We thus advance the literature on sustainable
business model innovation providing one of the first
insights opening the black box of emerging
technologies’ features, beyond the ones
characterizing their diffusion (Rotolo et al., 2015).
Specifically, the features of high performance, low-
cost, and ubiquity may serve not only as a driver of
diffusion of the technology, but also drivers to
achieve sustainable business model innovation. These
inner characteristics allows emerging technologies to
work as transaction obstacles mitigation’s
mechanisms, thus driving innovation in the firm’
system of activities beyond the creation of value, but
carrying out successful and sustainable value
proposition, value delivery, and value capture
Drawing on the increasing attention of both scholars
and practitioner towards the sustainability issues, as
well as the role that private firms should play in
achieving socio-environmental goals, this paper
offers original insights from a business model
perspective. Specifically, we highlight how the inner
characteristics of an emerging technology may serve
as enabler of sustainable business model innovation
(SBMI), through the mitigation of transaction
obstacles to sustainability that often represent the
main hurdle in achieving no-profit oriented
objectives. Further studies may develop this line of
investigation looking at how other kinds of emerging
technologies may represent other sources of SBMI, as
well as how established firms with their articulated
organizational structure leverage them to achieve
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