agreement with the extensive movement of southern
Bulgaria and northern Greece.
The results obtained for the strain rate show that
the strain field is not uniform in direction and
intensity. In the area located to the north of the Sub-
Balkan fault (north of Sofia graben) dominates the
compression strain. However, the limited number of
stations may require further observations for more
accurate results. The intermediate area is
characterized by the NW-SE trend of the strain with
dominating extension. The southernmost area is
characterized by a general NNW – SSE (almost N-S)
direction of the extensional strain and higher values
compared to the northern area.
The newly obtained results in a general way
confirm previous data, but with much better accuracy
and details at local level and can be used for a detailed
geodynamic and geological study of the area. Further
extension of geodynamic network will provide new
details on the geodynamics of the area.
This study was supported by National Science Fund,
Bulgaria, Project "Monitoring of geodynamic
processes in the area of Sofia". Contract No KП-06-
H 34/1.
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