to localize accurately the transition between cheese
rind and paste.
Future work will be devoted to providing a more
comprehensive characterization of the rind thickness,
for instance, by measuring it in other parts of the
cheese wheel, like in the angles formed by the heel
and the upper and lower faces. We are furthermore
interested in investigating the estimation of the rind
thickness using images depicting rock-cracked cheese
slices rather than wire-cut. In this new scenario, the
hand-crafted algorithms have little chance of success
because there are even fewer visual changes in the
transition from the rind to the paste.
Finally, rind thickness is only one of the features
considered by the internal quality panel of Trentin-
grana Consortium. Automatic estimation of other vi-
sual characteristics, such as paste color and texture,
could be a topic for future research to provide more
comprehensive support to experts.
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dei Caseifici Sociali Trentini, Italy and by the Au-
tonomous Province of Trento, Italy (as part of the
ADP funding prot. n. 244380 dd 04/05/2020 and
the TRENTINGRANA project - RDP 201-202, CUP
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A Deep Learning Approach for Estimating the Rind Thickness of Trentingrana Cheese from Images