and orchestration of ML models at the edge with min-
imal configuration overhead. Furthermore, a Python
library is implemented to relieve data scientists of any
integration effort with monitoring solutions during the
development of real-time AD services.
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orchestration, which is commonly supported by many
cloud providers, preventing a vendor lock-in. Due to
the modular design of the framework, future work
includes extensions for different technology design
choices (e.g. Prometheus alternatives). Currently, the
framework focuses specifically on development and
deployment of the AD services. In the future, sup-
port for advanced MLOps can be integrated, enabling
maintenance and versioning of the different deployed
models. Collaboration between decentralized mod-
els, using federated learning, is a heavily researched
field. The control plane of the presented framework
can therefore be extended to support further orches-
tration between models and enable federated learning
while maintaining the automated deployment at the
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Edge Anomaly Detection Framework for AIOps in Cloud and IoT