some others at the same time. Thus, the present study
not only corroborates the viability of the methodology
designed, but also the correspondence between the
competencies of social entrepreneurship and complex
thinking. It also demonstrates the efficiency of the use
of a technological platform for competency-based
training, which makes knowledge accessible to
anyone, regardless of the institution to which they
belong, their socio-economic or geographical
In conclusion, it can be pointed out that favorable
results were obtained from the pilot implementation,
which show that the proposed methodology is valid
both for the scaling of the social entrepreneurship
competency and its sub-competencies, as well as for
the complex thinking competency and its sub-
competencies. These results are not only
academically valuable, as they raise the need to
continue deepening the relationship between these
two competencies, but also allow us to appreciate
ample opportunities for practical implementation
both for universities that have entrepreneurship
programs, as well as for other institutions that work
directly with social entrepreneurs and seek
alternatives for the development of their skills when
devising, proposing or developing a social
entrepreneurship project. In conclusion, although we
recognize that this article may be perceived as limited
because it is based on the results of a pilot test with a
very limited population, it is proposed as a necessary
precedent to be documented as part of a broader study
with more conclusive and significant results. We
know that the results at this stage cannot be
generalized, but they shed light on the path and
process to be followed.
The authors acknowledge the financial and technical
support of Writing Lab, Institute for the Future of
Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, in
producing this work. This paper is a product of the
project “EduToolkit: innovation with artificial
intelligence for the development of social
entrepreneurship, innovation and complex thinking
skills”, with funding from NOVUS 2021 and 2022
Fund, with ID Number 206 and 268 and the financial
support from Tecnologico de Monterrey through the
“Challenge-Based Research Funding Program 2022”.
Projects ID # I003 - IFE001 - C2-T3 – T, ID# I004 -
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