-
competencies. Likewise, the methodology considers
the acquisition and development of the complex
thinking competency and its sub-competencies, with
the intention of guaranteeing the formative process of
both competencies at a basic level.
Aiming to promote the affordability of this
methodology to all people with entrepreneurial
desires, a technological platform was developed to
implement this methodology in a self-managed way.
Along with the design of the methodology, the
importance of including validated instruments to
measure the development of both competencies was
- Social Entrepreneurship: The instrument
entitled Profile of the Social Entrepreneur (García-
González et al. 2020), is a scale with 24 questions
evaluated with a Likert scale: 1: Strongly disagree, 2:
Disagree, 3: Neither agree nor disagree, 4: Agree, 5:
Strongly agree. This instrument considers 4 sub-
competencies: self-control, leadership, social
awareness and value, and social innovation and
financial sustainability. As for its validation,
Cronbach's alpha was calculated, which yielded an
overall reliability of the instrument of 0.86, in
addition to each of the dimensions: leadership for
change: 0.76, social innovation 0.60, social value
0.72 and management for change 0.77.
- Complex thinking: The E-Complexity
instrument has the objective of measuring the
perception of the participants' level of mastery of the
complexity reasoning competency and its sub-
competencies. It is an instrument validated both
theoretically and statistically, as well as by a team of
experts in the field. The averages obtained for the
criteria evaluated by the experts were: Clarity (3.31),
Coherence (3.38) and Relevance (3.54). Based on the
theoretical and content validation by means of expert
judgment, it was determined that the eComplexity
instrument is highly valid and reliable (Castillo-
Martínez et al., 2021). The instrument consists of 25
items divided into four sub-competencies: Systemic
Thinking, Scientific Thinking, Critical Thinking and
Innovative Thinking. Its implementation is self-
applicable and each item is evaluated by means of a
Likert scale: 1: Strongly disagree, 2: Disagree, 3:
Neither agree nor disagree, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly
Thus, the implementation process was carried out
in three stages:
a) Initial diagnosis: Comprises the
implementation of a validated instrument that
measures the initial state of social entrepreneurship
and complex thinking competencies and their sub-
b) Training activities: Considers the
implementation of the nine activities designed by
means of a technological platform that allows the
realization of these activities in a self-managed way.
As part of these activities, we have considered the
identification of international problems, their
contextualization in their environment, the discovery
of causes and possible consequences, the ideation of
a value proposal that addresses some of these needs,
the socialization and validation of this proposal and
the capacity of abstraction to communicate their idea.
These activities were only implemented in the
experimental group, as this was the group that was
involved in the methodology.
c) Final diagnosis: Includes the
implementation of the diagnostic instrument to
evaluate the development of both competencies once
the intervention of the training activities has been
carried out.
It is important to point out that although the
activities can be carried out individually or in teams,
the diagnosis and evaluation of the acquisition and
development of the competencies and their sub-
competencies is done individually.
As part of the validation process of this methodology,
during the month of July 2022 a pilot test was carried
out on a small group of students. The objective was
to verify that the proposal did have a significant
impact on an experimental group, in contrast to a
control group. This pilot study was regulated by the
interdisciplinary research group R4C, with the
support of the Writing Lab of the Institute for the
Future of Education of the Tecnológico de
Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship Competency and
Complex Thinking
Monterrey, who, since it is an experimental study
involving people, suggested that it be limited to a
single experimental group of students.
Thus, this pilot study was carried out with a
convenience sample of 35 students, divided into two
groups. The first group, composed of 17 students (10
males and 7 females) was considered for the
pedagogical intervention, i.e., it was the group that
carried out the three phases of the implementation
process and was called the Experimental Group. On
the other hand, the second group, composed of 18
students (9 men and 9 women) was not intervened
with the training methodology in social
entrepreneurship, so it only carried out the initial
diagnosis and the closing evaluation, and was called
the Control Group. The differentiation between the
two groups had the objective of identifying whether
the methodology and the proposed intervention were
effectively valid for the development of both
competencies and their sub-competencies.
Overall, this pilot test yielded positive results
(see Table 2), as it showed an increase of 5.9% in the
perception of achievement of the social
entrepreneurship competency in the group of
intervened students, also impacting all its sub-
competencies: Self-control (+1.3%), Social
Awareness and Value (+5.6), Social Innovation and
Financial Sustainability (+10%) and Leadership
Table 2: Experimental group. Results of the Social
Entrepreneurship Competency and its sub-competencies.
Initial Diagnosis and Final Diagnosis.
Men Women
t Mean Mean
I Self-control 4.47 4.64
F Self-control 4.47 4.78
I Soc. awareness and value 3.87 4.77
F Soc. awareness and value 4.33 4.73
I Soc. Innov & fin. Sust. 3.84 3.91
F Soc. Innov & fin. Sust. 4.34 4.16
I Leadership 4.25 4.28
F Leadership 4.53 4.50
I Social Entre
4.06 4.30
F Social Entre
4.41 4.51
Source: Created by the authors.
On the other hand, the violinplot in Figure 1
shows the development of the social entrepreneurship
competency of the experimental group. It is evident
that the mean values in the development of the
competency have increased from the methodology.
That is, the smoothed histogram shows a higher
density of distribution in higher mean values of the
competency in the final diagnosis of the students.
Figure 1: Results of the Social Entrepreneurship
Competency of the experimental group (Initial Diagnosis-
Final Diagnosis). Source: Created by the authors.
Likewise, Figure 2 shows the boxplot analysis of
the initial and final diagnosis with respect to the sub-
competencies of the macro competency of social
entrepreneurship of the experimental group. The
figure shows that there is a development in each of
the sub-competencies resulting from the
methodology through the final diagnosis.
Figure 2: Results by sub-competency of the Social
Entrepreneurship Competency of the experimental group
(Initial Diagnosis-Final Diagnosis).
Table 3: Results of the Complex Thinking Competency and
its sub-competencies of the experimental group and the
control group (Pre-Post Diagnosis).
Control Experimental
Thinking I Mean F Mean I Mean F Mean
Scientific 3.92 4.07 4.16 4.57
Critical 4.29 4.25 4.32 4.56
Innovative 4.12 4.16 4.28 4.53
stemic 4.32 4.37 4.50 4.60
Complex 4.15 4.21 4.31 4.56
Source: Created by the authors.
Regarding the perceived level of achievement of
the complex thinking competency, a considerable
difference was demonstrated between the control and
experimental groups (see Table 3). Regarding the
competency in general, the control group managed to
increase 5.4%, in contrast to the experimental group
that scaled 5.8%, as for the sub-competencies, the
results were similar: Critical Thinking (Control
group: no change, experimental group: +5.5%),
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Innovative Thinking (Control group: no change,
experimental group: +5.8%), Scientific Thinking:
Control group: +3.8%, experimental group: +9.8%),
Systemic Thinking: Control group: +1.1%,
experimental group: +5.8%).
In order to observe the distribution of the results
shown in Table 3, Figure 3 shows the violin plot of
the initial and final diagnoses in the experimental
group. The results show higher mean values in the
development of complex thinking in the final
diagnosis, as well as a higher distribution density in
mean values close to five.
Figure 3: Results of the Complex Thinking Competency.
Experimental Group (Initial-Final Diagnosis). Source:
Created by the authors.
Thus, although this pilot study yielded limited
results due to the small sample size, it did allow us to
appreciate a differentiated development between the
two groups, as well as shed light on the relationship
between both competencies, arguing for the need to
scale the test in a larger population.
On the other hand, Table 4 shows the correlation
analysis between the social entrepreneurship
competency and complex thinking. The table analysis
shows the correlation analysis of the initial and final
diagnosis of the experimental group. It should be
noted that the analysis seeks to find a significant
relationship between the competencies (p value <=
0.05) and does not seek a predictive capacity (i.e., R2
close to one). The results of the table show that there
is a significant correlation between both
competencies. This correlation is higher in the final
diagnosis of the experimental group.
Table 4: Correlation of development of Social
Entrepreneurship and Complex Thinking Competencies
(Initial-Final). Experimental Group.
Diagnosis R2
Initial 0.55 0.02
Final 0.75 0.00
Source: Created by the authors.
As a complement to the results described above,
Figure 4 shows a scatter plot with a trend line with
95% reliability. In addition to showing a positive
correlation between social entrepreneurship
competency and complex thinking, the figure
illustrates that both competencies increase with the
implementation of the methodology comprising nine
practical training activities aimed at developing a
process of ideation and construction of a social
entrepreneurship project at a basic level.
Figure 4: Results of the positive correlation between Social
Entrepreneurship and Complex Thinking Competencies
(Initial-Final). Experimental group. Source: Created by the
After the pilot implementation, the responsible
institution authorized a new implementation with a
larger population, which will be carried out during the
August-December 2022 semester. The
implementation format of the methodology is face-to-
face, with the support of a group of facilitators who
supported the intervened groups. Five experimental
groups and one control group have been considered
for this study.
Table 5: Experimental and control group characteristics.
Experimental Group
Men Women
n % n %
45 40 67 60
Control Grou
Men Women
n % n %
14 44 18 56
Source: Created by the authors.
As noted above, this study is ongoing, with results
expected by mid-2023.
A relevant feature of competency-based training is
usually the correspondence that can occur between
several of them, considering that when a person
develops certain skills, he/she can acquire and scale
Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship Competency and
Complex Thinking
some others at the same time. Thus, the present study
not only corroborates the viability of the methodology
designed, but also the correspondence between the
competencies of social entrepreneurship and complex
thinking. It also demonstrates the efficiency of the use
of a technological platform for competency-based
training, which makes knowledge accessible to
anyone, regardless of the institution to which they
belong, their socio-economic or geographical
In conclusion, it can be pointed out that favorable
results were obtained from the pilot implementation,
which show that the proposed methodology is valid
both for the scaling of the social entrepreneurship
competency and its sub-competencies, as well as for
the complex thinking competency and its sub-
competencies. These results are not only
academically valuable, as they raise the need to
continue deepening the relationship between these
two competencies, but also allow us to appreciate
ample opportunities for practical implementation
both for universities that have entrepreneurship
programs, as well as for other institutions that work
directly with social entrepreneurs and seek
alternatives for the development of their skills when
devising, proposing or developing a social
entrepreneurship project. In conclusion, although we
recognize that this article may be perceived as limited
because it is based on the results of a pilot test with a
very limited population, it is proposed as a necessary
precedent to be documented as part of a broader study
with more conclusive and significant results. We
know that the results at this stage cannot be
generalized, but they shed light on the path and
process to be followed.
The authors acknowledge the financial and technical
support of Writing Lab, Institute for the Future of
Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, in
producing this work. This paper is a product of the
project “EduToolkit: innovation with artificial
intelligence for the development of social
entrepreneurship, innovation and complex thinking
skills”, with funding from NOVUS 2021 and 2022
Fund, with ID Number 206 and 268 and the financial
support from Tecnologico de Monterrey through the
“Challenge-Based Research Funding Program 2022”.
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Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship Competency and
Complex Thinking