that has become popular is smart campuses, or smart
university campuses. In order to adapt to students’
demands through the use of new teaching technolo-
gies, many universities realized that it was possible
to make changes within their environments using big
data analysis and, consequently, raise the quality of
the services offered, reduce their costs and improve
efficiency of the local management of people, data
and general resources (Xu et al., 2018).
Considering the presented context, the main ob-
jective of this study is to model and prototype a soft-
ware architecture that integrate recommenders of dif-
ferent types and make the recommendation of ed-
ucational resources: Courses, mini-courses, video
classes, scientific articles, lectures, events, theses,
teaching materials, e-books, among others.
The presentation of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2 the concepts of recommender sys-
tems and intelligent campuses are presented, it also
present related research focused on these areas. In
Section 3 the proposed architecture and operation of
the recommender systems are presented. The recom-
mendation process is divided into two main filtering
techniques: collaborative filtering (CF) and content-
based filtering (CBF). In Section 4 the results ob-
tained throughout the development of the research are
presented. And, finally, in Section 5 the conclusions
of this work are presented, which summarizes the in-
formation from the entire research, as well as infor-
mation related to the future directions of the project.
This section presents the main concepts related to the
proposed software architecture and presents a set of
related work, with the main differences regarding this
2.1 Recommender Systems
With the popularization of the internet in the early
90s, the number of active users became extremely
high, while the information circulating through it also
grew exponentially every day, causing an overcrowd-
ing of data in websites, social networks and browsers,
making it difficult for users to access relevant infor-
mation (Meng and Cheng, 2021). Likewise, there was
also great potential on the part of companies to use the
internet as a means of selling products and publiciz-
ing their work, which would attract even more new
users (Cho et al., 2007).
The problem of the massive amount of data on
the internet makes the search for specific information
an extremely slow and time-consuming task, in ad-
dition, linguistic variability and the use of different
types of languages as well as expressions, slang and
words with more meanings in documents and web-
sites makes it even more difficult for the user to search
for what he/she is really interested in (Benfares et al.,
An example of this can be the comparison be-
tween social networks and scientific articles, where
even though the informal language used in a conver-
sation between two users addresses the same topic of
an article, it will not have the information transmit-
ted in the same way or its quality probably it will be
much inferior to the language of the study, impair-
ing its understanding. From this scenario, alternatives
arise to get around the problem of large amounts of
data on the network, which may be the use of artifi-
cial intelligence, automated learning systems or, also,
recommendation systems (Benfares et al., 2017).
The term and concept of recommender systems
was first introduced in the 1990s by Jussi Karlgren
(Karlgren, 1990). Recommender systems are respon-
sible for making predictions about the preferences of
a given user over a massive amount of data by cal-
culating the similarity between items, users and the
applicant’s interests. These systems look for affinities
between information in order to identify possible data
to be recommended (Mrhar and Abik, 2019). These
systems have a wide variety of applications and can
appear on sales sites, news, food (Wang et al., 2021),
music (Zhao et al., 2019), social networks, movies
and series (Benfares et al., 2017), services, jobs (Zhou
et al., 2019), tourism (Hu et al., 2017) and also plat-
forms aimed at the academic field ((Samin and Azim,
2019), (Uddin et al., 2021)).
It also happens that with the advancement of the
internet and its increasingly wide use in new technolo-
gies, recommendation systems evolve together and
constantly with it due to the fact that new fronts and
study trends emerge with the objective of optimizing
the use of these systems or creating new applications
for them (Dennouni et al., 2018). Initially, for ex-
ample, recommendation systems were focused on ser-
vices and products (e-commerce), later on social net-
works and user contextual information (geographical
location, social relationships, tastes, etc.) and, finally,
the union with technologies such as IoT (Internet of
Things) and LBS (Location Based Systems) in mo-
bile applications (Dennouni et al., 2018).
Each recommender uses a recommendation tech-
nique to make the best options for items for each
user based on their interactions with other items,
purchases, watched movies, games, profiles of other
users, accessed courses, etc. types of food, places
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education