A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G
Mattia Magnaghi, Antonio Ghezzi
and Andrea Rangone
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering,
Via Lambruschini 4B, 20156 Milan, Italy
Keywords: 5G, Business Model, Business Model Innovation, Lean Startup, Digital Transformation.
Abstract: In a fast-changing environment as nowadays, fostered by cutting-edge digital technologies, opportunities may
emerge and then disappear abruptly, for this reason, companies must be able to seek them to remain
competitive. By looking at very relevant and recent technology, the 5G connectivity, how companies could
leverage it experiencing a technology shift is still unclear, both from a practitioner and theoretical perspective.
If on one hand, the 5G is a hotly discussed topic in non-social sciences, on the other hand, the managerial
literature appears ambiguous and fragmented in the way it is presented. Such absence recalls for research
whose purpose is to try to position the 5G search thread also in the business and management stream. The
work aims to systematize previous knowledge and identify potential directions related to 5G technology in
the above-mentioned literature.
According to Chesbrough (2010), it is not just a
matter of leveraging the best technologies available in
today's digital world, rather being confident with the
development of alternative businesses enabled by
these allows firms to be more competitive.
Furthermore, also from a more network perspective
(Jocevski, Arvidsson, Ghezzi, 2020), the adoption of
these technologies may entail in most cases the
reshaping of market boundaries by highlighting new
intersectional convergence within industries.
This is particularly true for what concerns the 5G
technology since due to the higher range of markets
and applications opportunities it brings, it cannot be
considered just a technological transition, as it was for
earlier generations of cellular technology, rather it
represents a revolutionary phenomenon which could
deeply change the competitive landscape for wireless
services (Lehr, Queder, Haucap, 2021). It is more “a
toolbox of capabilities than a one-size-fits-all
technology” (Lehr et al, 2021; p.1), and for this
reason, it not only constitutes a complex technology
in terms of technical development, but it also requires
a change in the actors’ attitude, especially of Mobile
Network operators (MNOs) (Lehr et al, 2021), which
have always played an important role in the
telecommunication domains (Noh, Kim, Song, Lee,
2021), characterized by high rates of volatility
(Ghezzi, Cortimiglia, Frank, 2015).
However, even if it represents a very new
technology with high potential, there is still
ambiguity and fragmented knowledge about its
strategical adoption. All these implications recall
further investigations to address emerging challenges
with great scientific and social relevance.
Consistently, this works aims to trace the state of the
art of the 5G literature in the social sciences field by
defining a search protocol to systematically structure
extant knowledge about the above-mentioned
technological paradigm and identify potential
The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2 the
search protocol with the description of the eligibility
criteria is presented, then in Section 3 a conceptual
review about the state of the art of 5G literature in the
business and management field is presented. Finally,
the paper ends with a discussion about the
methodologies used by scholars to try to investigate
the gaps that emerged in literature and the
identification of future avenues.
Magnaghi, M., Ghezzi, A. and Rangone, A.
A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G.
DOI: 10.5220/0011828000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 522-529
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 Inclusion Criteria
First, The SciVerse Scopus online scientific articles
database has been selected as the most appropriate
source for the research. Regarding the selection of the
keywords, the choice has been driven mainly by the
necessity to draw a state of the art of 5G technology
To do so, the identification of papers with “5G”;
“Fifth generation technology”; “Fifth generation of
mobile communication”; “Fifth generation of
wireless networks” present in their title, abstract and
keywords section has been carried out. Together with
a keyword-based search, a backward approach to
identify other related studies (n= 5) has been
Other inclusion criteria regard the domain the
papers selected belong to, which is Business,
Management and Accounting. Furthermore, the
subject areas of Social and Decision Sciences have
been also considered to broaden the analysis.
Finally, only articles and reviews in English were
considered due to their higher quality.
The output from The SciVerse Scopus database of
the above-mentioned query was 977 papers, updated
in July 2022.
2.2 Exclusion Criteria
To maximize the specificity of the studies included in
the research, several exclusion criteria have been
(i) Studies requiring technical competencies
(n = 186): all the studies where technical competence
or specific knowledge is required to deeply analyse
technology-dominated sectors have been excluded
(e.g., Lee and Ko, 2021).
(ii)No implications for strategy, entrepreneurship,
or innovation (n = 87): this criterion has been used to
confine the research objective to the strategic,
entrepreneurial and innovation field. Every article
concerning different application domains has been
excluded unless there was clear evidence of
implications for the above-mentioned area without
being mentioned expressly (e.g., Cheng, Hu, Varga,
(iii) Clear focus on Implications for sustainability,
globalization, emerging countries, government issues
(n=80): all topics about heterogeneous development
at the global level, developing countries, and
applications to increase sustainability have been
excluded because being highly relevant topics they
would need a separate literature review on its own
(e.g., Parcu, Innocenti, Carrozza, 2022).
(iv) Scimago Journal Rank (n = 576): To
guarantee both the inclusiveness of Scopus database
and the quality of the journal outlet considered, only
articles published in journals whose rankings are Q1
have been included.
The last access on the above-mentioned list was
done on the 15
of July 2022. After the text screening,
other papers have been excluded (labelled in the
prism below as “Out of scope”) because they only fit
the exclusion criteria just described after reading the
entire text, or because 5G was not the central theme.
The final sample of papers considered for the
conceptual review was 40.
Here below the screening process of the query
above mentioned are reported.
Figure 1: The document screening process.
A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G
Looking at the papers’ typologies, several works are
conceptual reviews. However, among them, it is
possible to find different perspectives adopted. For
instance, most of these refer to spectrum policies and
regulations, especially taking into consideration
different countries (e.g., Teece, 2021; Blind and
Niebel, 2022). Other conceptual reviews refer to
specific application fields (e.g., Dolgui and Ivanov,
2021) or 5G implications in the digital innovation
process of the small and medium enterprise
(Olokundun, Ogbari, Falola, Ibidunni, 2022).
Furthermore, two bibliometric reviews have been
found (Mendonça, Damàsio, de Freitas, Oliveira,
Cichy, Nicita, 2022; Buggenhagen and Blind; 2022).
Several papers are based on case study
methodology where a specific business case, industry
or country has been described (e.g., Gooderham,
Elter, Petersen, Sandvik, 2022; Lee and Yu, 2022;
Schneir, Bradford, Ajibulu, Pearson,
Konstantinou, Osman, Zimmermann, 2022; Massaro
and Kim, 2021).
In the sample of papers considered, also
quantitative studies are present. The usage of
predictive analytics and scenario-based assessment
exemplifies the aim of such works, which try to
measure quantitatively the effect of the factors
considered, such as regulations, technological
standards and 5G mobile broadbands coverage (e.g.;
Wen, Forman, Jarvenpaa, 2022; Rathje and Katila
2021; Schneir et al, 2019; Oughton, Frias, Russel,
Sicker, Cleevely, 2018).
3.1 5G Business Reconfigurations
In the literature considered it is possible to find
several 5G business reconfiguration which appear as
attempts to define the technological one in a business
domain. In Table 1 the main 5G business
reconfiguration identified are synthesized.
3.2 5G Boundary Conditions
In this paragraph, the boundary conditions (Busse et
al.; 2017) intended as the conditions of existence of
5G technology have been figured out. In other terms,
based on the managerial literature, the aim has been
to identify which are the “building blocks” for the
development of 5G business cases. The four
categories identified are (i) expected value, (ii)
actors’ ecosystem, (iii) government policy and (iv)
technological requirements.
Table 1: 5G Business reconfigurations.
5G definitions Authors
Emerging digital
Oughton and Russel; 2020;
Gooderman et al.; 2022
Data and connectivity
Mendonça et al:, 2022
Toolbox of capabilities Lehr et al.; 2021
Paradigm shift Lehr et al.; 2021;
Teece; 2021
Game changer Deng et al.; 2020;
Knipes & Bauer; 2022
General Purpose
Technology (GPT)
Knipes & Bauer; 2022;
Mendonça et al:, 2022
Junior GPT or Enabling
Teece; 2018;
Schneir et al; 2019;
Rathje and Katila; 2021
Connectivity platform Ahokangas; 2021
“Eye and ears” of AI
Gooderman et al.; 2022
3.2.1 Expected Value
According to Oughton and colleagues (2018), mobile
network operators (MNOs), who have always played
a key role in the telecommunications industry, must
be aware of the advantages and the threats coming
from such technology paradigm shift (Lehr et al,
2021). Already with earlier technologies, MNOs have
adjusted their business models, however, with the
fifth generation, it seems that the development
trajectory has changed strongly due to the high
expected value such technology is promising (Lehr et
al, 202; Gooderham; 2022).
Guo and colleagues (2022, p.52) affirm explicitly
that MNOs must shift from “the business-to-
individual-customers model to the business-to-
business model”. The same scholars put emphasis
also on the fact that shifting from customized network
structures could play a crucial role in terms of
business model development. However, such
reasoning is extended by Bauer and Bohlin (2022) by
affirming that if one hand the 5G customized
applications are promising higher revenues, on the
other 5G networks infrastructure might be very
expensive, for this reason, all the stakeholders
involved must be aware of such risk, especially
MNOs. According to Forge and Vu (2020), MNOs
have already agreed on this point, and they are aware
that infrastructure sharing could be the right solution
for cutting Capex and reducing risks.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2.2 Actors’ Ecosystem
According to Blind and Niebel (2022), the 5G
ecosystem include a large variety of stakeholders with
different goals and interests. As a matter of fact, the
emergence of this technological paradigm will be not
only related to the telecommunications industry, but
rather other vertical industries will also exploit
wireless communication (Vuojala et al, 2020; Dolgui
and Ivanov, 2021). In these terms, greater attention
must be given to all those opportunities which are not
strictly connected to the MNOs, especially by
considering that if they do not rejuvenate their
business models, the risk is that specialized players
are in some way sabotaged by them (Bauer and
Bohlin, 2022). On the other hand, if MNOs continue
to pursue the same role as suppliers of connectivity,
they will risk losing competitiveness. What emerges
is the importance of collaborations between the
different players with heterogeneous competencies to
reduce costs and gather all the opportunities the 5G
offers (Hutajulu et al; 2021). More in general, Rathje
and Katila (2021) demonstrated through their
quantitative study the importance of collaboration
between governments and private companies to shape
the new ecosystem. This is the reason why in the
following section the third boundary condition
identified for the development of 5G business cases
is the so-called “Government policy”.
Similarly, Massaro and Kim (2020) state that 5G
technology cannot be considered just as a technical
artefact, rather, it is socially constructed. The authors
distinguish between non-private actors, which are
government, research institutes and universities and
users, private actors, which are MNOs, equipment
manufacturers, service providers and also “new
actors”, intended as additional players which join the
ecosystem due to new opportunities the technology
could bring.
With a clear focus on the business-to-business
sector, Knieps and Bauer (2022) put emphasis also on
the importance of third parties’ providers such as
system integrators and local network operators, which
could play a crucial role in building solutions for local
industrial networks.
From another perspective, Bauer and Bohlin
(2022) distinguish between four different layers and
place the different players depending on their core
competencies and business strategy. In the lower part,
it is possible to find passive and active infrastructure
layer which constitute the physical network layer. In
the upper find it is possible to find the enablers on the
so-called enablement, the development layer and the
application service layer. On the top, the end user,
while on each layers an orchestrator provider is
3.2.3 Government Policy
According to Knieps and Bauer (2022), the 5G
technology has introduced governance and
management challenges never seen before.
If on one hand, MNOs need government support
to face the uncertainty arising from 5G adoption
(Forge and Vu, 2020); on the other hand, a stable
standards roadmap in terms of spectrum bands is
necessary to foster the development of private 5G
network deployments (Forge and Blackman, 2017).
The fifth generation of mobile communications
allows the development of deployments on a wider
spectrum range, from 450 MHz to 24,25-52,6 GHz
(Bauer and Bohlin, 2022). Vuojala and colleagues
(2020) in their works analysed several “spectrum
scenarios” to understand all the possible
configuration in terms of licences and 5G private
deployments for vertical industries. Knieps and Bauer
(2022) summarized the spectrum policy to distinguish
between principal deployments options and all the
possible spectrum licences configuration, both in
terms of the licence and unlicenced spectrum, and the
national and local. The scholars also summarized the
spectrum allocation by nation from 2017 to
nowadays, distinguishing between the licenced and
unlicensed spectra. Furthermore, Bauer and Bohlin
(2022) also focus their attention on the different
regulations in the selected countries, and they also
clarified which are the current spectrum bands
dedicated exclusively to 5G private deployments.
3.2.4 Technological Requirements
As previously mentioned, one of the exclusion
criteria of the search protocol was related to the
exclusion of studies requiring extensive technical
competencies. The information is gathered just from
the managerial literature due to the aim of the works,
for this reason, some limitations may emerge in this
paragraph. However, it is fundamental to consider it
in terms of boundary condition since without
adequate technological infrastructures it is not
possible to develop 5G business cases.
According to Henriquez and colleagues (2022),
the main investments regard the ICT physical
infrastructure, and it will foster also IoT use cases. In
these terms, Bauer and Bohlin (2022) specify that
inputs that might be considered necessary resources
are antennas, routing of cables and backhaul. ICT
infrastructures allow reaching the 5G requirements.
A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G
Accordingly, Lehr and colleagues (2021)
underline the necessity to deploy more cellular base
stations. In addition, they mention the re-architecting
of the radio-access networks (RANs) which
constitute a greater opportunity also in terms of cost
management. Another element the scholars introduce
is the necessity of expanding the use of radio-
frequency spectrum resources, especially with private
and dedicated network deployments.
Furthermore, the paradigm shift represented by
5G requires further improvement of the internet, such
as network slicing (Kim, 2020). Vuojala and
colleagues (2020) mention also the Mobile-Edge
computing (MEC) together with the network slicing
function, to indicate which are the elements to
guarantee adequate communication between different
Together with the boundary conditions presented so
far it is important to mention that there are also
barriers which slow down the diffusion of the
technology. Furthermore, there are still several gaps
which have emerged from the literature, and they
refer both to the boundary conditions described and
the barriers just mentioned.
4.1 Infrastructural and Institutional
Starting from the first barriers identified, both
infrastructural or, in other terms, technological, and
institutional failure may emerge in the development
of 5G business cases. According to Hutajulu and
colleagues (2021), From an institutional perspective,
several scholars mention the necessity to deepen the
mechanisms for developing technological standards,
but also to allow companies which are not directly
involved in the standards definition to have access to
it since it represents an input for complementary
innovations (Wen et al, 2022). Other uncertainties
regard intellectual property rights and health and safety
regulations (Blind and Niebel, 2022). Also considering
the business-to-business sector, as already mentioned
before, the necessity to regulate the spectrum’s
availability and accessibility, especially for what
concerns 5G private network deployments, constitutes
a boundary condition. Every kind of uncertainty and
worse choice related to this could constitute another
important barrier to 5G adoption.
4.2 Uncertain Costs and Benefits
Granted that scholars agree to the fact that 5G
promises a great expected value and the possibility of
sustainable and profitable business models, as
proposed in the previous section about 5G business
cases’ boundary conditions, it is likewise true that the
uncertainties related to costs and revenues influence
negatively such dynamic (Dolgui and Ivanov, 2021).
5G technology is costly and more technologically
complex than previous technologies (Forge and Vu,
2020), and due to its characteristics of being a junior
GPT (Teece, 2018), it is cross-sectorial, and it
involved a large portfolio of stakeholders, which
complicate even more the situation.
Apart from choices regarding technicalities, each
stakeholder involved must understand how to
overcome the infrastructure’s capex and the R&D
investment costs (Forge and Vu, 2020; Blind and
Niebel, 2022), and this aspect is particularly relevant
for MNOs, which roles are fundamental. If on one
hand there is still a gap regarding the value creation
mechanism of private companies by adopting 5G in a
specific field (Dolgui and Ivanov, 2021), on the other
hand, mobile network operators must rejuvenate their
business models, especially for what concerns their
value propositions and their networks architecture
(Moqaddamerad, 2020; Lehr et al, 2021; Gooderham
et al, 2022). Similarly, Rendon and Schneir (2019)
reinforce these reasonings by explicitly saying that
until now few authors have discussed 5G revenues
and costs streams and how to build a sustainable
business model. Schneir and colleagues (2022) tried
to investigate it by looking at the possible business
cases a mobile network operator could realize in a
seaport area.
More in general, Noh and colleagues (2021)
mention the challenge regarding the connection
between technology resources and business
objectives by underlining the importance of
considering technology as a fundamental asset for
strategic planning and by introducing the need for a
“technology-driven strategy”.
4.3 Actors’ Reluctance
According to Hutajulu and colleagues (2021), several
stakeholders are hesitant in adopting 5G technology.
Actors involved perceive several risks in adopting the
new technology, and they are also characterized by
heterogeneous interests. On one hand, equipment
suppliers foster the 5G roll-out, on the other, mobile
networks operators need to understand how (i) to
innovate their business model, especially considering
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
new revenue streams, and (ii) how to face the rise of
Over The Top (OTT) services, which pose a
dangerous threat (Blind and Niebel, 2022). More in
general, private sectors’ reluctance in adopting 5G
may emerge from a lack of a precise risk assessment
(Forge and Vu, 2020), or maybe from the uncertainty
driven by the lack of a clear definition of what the
technology could bring to the society and business
(Blind and Niebel, 2022). Such digital transition
caused by 5G introduces many questions which need
further investigation (Lee and Yu, 2022).
Finally, debate regarding 5G social impact (Mansell;
2021) as well as heath implication (Bruns et al., 2020)
are still open, and this negatively influences the the
5G’s social acceptance, further complicating the work
of the actors involved. However, as mentioned in the
exclusion criteria, papers regarding these matters,
together with the ones describing environmental
impact and implications for sustainability have been
excluded in the search protocol because, being
extremely highly relevant topics, they would need a
separate literature review on its own.
After an interpretation about which are the possible
boundary conditions and barriers for the development
of the 5G business case, in this section the principal
ways of investigations used by scholars to investigate
the above-mentioned gaps are discussed. Finally, the
limitations and further avenues are described.
In general, the techniques used in this context to
close the gaps presented so far are future-oriented
methods. For instance, the scenario-planning
approach has been applied by Moqaddamerad (2020)
and Jeong and colleagues (2016) studies, to forecast
respectively how business models innovation
happens during the adoption of emerging technology
and the feasibility of a specific application. In Jeong’s
(2016) research also morphology analysis has been
cited to be useful for analysing technologies
combined with new business models.
Furthermore, Hutajulu and colleagues (2021)
mention the simulation as an optimal method to gain
the approval of the actors involved regarding
infrastructure sharing. In a similar way, Ahokangas
(2021) writes about the analysis of future-oriented-
case to deepen such complexity in terms of
stakeholders involved, as it could be the case of a
seaport developing a 5G private network. Such
approach is emphasized also by Noh and colleagues
(2021) in mentioning the development of a value
proposition map based on future circumstances
defined by an depth-analysis of trends, predictions,
and eventual relationships among them. For instance,
the road mapping approach is a solution proposed by
these scholars, especially they propose an integrated
approach called “technology road mapping” which
considers both the technology-push strategies with
the market-driven one.
By analysing the 5G management literature, the
need for greater structuring to intercept relevant
phenomena emerged. As a matter of fact, it seems that
the strategic impact of new technological paradigms,
which may hold idiosyncratic implications in the
strategy implementation dynamics, is still largely
unstructured and there is still ambiguity and
fragmented knowledge about it.
The gap just described emerged also through a
non-systematic search regarding the literature about
BMI and technology. As mentioned by Foss and
Saebi (2016), several studies describe BMI in a
retrospective way when considering the adoption of
specific technologies, however, it is not the same way
common to find predictive and theoretical
perspectives. Accordingly, Baden-fuller and
Heaflinger (2013) and Tongur and Engwall (2014)
address the fact that often the impact of technology
adoption is restricted to performance measurements,
however, such a link with technology requires further
investigation at a BM architecture level by
understanding the mechanism to innovate BM
through its components to create value.
6.1 Theoretical Implications and
Future Avenues
The research aims to position the 5G search thread in
the business and management literature by
systematizing previous knowledge and identifying
potential directions related to 5G technology in the
above-mentioned stream of research. After having
presented a search protocol to make this research
falsifiable, reproducible, and scalable over time and
to continuously update it, a conceptual review has
been presented to figure out which are the definitions,
the opportunities, the boundary conditions, the
barriers, and the literature gaps of such very relevant
and recent technological paradigm. By following the
search protocol presented so far it will be possible to
include also other papers to improve the framework
presented and to reason about others boundary
conditions and barriers, as well as enriching the
existing ones. Finally, this work aims to generate
A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G
research questions which can be traceable to the
general and more theoretical context.
6.2 Practical Implications
The research emphasises that it is the right moment
for stakeholders to brainstorm and develop
sustainable business models to capture the value that
5G technology promises. Furthermore, the necessity
to create an active ecosystem in the
telecommunication industry and beyond has emerged
as well.
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A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G