Table 8: Comparing SID results with Feature Maps results.
Methods STI SII
Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect
FM 49 9 24 18
SID 47 11 40 2
Total 58 42
ity to recover correct instances. However, similar im-
plementations (implicit) are not fully trained by the
model, so it fails to correctly predict them. Feature
Maps recover a quiet number of SII as true positive
SP whereas these implementations can negatively af-
fect the source code quality. In contrast, and even if
the structures were very similar, the SID can distin-
guish between the two implementations (47 correct
instances from 58 SP and 40 correct instances from
42 SII).
In this paper, we have proposed a novel approach to
define and automatically detect the SII. Based on the
analysis of the SP intent, we define structure in that
we need to inject the SP. By defining and analyzing
different variants, we propose 21 relevant features that
can make the definition of each implementation.
For extracting feature values from the Java pro-
gram, we propose to use the LSTM models for syn-
tactical and semantic analysis. To train the LSTM, we
have created and labeled a data named FTD which is
composed of 15000 snippets of code. For the auto-
matic detection of SII, we create a classifier named
SID which uses different ML algorithms. The SID is
trained by a created and labeled data named SDTD.
The data is composed of feature combination values
according to the most existing implementation. The
global size of the data is 5000 samples.
To evaluate the created models, we collect 200
Java files from different public projects. We manu-
ally label the data used for the evaluation process. We
have selected 4 ML models for the SID and chosen
the perfect one according to their performance. The
empirical results prove that the proposed technique
can correctly recover any SII with higher accuracy
(more than 99% of precision) and outperforms the rel-
evant approach in distinguishing between both types
of SP.
In future work, we try to create more elementary
features to improve the extraction of some complex
ones. The purpose of automatic detection of the SII
is to improve the source code quality by injecting the
SP in the appropriate context. So, in future work, we
will pass on the realization of these complex types of
refactoring using ML. Beginner with the SP we try
to continue the extraction of implicit implementation
with other DPs.
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