Concerning small screens and touch interaction,
Butler, Izadi and Hodges (2008) tried to look at the
issue of the fingers potentially occluding some of the
already small screen area on most mobile devices
during an interaction. Their approach was to trial
‘infra-red proximity sensors embedded along each
side’ (Butler et al, 2008) of the mobile device. This
enabled detection and positioning of the fingers in
nearby areas of the screen, effectively increasing the
interaction zone size. Although rigorous evaluation
was not reported by the authors, the concept is
Further, Song, Sörös, Pece, Fanello, Izadi, Keskin
and Hilliges (2014) developed an algorithm which
would recognize in-air gestures using only the
standard camera found on a mobile device. The idea
was to maximise the screen real estate available by
including the possibility of in-air gestures in the
proximity of the mobile device. This would also
somewhat alleviate issues of finger occlusion during
interaction. Their comparative evaluation consisting
of touch interaction only versus touch and in-air
gestures, suggested that interacting with a mobile
device where touch and in-air gestures were available
simultaneously is statistically significantly faster.
Informal evaluation with a few individuals also
suggested that users were mostly positive towards
using in-air gestures for interaction.
Byrd and Caldwell (2009) compared 2.8”, 3.5”
and 7” screen sizes. While not all results produced
significant outcomes, the overall trend showed that
larger screen sizes produced faster task times and
shorter screen access times. Differences in errors for
each screen size were not statistically significant.
This gave users a larger input area, particularly if the
device rested on a surface.
Also, Wang, Hsieh and Paepcke (2009)
investigated the option of deliberately hiding files (or
content) out of sight on a small screen device.
Content, such as photographs, etc. could be placed in
virtual ‘piles’ away from the main screen real estate,
but available by accessing the sides of the screen,
through small visual cues located at the sides of the
screen. These represented distinct ‘piles’ of content,
e.g. photographs or categories of photographs, etc.
Although the concept suggested is interesting, it
forces users to rely on their memory. It also raises
doubts concerning the length of time it would take
users to forget (or partially forget) what each ‘pile’
contains. There is also lack of evidence concerning
the optimum amount of ‘piles’ a user should use,
before increased quantities of ‘piles’ would become
easier to forget.
This brief consideration of previous works shows
that a lot of effort has been expended over the years
in trying to deal with the basic issue of mobile devices
having very limited screen real estate.
However, the main solution that has been adopted
in recent years is to hide as many of the user interface
elements as possible so as to maximise the use of the
physical dimensions available of mobile devices.
However, as will be seen from the evidence presented
below, this is not the best option in terms of usability.
Therefore, in the next section we present detailed
information on the experiment we conducted in
relation to hidden user interface elements.
3.1 Experiment Introduction
In order to evaluate the usability of hiding functional
elements on a mobile user interface it was decided to
use a mobile camera-type application as the main
context. The mobile camera was chosen for several
reasons. (1) As far as we know all new or not so old
smartphones include one or more cameras. (2) The
camera application on a smartphone is one which
often contains several functionalities that can be
tailored or adopted by users and is therefore suitable
for an experiment and a series of realistic tasks which
would be ecologically valid. (3) Camera usage on
smartphones is very common amongst users. Already
in 2017, one survey indicated that 85% of all digital
photographs were taken with a smartphone (Richter,
We chose to use an empirical experiment with
hypotheses (Lazar, Feng and Hochheiser, 2017),
rooted in the hypothetico-deductive approach.
However, our experiment also contained a more
qualitative side to it, by using a questionnaire, with a
Likert-type scale (Likert, 1932) to elicit participant
opinions. The main reasons for this, were that we
wanted to conduct the study in controlled conditions
in order to collect precise numerical data, whilst at the
same time collecting some qualitative data. We felt
this approach was more useful than having a
completely quantitative or completely qualitative
approach. Furthermore, this is an approach that has
been used in previous research to good effect (e.g.
Shrestha and Murano (2022), Keya and Murano
(2022) and Shrestha and Murano (2016)).