An Architecture for a Large-Scale IoT e-Mobility Solution
Marek Beránek
, George Feuerlicht
, Ondřej Kučera and Vladimír Kovář
Unicorn University, V Kapslovně 2767/2,130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Keywords: e-Mobility Charging Infrastructure, IoT, Software Architecture.
Abstract: The recent rapid uptake of electric vehicles is driving demand for charging infrastructure that must support
the operation of the various stakeholders of the e-mobility ecosystem. The scale and complexity of the e-
mobility domain that involves different types IoT devices and a plethora of connectivity standards makes
developing a comprehensive solution challenging. E-mobility solutions and their integration into the wider
context of smart city standards and technologies are the subject of extensive current research and rapid
evolution, but at present there are not many comprehensive solutions that deliver the required functionality
and reliability at scale. In this paper we present the Unicorn ChargeUp e-mobility solution designed to support
the operation of e-mobility Service Providers, Charge Point Operators and Electric Vehicles drivers, and
describe the ChargeUp software architecture that support reliable and scalable operation of thousands of users
and IoT devices. We describe the underlying Unicorn Architecture and show how it supports the functional
and non-functional requirements of the ChargeUp e-mobility solution.
The Global EV Outlook 2021 (Zhongming et al.,
2021) estimates that there were 10 million Electric
Vehicles (EVs) on the world’s roads at the end of
2020. Electric car registrations increased by 41% in
2020, despite the pandemic-related worldwide
downturn in car sales. According to some predictions,
there will be a corresponding increase in charging
stations reaching 14 million slow and 2.3 million fast
public charging stations by 2030. There has been a
rapid increase of publicly accessible EV charging
stations in most European countries over the last five
years and starting from 2019 a gradual increase of fast
and ultra-fast charging points. Notwithstanding this
notable expansion of EV charging networks,
inequalities persist across Europe and within
individual countries in terms of accessibility of
charging points available to users; as of 2020 most
European regions have less than 0.5 EV charging
points per 1,000 inhabitants (Falchetta & Noussan,
2021). From the perspective of power grid systems,
the introduction of electric vehicles presents many
challenges, but also some opportunities. According to
Golla et al. (Golla et al., 2021), due to the rapid
acceptance of EVs in the car market, EV charging
infrastructure is becoming a key requirement. To
travel longer distances, EV drivers must be able
locate nearby charging stations and establish their
compatibility and availability. Numerous solutions
are emerging to assist EV drivers to locate suitable
charging points: for example, IoT-based monitoring
system that assists EV drivers to plan their journey
identifying optimal charging stations or an Android
application for locating available charging points and
estimating the charging time (Kharade et al., 2020).
According to Galus et al. (Galus et al., 2019),
uncontrolled charging where EVs are regarded as
passive loads without any flexibility can lead to
problems endangering secure operation of the
electricity grid. The authors argue that the
management of electric vehicles as a distributed
resource fits well within the paradigm of smart grids.
Using direct or indirect control approaches charging
of vehicles can be managed more effectively, and
additionally EVs can be used as distributed storage
resource contributing to the stability of the grid
system by frequency regulation, peak-shaving and by
integrating fluctuating renewable resources. Solid-
state switch-mode power converters have reached a
Beránek, M., Feuerlicht, G., Ku
cera, O. and Ko
r, V.
An Architecture for a Large-Scale IoT e-Mobility Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0011827100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 733-740
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
level of maturity that allows precise regulation of
voltage levels during bidirectional power flow
operation. The paper discusses the role of aggregators
that manage large fleets of EVs and the need for a
regulatory framework that facilitates advanced modes
of operation. An overview of the technical challenges
of real-time monitoring and control of Energy Storage
Systems (ESSs) for EVs and how the IoT technology
can be utilized to address the challenges and improve
the efficiency of Battery Management Systems
(BMS) is given in (Mohammadi & Rashidzadeh,
2021). Others (Arras et al., 2020) have considered
EV charging station infrastructure from both the EV
driver (charging station user) and from the provider
(charging station operator) perspectives with the view
to optimize energy cost and the duration of charging.
The energy source is selected based on availability
and costs that vary depending on the time of the day,
weather conditions, the grid load, and the specifics of
the energy source. Energy-efficiency and optimal
energy distribution are some of the most essential
issues to address when supplying energy to EVs. In
(Ouya et al., 2017), the authors propose a new
communication protocol between EVs and charging
stations that aims to improve energy management by
extending existing protocol standards to include
information for EV drivers about energy availability
within charging stations and to facilitate Vehicle-to-
Grid (V2G) energy exchange. The paper describes a
proof-of-concept system that operates over
LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) and
provides connectivity between EVs, charging stations
and EMS (Energy Management System),
demonstrating how the proposed system could work
using a realistic scenario. It is evident that EV
charging stations are a relatively recent addition to the
multitude of smart devices and still need to be
seamlessly integrated with the rest of smart city
infrastructure so that they can instantly react to
situations such as grid overload or fire alarms in the
vicinity of a charging station. Recent proposals to
address this issue include the application of oneM2M
in combination with the OCPP (Open
Charge Point Protocol) (Devendra et al., 2021).
According to Karpenko et al. (Karpenko et al., 2018)
the lack of interoperability between the various IoT
ecosystems (smart mobility, smart buildings, smart
environment, etc.) hinders the integration between
devices in different vertical IoT domains. The authors
describe a practical example of using the O-MI/O-DF
standards (Robert et al., 2016) to achieve
interoperability in the smart city context and develop
a proof-of-concept EV charging mobile application
that demonstrates the feasibility of creating
distributed bottom-up services based on open
standards that unify the smart cities ecosystem.
Another challenge is the lack of coordination of EV
charging and the common practice of charging EVs
to full battery capacity irrespective of the prevailing
grid conditions. A mobile application that supports
smart charging using IoT integration with charging
station architecture taking into account individual
user preferences was proposed and implemented
(Meisenbacher et al., 2021). Phadtare et al. argue that
the current lack of availability of charging stations
combined with the lack of suitable parking is a major
limiting factor for the acceptance of electric vehicles
(Phadtare et al., 2020). The paper reviews IoT based
smart parking solutions and compares combined
parking and charging system with separate parking
and charging system. An approach to run shared EV-
charging infrastructures in the context of commercial
real-estate facilities is described in (Gauss et al.,
2022). The paper argues that CP sharing can help to
improve the overall utilization of a charging
infrastructure and can lead to a reduction of costs
associated with EV charging equipment. Rajendran et
al. (Rajendran et al., 2021) argue that the expansion
of fast-charging networks will facilitate a sustainable
transportation revolution by offering drivers versatile
choice to charge EVs for longer journeys with state-
of-the-art charging infrastructure allowing idle
batteries or EVs to operate as distributed energy
Clearly, EV charging infrastructure is a
prerequisite for the wide adoption of EVs. Successful
implementation of EV charging infrastructure
requires a comprehensive solution for EV drivers and
CPOs (Charge Point Operators), ESPs (e-mobility
Service Providers) and other stakeholders of the e-
mobility ecosystem. While there is extensive research
in this area and several small-scale prototype
solutions have been developed, there are few large-
scale implementations that provide the required level
of scalability and reliability to support thousands of
concurrent e-mobility users. In this paper we present
the Unicorn ChargeUp e-mobility solution developed
by Unicorn ( that supports the
operation of ESPs, CPOs and EV drivers and can
reliably scaleup to thousands of EV users, charging
stations and other types of IoT devices. In the next
section (section 2) we describe ChargeUp ESP and
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ChargeUp CPO components of the system and
discuss the non-functional requirements for their
implementation. In section 3 we describe the
ChargeUp application architecture and section 4
describes the Unicorn Architecture and its role in the
implementation of the ChargeUp solution. Section 5
are our conclusions and discussion of future work.
2 UNICORN ChargeUp
The ChargeUp system is designed to support
interactions between the various e-mobility
stakeholders (EV drivers, e-mobility service
providers, charge point operators and aggregators)
and IoT devices (charging stations, smart parking
systems, off-grid batteries), and in the future with
smart grids and energy trading systems. As illustrated
in Figure 1, The Unicorn ChargeUp system consists
of two main components: ChargeUp ESP that
supports EV drivers and ChargeUp CPO designed for
Charge Point Operators.
The ChargeUp ESP application enables EV drivers to
locate a suitable charging station and to charge the EV
after a payment is made. This typically involves
browsing the map on a mobile device locating an
available CP (Charging Point), displaying the features
of the charging station, and making sure that it has a
compatible connector type. The application displays
pricing information, charging limits and the current
status of the CP. The EV driver selects a charging
plan and a payment method (Figure 2). Once the
payment is processed, the customer can start charging
the EV with the application displaying information
about the progress of charging including the
remaining charging time and the amount of supplied
energy. The application controls time and price limits
in defined intervals (e.g. every 10s) and terminates
charging when the limit is reached; the customer can
terminate charging at any time using the application.
Finally, a receipt is sent to the customer via email
(Figures 3).
geUp CPO
The ChargeUp CPO application manages all relevant
charging station information including technical
information needed for communication using the
OCPP protocol standard. The application runs in a
multitenant environment in which each CPO is
assigned their own application workspace
Figure 1: Unicorn ChargeUp system.
(a collection of application objects). Access to
application objects is controlled using identities that
are derived from user roles assigned to users. Each
charging station connects to a workspace of the CPO
application that controls the station and its charging
points availability.
Figure 2: Selecting a charging station and a payment
Figure 3: Monitoring the charging process.
An Architecture for a Large-Scale IoT e-Mobility Solution
All communication between ChargeUp CPO and the
charging station is logged to the communication log
that records the timestamp, station identifier (each
charging station has a unique code that the application
uses to identify individual stations), type of OCPP
operation, type of transaction and the error code, if an
error arises. The ChargeUp CPO application displays
a list of charging stations on a map and supports basic
administrative functions that include viewing the
detail station information and the status of each CP,
unlocking connectors, terminating the charging
process, and restarting the station. ChargeUp CPO
creates a reservation of the charging point as soon as
the selected amount is blocked on the EV user’s credit
card. The operator can generate reports that display
the total energy used, total charging time, generated
revenue and other performance indicators. There are
two types of transactions: reservation and charging.
The communication log records the start and end time
for each completed transaction and stores information
about the total power consumption and the cost of the
charging transaction. During the charging session, the
application stores information about power
consumption and provides this information to the
connected ESP to enable the ESP to monitor the
charging process. The CPO deals primarily with
wholesale customers (charging operators and
aggregators), typically organizations that operate the
ESP application for end users and offer charging
services on the CPO's stations, or subjects that
represent a group of customers (e.g. car fleet users)
and who have agreed on wholesale pricing with the
CPO. In addition to generating reports of customer
details, assigned tariffs and total power consumption
of individual charging stations, the application
displays a dashboard that shows the overall status of
the system, and supports the export of data for a
defined time period that includes daily statistics for
each charging point.
2.3 Non-Functional Requirements
The ChargeUp application is implemented in the form
of SaaS (Software as a Service) and must satisfy a
number of critical non-functional requirements.
Application availability requirement is 99.97% with
a 2-hour RTO (Recovery Time Objective). This
requirement is achieved using the Unicorn Cloud
Framework (uuCloud) that isolates failures to a
specific microservice and supports automatic fail-
over (Feuerlicht et al., 2020). The ESP application
was designed to initially support 5,000 concurrent
users and 10,000 charging transactions each day. The
CPO application supports 500 CPO providers and up
to 1,000 concurrent users (dispatchers and operators)
controlling up to 10,000 charging stations. When the
need arises, uuCloud infrastructure can scale-up to a
larger number of charging stations and users while
maintaining response times below 2 seconds for view
and edit operations. The charging station OCPP
messages are typically processed within 3 seconds
from arriving at the ChargeUp CPO endpoint with a
default timeout set at 30 seconds. The ChargeUp
system is implemented using the UAF (Unicorn
Application Framework) that ensures a high level of
security via compliance with the OWASP (Open Web
Application Security Project) ASVS (Application
Security Verification Standard) level 2. All
communication with the charging stations is handled
via SOAP/HTTPS or Secure WebSocket protocol and
all transmitted data is secured by encryption.
The ChargeUp implementation is based on the
microservices architecture and consists of two closely
integrated applications: ChargeUp ESP and
ChargeUp CPO with clearly defined interfaces
(Figure 4). The applications use the standard OCPP
protocol for the communication with charging
stations and the communication with other systems is
facilitated via documented interfaces that support
standard electromobility protocols (OICP and OCPI).
The system logs all events, recording event
description, error identification and timestamps
enabling operators to identify software and hardware
issues as soon as they arise. The use of the uuHi GUI
framework (described in section 4) ensures that the
end user interface is consistent across all supported
devices. Both applications consist of microservices
(independent UAF sub-applications) with well-
defined APIs (Application Programing Interfaces) to
ensure scalability and reliable operation of the
ChargeUp ESP is divided into two core
Main a microservice that manages the interaction
with charging stations via ChargeUp CPO Main.
To ensure that the data and control of charging
stations is strictly separated, each provider of
charging stations has their own application
workspace that includes this microservice.
Portal a microservice that supports
communication between EV drivers and the ESP
Main microservice. The portal is also responsible
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure. 4: ChargeUp application architecture.
for communicating with the payment gateway and
for micro-transaction management.
ChargeUp CPO is divided into 6 separate
Main microservice that manages charging stations
and the charging process.
CPR microservice that translates different versions
of OCPP into a unified internal ChargeUp CPO
Reporting microservice for the management of
reporting data and generation of reports.
Communication log microservice that manages the
communication log and related audit functions.
Gateway microservice that transforms WebSocket
communication into the standard Unicorn
Application Framework REST-like command
Customer & Contract management microservice
that manages customer and customer contract
In this section we describe the role of the Unicorn
Architecture in the implementation of the ChargeUp
system. The implementation of the ChargeUp system
derives its functional and non-functional properties
from the underlying architecture. The Unicorn
Architecture supports a range of mobile and IoT
devices and facilitates cloud deployment of enterprise
applications utilizing standard state of the art
technology components and services that include
security and authentication services, GUI (Graphical
User Interface) components and services for the
deployment and operation of containerized
microservices. The Unicorn Architecture is based on
technology standards that implement various layers
of the architecture and provide a stable basis
for the implementation of enterprise applications.
Unicorn Architecture consists of four interrelated
uuHi - specification and corresponding
framework services for the development of GUI
uuTi - specification and corresponding
framework services for the management of IoT
devices and various appliances that interact with
enterprise applications.
uuAppServer - specification and corresponding
framework services for the development of
containerized microservices applications.
uuCloud - specification and corresponding
framework services that support the provisioning of
elastic cloud services.
The Unicorn Architecture frameworks play a key
role in supporting the development and operation of
the ChargeUp system. The uuHi GUI components
based on the HTML5 specification (WC3, 2017),
JavaScript (JavaScript, 2017), CSS3 (Storey, 2012)
An Architecture for a Large-Scale IoT e-Mobility Solution
and React (React - A JavaScript library for building
user interfaces, 2017) support rapid development of
reliable and scalable cloud-based mobile applications
for a wide variety of devices, including mobile
phones, tablets, notebooks, smart TVs and desktop
computers. The uuHi framework facilitates
integration with React and other commonly used GUI
libraries. This ensures that the application screens
illustrated in Figures 2 and 3 are dynamically adjusted
to a specific display environment without the need to
customize the UI code.
The IoT uuTi framework provides integration
with charging stations from different manufacturers
via the OCPP protocol (v1.5 and v1.6) and supports a
range of operations such as restarting the charging
station, unlocking a charging point, checking for
availability of charging stations and individual
charging points, viewing the communication log, etc.
The CPO gateway acts as a translator of WebSocket
requests into HTTPS requests of the CPR
microservice. As shown on Figure 5, incoming (from
a charging station to the CPO application) WSS
requests pass through the CPO gateway and are
transformed into commands (API calls) of the CPR
service. Outgoing WSS requests (from the CPO
application to a charging station) pass through the
CPO gateway, and SOAP/HTTPS requests are sent
directly between the CPR service and the charging
Figure 5: Processing of requests between a charging station
and the CPO Main microservice.
The uuCloud framework (Beranek et al., 2018)
maintains active information about all objects within
the cloud environment and automates the deployment
and operation of container-based microservices. To
ensure portability, individual microservices are
provisioned in the form of Docker containers
(Docker, 2015) and deployed to the Microsoft Azure
public cloud infrastructure, but could be deployed to
another compatible cloud platform (e.g. AWS), if the
need arises. Access to individual microservices is
controlled using identity (uuIdentity) associated with
user roles and assigned to individual users and system
commands. uuIdentity authentication is managed by
the uuOidc service that supports secure storage of
data and integrates with third-party identity providers
(e.g., Facebook, Google, etc.). The uuCloud security
model is based on a combination of Application
Profiles (collection of functions that the application
can execute) and Application Workspaces (collection
of application objects that the application can access).
Access to Application Workspaces is granted
according to identities associated with the
corresponding Application Profile. The uuCloud
framework supports multitenancy with each tenant
(typically a separate organization, e.g., a CPO)
assigned resources from a Resource Pool using the
mechanism of Resource Lease. uuCloud unit of
deployment is a node; each containerized
microservice is implemented using a node image that
contains the application code and a runtime stack that
includes all the related archives and components
needed to run the application (system tools, system
libraries, etc.). Nodes are stateless and use external
resources (e.g. MongoDB databases) for persistent
storage. Nodes are classified as synchronous or
asynchronous, depending on the behavior of the
application that the node virtualizes and are grouped
into NodeSets - sets of nodes with identical
functionality. Horizontal scalability is achieved by
creating additional instances (nodes) of containerized
microservices on demand depending on the number
of concurrent users and the volume of charging
transactions. At runtime, a gateway (uuGateway)
forwards client requests to a router that passes each
request to a load balancer. The load balancer selects a
node from a NodeSet optimizing the use of the
hardware infrastructure and at the same time
providing a failover capability by re-directing the
request to an alternative node within the NodeSet if a
particular node is unresponsive.
4.1 Infrastructure Services
In addition to the above frameworks, the Unicorn
Architecture incorporates infrastructure services that
provide common functions such as authentication and
authorization, persistence, inter-service communica-
tions and other functions that are frequently used
across different application systems. These include
the uuOidc service based on the OpenID Connect
standard (Sakimura et al., 2012), the
uuMessageBroker service for fast, reliable, secure,
and scalable event-based communication via queues,
the uuAsyncJob service that supports running ad-hoc
and scheduled jobs that improve the performance and
scalability of applications by executing CPU-
intensive application as background processes, and
the uuPaymentGateway service that supports third-
party payment gateways and integrates with various
e-shops and partner websites. Additionally, the
architecture includes multi-lingual and customization
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
facilities that allow individual application
workspaces to be configured for specific needs of
different countries.
Increasing adoption of EVs in Europe and across the
world is driving demand for EV charging
infrastructure that must include reliable and scalable
enterprise applications that support the operation of
the various participants of the e-mobility ecosystem.
The scale and the complexity of the e-mobility
domain that involves various stakeholders (EV
drivers, ESPs, CPOs, aggregators, etc.), different
types IoT devices from various manufactures
(charging stations, EVs, etc.) and a plethora of
standards as well as demanding application
requirements makes developing a comprehensive
solution challenging. In this paper we have described
the Unicorn ChargeUp e-mobility solution that
supports the operation of ESPs, CPOs and EV drivers
and is currently used by organizations in the Czech
Republic and across Europe. As with most software
projects of this scale and complexity, the
implementation of ChargeUp involved some
challenges. Integrating a set of heterogenous IoT
devices (different models of charging stations from
different manufacturers) and keeping their firmware
up-to-date requires a continuous effort. Different
vendor implementations of the OCPP necessitate
extensive testing to ensure the stability of the system.
Early versions of ChargeUp were implemented on top
of our existing platform for energy-related projects
designed to process large volumes of time-series data,
but this platform proved not to be sufficiently scalable
in an environment with a large number of users, IoT
devices and a high volume of transactions.
Implementing more recent versions of ChargeUp
using the Unicorn Architecture ensures that both the
functional and non-functional requirements described
in sections 2 and 3 can be supported in the future with
growing number of users and transactions. Another
implementation challenge involved accommodating
the diverse requirements of ChargeUp CPO and
ChargeUp ESP applications that address different
end-user scenarios. While charge point operators can
be trained in the use of the application and related
documentation, users of the ESP application (EV
drivers) must be able to operate the application
without training and without the comfort of office
environment, typically using a small screen of a
mobile phone. The design of the user interface must
reflect these requirements. Currently, most charging
solutions (including ChargeUp) use charging stations
only for charging of electric vehicles. In the future,
charging solutions will become an integral
component of smart grids allowing for improved
monitoring of the energy distribution network and
optimization of energy consumption, avoiding usage
peaks by motivating users to charge their vehicles
during off-peak periods (Alyousef, 2021). Our
current efforts include extending the ChargeUp
system to include smart parking functionality and
eventually incorporating support for grid-friendly EV
charging with the ability to adjust the power demand
to reflect the real-time status of the power grid. Data
generated by the ChargeUp application will play an
important role in balancing out the conflicting
requirements of different stakeholders in an EV
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