Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News
P. Zicari
1 a
, M. Guarascio
2 b
, L. Pontieri
2 c
and G. Folino
2 d
DIMES, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR-CNR), Via P. Bucci, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Fake News Detection, Deep Learning, Pseudo-Labelling, Text Classification.
Nowadays, news can be rapidly published and shared through several different channels (e.g., Twitter, Face-
book, Instagram, etc.) and reach every person worldwide. However, this information is typically unverified
and/or interpreted according to the point of view of the publisher. Consequently, malicious users can leverage
these unofficial channels to share misleading or false news to manipulate the opinion of the readers and make
fake news viral. In this scenario, early detection of this malicious information is challenging as it requires
coping with several issues (e.g., scarcity of labelled data, unbalanced class distribution, and efficient handling
of raw data). To address all these issues, in this work, we propose a Semi-Supervised Deep Learning based
approach that allows for discovering accurate and effective Fake News Detection models. By embedding a
BERT model in a pseudo-labelling procedure, the approach can yield reliable detection models also when
a limited number of examples are available. Extensive experimentation on two benchmark datasets demon-
strates the quality of the proposed solution.
In recent times, (unofficial) social-media channels,
such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, have been
exploited to widespread false information and influ-
ence the opinion of the people. This phenomenon
took different forms over time: disinformation, click-
bait, misinformation, and deceptive news are some
examples, just to cite a few (Zhou and Zafarani,
The exacerbation of this problem has attracted the
attention of researchers and practitioners, especially
because of the suspicion that several important recent
events (e.g., the 2016 US election, the Brexit referen-
dum, and the Vax campaign for the COVID-19 pan-
demic emergency) were influenced by the diffusion of
misleading information. As a matter of fact, massive
amounts of possibly manipulated news are nowadays
made available through traditional main media, online
social systems, and personal broadcasting systems.
In this scenario, assessing the veracity and truth
of news is a crucial task that can benefit from recent
advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Machine Learning (ML). As this task is time-
consuming, expensive, and unfeasible on large data
streams generated on the Web, AI-Based tools repre-
sent an effective solution to automate the identifica-
tion of malicious information by reducing the inter-
vention of trusted professionals and specialists.
In the literature, fake news detection was tradi-
tionally tackled as a problem of text classification (Liu
et al., 2019), discriminating between real and fake
news documents. However, training detection mod-
els to effectively recognize malicious information re-
quires addressing many complex issues. First, a reli-
able solution should be able to handle low-level raw
data frequently affected by noise, as the channels used
to spread fake news typically allow for sharing only
short text. In addition, the number of labelled train-
ing instances is limited; indeed, the labelling phase
is a difficult and time-consuming task manually per-
formed by domain experts. Finally, malicious con-
tents represent only a limited portion of the data; then,
the training set will exhibit an unbalanced distribution
that makes it more difficult the learning phase of the
To overcome the limitations of traditional ap-
Zicari, P., Guarascio, M., Pontieri, L. and Folino, G.
Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News Corpora.
DOI: 10.5220/0011827500003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 344-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
proaches, in this work, we define a semi-supervised
deep learning-based approach able to discover effec-
tive fake news detection models when a limited num-
ber of instances are available for the training phase.
The adoption of the Deep Learning (DL) paradigm
looks like a natural solution to this problem, as DL
techniques permit the learning of accurate classifi-
cation models also from raw data without requiring
heavy intervention by data-science experts (Guaras-
cio et al., 2018). Basically, these DL models are struc-
tured according to a hierarchical architecture (consist-
ing of several layers of base computational units, i.e.,
the artificial neurons are stacked one upon the other),
allowing for learning features at different abstraction
levels to represent raw data. In recent years, several
sophisticated DL-based language models were proven
excellent at learning (if trained against large docu-
ment corpora) general hierarchical text representa-
tions (Liu et al., 2020), capturing the structure and se-
mantics of the natural language. The language mod-
elling abilities of such pre-trained models are often
exploited in fine-tuning schemes to adapt their inter-
nal hierarchical representations of text data to specific
text classification tasks.
In the fake news detection approach that is be-
ing proposed here, a pre-trained instance of BERT
model (Devlin et al., 2019) is exploited as a back-
bone for classifying (as either fake or not) short news
documents coming from a specific domain. However,
instead of simply trying to fine-tune the pre-trained
BERT model for this classification task, we propose
embedding it into a self-training scheme. This al-
lows us to fully exploit the unlabelled data available
(along with their associated pseudo labels) to com-
plement the training examples equipped with ground-
truth class labels. Extensive experiments conducted
on two different datasets confirmed the effectiveness
of our approach in discovering accurate enough clas-
sification models even when the fraction of labelled
data is relatively small. To the best of our knowledge,
this work has been the first attempt in the field to
combine the usage of a (unsupervisedly) pre-trained
BERT model with a (pseudo-label based) self-training
The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Sec-
tion 2 surveys some relevant works related to our re-
search; Section 3 contains some background infor-
mation, possibly useful for better understanding our
proposed solution; in Section 4, an overview of the
pseudo-labelling based scheme is provided; the exper-
imentation results are illustrated in Section 5; finally,
Section 6 concludes the work and proposes some fu-
ture possible research directions.
In the literature, three main types of fake news de-
tection have been proposed: (i) knowledge-based, (ii)
content-based and (iii) context-based.
Fake news detection based on knowledge is named
fact checking, as it adopts the approach of check-
ing the authenticity of news by comparing the infor-
mation with documents or web resources extracted
from the semantic web, linked open data and/or in-
formation retrieval. Content-based detection tech-
niques analyse content and writing style to identify
fake news and are based on Machine and Deep Learn-
ing methods. Finally, context-based detection ap-
proaches combine the news content with other infor-
mation, e.g., the source, the author, the website, the
topic, the propagation path and the speed of dissemi-
Content-based approaches to fake news detec-
tion constitute the prevalent kind of solutions in the
field due to their broader applicability. Indeed, it is
not easy to obtain high-quality integrated information
from heterogeneous sources. Even though a large part
of the content-based methods proposed so far rely on
traditional supervised learning methods, it is impor-
tant to remark that obtaining appropriate fake-news
detection models via supervised learning entails gath-
ering large amounts of reliable (labelled) data, which
is time-consuming, expensive and requires specific
topic knowledge. Thus, providing fake news detec-
tion systems with the ability to also exploit unlabelled
data via semi-supervised learning mechanisms is nec-
essary to suitably deal with real-life application sce-
narios where only small fractions of news documents
are provided with a fake/normal class label.
In what follows, we survey some major semi-
supervised approaches for the discovery of content-
based classification models for fake news detection.
In (Rout et al., 2017), the authors compare four
methods for detecting deceptive and fake opinion re-
views: co-training, expectation maximisation, label
propagation and spreading, and positive unlabelled
learning. Co-training is a technique that exploits dif-
ferent views of the dataset, where each view is a distri-
bution of features representing the data; the basic idea
is to train two classifiers on each view and then clas-
sify instances on the unlabelled category to enlarge
the training set. Expectation maximization consists
of two steps: the learning of the algorithm with the
conjunction of the labelled and predicted labelled sets
(Expectation step) and the prediction of the labels of
the unlabelled set (Maximization step). Label propa-
gation and spreading use graph-based algorithms for
learning: the graph is constructed by ordering suitable
Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News Corpora
vector features based on a suitable similarity metric,
such as Manhattan distance or Euclidean distance, on
both labelled and unlabelled nodes; label information
is spread across the graph dynamically until all nodes
are labelled. Positive unlabelled learning refers to
a specific binary classification problem characterised
by the constraint that only positive labelled data are
available together with unlabelled data, and the classi-
fier has to identify hidden positives from the set of un-
labelled examples when negative training data is not
supplied or available.
The work in (Guacho et al., 2020) proposes a
semi-supervised fake detection classifier consisting of
three phases: building the tensor-based embeddings
representation of the article text; constructing a k-NN
graph of proximal embeddings; and propagating the
beliefs by using the FaBP (Fast Belief Propagation)
algorithm. A similar approach, based on a graph-
based semi-supervised fake news detection algorithm,
is proposed in (Benamira et al., 2019), exploiting doc-
ument embedding, graph inference for the represen-
tation of articles, and a graph neural network-based
In (Meel and Vishwakarma, 2021b), a semi-
supervised temporal ensemble model is learned by
using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as a
reference architecture for training the base models
against the headline and the body of the news. The
underlying idea of the temporal ensembling technique
(Laine and Aila, 2016) is that different prediction out-
puts of all previous epochs can be aggregated in or-
der to furnish a collaborative prediction which proved
to be more accurate and thus better suitable for in-
ferring pseudo labels. Indeed, the ensemble predic-
tions of unknown labels accumulated in several train-
ing epochs perform better than the last epoch predic-
In (Meel and Vishwakarma, 2021a), the same au-
thors have also proposed a semi-supervised fake news
detection technique based on GCN (Graph Convolu-
tional Networks) trained with limited amounts of la-
belled data. The proposed solution consists of three
stages: extracting an embedded representation from
the news text by using GloVe, constructing a sim-
ilarity graph using Word Mover’s Distance (WMD),
and finally leveraging a Graph Convolution Network
to address the binary classification task in a semi-
supervised paradigm.
In (Dong et al., 2019), the authors introduce
a novel deep two-path semi-supervised learning
(DTSL) model composed of three convolutional sub-
nets. The first is trained by using a supervised learn-
ing scheme, while the second is trained against un-
labelled data in an unsupervised fashion. An addi-
tional shared CNN is used to propagate low-level fea-
tures to the two former networks. The loss function
is computed by weighting two components: a stan-
dard cross-entropy loss function to evaluate the loss
for labelled inputs only and the mean squared error
of the two output path predictions in order to penalize
different predictions for the same training input.
To the best of our knowledge, our current work has
been the first attempt to combine (language-model)
pre-training and (pseudo-label based) self-training in
order to train a powerful (BERT-based) deep model
to discriminate fake news from genuine ones. As
a matter of fact, the idea of resorting to an “old-
fashion” pseudo-labelling approach was inspired by
the results of the empirical analysis in (Cascante-
Bonilla et al., 2021), where it was shown that such
an approach is competitive with state-of-the-art semi-
supervised DL methods (leveraging consistency regu-
larization mechanisms) while being more resilient to
out-of-distribution samples in the unlabeled set.
This section provides some background information
on the specific neural network classifier used in the
proposed approach and on the usage of pseudo-labels
in a semi-supervised learning scenario.
The current implementation of our technique
works on news texts gathered from different web
sources by exploiting a pre-trained BERT (Bidirec-
tional Encoder Representations from Transformers)
model (Devlin et al., 2019) as a neural-network em-
bedder. Essentially, BERT is a transformer-based
neural architecture able to process natural language.
It is trained through an algorithm including two main
steps, named Word Masking and Next Sentence Pre-
diction (NSP), respectively. In the former step, a per-
centage of the words composing a sentence is masked,
and the model is trained to predict the missing terms
by considering the word context, i.e., the terms that
precede and follow the masked one. Then, the model
is fine-tuned by considering a further task to under-
stand the sentences’ relations. An overview of this
learning procedure is depicted in figure 1. In our
framework, we adopt a BERT instance pre-trained on
Wikipedia pages, then improved by using an iterative
self-training scheme (see Section 4) described below.
A Pseudo-Labelling approach is used in this work
to map a number of unlabelled data instances, sam-
pled from a given instance bucket, with pseudo la-
bels assigned to them by a classification model,
which is iteratively trained against a growing collec-
tion of both originally-labelled examples and pseudo-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
CLS Tok 1 Tok N Tok 1 Tok M
NSP Mask LM Mask LM
Masked Sentence A
Masked Sentence B
Unlabeled sentence A and B pair
pre-training phase
CLS Tok 1 Tok N Tok 1
Start/End Span
Question Answer pair
fine-tuning stage
CLS Tok 1 Tok N Tok 1
Start/End Span
Question Answer pair
fine-tuning stage
Tok 1 Tok N
Tok 1
Tok M
Start/End Span
Question Answer pair
fine-tuning stage
Figure 1: BERT Learning scheme.
Labeled Data Unlabeled Data
Pseudo Labeled Data
1. Train the model
2. Predict labels for
unlabeled data
3. Train a new model
with pseudo labeled and
labeled data
Figure 2: Pseudo-labelling approach to train a fake news classifier: high-level simplified view.
labelled ones. This process is repeated (in a self-
training cycle) until some suitable stop criterion is sat-
isfied (e.g., the maximum number of iterations, loss
convergence, etc.). This approach is sketched in Fig-
ure 2, where the initial set of labelled data is enriched
with unlabelled data while using the classifier trained
on the labelled data to assign “artificial” labels to un-
labelled ones. Then, a new version of the classifier
is built by using both the originally-labelled data and
the newly automatically-labelled ones.
Most of the pseudo-labelling techniques proposed
in the literature are related to the image classification
task. In particular, using pseudo-labels in the semi-
supervised learning of neural networks was originally
proposed in (Lee, 2013), where un-labelled data are
provided with pseudo-labels by just picking up the
class which has the maximum predicted probability.
By minimizing the conditional entropy of class prob-
abilities for unlabeled data, the proposed method is
demonstrated to be equivalent to the Entropy Regu-
larization, thus favoring a low-density separation be-
tween classes.
Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News Corpora
Training Data
Knowledge Base
Unlabeled Data
Labeled Data
Pseudo Labeled
Validation Data
Detection Models
Model M
Model M
Model M
Pseudo Labeling Approach
Model M
Test Data
Figure 3: Conceptual architecture of the proposed semi-supervised DL framework for fake news detection.
This section illustrates the architecture of the frame-
work developed to detect fake news and the details
of the two alternative semi-supervised learning strate-
gies that can exploit in order to cope with the scarcity
of labelled training instances.
4.1 Conceptual Architecture of the
Figure 3 illustrates a conceptual system architecture
of the framework that we are proposing for the dis-
covery, application and evaluation of deep fake news
classifiers. This architecture was specifically devised
to face the problem that only a small portion of the
available examples of news data is associated with a
class label so most of the examples are unlabelled.
As shown in the top-left of the figure, this prob-
lem is overcome by progressively enriching the given
labelled data instances with novel pseudo-labelled tu-
ples. At the very beginning of this iterative learning
process, a preliminary classification model M
is built
(by the DNN model learning module), by reusing a
pre-trained instance of BERT as a backbone. This
fine-tuning task is performed by only using the given
labelled news data instances, split as usual into a train-
ing set and a validation set.
Afterwards, an iterative process is followed,
which consists of two phases. In the first phase, the
generated model is exploited (by the Pseudo Labeling
Approach module) to estimate the class of unlabelled
data instances, and to assign an artificial class label
to some of them eventually; the latter data instances
are selected (by the unlabelled data selection mod-
ule) according to one of the two strategies described
in Subsection 4.2. In the second phase, the batch of
(pseudo-) labelled data instances obtained in the for-
mer phase is added to the training set, and exploited,
together with those already available before, to train a
new version of the classification model (e.g., M
at it-
eration 1, M
at iteration 2 and so on), which is stored
in the Detection Model Repository. These phases are
iterated until no new element of the pseudo-labelling
set meets the constraints defined by the selection strat-
egy (e.g., until the probability of the model correctly
predicting a tuple goes under a given threshold) or un-
til there are no more available unlabelled instances.
Finally, the Model Extraction module selects one
of the models generated during the different itera-
tions, to be used as the final classifier for detecting
incoming fake news. In the current implementation,
the model obtained at the last self-training iteration
is returned as a result, but different implementations
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Algorithm 1: Pseudo-code for self-training the model with the Pseudo-Labelling algorithm.
Input : Initial Training Set (ITrS);
Validation Set (V S);
Unlabelled Set (ULS); // Unlabelled instances, for which pseudo labels are produced
Parameters: strategy {str bestK, str thr};
thr; //maximal uncertainty threshold (to be used when setting strategy = str thr)
k; //maximum number of instances (to be used when setting strategy = str bestK)
Output : A news classification model M
1 Train(M, ITrS,VS) // train the classifier M using ITrS and V S
2 TrS = ITrS // Current Training Set
3 PsS = // Pseudo labelled Set
4 newPseudoLabel = True
5 while |ULS| > 0 AND newPseudoLabel do
6 newPseudoLabel = False
7 U = ComputeUncertaintyScores(M,ULS) // U is an ordered list of pairs of the form (x, u) such that
x ULS and u R
is a score quantifying how much M is uncertain in making a prediction for x
8 X = SelectUnlabelled(ULS,U, strategy, k,thr) // Select the unlabelled data to be pseudo labelled
9 if |X| > 0 then
10 newPseudoLabel = True
11 PsS = {(x, M(x)) | x X }; // Generate a bunch of pseudo-labelled instances, by assigning a
predicted label to each of the selected unlabeled instances in X
12 ULS = ULS \ X
13 TrS = TrS PsS
14 Train(M, TrS,VS) // Train the model M from scratch using the tr. set TrS and the val. set V S
15 end
16 end
17 return M
could also be considered (that will be explored in fu-
ture work). The Performance Evaluation module re-
turns different evaluation metrics used in the experi-
mental section.
A more detailed description of the proposed self-
training strategy, based on pseudo-labelling, is pro-
vided in the next subsection, in the form of an algo-
rithm (named Algorithm 1).
4.2 Pseudo-Labelling Algorithm and
Unlabelled-Data Selection Strategies
The pseudo-code in Algorithm 1 explains in detail
how the proposed training algorithm works.
Given as input an initial Training Set (ITrS), a
Validation Set (V S) and a set of unlabelled instances
(ULS) coming from a stream of news, an initial
model M is trained using the labelled instances of
the two sets ITrS and V S. The learning process goes
on through multiple training rounds, using both the
manually-labelled data initially stored in ITrS and
V S, and the pseudo-labelled data added to PsS —i.e.
data without true labels that are labelled based on the
predictions returned by the model obtained at former
iterations. More precisely, the following operations
are performed until no new pseudo-labelled instances
are added to the current training set (TrS).
First, for each instance of the unlabelled set, an
uncertainty score U is computed, which is meant to
estimate how much the prediction returned by model
M for x is uncertain. In principle, different uncer-
tainty estimation methods (Mena et al., 2021) could
be adopted for this aim. In the implementation of
the framework that was employed in the experimental
analysis of Section 5, the uncertainty scores are sim-
ply derived from the highest class membership prob-
ability returned by M for x (the closer this probability
is to 0.5 the higher the uncertainty degree).
Then, a subset X of instances taken from U LS are
selected for being pseudo labelled by preferring those
ones on which the current model M seems to be less
uncertain. Two different strategies can be adopted to
make this selection step (described later on), and they
can be controlled through the parameter strategy of
Algorithm 1.
The selected instances in X are automatically as-
signed a pseudo label with the help of the current
model M, and put into a new temporary (Pseudo-
Label) set PsS. All of these pseudo-labelled instances
are added to the current training set TrS, while re-
Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News Corpora
Table 1: Main features of the PolitiFact and GossipCop dataset.
Dataset # Articles # Classes
# Words per article
Avg. Median Q1 Q3
PolitiFact 814 2 60,870 817.5 199.5 66.5 530.7
GossipCop 4,719 2 149,557 349.0 205.0 109.5323.0
moving all the instances of X from the set ULS of
unlabelled data instances.
Finally, a new model M is trained from scratch
over the (augmented) training set TrS, still using V S
as validation set, after initializing the weights of all
the layers of M but the last (which is initialised ran-
domly) with the weights of the pre-trained BERT
model. It is worth noting that, in order to curb the
risk of confirmation bias and of concept drifts, we do
not adopt a sort of incremental training scheme where
M is initialised with a copy of the model obtained at
the previous iteration of the self-training loop (Steps
6-18 of Algorithm 1). Indeed, restarting model pa-
rameters before each self-training cycle was identified
in (Cascante-Bonilla et al., 2021) as a key to the suc-
cess of pseudo-labelling approaches to the discovery
of deep models.
At the end of the self-training loop, the cur-
rent classification model M is returned, which is the
one obtained at the last self-training iteration. It is
worth noting that more sophisticated model extraction
schemes could be devised that take advantage of clas-
sification models obtained at other self-training iter-
ations (e.g., possibly exploiting ensemble learning to
combine multiple models), but this is left to future
Selection Strategy (Parameter Strategy of Algo-
rithm 1). Two alternative strategies can be adopted
(by the Pseudo-label Strategy Manager module) for
selecting which unlabelled data are promoted to
pseudo-labelled ones, in order to obtain an improved
version of the fake news classifier.
One strategy (chosen when setting strategy =
thr in Algorithm 1), simply consists in comparing
the uncertainty score of an unlabelled data instance to
a given maximal threshold thr. The subset of sam-
ples in the unlabelled set (ULS) to be included in the
Training set (TrS) is built by selecting the instances
for which the lastly trained model M returns a predic-
tion with an uncertainty score lower than thr.
The second strategy (chosen when setting
strategy = str bestK in Algorithm 1) consists in rank-
ing of the instances in ULS based on their associated
prediction-uncertainty scores and eventually selecting
the k ones of them achieving the lowest scores.
In both cases, each instance x, among those se-
lected as described so far, is artificially assigned a
(pseudo-)label that refers to the class for which the
model returned the highest class membership proba-
bility on x.
5.1 Datasets and Parameters
This subsection describes the parameters used in our
framework and the datasets used to assess its effec-
tiveness in detecting fake news.
The learning model employed in the performed
tests is based on a BERT layer followed by a Dropout
layer for regularisation and a final dense layer with a
sigmoid activation layer. The BERT implementation
presents a vector of hidden size of 768, and 12 atten-
tion heads. The used model is pre-trained for the En-
glish language on Wikipedia and BooksCorpus, after
a normalisation phase.
The following parameters were used in BERT:
Number of Epoch = 30; Batch size = 32; Learning
Rate = 3e 5; Dropout= 0.1; the Binary Cross en-
tropy as loss function and the chosen optimiser was
AdamW, a stochastic optimisation method that mod-
ifies the typical implementation of weight decay in
Adam, by decoupling weight decay from the gradient
It is worth recalling that two strategies can be em-
ployed in our framework for iteratively selecting un-
labelled data to be pseudo-labelled, described in Sec-
tion 4: strategy str thr (which relies on filtering can-
didates through a maximal uncertainty threshold) and
strategy str bestK (which extracts the “bottom-k” tu-
ples with the lowest prediction uncertainty.
A grid search was performed to choose the prob-
ability prediction thr in the case of the str thr strat-
egy and the number k of the best-k unlabelled data to
be pseudo-labelled at each self training iteration for
the str bestK algorithm. Respectively, the values of
thr = 0.4 and k = 100, and the values of thr = 0.3
and k = 200 were chosen for the PolitiFact and for
the GossipCop dataset.
All the experiments of the next subsection were
averaged over 30 runs. The validation set is used in
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Comparison of the pseudo-labelling strategies for the PolitiFact dataset: Accuracy, AUC, AUC-PR and F-measure
for different percentages of the training set (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%).
Metric Algorithm 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Baseline 0.68 ± 0.08 0.72 ± 0.05 0.76 ± 0.05 0.79 ± 0.05 0.80 ± 0.02
pseudo k 0.73 ± 0.07 0.78 ± 0.05 0.82 ± 0.05 0.86 ± 0.05 0.84 ± 0.04
pseudo thr 0.77 ± 0.02 0.83 ± 0.03 0.85 ± 0.03 0.86 ± 0.02 0.86 ± 0.04
Baseline 0.68 ± 0.08 0.71 ± 0.05 0.75 ± 0.05 0.79 ± 0.05 0.80 ± 0.03
pseudo k 0.72 ± 0.08 0.78 ± 0.04 0.82 ± 0.05 0.86 ± 0.05 0.84 ± 0.04
pseudo thr 0.77 ± 0.03 0.83 ± 0.03 0.85 ± 0.03 0.86 ± 0.02 0.86 ± 0.04
Baseline 0.80 ± 0.05 0.82 ± 0.03 0.84 ± 0.03 0.86 ± 0.03 0.87 ± 0.02
pseudo k 0.83 ± 0.00 0.85 ± 0.00 0.88 ± 0.00 0.90 ± 0.00 0.89 ± 0.00
pseudo thr 0.85 ± 0.01 0.89 ± 0.02 0.90 ± 0.02 0.91 ± 0.01 0.90 ± 0.03
Baseline 0.72 ± 0.07 0.76 ± 0.04 0.79 ± 0.04 0.81 ± 0.04 0.82 ± 0.02
pseudo k 0.76 ± 0.04 0.80 ± 0.05 0.83 ± 0.04 0.87 ± 0.05 0.85 ± 0.04
pseudo thr 0.79 ± 0.03 0.85 ± 0.04 0.86 ± 0.03 0.87 ± 0.03 0.87 ± 0.04
Table 3: Comparison of the pseudo-labelling strategies for the GossipCop dataset: Accuracy, AUC, AUC-PR and F-measure
for different percentages of the training set (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%).
Metric Algorithm 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Baseline 0.66 ± 0.03 0.69 ± 0.02 0.71 ± 0.03 0.70 ± 0.03 0.72 ± 0.02
pseudo k 0.69 ± 0.05 0.74 ± 0.02 0.74 ± 0.03 0.75 ± 0.03 0.75 ± 0.02
pseudo thr 0.72 ± 0.00 0.75 ± 0.00 0.75 ± 0.00 0.76 ± 0.00 0.76 ± 0.00
Baseline 0.66 ± 0.03 0.69 ± 0.03 0.70 ± 0.03 0.70 ± 0.03 0.72 ± 0.02
pseudo k 0.69 ± 0.05 0.73 ± 0.02 0.73 ± 0.03 0.74 ± 0.03 0.75 ± 0.02
pseudo thr 0.72 ± 0.01 0.74 ± 0.01 0.75 ± 0.03 0.76 ± 0.02 0.76 ± 0.02
Baseline 0.78 ± 0.03 0.80 ± 0.02 0.81 ± 0.02 0.81 ± 0.02 0.82 ± 0.01
pseudo k 0.80 ± 0.03 0.83 ± 0.01 0.83 ± 0.02 0.84 ± 0.02 0.84 ± 0.01
pseudo thr 0.82 ± 0.00 0.84 ± 0.01 0.84 ± 0.02 0.84 ± 0.01 0.85 ± 0.01
Baseline 0.69 ± 0.06 0.72 ± 0.01 0.73 ± 0.03 0.72 ± 0.05 0.75 ± 0.03
pseudo k 0.71 ± 0.08 0.77 ± 0.03 0.77 ± 0.03 0.77 ± 0.03 0.78 ± 0.02
pseudo thr 0.74 ± 0.04 0.78 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.03 0.78 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.01
the training process for selecting the best model dur-
ing the different epochs.
The two datasets used for the experiments come
from the FakeNewsNet data repository (Shu et al.,
2018) (Shu et al., 2017). They respectively con-
cern political and gossip news obtained by two fact-
checking websites: PolitiFact
and GossipCop
Table 1 reports the main characteristic of the two
datasets: the overall number of articles, the vocabu-
lary size and some statistics on the number of words
per article (i.e., average, median, first and third quar-
The performance of our methods and of the base-
line is evaluated against the test set through four dif-
ferent metrics: the largely used Accuracy metric and
some measures more appropriate for evaluating un-
balanced datasets, i.e., AUC (Area Under the Curve),
AUC-PR (Precision-Recall) and F-Measure.
5.2 Experimental Validation of the Two
Pseudo-Labelling Strategies
In this subsection, we evaluated our two strategies in
comparison with the baseline when different percent-
ages of labelled data (training set and validation set)
are considered (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%), in or-
der to consider the situation in which a few (costly)
labelled data are available.
Tables 2 and 3 report the results of the com-
parison among the baseline (the traditional method
consisting in fine-tuning the same pre-trained BERT
model in a fully-supervised against the sole labelled
data) and the two variants of the proposed approach
(corresponding to the two different selection strate-
gies str
bestK and str thr) in terms of Accuracy,
AUC, AUC PR and F-measure for the PolitiFact and
the GossipCop datasets, respectively.
Results highlight that the two proposed strategies
obtain a substantial increment for all the metrics con-
Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News Corpora
Table 4: Delta increment of the pseudo-labelling strategies in comparison with the baseline for the PolitiFact dataset: Accu-
racy, AUC, AUC-PR and F-measure for different percentages of the training set (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%).
Metric Algorithm 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
pseudo k 6.11% 7.85% 8.15% 8.46% 4.95%
pseudo thr 12.63% 15.40% 12.76% 9.09% 7.15%
pseudo k 6.00% 8.79% 9.60% 8.94% 5.46%
pseudo thr 12.99% 16.46% 14.16% 9.57% 7.54%
pseudo k 4.16% 4.31% 4.95% 4.98% 3.37%
pseudo thr 7.02% 8.61% 7.51% 5.28% 4.42%
pseudo k 5.93% 4.82% 4.74% 6.56% 3.53%
pseudo thr 10.01% 11.27% 8.88% 7.20% 5.62%
Table 5: Delta increment of the pseudo-labelling strategies in comparison with the baseline for the pseudo-labelling strategies
for the GossipCop dataset for different percentages of the training set (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%).
Metric Algorithm 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
pseudo k 3.77% 6.51% 4.38% 6.47% 4.73%
pseudo thr 9.05% 8.16% 6.53% 7.89% 6.04%
pseudo k 3.69% 6.12% 4.26% 6.19% 5.00%
pseudo thr 9.32% 7.49% 6.76% 7.76% 6.37%
pseudo k 2.34% 3.45% 2.53% 3.67% 2.82%
pseudo thr 5.35% 4.23% 3.81% 4.58% 3.59%
pseudo k 2.94% 6.42% 4.28% 6.64% 3.97%
pseudo thr 7.89% 8.51% 5.61% 7.74% 4.88%
sidered and for both datasets. The improvements are
more evident for the PolitiFact dataset, which is char-
acterised by a smaller number of samples (814), prob-
ably because the proposed self-training strategy is
more efficient when the labelled data are very scarce.
Comparing the two employed strategies, the
threshold-based method performs better than the
other one for all the measures and methods, and the
differences are more evident when labelled data are
scarce (lower percentages).
Tables 4 and 5 show the performance improve-
ments in terms of percentage increment for the differ-
ent metrics of the proposed self-trained model strate-
gies with respect to the baseline, when the PolitiFact
and the GossipCop datasets are tested, respectively.
The increment performance results in tables 4 and
5 allow for a better understanding of the behaviour of
the different proposed strategies when the percentages
of labelled available data vary.
By analyzing the performance trend, it is possi-
ble to notice that, as expected, when the available
labelled data increases, the two proposed pseudo-
labelling strategies improve for all the performance
metrics. However, when reaching the percentage
value of 20% for the PolitiFact dataset and about 15%
for the Gossip dataset, the value of the increment de-
creases. The reason behind this behaviour, proba-
bly, is due to the fact that when more labelled data
are available, the model can be well trained by us-
ing only labelled data, while pseudo labels could de-
teriorate the performance by introducing incorrect la-
bels. Moreover, it is evident that the performance of
the pseudo-labelling strategies is also related to the
specifically considered dataset.
In this work, we devised a semi-supervised deep
learning based framework able to effectively detect
fake news by coping with a number of relevant issues,
i.e., noisy data, data scarcity, and unbalanced class
distributions. The framework relies on building up
a deep classifier via a novel combination of unsuper-
vised (language-model) pre-training and self-training.
Specifically, a BERT model pre-trained on Wikipedia
data is embedded in an iterative self-training scheme
where pseudo-labelled data are generated incremen-
tally and exploited for fine-tuning the model.
Experiments conducted on two public datasets
confirmed the quality of the approach in generating
accurate models, also when a limited number of train-
ing examples are available in the early stages of the
proposed semi-supervised method.
In future work, we plan to devise a novel ensemble
strategy able to combine the different models trained
over the pseudo-labelling iterations in order to im-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
prove the accuracy of the fake news detector.
Moreover, we plan to evaluate the combination of
our framework with more sophisticated uncertainty
estimation methods, as well as to devise mechanisms
for differentiating true labelled data from pseudo-
labelled data in the self-training process, in order to
reduce the risk of confirmation bias that may arise
from computing traditional loss functions over pseudo
This work was partly supported by the Euro-
pean Commission funded project ”HumanE-AI-
Net” (grant no. 952026) and by project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU - NGEU. Their support is gratefully
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