In fact, most of the existing Industry 4.0 and Smart
manufacturing models focus on internal dimensions
while keeping less attention on external dimensions.
Furthermore, due to this approach focused on
manufacturing, very often in the literature there is a
too vertical approach in digital maturity models,
which does not allow the development of all-inclusive
models to study digital maturity.
Starting from the results presented in this article,
future research works should try to validate the use of
an all-encompassing digital maturity model through
an empirical approach. Furthermore, in order to
develop digital maturity models created ad hoc for
SMEs, it is of fundamental importance for future
research to analyze the specific context, internal and
external, in which manufacturing and service SMEs
operate, trying to grasp their peculiarities.
Finally, this work has some limitations. Firstly,
the analysis was based on an extraction of papers
from the Scopus database alone, secondly, only
conference articles and newspaper articles written in
English were analysed.
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