In this work, we presented SAFR-AV, a platform
for end-to-end Simulation-in-the-loop (SIL) testing
of AV stacks using real-world data for the purpose
of pre-certification wrt various behavior competen-
cies. We presented results on extraction of real-world
scenes relevant for a behavioral competency under
test, conversion of these scenes into digital twin rep-
resentations and generation of real-world distribution
of scenario parameters for optimizing test coverage.
Future work would involve development of coverage
optimization and smart sampling engines for ensuring
exposure of statistical variability of the test scenario
and to generate edge/critical cases. The research chal-
lenges include:
1. Robustness and accuracy of the multi-sensor per-
ception algorithms used to extract relevant scenar-
ios from real world data.
2. Robust map-matching to position the objects cor-
3. Generating multi-variate heterogeneous probabil-
ity distributions of sets of scenario parameters.
4. Causality Analysis in the safety assessment mod-
ule to identify failure points and modes for the AV
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SAFR-AV: Safety Analysis of Autonomous Vehicles Using Real World Data: An End-to-End Solution for Real World Data Driven
Scenario-Based Testing for Pre-Certification of AV Stacks