Roguelite oriented gameplay categories. The origi-
nality of this work lies on two points. Firstly, the pro-
posed approach is based on the use of a pivot (i.e.,
exercises in the form of questionnaires). Secondly, it
is oriented towards automating the design of learning
game activities (i.e., generation) and therefore speci-
fies fine-grained relationships.
In the future, we plan to: (1) continue the analy-
sis of the second application domain in order to have
generic task types with declarative knowledge; (2) fo-
cus on specifying gameplays in terms of game ele-
ments; and (3) model relationships (and other con-
cepts) to implement a first version of the generator.
We thank all the members of the user group (teachers
and didactics experts) as well as the game designers
without whom our research would not be successful.
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Mapping Task Types and Gameplay Categories in the Context of Declarative Knowledge Training