class level. The results may be different for projects of
different sizes, maturity, or written in other languages.
They may also differ when performed at the method
or file level.
In this paper we investigated the predictive power of
two data flow metrics: dep-degree and dep-degree
density. DDD measures different aspects of the code
than other metrics considered, since it is weakly
correlated with other metrics. DD shows signifi-
cantly greater correlations. However, using DDD in
SDP models only slightly increases the model perfor-
mance. On the other hand, DD achieves much better
results, but the best results were achieved for models
that used both DD and DDD as independent variables.
To conclude, DD and DDD seem to be the inter-
esting choice as defect predictors in the SDP mod-
els, as well as the objects of future research regard-
ing SDP. They may also be used as useful code com-
plexity metrics, indicating how difficult the code is to
understand by the developer. It would also be inter-
esting to investigate their predictive power in just-in-
time defect prediction models, which recently gained
a lot of attention from researchers.
Data Availability. The source files (bug data, R
script, and Open Static Analyzer metrics defini-
tions) can be found at https://github.com/Software-
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering