A Vibration compensation module compensates
the drift and rotation errors caused by friction, colli-
sions and cable twist effects when lowering the detec-
tor into the borehole. Drift errors are fixed by finding
the center position of boreholes on the video canvas
with a ellipse finder that considers the dark ’bottom’
area of the borehole as a potential center ellipse can-
didate of the cross-section of the borehole. Rotation
errors are then compensated using cross-correlation
which calculates the similarity and delay that can
match two signals to the maximum. Two neighboring
rows of extracted pixels are taken as input signals, and
two threshold of similarity and delay are set to ensure
the selected rows are suitable for compensation.
Finally, a camera trajectory smoothing module to
handle the abrupt any changes of texture. In order to
improve the visual presentation of the borehole inner
surface, a Savitzky-Golay filter (S-G filter) is intro-
duced to smooth the camera trajectory. Results show
that the smoothing is effective as unexpected discon-
tinuities brought about by vibration and data acquisi-
tion effects between rows are effectively eliminated.
To conclude, this system successfully accom-
plished a borehole inner surface visualization system
with vibration cancellation and trajectory smoothing
using only an optical monocular video camera. Re-
sults of experiments have demonstrated that the errors
and interrupts are lowered to a unnoticeable level and
the visualization performance is effectively improved.
Future improvements could include 3D recon-
struction of boreholes based on simple monocular de-
tector can be studied, involving Visual Simultaneous
Localising and Mapping (V-SLAM) which is one of
the most popular research topic in computer vision
and reconstruction fields. This system is tested by
commercial on-site utilization and it is believed to
continue to perform robustly in future development
of 2D to 3D modeling of boreholes as sophisticated
visualiser and stabiliser of borehole inner surface in-
This research is supported by Robertson Geologging
Ltd who provided access to equipment, software, ex-
pertise and commercial use cases to validate the ac-
cessibility and feasibility of the academic achieve-
ments as potential user products or services.
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GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management