Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of
the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria
Corinna H
, Eva Schmidthaler
and Barbara Sabitzer
STEM Didactics, Johannes Kepler University, Altenbergerstraße 68, Linz, Austria
Digital Education, 21st Century Skills, Computational Thinking, STEM.
In response to the requirement that every European citizen acquires the skills necessary for enhancing and
utilizing digital technology in a critical, inventive, and creative way, the European Digital Competence Frame-
work for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) was developed. In Austria, grade 9 students
began taking “Computer Science” in 1985. For a very long time, there was only this single year of IT edu-
cation that was compulsory during the educational career. 21st century skills were finally formally integrated
into higher grades when Austria introduced the mandatory curriculum “Digital Education” (Digitale Grund-
bildung) in September 2018 for all students in lower secondary education. The administration of the school
could decide whether to provide “Digital Education” as a standalone course or whether to integrate it into
other subjects. Finally, the new curriculum was added to the regular timetable as a compulsory subject in the
2022/2023 academic year. But because of a staffing shortage and a lack of teaching material, schools continue
to struggle with the issue of who is teaching what and how. This paper discusses the introduction of the new
curriculum and examines early results of a poll that 673 teachers participated in between September and De-
cember 2022.
Digital technology is usually applied in education
for data collection, administrative efficiency enhance-
ment, and testing rather than teaching. Buckingham
(2020) states that many teachers teach with or through
technology, rather about it. Moreover, educational
technology often fails to bridge everyday students’
lives with what they learn in school (Buckingham,
2020). However, as new professions are emerging, fu-
ture adults will need new abilities and qualifications.
In order to adequately prepare today’s children for the
demanding challenges of the next digital era, the edu-
cational community must move quickly.
The development of pupils’ digital abilities is ex-
tremely important, particularly in the years of the
COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent emergency
remote teaching. Dealing with the pandemic has
posed new issues for the educational sector because
remote learning is sometimes stigmatized as being
less beneficial to academic progress. It is hardly
surprising that throughout the COVID crisis, there
has been an increase in young people’s media use
(Langmeyer et al., 2020). However, the loss of rigid
frameworks from daily school life as a result of the
pandemic has not only had negative effects but has
also significantly increased creativity and digitization,
proving the value of digital education. Nevertheless,
in 2018 the “Teaching and Learning International Sur-
vey” (TALIS) revealed that Austrian teachers show
less professional IT education than educators in other
European countries. Additionally, compared to other
states, Austrian teachers tend to attend fewer digi-
tal education training programs, and information and
communications technologies (ICT) are used less fre-
quently for project work or customized education pro-
grams. Austrian educators’ lack of motivation to use
new technologies is another flaw in international com-
parisons (Sturm, 2020).
The introduction of “Digital Education” as a
stand-alone topic or integrated into other lower sec-
ondary school subjects was the next significant devel-
opment in Austria to address these challenges after
Computer Science was introduced in the 9th grade
in 1985. The subject “Digital Education” became a
mandatory subject for students in grades ve to seven
in 2022, and teachers should get extensive additional
Hörmann, C., Schmidthaler, E. and Sabitzer, B.
Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria.
DOI: 10.5220/0011837000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 213-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
training. Year eight will follow the consecutive year.
However, schools continue to struggle with the prob-
lem of who is teaching what, and how due to a staffing
shortfall and a lack of instructional materials.
This paper describes the theoretical background of
“Digital Education” in Europe with a focus on Aus-
tria. It also addresses the implementation of the new
curriculum and looks at preliminary findings from a
survey that 673 Austrian secondary teachers took be-
tween September and December 2022.
2.1 Digital Education in Europe
The Joint Research Center of the European Union de-
fines “Digital Competence” as the following (Ferrari,
Digital Competence is the set of knowl-
edge, skills, attitudes (thus including abili-
ties, strategies, values and awareness) that are
required when using ICT and digital media
to perform tasks; solve problems; communi-
cate; manage information; collaborate; create
and share content; and build knowledge ef-
fectively, efficiently, appropriately, critically,
creatively, autonomously, flexibly, ethically,
reflectively for work, leisure, participation,
learning, socialising, consuming, and empow-
Every European citizen must acquire these skills
in order to use digital technology critically and cre-
atively, and the European Digital Competence Frame-
work (DigCompEdu) addresses this need. It offers
a framework for comprehending what it means to be
digitally competent and provides a solid base that can
inform policies in many nations (Redecker and Punie,
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the European
Commission released a “Digital Education Action
Plan (DEAP)” in September 2020 to influence the
path that European education should take. Two rele-
vant strategies were proposed: Strategy (1) defines the
technical part of the plan and concentrates on digital
infrastructure and the provision of equipment. Addi-
tionally, it nurtures teachers’ required digital abilities.
Area (2) provides digital education, including the un-
derstanding of new technologies. The main objective
of the program is to update educational systems and
adapt them to recent significant digital advancements.
Reports show that there are serious structural biases
across the EU member states. Only 35% of primary
schools show a reliable infrastructure, whereas 52%
and 72% of lower and higher secondary schools are
considered well equipped (Kask and Feller, 2021).
In Austria’s bordering country Switzerland a
project called “Lehrplan 21” has been developed to
implement the topic “Media and Computer Science”
throughout the school career. The project concen-
trates on “Understanding Media & Responsible Us-
age”, “Basic Computer Science Concepts and Prob-
lem Solving”, as well as Applied Computer Science”
(Grandl and Ebner, 2017).
According to a 2010 research by the Dresden Uni-
versity, twelve of Germany’s 16 states have media lit-
eracy or fundamental computer science ideas included
in their curricula. But otherwise there is no nation-
wide directive for teaching computer science or digi-
tal education (Grandl and Ebner, 2017).
After giving every student in Great Britain a BBC
micro:bit when they turned eleven or twelve in 2014,
the country added “Information and Communication
Technology” as a required subject. Educational and
teaching objectives concentrate on “Computer Sci-
ence”, “Digital Literacy”, and “Information Technol-
ogy” (Grandl and Ebner, 2017).
Moreover, Slovakia installed the subject “Infor-
matika” for all students from grade two to eleven
by focusing on computational thinking (Grandl and
Ebner, 2017).
Poland’s curriculum now includes lessons on “Un-
derstanding and Analysis of Problems” and “Pro-
gramming and Problem Solving by Using Computers
and other Digital Devices” (Grandl and Ebner, 2017).
Of course, the EU may only give suggestions and
has limited capacities as each member is responsible
for its own system. The European Union can still offer
guidelines for member state coordination, though.
2.2 Digital Education in Austria
Three sub-projects were presented in the Austrian
government’s “Masterplan for Digitalization”, which
was published in 2018. The first sub-project, titled
“Teaching and Learning Content”, focuses on updat-
ing current curricula however, digital content must
be included. Additionally, it establishes the subject
of “Digital Education” and regulates the creation and
acquisition of digital teaching and learning resources
for classrooms. The second sub-project defines the
concept of “Teacher Training and Teacher Educa-
tion”. The third section of the master plan, “Infras-
tructure and Modern School Administration”, helps in
increasing technological infrastructure, installing dig-
ital devices (both technical and administrative), and
optimizing school administration through the use of
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
practice-oriented tools and programs.
The master-plan also presented an 8-point-
concept to foster digital education that is outlined as
the following (Bundesministerium f
ur Bildung, Wis-
senschaft und Forschung, 2018):
1. “Portal Digital School”: should be a single point
of entry and should unify all necessary pedagogi-
cal and administrative applications
2. Standardization of learning platforms
3. Teacher training concerning distance- and
blended learning
4. Expansion of the platform “Eduthek”: this learn-
ing platform provides additional exercises and has
been further developed since the COVID-19 pan-
5. Development of verified learning-apps
6. Upgrading IT infrastructure
7. Supplying students with digital devices
8. Supplying teachers with digital devices
2.2.1 Implementation of “Digital Education” in
In lower secondary education (grades five to eight),
the new topic “Digital Education” was introduced in
September 2018 and has been taught in two to four
hours per week. Schools had to use money from
the school budget to implement more than those four
hours. Futhermore, school administration could de-
cide if they offer stand-alone subjects or if they imple-
ment the curriculum in an integrative way in several
other subjects (Bundesministerium, BMBWF, 2018).
The 2018 curriculum’s eight subject-specific top-
ics were described as follows (BGBLA, 2018):
1. Social aspects of digitalization: reflecting the us-
age of digital devices in everyday life as well as
benefits and ethical boundaries
2. Information, data, & media: queries, evaluating
sources, sharing information
3. Operating systems & standard software: basic
knowledge of operating systems, text processing,
presentation software, calculations
4. Media design: adopting, producing, and adapting
5. Communication & social media: different com-
munication platforms, creating digital identities,
6. Data security & privacy: securing devices as well
as private data
7. Technical problem solving: solving basic IT prob-
8. Computational thinking: working with algo-
rithms, creative usage of programming languages
2.2.2 Implementation of “Digital Education” in
Heinz Faßmann, the Austrian minister of education,
announced in November 2021 that “Digital Edu-
cation” would become a mandatory subject in the
2022/2023 academic year. Besides, the major differ-
ence is that from 2018 to 2021 students were solely
graded with “successfully completed” or “not suc-
cessfully completed”, whereas now they will receive
traditional grades in five stages from “very good”
to “inadequate” when completing the subject “Dig-
ital Education”. Starting with the academic year
2022/2023, the new model for the subject “Digital
Education” proposes to implement one annual stand-
alone hour peer week for students in grades five to
seven. Grade eight will follow the consecutive year.
Beginning with the school year 2023/2024, the new
competence-oriented curriculum will be implemented
at both primary level and secondary level I, and as
a result “Digital Education” will be made mandatory
for all students. In addition, the new curriculum in-
troduces the overarching topics “IT education” and
“media education” starting with the first grade and
their mandatory implementation in other lessons (Po-
laschek, 2022).
A draft of the new curriculum for “Digital Edu-
cation” was created by a group of experts from uni-
versities as well as teacher training programs, apply-
ing both national and international competency mod-
els (Polaschek, 2022). In March 2022 the concepts
of the new curriculum were presented by the Austrian
Ministry of Education by implementing the 4C’s of
the 21st century: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Col-
laboration, and Communication (BMBWF, 2022).
A two dimensional competence model forms the
basis of the presented curriculum (see Figure 1)
(BMBWF, 2022):
Figure 1: Competence Model of Austrian Curriculum “Dig-
ital Education” (adapted by the authors) (BMBWF, 2022).
The vertical classification lists the topics repre-
sented in the “Frankfurt Dreieck” (see Figure 2) by
their respective subject headings: (T) technical-media
Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria
– structures and features of digital, IT, and media sys-
tems, (G) social-cultural – social interactions through
the use of digital technologies, and (I) interaction-
related – interaction in the form of usage, action, and
subjectification (Brinda et al., 2019). The horizon-
tal line is formed by the following competencies: (1)
orientation – analyzing and reflecting about social as-
pects of media change and digitization, (2) informa-
tion responsible handling of data, information, and
information systems, (3) communication – communi-
cating and cooperating using media systems, (4) pro-
duction – creating and publishing digital content, de-
signing algorithms, and creating software programs,
(5) interaction – responsible use of offers and options
of a digital world (BMBWF, 2022).
Figure 2: Frankfurt Dreieck (adapted by the authors)
(BMBWF, 2022).
The curriculum’s content itself is subdivided into
the four grades (Informatikportal AHS
(T) input–process–output (IPO) model; search en-
gines; protection and usage of personal data; algo-
rithms; hardware components
(G) digital vs. analog; personalized search rou-
tines; online cooperation & collaboration; different
forms of presentation of content; forms of media use
in media change
(I) analyzing and questioning personal usage be-
haviour; conduct internet research; assess quality of
sources; store, copy, search, retrieve, change, and
delete data; perform simple calculations with data;
collect and represent data; text processing; presenta-
tions; use help-systems to solve problems
(T) accessibility and usability of technology; col-
lect, filter, sort, interpret, and represent data; how the
internet works; create simple code; hardware vs. soft-
ware; basics of networks
(G) interests and conditions of media production;
selecting and operating suitable software programs;
different communication media; opinion formation
and manipulation; intellectual property rights & copy-
rights; digital communication to participate in social
(I) digital vs. analog life; license mod-
els; social media; create, adapt, and analyze vi-
sual/audiovisual/auditory content; balance of digital
offers and own needs; health and ecological aspects
(T) interdisciplinary examples of applications of
technology in environment and society; artificial in-
telligence; cloud-based systems; use Computational
Thinking to solve problems; computer systems in ev-
eryday objects
(G) changes of media usage behaviour; personal-
ized search routines; compromise between publica-
tion of information and confidentiality and security;
popular media culture; ecological problem constella-
tion in connection with digitization
(I) reflect on digital technologies of everyday life;
searching for information and data using appropriate
strategies; identification of patterns in data represen-
tations to make predictions; use data to show cause
and effect relationships; crowd-sourcing; designing
digital identities in a reflective way; accessibility of
digital content; adapting software applications to per-
sonal needs; viruses or malicious software/malware
(T) reflecting on the limits and possibilities of ar-
tificial intelligence; data backup; network protocols;
software development; differences of application soft-
ware, system software, and hardware layers; encryp-
tion software
(G) euphoric and culturally pessimistic attitudes
towards digitalization; collection, evaluation, and
linking of user data in terms of negligence, misuse,
and surveillance; data manipulation; different ways
of displaying content; digital communication to civil
society participation and commitment
(I) normativity of digital technologies and me-
dia content; updating and improving information and
content; communicating responsibly; right to your
own picture; creating simple programs or web appli-
cations; reflecting limits of technical configurations;
precautions for independence and informational self-
In order to prepare students for successful jobs
when they enter the profession, educators should
assist them in acquiring these skills (Connections
Academy, 2013). Therefore, various teacher train-
ing courses started in autumn 2022, to help teachers
tackle the unfamiliar new curriculum. Most of those
courses take up four semesters and are divided into
five modules, which contain, connect, and link media
design processes, IT basics, and media design actions.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
It is meant for educators who actually teach the sub-
ject “Digital Education” as part of their teaching du-
ties or who teach this topic in an integrative manner
(PH Ober
osterreich, 2022).
3.1 Methodology
The study focused on the implementation of the
mandatory curriculum “Digital Education”, which
was installed in Austria in September 2022. The sur-
vey’s foundation is laid forth in the following research
questions: (RQ1) Which type of implementation of
the curriculum “Digital Education” preferred teach-
ers: integrated or stand-alone? (RQ2) Are there any
topics of the curriculum teachers struggle with? If so,
The survey was distributed to all Austrian sec-
ondary public schools to teachers who actually
teach “Digital Education” in the current school year
2022/23. A total of 795 teachers agreed to begin the
questionnaire, whereas 673 managed to finish it.
First, it was verified that the participants actually
teach “Digital Education” in the current school year,
to sort out all other teachers. The second part of the
survey concerned gender, age group, years in service,
school type, and subjects taught.
The next section focused on the teacher training
course “Digital Education” and consisted of the fol-
lowing questions:
1. Are you currently attending the teacher training
course for “Digital Education”? (yes/no)
2. If no at (1): Are you planning to attend such a
course in the future? (yes/maybe/no)
3. If no at (2): Why is such a course out of the ques-
tion for you? (no time/I already know everything
about it/no interest/too much work/not supported
by the school/other)
The last section was dedicated to personal encoun-
ters of the teachers. The following questions were
implemented by using a scale-rating applying a five-
point Likert scale with the options “strongly agree,
agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly
disagree” (Joshi et al., 2015).
Please rate the following statements:
1. I think the content of the curriculum for the sub-
ject “Digital Education” makes sense.
2. I think the introduction of the subject “Digital Ed-
ucation” as an independent subject makes sense.
3. I think it was better when “Digital Education”
could still be integrated into other subjects.
4. I am having troubles preparing for “Digital Edu-
cation” class.
5. I have sufficient resources to prepare for lessons
in “Digital Education”.
6. I feel confident in terms of content in “Digital Ed-
ucation” class.
7. I think that “Digital Education” should be taught
by teachers who studied computer science.
Succeeding questions also used a five-point Likert
scale with the options “very good, good, intermediate,
poor, very poor” (Joshi et al., 2015).
Please rate your knowledge in the individual com-
petence areas of the “Digital Education” curriculum
based on school grades:
1. analyzing and reflecting on social aspects of me-
dia change and digitization
2. handle data, information, and information sys-
tems responsibly
3. communicating and cooperating using IT systems
4. creating and publishing content digitally, design-
ing algorithms, and programming
5. assess offers and options for a world shaped by
digitization and use them responsibly
The next questions concerned possible support:
1. Would you like to have more support in imple-
menting the “Digital Education” curriculum?
2. If yes at (1): Which offers would you use?
(teacher training at universities/teacher train-
ing at school/online teacher training/online re-
Moreover, an opportunity was provided to add
personal opinion by asking “I would also like to say
the following”. Still, this paper concentrates on eval-
uating the quantitative survey data, while the qualita-
tive survey data are reviewed in other articles.
3.2 Results
In total there were 795 participants, whereas 673 suc-
cessfully completed the questionnaire. Four-hundred-
fifty-four (67.5%) of those who finished the survey
claimed that they actually teach “Digital Education”.
3.2.1 General Information Results
Of the 454 teachers, 309 (68.1%) stated that they are
“female”, 138 (30.4%) “male”, and seven (1.5%) de-
scribed themselves as “diverse”. When taking a look
Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria
at the age groups, 95 (20.9%) teachers were “under
30 years old”, 141 (31.1%) “30 to 39 years old”, 105
(23.1%) “40 to 49 years old”, 90 (19.8%) “50 to 59
years old”, and 23 (5.1%) “60 years or older”. Con-
cerning years in service the participants stated that
127 (28%) have been working at school “five or less
years”, 108 (23.8%) “five to ten years”, 82 (18.1%)
“eleven to 20 years”, 70 (15.4%) “21 to 30 years”,
and 67 (14.8%) “30 or more years”.
3.2.2 Teacher Training Course Results
This section wanted to know more about the teacher
training courses. One-hundred-thirty-two (29.1%)
teachers affirmed that they currently visit a teacher
training course in digital education, whereas 322
(70.9%) don’t. Concerning the question, if they plan
to attend in the future, 31 (9.6%) chose “yes”, 131
(40.7%) “maybe”, and 160 (49.7%) “no”.
3.2.3 Personal Experience Results
When looking at the results of the section concerning
personal experiences, the following emerged:
The question “I think the content of the curricu-
lum for the subject “Digital Education” makes sense”
was answered by 42 (9.3%) with “strongly agree”,
by 211 (46.5%) with “agree”, by 122 (26.9%) with
“neither agree nor disagree”, by 67 (14.8%) with
“disagree”, and by twelve (2.6%) with “strongly dis-
agree”. The median lies with “agree”, whereas the
arithmetic mean can be found at 2.55 (when number-
ing the Likert scale from one to five downwards).
“I think the introduction of the subject “Digital
Education” as an independent subject makes sense”
was rated by the teachers like the following (see
Figure 3): two-hundred-eighty-five (62.8%) partic-
ipants “strongly agree”, 124 (27.3%) “agree”, 33
(7.3%) “neither agree nor disagree”, ten (2.2%) “dis-
agree”, and two (0.4%) “strongly disagree (median =
“strongly agree”, arithmetic mean = 1.50).
Figure 3: I think the introduction of the subject “Digital Ed-
ucation” as an independent subject makes sense (n = 454).
Ten (2.2%) of the attendants “strongly agreed” to
the statement “I think it was better when “Digital Ed-
ucation” could still be integrated into other subjects”,
33 (7.3%) “agreed”, 103 (22.7%) “neither agreed
nor disagreed”, 171 (37.7%) “disagreed”, and 137
(30.2%) “strongly disagreed (median = “disagree”,
arithmetic mean = 3.86).
Questions (2) “I think the introduction of the sub-
ject “Digital Education” as an independent subject
makes sense” and (3) “I think it was better when “Dig-
ital Education” could still be integrated into other sub-
jects” together answered the first research question
that was stated like the following (RQ1) Which type
of implementation of the curriculum “Digital Educa-
tion” preferred teachers: integrated or stand-alone? In
total 90.1% “strongly agreed” or “agreed” that they
prefer the stand-alone version of the curriculum. As
a control sequence the question “I think it was better
when “Digital Education”could still be integrated into
other subjects” verified this hypothesis, when 67.9%
“disagreed” or “strongly disagreed”.
The next part consisted of a self-assessment of
teachers in the various topics of the curriculum. One-
hundred-twenty-two (26.9%) rated their knowledge in
the field of “analyzing and reflecting on social aspects
of media change and digitization” with “very good”,
218 (48%) “good”, 89 (19.6%) “intermediate”, 21
(4.6%) “poor”, and four (0.9%) “very poor”. When
numbering the Likert scale from one to five down-
wards, the median is “good”, whereas the arithmetic
mean is 2.05.
Concerning the topic “handle data, information,
and information systems responsibly”, 197 (43.3%)
classified themselves as “very good”, 195 (43%)
“good”, 49 (10.8%) “intermediate”, eleven (2.4%)
“poor”, and two (0.4%) “very poor” (median =
“good”, arithmetic mean = 1.74).
The section “communicating and cooperating us-
ing IT systems” was rated by 177 (39%) teachers with
“very good”, 197 (43.4%) “good”, 64 (14.1%) “in-
termediate”, 14 (3.3%) “poor”, and one (0.2%) “very
poor” (median = “good”, arithmetic mean = 1.82).
On the contrary, as shown in Figure 4, 99 (21.8%)
participants claimed their knowledge on “creating and
publishing content digitally, designing algorithms,
and programming” is “very good”, 102 (22.5%)
“good”, 119 (26.2%) “intermediate”, 82 (18.1%)
“poor”, and 52 (11.5%) “very poor” (median = “in-
termediate”, arithmetic mean = 2.75). This answers
the second research question, that was stated like the
following: (RQ2) Are there any topics of the curricu-
lum teachers struggle with? If so, which?
Regarding the topic “assess offers and options for
a world shaped by digitization and use them respon-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Creating and publishing content digitally, design-
ing algorithms, and programming (n = 454).
sibly”, 143 (31.5%) teachers rated themselves “very
good”, 208 (45.8%) “good”, 81 (17.8%) “intermedi-
ate”, 20 (4.4%) “poor”, and two (0.4%) “very poor”
(median = “good”, arithmetic mean = 1.96).
The last questions from this survey contained
teacher support. Three-hundred-and-fifteen (69.4%)
teachers stated that they “would like to have more
support in implementing the “Digital Education” cur-
riculum”, whereas 113 (24.9%) claimed that they do
not need any support. Twenty-six (5.7%) declared
3.3 Discussion
The gender distribution, with 68.1% female, 30.4%,
and 1.5% diverse, is representative for Austria. Fur-
thermore, it is not surprising, that the upper two age
groups (50 or older) do not want to teach a brand
new subject and is therefore under-represented with
In Austria every teacher usually studies two sub-
jects and therefore covers at least two at a time at
school. Because of a lack of teachers, administration
also deploys their staff in other, field related, subjects.
This is most often seen in Middle School. As nearly
half of the participants state that they are employed at
a Middle School, it is not uncommon that in this sur-
vey each teacher covers 3.6 subject on average. The
two most stated second subjects covered by the teach-
ers who implement “Digital Education” are Mathe-
matics (185) and Computer Science (153). No won-
der that teachers who already have STEM subjects,
tend to teach the new curriculum as well. Remark-
ably, the next subject in line is German (100) closely
followed by Physical Education (99), which both have
no connection at all to the curriculum of “Digital Ed-
Only 132 (29.1%) claimed that they currently visit
a teacher training course. This could be due to the
lack of vacant spots, as there was a run of appli-
cants for a place at those classes. The organizing
teacher training colleges even limited the spots to
active teachers with recommendations of respective
headmasters, only. Even though there was a keen
demand. Half of those who do not attend a course
at the moment, do not want to in the future. This
could be due to the fact that lots of the participants
of this survey teach Computer Science, which is very
similar to the new curriculum. Also, in the second
most subject Mathematics, educators already tend to
use digital devices for many years. Some state that
they find themselves “too old“ or “in the last years“
of their job, but still this does not seem to justify no
further professional education at all. Of course the
geographical location of the teacher training colleges
plays an important role, as most of the time they can
be found in central regions. To guarantee accessibility
for all teachers, colleges already think about a course
that is fully online. Still, such a teacher training is
time-consuming and a lot of extra work, most often
at weekends. Considering that, teachers also brought
forth that they cannot attend because they have “little
children to care for”.
Interestingly, only 22.9% of the participants
claimed that they have troubles when preparing for
“Digital Education” class and 23.5% stated that they
do not have sufficient teaching material. Compared
to one of the last questions, 69.4% “would like to
have more support in implementing the “Digital Ed-
ucation” curriculum” (see Figure 7), this seems odd.
In conclusion, it can be said that there is already lots
of available teaching material but still teachers need
help in dealing with the unfamiliar curriculum.
When looking at the topics of the curriculum,
there is only one that stands out. Fifty-five percent of
the participants rated their knowledge in the field of
“creating and publishing content digitally, designing
algorithms, and programming” with “intermediate“ to
“very poor”, which is alarming, considering the fact
that those teachers already implement the curriculum
(see Figure 5).
This paper evaluated a study carried out from Septem-
ber to December 2022 with a focus on the adoption
of the compulsory curriculum “Digital Education” in
Austria in 2022. In conclusion, both research ques-
tions could be answered:
1. Which type of implementation of the curriculum
“Digital Education” preferred teachers: integrated
or stand-alone? Overall, 90.1% of respondents in-
dicated that they “strongly agreed” or “agreed”
that they prefer the curriculum as a stand-alone.
Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria
Figure 5: Rating of knowledge of the topics of the curricu-
lum (n = 454).
This hypothesis was supported by the control
question, “I think it was better when “Digital Ed-
ucation” could still be integrated into other sub-
jects”, with 67.9% “disagreeing” or “strongly dis-
2. Are there any topics of the curriculum teachers
struggle with? If so, which? The participants’
understanding of “creating and publishing con-
tent digitally, designing algorithms, and program-
ming” was assessed by 55% of them as “interme-
diate” to “very poor”.
With the introduction of the compulsory sub-
ject another problem appeared, as currently no en-
tire “Digital Education” studies in Austrian teacher
education exist, as there is for other traditional sub-
jects. In autumn 2022 postgraduate training for teach-
ers started to tackle the lack of fully trained staff in
“Digital Education”. Still, there seems to be an ur-
gent need for establishing and expanding the subject-
specific expertise of teachers especially in the field of
“creating and publishing content digitally, designing
algorithms, and programming”.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education