Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free
Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision
unter Alce
1 a
, Axel Mulder
2 b
and Jakob H
2 c
Design Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Sony Nordic Europe B.V, Lund, Sweden
Training, Health, User Interface, Tracking Free Weight.
Several research studies have shown the importance of physical exercise. The global gym and fitness industry
faced a transition from traditional gyms to virtual fitness training during the pandemic lockdowns. A prolifer-
ation of applications is available to provide different digital gym experiences. Advagym is one example that
uses sensors to track and give feedback to gym goers. Sony’s R&D Center Lund Laboratory has developed a
Camera-based Tracking System (CTS) which aims to offer an automatic free weight exercise tracking solution
with Advagym. The main goal of this paper is to align the Advagym application combined with CTS for free
weight exercise (FWE) tracking and to conduct a comparative study of four different user interfaces presenting
FWE tracking to increase the user experience. The main contribution of this paper is to elucidate knowledge
about which UI feedback of FWE given for the “gym-goer” was preferred.
Physical exercise is of significant importance for all
adults and adolescents. It can, for example, improve
their mental health, sleep, physical ability, weight
control, decrease the risk of chronic diseases and ail-
ments (Piercy et al., 2018). Therefore, it is in society’s
economic and social interests to help and encourage
people to exercise and stay healthy. A growing data-
and technology-based industry is looking into new
ways to assist with this matter.
The global gym and fitness industry has seen
its market size grow by over 43% from 2009 to
2019 ($67B to $97B) (Statista, 2020). However, the
COVID-19 pandemic led to nationwide lockdowns
and social distancing regulations and norms. There-
fore, the transition from traditional gyms to virtual
fitness accelerated instead. This transition has led
explicitly to increased downloads and subscriptions
of fitness applications. The global fitness applica-
tion market size is valued at $1.1B as of 2021 and
is expected to see a compound annual growth rate
of 17.6% from 2022 to 2030 (Grand View Research,
Different companies and entities have a clear in-
centive to support this growth and market expansion.
There are currently a vast amount of fitness applica-
tions on the market that satisfies specific niches or
needs of the user. Such conditions encompass every-
thing from simple motivational applications to mon-
itoring, planning, and logging applications to help
users track their workouts’ progress. However, some
companies are aiming to offer the user a more “com-
plete” solution, i.e., digitizing the entire gym-going
experience. An example of such a company is Sony
Advagym (2015) is a commercial solution already
available in the market, which aims to use Internet of
Things (IoT) devices mounted on existing gym ma-
chines to track performance data from users’ work-
outs and digitize the gym experience. The IoT sen-
sors serve to collect data, push the data, and share
the data with a whole network of connected devices.
IoT sensors are used to track the user’s performance
and movements (Gubbi et al., 2013). More recently,
Advagym added velocity-based training to their ap-
plication, which allows the user to easier keep a cer-
tain pace while lifting weights (Alce et al., 2021).
However, Advagym does not currently support auto-
matic tracking and logging of an essential aspect of
Alce, G., Mulder, A. and Håkansson, J.
Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision.
DOI: 10.5220/0011827400003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 143-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the gym-going experience, i.e., the free weight exer-
cises (FWE). Recent advances in computer vision and
machine learning have presented possibilities to solve
this problem.
Sony’s R&D Center Lund Laboratory has devel-
oped a Camera-based Tracking System (CTS) that
enables three-dimensional (3D) object tracking and
can be trained to detect specific movement patterns.
Through the use of this system, Advagym and Sony’s
R&D Center Lund Laboratory are jointly exploring
implementations of an automatic free weight exercise
tracking (FWET) solution. Since the CTS itself is “in-
visible” to the user, i.e., with no means of input or in-
teraction. One can ask, how is the user supposed to
use the system?
The main goal of this paper is to align the Ad-
vagym application combined with CTS for FWE
tracking and to conduct a comparative study of four
different user interfaces (UIs) presenting FWET to in-
crease the user experience.
The main contribution of this paper is to eluci-
date knowledge about which UI of FWE given for the
“gym-goer” was preferred.
The following section presents relevant related
work. Then the Advagym system is described, fol-
lowed by the evaluation, results, discussion, and con-
Previous approaches for exercise detection and track-
ing include using wearables and instrumenting equip-
ment. For example, wearables such as IMUs have
been used to track user’s exercise movements by
Seeger et al. 2012. Example of instrumenting gym
equipment to monitor its use, Velloso et al. 2013 can
be mentioned who instrumented both the users and
the equipment with IMUs and used the system to train
a novice user. However, more recently research is be-
ing done in the field of computer vision and machine
learning. For example, there have been numerous
computer vision-based systems that have focused on
rehabilitation. Ar et al. 2014 used a depth camera to
recognize in-home physiotherapy exercises, and An-
ton et al. 2015 used a depth camera to track exercises
for telerehabilitation. More recently, systems have
employed deep learning-based approaches to track
pose from an RGB feed by Cao et al. 2017, and Mehta
et al. 2017. These results have slowly begun to be-
come commercial products available to consumers.
In 2018, Amazon launched a new physical shop-
ping concept called Amazon Go. With Amazon
Go, customers first enter through a turnstile where
their smartphone’s screen with the Amazon smart-
phone application opened is scanned. Then, they walk
around the store and put food items into their shop-
ping cart and when they are ready they leave the store.
The total purchase amount is automatically charged
through the credit card registered with their Amazon
account. No further interaction is required of the cus-
tomer. This is done through multiple cameras uti-
lizing computer vision and deep learning algorithms
together with “sensor fusion, i.e., different sensors
such as weight- and proximity sensors working in
symbiosis (Wankhede et al., 2018).
GymCam is a proposed solution that detects, rec-
ognizes, and tracks exercises in a gym through com-
puter vision and machine learning algorithms. The
system utilizes a single-camera solution to track mo-
tion and assumes that most repetitive movements over
time in a gym are regarded as exercises in progress,
thereby differentiating random movements from ex-
ercises (Khurana et al., 2018). Khurana et al. (2018)
claim to be able to track hundreds of users simulta-
neously while still being able to detect and track the
individual exercises and the corresponding repetitions
being carried out by the users. The system can also
handle occlusion due to its focus on detecting repeti-
tive movements in favor of accurately estimating body
key points (i.e., skeletons) as with typical multiple-
camera solutions. However, it does not focus e.g. on
the user interface flow and experience.
Currently, users of Advagym’s system interact with it
by use of an application on their smartphones. By
implementing a smartphone-based prototype appli-
cation that can interact and communicate with Ad-
vagym’s hardware (IoT devices) and Application Pro-
gramming Interfaces (APIs), along with Sony R&D
Center Lund Laboratory’s CTS system, it will be pos-
sible to evaluate an FWET system.
To provide a complete digitization solution for the
gym experience. One would simplify it down into the
following required parts:
Hardware: to somehow translate the physical
world into the digital, you would need devices and
sensors placed and mounted differently through-
out a gym.
Software Platform: interpreting/parsing the data
recorded by the hardware requires different types
of software to be written. Transmitting the pro-
cessed data to where it is needed and handling
a large number of users requires some form of
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
a flexible software platform to build various fea-
Client/Application: for a user to interact with the
software platform and hardware, a client/an appli-
cation of some form is needed, such as a smart-
phone application.
3.1 Sony’s Camera Tracking System
Using both machine learning and computer vision,
Sony’s R&D Center Lund Laboratory has developed
a Camera-based Tracking System (CTS) that enables
3D object-tracking, and that is trained to detect spe-
cific movement patterns.
The CTS employs a multi-camera solution to track
multiple objects within a space accurately. This
is done to minimize the issue of occlusion present
in many single-camera solutions for object track-
ing (Zhu, 2019). Multiple cameras with tempo-
rally consistent video feeds allow matching of two-
dimensional (2D) inputs, which in turn makes it pos-
sible to achieve fast individual 3D pose estimations of
all humans present in the view of the cameras (Chen
et al., 2020). The system can detect and track several
exercises, including bench presses, bicep curls, dead-
lifts, situps, and squats.
Sony’s R&D Center Lund Laboratory has set up a
gym space to test and evaluate the CTS. The gym has
many machines that Advagym uses to test its hard-
ware and software solutions. There are also several
types of free weights equipment available: barbells,
barbell weights, and dumbbells.
3.2 User Interface for Onboarding
After testing and exploring the CTS, multiple brain-
storming sessions took place to develop an overall
concept for the smartphone application. The follow-
ing constraints of the CTS were noted:
The system does not have 100% accuracy in terms
of repetition detection.
Users need to carry out exercises within a specific
gym area, covered by the cameras used.
In certain use cases, the system can lose track of a
user even though they are within the tracked area.
Only the exercises the system can detect are
tracked and logged, i.e., there is no possibility of
custom exercises unless the system is re-trained.
From these constraints, it was determined that
three main areas needed to be taken into account when
devising the initial concept:
Connection: How would a user connect to the
tracking system?
User Interface Flow: What steps would the user
need to take to interact and use the system?
Feedback: What modes of feedback would need
to be in place for the user to be able to respond to
3.2.1 Connection
For a user to connect to the FWET system and to start
using it, one would somehow need to bind (link) the
“skeleton” shown in the visualization of the CTS with
the user. Three different UIs regarding how a user
would bind were proposed:
1. Gesture: if the user performs a specific gesture
such as holding both arms above their head. The
system can see which skeleton is making that ex-
act gesture and bind the user.
2. Waypoint: if the user presses a connect button
on their smartphone application while standing at
a specific location in the tracking area. The sys-
tem would know that the skeleton at that specific
location, at that very instant, is the user.
3. Puck: works identically to the Waypoint method,
but the user taps a Puck with their phone instead of
pressing the connect button on their smartphone
The prototype’s goal is to be integrated with the cur-
rent Advagym application. Therefore, we used the
current version as a baseline for the user interface
3.2.2 User Interface Flow
The User Interface Flow (UIF) was created in a digital
Lo-Fi version. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and
its subsequent restrictions and regulations in Sweden,
it was impossible to meet with potential usability test
participants in person. Therefore, the goal of the digi-
tal Lo-Fi prototype was to create a digital smartphone
prototype that test participants could use and interact
with over the internet. Since three different connec-
tion methods were proposed, three distinct prototypes
were evaluated, each with varying connection meth-
The UI was inspired by the current Advagym ap-
plication. The different screens constructed were in-
teractable in terms of being able to click/tap on spe-
cific UI components, scroll through list views, and
move and navigate back and forth throughout the ap-
plication. The screens and screen transitions were
Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision
also animated to resemble the current Advagym ap-
plication closely.
The FWET UI was integrated with the Advagym
UIF. The Gesture connection method implies that the
user performs a specific gesture, which the CTS can
detect and link the tracked skeleton with the user per-
forming the gesture.
The second connection prototype was referred to
as Waypoint and implies that the user walks over to
a specific location in the gym that is clearly marked
with the help of signage, paint, or some other material
or objects. Since the CTS has the exact X, Y, and
Z coordinates of the Waypoint stored in its system,
the CTS can determine that the skeleton is inside the
specified Waypoint boundary and can be bound to the
specific user.
The third connection prototype was referred to as
Puck and implies that the user taps a specific Puck in
the gym with their phone. To differentiate the FWET
Puck from the other Pucks which are placed on the
gym machines, there should be additional signage ac-
companying the free weight connection Puck or af-
fording the Puck a different color signifying the dif-
ferent use case.
3.2.3 Lo-Fi Usability Test of the User Interface
The goal of the usability test was to evaluate which
of the three proposed connection methods showed the
most promise regarding quantitative and subjective
Setup. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its re-
strictions and regulations in Sweden, all test session
parts were conducted online using Google Meet.
Participants. Twelve participants (three females,
nine males) conducted the online test. The average
age of the participants was M = 27.0 and ranged from
25 to 30 years.
Procedure. At the start of the test session, the par-
ticipants were asked to imagine being in a gym envi-
ronment and to place a smartphone in front of them.
Depending on what prototype was used, a further
description of the gym area and what objects/things
were available was presented. When the participants
were ready, they were asked to perform specific tasks
using one of the proposed Lo-Fi prototypes, 1) Ges-
ture, 2) Waypoint, and 3) Puck. The order in which
the prototypes were presented to the test participant
was counterbalanced. After all test scenarios had
been completed, a semi-structured interview was con-
ducted, and the participants were asked to rank the
prototypes. Each session lasted about 30 min.
Results. All twelve participants managed to ac-
complish the usability test. A summary of the pre-
Table 1: Preferred prototypes.
Prototype 1st place 2nd place 3rd place
Gesture 3 1 3
Waypoint 4 1 2
Puck 5 4 0
ferred prototype can be found in Table 1. The semi-
structured interviews found that the UIF of start-
ing an exercise was not straightforward; there was
more than one way of getting there. Many non-
interactable/functional user interface elements and
components made navigation confusing.
3.3 Hi-Fi Prototype
Based on the results found during the Lo-Fi proto-
type, it was decided not to proceed with the Gesture
connection and only focus on Waypoint and Puck.
Moreover, it was decided to focus on creating pure
free weight training rather than getting stuck with in-
tegration to Advagym. However, still, the same color
scheme and fonts were used. It was decided to de-
velop the application in React Native
, since it allows
cross-platform development.
3.3.1 State Handling and Application Settings
For the application to understand what information to
display to the user or what feedback to provide in re-
sponse to system errors or actions taken by the user.
The application would need to handle the following
states: 1) LoggedIn: is the user logged in or not? 2)
UserID: what is the logged-in user ID? 3) UserType:
is the user an admin/tester? 4) Connection: this state
consists of the following child-states: - Connecting:
is the user attempting a connection? - Connected: is
the user connected to the CTS? 5) Error: an error of
some kind occurred.
The state handling was implemented through the
use of React Redux
. Redux allows you to read and be
notified of any changes made to the state(s) through
the use of “Hooks” from anywhere inside the appli-
cation. This was used to update the appearance or
functionality of components or the layout of differ-
ent application parts. The states were stored either as
boolean, string, or number types.
Some data needed to be stored in memory that the
application could read and write to. Redux allows for
a “store” which can save and handle data of different
kinds. This was used extensively throughout the ap-
plication. Some of the data stored were as follows:
1) skeletonID: the user’s current id according to the
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
CTS (saved as a string). 2) latestMessage: the lat-
est MQTT message received from the CTS (saved as
a string). 3) repNumber: the current number of rep-
etitions in the set (saved as a number). 4) exercises:
an array of all exercises performed by the user, and
the accompanying data of each exercise, including the
number of sets, repetitions, and weight lifted.
3.4 CTS Connection
For the user to connect and interact with the CTS, the
prototype smartphone application needs to be able to:
1) Connect and listen to the CTS broker’s modified
topic and parse its MQTT messages. 2) Know when
to listen for certain MQTT message types. 3) Know
what Skeleton ID(s) are within the Waypoint bound-
aries in the tracked area.
This was the key part of the solution for connect-
ing and using the CTS. For the CTS broker to send out
the closest MQTT message type, it needs to know two
things: 1) The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the Way-
point. 2) Detect a skeleton (tracked human) within a
certain distance of the Waypoint, i.e., within the Way-
point boundary.
The Waypoint location could be anywhere as long
as it was inside the CTS’s tracked area. To define a
Waypoint, the following was done: 1) Make sure the
tracked area has no other humans in it. 2) Stand at
the exact location of where you would like the Way-
point to be. 3) Record the X, Y, and Z coordinates of
the Skeleton IDs present in the scene reported by the
CTS. 4) The recorded X, Y, and Z coordinates of the
single, stationary “Skeleton” is your Waypoint loca-
To determine that a skeleton is within the Way-
point boundary, the formula for calculating the dis-
tance, d between two points P
= (x
, y
, z
) and P
, y
, z
) in 3D-space (xyz-space) was used (Equa-
tion 1):
d =
+ (y
+ (z
If the distance d between the Waypoint and a skeleton
was calculated as less than 0.5m a closest message
was sent out by the CTS broker containing the Skele-
ton ID of the tracked/detected skeleton.
After the development and implementation had
concluded, a fully functional Hi-Fi prototype smart-
phone application was developed.
Four different connection states of the application
make the top of the Exercise screen change its ap-
pearance (Figure 1). Additionally, two different feed-
back alternatives were added when the user was suc-
cessfully connected to the CTS, 1) tactile feedback in
the form of vibration or 2) auditory feedback in the
Figure 1: The Hi-Fi prototype’s four connection states.
form of a human voice stating “Connection success-
ful!”. When the user starts to perform the exercise,
the application changes the user interface and shows
a counter counting the number of completed repeti-
Four different prototypes were developed:1) Way-
point with auditory feedback, 2) Waypoint with tac-
tile feedback, 3) Puck with auditory feedback, and 4)
Puck with tactile feedback.
A user study was conducted to evaluate the different
prototypes by letting all participants perform tasks in
the office gym.
4.1 Setup
The evaluation was conducted in Sony’s office gym.
The gym was already equipped with Advagym tech-
nology. It also has a wide range of gym machines,
along with free weights such as barbells, dumbbells,
and different benches. Throughout the gym and along
the ceiling, small cameras were placed that created the
tracked area of the CTS. Both quantitative and qual-
itative data were collected. The active session was
documented through video recordings from a Sony
smartphone as an overview camera. Participants who
use an Android phone daily conducted the test with
a Google Pixel 2 XL, and those who use iOS tested
with an iPhone 13 Pro. An orange Puck was placed
in the middle of the room, adhered to a larger gym-
machine assembly. On the floor beneath the Puck, a
large circle was outlined with the help of tape. The
circle functioned as the Waypoint area.
4.2 Participants
Advagym is an application with a very broad user
group that consists of both young and elderly users.
It can be beginners as well as elite trainers. The one
thing they have in common is that they are training
at a gym. However, we had some restrictions, such
Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision
as being able to perform the test physically, i.e., the
participant should be able to perform squats exercise
without any weight and without any pain.
An online questionnaire using Google Forms was
used to recruit participants more easily. The online
questionnaire served two purposes; to gather relevant
demographic data about the participant and book an
available time slot. The sign-up questionnaire was
spread through different channels, both in digital and
physical form. The physical form consisted of a
poster with QR-code links that were placed in several
crowded areas within the campus of Lund University.
The digital form consisted of a link and an accompa-
nying description of the test and its purpose, that was
distributed through Sony’s social media groups.
In total, 32 participants (17 female, 15 male) were
recruited. The age of the participants ranged from 19
to 60 years (M = 31.1, SD = 10.42). To estimate and
grade the training skill of the participants, a sequence
of calculations was made based on their sign-up ques-
tionnaire answers. The following parameters: weekly
training frequency and time kept with current training
frequency. This was graded on a scale of one to five,
where the interval of one to three was graded as be-
ginner/novice training skill and 4 to 5 was graded as
advanced training skill. 32 test participants meant that
the participants would be evenly divided between the
four Hi-Fi prototypes, meaning each prototype would
be evaluated eight times.
4.3 Procedure
The test session was divided into three parts: The
preparation stage (Pre Test), the Test session, and
Post-test. The Preparation stage includes the initial
contact with the participants. Participants signed up
for the test with the help of an online questionnaire.
The COVID-19 pandemic regulations and restrictions
had been removed in Sweden by the time of the eval-
uation of the Hi-Fi prototype. Therefore, all test par-
ticipants could conduct the evaluation in person at
Sony’s office gym. Participants were welcomed and
escorted to the office gym when they arrived at the
test location. In the office gym, they were given a
brief introduction to what Advagym is and the pur-
pose of the evaluation. Moreover, they signed a Non-
Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and an informed con-
sent form. Next, they were asked to start with the
test scenario, which included seven tasks: 1) Carry
out two sets of Squats, ve repetitions each, with
the help of the application and the automatic tracking
feature, 2) Go over to a table outside of the tracked
area, to get some water and then return to the exer-
cise area, 3) Carry out one set, ten repetitions of Bi-
ceps curls, with the help of the application and the
automatic tracking feature, 4) Carry out two sets, five
repetitions of Bench Press with the help of the ap-
plication and the automatic tracking feature, 5) Carry
out a couple of Biceps curl repetitions but do it with-
out the application automatically tracking the repeti-
tions/exercise, 6) Carry out a couple of additional Bi-
ceps curl repetitions with the help of the application
and the automatic tracking feature and finally 7) Fin-
ish/end the workout. All tasks were designed to un-
derstand whether the participant will know how to use
the application and whether they are being tracked.
After all tasks had been completed, the test partici-
pants were asked to fill out a SUS questionnaire re-
garding that specific prototype, followed by a semi-
structured interview including questions about if they
have used any gym application before and their ini-
tial thoughts regarding the FWE system. Each session
lasted about 45 minutes, and the participant was given
a movie ticket as a reward. The whole procedure of
the test session is visualized in block diagrams.
4.4 Results
In the following section, the results from the SUS
scale and the structured interview are presented. All
32 participants managed to accomplish the exercises.
We used an alpha level of 0.05 for all statistical tests.
4.4.1 SUS Score
The results obtained from the SUS questionnaire for
the Puck-NoSound present a mean score of M =
81.3, SD = 4.23, with a minimum score of 75.0 and
a maximum score of 87.5. For the Puck-Sound,
a mean score of M = 73.8, SD = 11.10, with a
minimum score of 50.0 and a maximum score of
87.5. For the Waypoint-NoSound, a mean score
of M = 72.8, SD = 9.86, with a minimum score
of 60.0 and a maximum score of 90.0. For the
Waypoint-Sound, a mean score of M = 70.6, SD =
11.78 with a minimum score of 52.5 and a maxi-
mum score of 90.0. A one-way ANOVA for depen-
dent measures between Puck-NoSound, Puck-Sound,
Waypoint-NoSound and Waypoint-Sound showed no
significant relation: F(3,28) = 1.81, p = .169.
4.4.2 Semi-Structured Interview
During the semi-structured interview, 15 out of 32 test
participants said that they would like to use a system
such as the one proposed during the test. 10 out of 32
test participants said they would like to use a system
like the one presented during the evaluation if some
changes were made, such as more stable tracking, if
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
more exercises were added, and if they had more in-
terest in tracking their exercises. Seven out of 32 test
participants said they would not like to use a system
like the one proposed during the test. However, 25 of
32 were positive in regards to using an automatic free
weight exercise tracking solution.
The test participants provided a lot of feedback
regarding the prototypes’ features/functionality and
user interface. Examples of such feedback include:
- It was not clear that you could step out of the “Way-
point” when performing exercises. - It was not clear
where and what the “Waypoint” was supposed to be
in the gym. - It was not clear if you had to bring your
smartphone with you in order to be tracked by the sys-
tem. - It was not clear where the orange “Puck” was
in the gym. - The solution needed to be even more
“automatic, i.e., less interaction would be required
by its users. - The repetition tracking was sometimes
not accurate, i.e., the system missed some repetitions,
and at other times the tracking system did not work.
- The ability for the application to “guide” the user
in the sense of offering programs with different exer-
cises that the application would then “fill in” as the
user was performing the different sets and repetitions.
- In the case of the “Puck” prototype, when asked
to reconnect to the system after having left the free
weight training area to get a drink of water, it was not
clear which Puck that the test participants needed to
tap with their phone to reconnect. Test participants
(correctly) observed that tapping whichever Puck was
available to them in the gym, such as Pucks found on
gym machines, did not initiate an automatic FWET
connection attempt. Some form of animation of the
illustrations when it came to instructing the user on
how to connect to the system would help with under-
In this section, we will discuss the “takeaways” of the
evaluation and the limitations of the prototypes.
5.1 SUS Score
There was no significant difference regarding the SUS
score. All four had a SUS score above 68, which is
considered above average (Brooke, 2014). The Puck-
NoSound had a mean slightly larger than the other
ones. The SUS score measures cognitive attributes
such as learnability and perceived ease of use. The
result indicates that all four UIs are considered to be
easy to use and easy to learn.
Both Puck prototypes had the highest mean SUS
score. People, in general, are already quite experi-
enced with tapping on things in different contexts,
such as when tapping one’s credit card or smartphone
using Apple/Google pay to a register when paying at
a store or when tapping one’s transit card when us-
ing public transport. This perhaps made this form
of interaction feel more intuitive and natural to the
user. Building upon already-established interactions
could be helpful when users need to interact with a
new piece of technology.
5.2 Semi-Structured Interview
One of the main reasons for not being interested in the
FWET system is the need for more stable tracking and
more exercises. The CTS’s human tracking and exer-
cise detection do not have 100% accuracy. When the
CTS did not detect repetitions, the repetition counter
displayed on the prototype or communicated to the
user by way of audio was not incremented. One of
the usability test tasks instructed the user to go to the
far corner of the gym and do sets of Bench Press ex-
ercises. This activity was specifically chosen since
prior knowledge of the CTS in the gym had shown
that the far corner combined with the Bench Press ex-
ercise led to the system losing track of the user and,
therefore, not registering their repetitions. The non-
registered repetitions and loss of tracking frustrated
several test participants. This might have led them to
believe that the prototype and system were difficult
to use and complex, which was different from the in-
tended effect.
Adding more feedback in the form of auditory and
haptic feedback in the prototypes did not correlate to
higher mean SUS scores. One possibility could be
that the modes of feedback needed higher affordance
or be sufficiently explained/put into context for the
user. On the other hand, several test participants that
used the prototypes without the additional feedback
explicitly asked for the addition of such forms of feed-
back during their Post Test short interviews, which in-
dicated that such additions would be positive.
It was also clear that the small outlined circle
on the floor in the gym, representing the Waypoint,
needed more discoverability and could be afforded
more mapping to free weights. This could be done
with additional signage or ensuring that the exercise
screen’s illustration was mapped to the circle on the
floor. A lot of test participants did not find the Way-
point and some participants also chose to stand within
the circle on the floor during their exercises. The pro-
totype needed to sufficiently explain to the user that
they were free to move around the gym area when
performing exercises. Several users suggested that it
Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision
would be a good idea to have a more thorough and
comprehensive tutorial on how the system functioned
before using it for the first time.
The findings presented in this paper expand the
knowledge base of HCI research in the context of us-
ing a mobile application to support free weight exer-
cise tracking. The result of the prototypes has been
very impressive overall. All of the prototypes have
performed very well regarding the usability scores.
All of the prototypes were above the average score
of 68 for the SUS-based questionnaire, which indi-
cates that the proposed user interfaces are easy to un-
derstand and use. The majority of participants would
also prefer to use one of the proposed prototypes in
their daily training with free weight exercises. This is
a good indication that the feature itself is interesting
for users.
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health