Simplified fuzzy inference is used as the weak clas-
sifier, and five types of trapezoidal membership func-
tions are set for each input interval [0, 1]. Since the
data space is two-dimensional, the 25 rules are con-
stracted in the whole area of the space. In addition,
in order to verify the classification rate when rules
are added to the data space as specific areas, 49 rules
are added to G
= {(x
) | [0.4,0.7] × [0.4, 0.7]}
as the specific area G
, and 4 rules are added to
= {(x
) | [0.7, 0.8] ×[0.3,0.7]} as the specific
area G
. As a result, the total number of rules is 78.
The addition of the rules improves the accuracy of the
discriminant rate in regions away from the discrim-
inant line where the data are dense, and the overall
discriminant rate is improved. The discriminant rate
was here calculated for a total of three types: no ad-
ditional rule, membership function set in the trape-
zoidal shape, and membership function defined in the
right-angled trapezoidal shape at both ends of specific
regions. When the membership function in the spe-
cific region are set as right-angled trapezoid type at
both ends of specific regions, the size of the specific
region does not change even if the membership func-
tions are learned. On the other hand, when trapezoidal
membership functions are set at both ends of specific
regions, the size of the region changes as the mem-
bership functions are learned. Therefore, when the
right-angled trapezoidal membership function are set
in the additional rules, the membership functions do
not move outside the specific region even when the
membership functions are learned, and it is learned
intensively within the specific region.
!"#$%&'()*+",$-."'/,($0"1"$$2 !3#$%&'()*+",$-."'/,($0"1"$4
Figure 3: Numerical Example Training and Testing Data.
The initial value of the antecedent part of the fuzzy
reasoning is set by the default method, and the learn-
ing order of the antecedent and consequent parts is
that the consequent part is learned first, and then the
antecedent part and the consequent part are alternately
learned. In the learning process, the learning coeffi-
cients of the x-coordinates x
and x
of the two ver-
tices of the upper bases of the trapezoidal membership
function denote K
and K
, and were set to 0.01(Irie
and Hayashi, 2019a). In addition, the learning co-
efficients of the difference α and β between the x-
coordinates of the upper and lower bases denote K
and K
, and were set to 0.01(Irie and Hayashi, 2019a).
On the other hand, the learning coefficient K
of the
singleton of the consequent part was set to 0.4 for
the first consequent learning and 0.6 for the alternate
learning. The number of epochs of the consequent
part is set to 10, and the alternating learning of the
consequent part is set to (10, 10).
As a membership function µ
) for generating
virtual data, the normal distribution of Equation (1)
with a standard deviation of σ = 0.5 was selected,
andthe number of virtual data generated was basically
one. However, in preliminary experiments, the dis-
criminant rate of fuzzy inference was about 87%. As
a result, about 26 out of 200 checking data are er-
roneously classified, and about 8 virtual data are re-
quired to make the total number of virtual data equal
to 200 training data. Therefore, we also discussed the
discriminant rate when the number of generated vir-
tual data was changed from 1 to 10.
The evaluation values weight for class estimation
of virtual data are (w
) = {(1/3, 1/3, 1/3), (0.2,
0.4, 0.4), (0.2, 0.3, 0.5) , (0.2, 0.5, 0.3), (0.5, 0.25,
0.25), (0.01, 0.495, 0.495), (0.05, 0.475, 0.475)}. In
determining the weight, the weight w
of the dis-
tance from the source data has a large effect on the
class estimation. Therefore, we discussed the dis-
criminant rate for a total of 7 types: w
= 1/3 when
= w
= w
, w
= 0.5, and 5 types with the value
of w
The algorithm is terminated by the termination rule
whose number of iterations K = 5. In the mixed dis-
criminant type, the type for the misclassified data was
adopted in the odd layers, and the type for the correct
classified data was adopted in the even layers. In the
learning process of fuzzy inference, the order of data
is changed by random numbers every epoch. Since
the number of epochs for the learning of the conse-
quent part and the alternate learning of the antecedent
part and the consequent part is 10 and (10, 10), re-
spectively, the total number of epochs is 150 in the
five-layer learning. Since 2-fold cross-validation is
used here, 150 epochs of epoch learning for each data
set to result in a total of 300 epochs of learning. We
compared the average discriminant rates obtained in
10 trials for each of the different types, CA, CC, E,
MA, and MC.
The discriminant rate for evaluation data by 5 types
of virtual data generation methods: type of correct
classified data in the whole space(CA), type of correct
classified data at the cluster center(CC), type of mis-
classified data(E), mixing type of correct classified
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence