Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence
Systems: An Empirical Study
Khlood Ahmad
1 a
, Mohamed Abdelrazek
1 b
, Chetan Arora
2 c
, John Grundy
2 d
and Muneera Bano
3 e
Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia
Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
CSIRO’s Data61, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Requirements Engineering, Human-Centered Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Conceptual
Modeling, mHealth Applications.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have gained significant traction in the recent past, creating new challenges
in requirements engineering (RE) when building AI software systems. RE for AI practices have not been
studied much and have scarce empirical studies. Additionally, many AI software solutions tend to focus
on the technical aspects and ignore human-centered values. In this paper, we report on a case study for
eliciting and modeling requirements using our framework and a supporting tool for human-centred RE for
AI systems. Our case study is a mobile health application for encouraging type-2 diabetic people to reduce
their sedentary behavior. We conducted our study with three experts from the app team – a software engineer,
a project manager and a data scientist. We found in our study that most human-centered aspects were not
originally considered when developing the first version of the application. We also report on other insights
and challenges faced in RE for the health application, e.g., frequently changing requirements.
There has been a massive shift towards using Arti-
ficial Intelligence (AI) components in software solu-
tions. This shift has been possible because of the
increase in processing power, better AI models, and
the availability of large datasets to train accurate AI
models (Holmquist, 2017). However, incorporating
AI components has impacted how we build software
systems, and new issues have emerged in the software
development process.
Existing methods and tools used in Software Engi-
neering (SE) are often inadequate in building AI soft-
ware (Sculley et al., 2015; Feldt et al., 2018). Most AI
models rely heavily on the training data, have inherent
inaccuracies, unpredictability, and are largely black-
box in nature. These attributes have led to new re-
quirements, usually not considered or emphasised in
traditional SE, such as AI-based software ethics and
data requirements (Mart
andez et al., 2022).
In traditional Requirements Engineering (RE), i.e.
without an AI component, the process usually in-
volves specifying requirements for systems that are
deterministic, and the outputs are known early on. In
RE for AI (RE4AI), it is more difficult to specify re-
quirements for non-deterministic and black-box com-
ponents, for which the outputs are usually unknown
until the models are trained and tested with data (Be-
lani et al., 2019; Agarwal and Goel, 2014; Khomh
et al., 2018). However, requirements such as policies,
business values and system constraints need to be es-
tablished at early stages (Ezzini et al., 2023).
AI-based software development has mostly fo-
cused on the technical aspects of the AI compo-
nents (Maguire, 2001; Schmidt, 2020) and over-
looked human-centred aspects, such as age, gen-
der, culture, emotions, ethnicity, and many others
(Grundy, 2021; Shneiderman, 2022; Fazzini et al.,
2022). Lu et al. (Lu et al., 2022) interviewed 21
AI scientists and engineers and found that responsi-
ble AI requirements were overlooked or only included
at very high-level system objectives. Overlooking
Ahmad, K., Abdelrazek, M., Arora, C., Grundy, J. and Bano, M.
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011842300003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 126-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
these human-centred aspects when building AI soft-
ware can lead to systems that are biased, discriminate
against user groups, and are non-inclusive (Amershi
et al., 2014).
In this paper, we build on our existing work on
a structured literature review (SLR) on RE for AI
systems (Ahmad et al., 2021; Ahmad et al., 2022),
a survey on practitioners’ perspective on RE for AI
systems (Ahmad et al., 2023), an RE framework for
eliciting and modelling human-centric AI software re-
quirements. In this paper, we report on a case study
we performed on a tool implementation of our frame-
work on a mobile health application (MoveReminder-
App) that encourages people with type-2 diabetes to
move more. We shared the tool with three experts
from the team working on the mobile application to
elicit and model the requirements. We then inter-
viewed the experts for feedback on the tool and frame-
work and report on the findings in this paper.
Our study found that most of the human-centred
aspects were not considered in the development pro-
cess. In RE for AI systems, it is difficult to specify
certain requirement types at the early stages of the
development process, as data requirements and model
requirements usually have to be adjusted or changed
for the model to achieve desirable outcomes. How-
ever, our framework can help address some of the is-
sues during the early stages of the development pro-
cess, e.g., addressing human-centred issues and think-
ing about the data and model requirements. Based
on our findings from this case study, we propose
that a progressive and iterative agile method could be
more appropriate to adopt. Furthermore, using our
framework and the tool can help capture requirements
changes as stakeholders learn more about the prob-
lem, data and potential models in the early stages of
development. We note that RE for AI is a relatively
new area of research, and empirical studies in this area
are extremely scarce. This paper and our case study
findings contribute to the empirical evidence on per-
forming RE for AI.
The rest of the paper is structured as following:
Section 2 presented the related work. Section 3
presents details of our framework and the tool. Sec-
tion 4 reports on the details of our case study. Sec-
tion 5 presents the outcomes of our sessions with ex-
perts on MoveReminderApp study. Section 6 dis-
cusses key results from the interviews and summa-
rizes reflections from our study. Section 7 concludes.
Requirements Elicitation: is considered the most
crucial part of RE as it sets to unravel and capture
the need for the system from the stakeholders early
on in the software development life cycle (Davey and
Parker, 2015). The process of eliciting requirements
includes “a set of activities that must allow for com-
munication, prioritization, negotiation, and collabora-
tion with all the relevant stakeholders” (Zowghi and
Coulin, 2005). In order to capture the correct re-
quirements, system boundaries need to be set and de-
fined (Nuseibeh and Easterbrook, 2000).
The techniques used in eliciting requirements
can vary from formal and informal interviews, sur-
veys and questionnaires to other tasks such as sce-
narios, observations and protocol analysis (Carrizo
et al., 2014). Several presenting issues related to
requirements elicitation techniques include miscom-
munication and difficulties in transferring knowl-
edge between the elicitor and stakeholder (Fuentes-
andez et al., 2010). These issues involve elicit-
ing: (1) known unknowns referring to knowledge of
which the requirements engineer is aware of but not
the stakeholder. (2) unknown knowns refers to the
knowledge held by the stakeholder but not expressed
to the requirements engineer. (3) unknown unknowns
are the most challenging of all, wherein both the
stakeholder and the requirements engineer are not
aware of the existing knowledge in this situation (Sut-
cliffe and Sawyer, 2013; Gervasi et al., 2013). There
are many unknown-unknowns in RE4AI, especially
during the early stages of exploring AI software. Most
AI-based projects lack a common understanding of
what requirements are needed to build the project,
with limited shared knowledge among the stakehold-
ers and the team building the AI software, making it
difficult to elicit and specify requirements. The un-
knowns include the outcomes of the system that may
only be known once the model is trained on a given
dataset. Thus, some requirements can only become
known towards later stages of the software life-cycle.
Requirements Modelling Languages: are used to
visually display requirements and identify the stake-
holders’ needs at a higher-level system abstrac-
tion (Gonc¸alves et al., 2019). The examples of RE
modelling languages include Goal-Oriented Require-
ments Languages (GRL) (Lapouchnian, 2005) and
the i* model (Dalpiaz et al., 2016). In GRL, goals
are used to model non-functional requirements (NFR)
and business rules (Amyot and Mussbacher, 2011).
However, the disadvantage of using GLR is that it
is difficult to learn among non-software engineers.
Modelling languages such as UML and SysML have
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study
been used to model requirements in RE4AI. Although
these modelling languages are easier to use and learn
than GRL, they have limitations in modelling NFR’s
and business rules (Ries et al., 2021; Gruber et al.,
2017; Amaral et al., 2020). Other studies proposed to
use of conceptual models to present requirements in
RE4AI (Nalchigar et al., 2021).
Existing Tools: used to support software engineers
in developing human-centred AI software include the
“Human-AI INtegration Testing”(HINT) tool (Chen
et al., 2022) and the AI Playbook” (Hong et al., 2021)
that provides early prototyping to reduce potential er-
rors and failures in AI software.
Although these tools support building human-
centred AI software, they are limited to the design
phase and not to RE. Additionally, the tools found in
the SLR, such as the GR4ML (Nalchigar et al., 2021)
to visually present and model requirements for AI
software systems did not focus on the human-centred
aspects in their prototypes.
We proposed framework (RE4HCAI) for guiding
the requirements engineers and other stakeholders
in requirements elicitation and modelling of human-
centered AI-based software. The framework has three
layers, as shown in Figure 1 and discussed below.
Identifying Human-Centered AI components. The
first layer consists of six categories of require-
ments that need to be elicited for developing human-
centered AI software solutions. The six areas are
User Needs, Model Needs, Data Needs, Feedback and
User Control, Explainability and Trust, and Errors
and Failure. The categories are inspired by Google
PAIR’s human-centred AI guidelines (Google Re-
search, 2019). Our categorization into six areas aligns
with the five categories proposed by Google PAIR (all
areas except Model Needs). We added the ‘Model
Needs’ that identify the human-centered approaches
used when selecting and training an appropriate AI
model. Figure 2 shows a high-level summary of the
requirements covered in each area.
Requirements Catalog. For each of the six areas, we
combined the human-centred guidelines from Google
PAIR, Microsoft’s guidelines for human-centred AI
interaction (Microsoft, 2022), and the guidelines for
Apple’s human interface for developing ML applica-
tions (Apple Developer, 2020) along with the Ma-
chine Learning Canvas (Louis Dorard, ). Next, we
then collected all requirements in the literature (Ah-
mad et al., 2022; Villamizar et al., 2021) that fit
our six selected areas and mapped them against the
combined guidelines. To validate our mapping, we
conducted a survey with practitioners to understand
which of these six areas (and the guidelines in Fig-
ure 2 should be included in a RE4HCAI frame-
work (Ahmad et al., 2023). The results showed that
all the six areas in the RE4HCAI framework are
deemed important by practitioners when collecting AI
requirements. The gathered human-centred require-
ments were listed in a tabular format to form our cat-
alog, with six sections. Each section is dedicated to
eliciting detailed requirements for each area of Fig-
ure 2.
Conceptual Model. Our SLR reviewed papers that
used a modeling language or notation to present re-
quirements. We found that most of the studies pre-
ferred UML or a conceptual model. UML was a
preferred choice because it is easier to understand
and use among different groups. However, UML
has some limitations when presenting requirements
for AI and lacks direct support for modeling busi-
ness rules and NFR’s (Ahmad et al., 2021). Also,
in our RE4HCAI we have concepts that are difficult
to visualize in UML, such as needs, limitations, and
trade-offs. Therefore, we created a conceptual model
which can be instantiated in a project to present the
requirements visually.
Our modeling language consists of two layers.
The first layer provides a holistic view of each of
our six areas. We show part of this model in Fig-
ure 5. In the first layer, we use UML class notations
to showcase a high-level presentation of the require-
ments needed for each area and an oval shape to show
the system’s high-level goal and connect all six pre-
sented areas. The second layer presents a separate
model for each area, and we use unified notations for
all the areas as illustrated in Figure 3. When creating
our modeling notations, we tried to adhere as much as
possible to the Physics of Notations (Moody, 2009).
We incorporated different shapes, colors, and textures
to reduce cognitive overload for users and make the
notations easy to use and understand.
Each notation is used to model a different concept
from the requirements collected in the requirements
3.1 RE4HCAI Collaborative Tool
Developing a software system with an AI component
requires different teams and roles to work together.
In order to facilitate collaboration between the devel-
opment teams, we aimed to develop a collaborative
tool for implementing our framework. The idea was
to use platforms that are familiar among different AI-
software development roles, and utilize existing tools
and collaboration platforms. As part of our practi-
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Framework for eliciting and modeling requirements for human-centered AI software.
Figure 2: Requirements for Human-Centred AI.
Figure 3: Legend for the conceptual model at the second
level to show more abstract requirements.
tioner survey (Ahmad et al., 2023), we asked the par-
ticipants about their platform preferences. Based on
the survey results, we identified platforms to use for
evaluating our initial prototype. We use Confluence
(, an
online collaboration platform where team members
can work on projects together and share, plan and
build ideas together. Confluence is used as a mean
to present our framework among participants and al-
lows us to present our modelling tool using the exist-
ing drawing applications (https://drawio-app.
The platform contains a template project space as
shown in Figure 4. The landing page provides an
overview of the platform, framework, and a short tu-
torial on how to use the catalog and the modeling
language. The main page further contains six sub-
pages each dedicated to part of the framework. Sub-
page one includes a table with the catalog for eliciting
the human-centered requirements for a specific AI-
software system. Sub-page two showcases the avail-
able modelling notations that are displayed in Fig-
ure 3. Sub-page three contains the template model
for the first layer model. The last three sub-pages
provide templates for the models second layers. We
only provide models for the first three areas at this
stage, i.e., “User Needs”, “Model Needs”, and “Data
Needs”, and plan to expand it further in the future.
We conducted a case study to investigate the useful-
ness of our framework and the corresponding plat-
form to engineering AI software with a human-
centered perspective. Our case study the MoveRe-
minderApp project (Daryabeygi-Khotbehsara et al.,
2022), involved designing and building a real-time
health application for people with type 2 diabetes
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study
Figure 4: The Confluence collaboration page used to conduct the case study.
(T2D). The application keeps track of the users’ be-
havior toward movement, measures the sedentary
time, and sends notifications to remind the user to
move. These notifications consist of messages using
a Deep Learning (DL) model to remind the person to
stand up or walk once the user has been predicted as
sitting for a prolonged time.
We conducted our case study with three experts
who worked on the MoveReminderApp project, in-
cluding a project manager, data scientist, and soft-
ware engineer. Our participants have several years
of professional experience: the project manager has
nine years of experience, the software engineer has
two years of experience, and the data scientist has
four years of experience in their field. We note that
getting these three experts in our case study provides
complimentary views and perspectives from different
roles in AI-based software development. Also, the
MoveReminderApp project was already in the late de-
velopment stages and was intentionally selected as we
wanted to investigate if the experts had initially con-
sidered different aspects of our framework while elic-
iting and specifying or modeling requirements.
Requirements Elicitation Sessions. We created a
dedicated project in Confluence for the MoveRe-
minderApp project, giving each participant access to
the project. We first conducted a session with each
participant. Due to the workplace recommendations
and experts’ preferences, all sessions were conducted
virtually. The sessions were for 1-2 hours each.
Each session was dedicated at making the participants
aware of our framework and the Confluence platform
and using their domain knowledge and expertise in
the MoveReminderApp project to investigate if our
platform was valuable for their project’s context. We
further wanted to identify any discrepancies between
the participants’ views of the requirements needed for
the first three sub-areas in our framework. To do so,
we elicited requirements using the catalog from each
of the three participants individually.
Once all the requirements were elicited, a holis-
tic view of the MoveReminderApp project was estab-
lished, as shown in Figure 5, and a model was created
for each of the three areas as described in the next
sections. We note that we used our requirements cat-
alog of Figure 2 to elicit information for each of these
three areas. Participants could return to the Conflu-
ence project at any time and edit the elicited require-
ments and models.
Participant Interviews. The final step in our study
involved interviews with the participants to get their
feedback on our platform and the framework. We note
that the data scientist in the project was not available
for the interview stage due to personal reasons, and
only the software engineer and the project manager
participated in our interviews. We obtained consent
from both participant’s, and interviews were carried
out online. Due to the limited availability of the ex-
perts, the two interviews were scheduled for 45 min-
utes each. Both interviews were audio-recorded and
transcribed for analysis and evaluation.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 5: Model presenting a holistic view of the requirements elicited for the MoveReminderApp project.
In this section, we provide details of the outcomes
of our requirements elicitation and modeling sessions
with the three participants. Below, we discuss the out-
comes of eliciting requirements for the user needs,
model needs, and data needs collated from the three
sessions. Figure 5 presents the high-level require-
ments for the first three areas and the main goal for
the project. When building the models, we used a
blue tick to distinguish between framework require-
ments and system requirements, as shown in the first
three models in Figures 6, 8, and 7. The notations that
do not have a blue tick are specific to the MoveRe-
minderApp project.
5.1 MoveReminderApp: User Needs
We identify the need for the system as shown in part
a (the blue colored box) in Figure 6. The experts had
considered, among others, previous scientific litera-
ture on the behavior of T2D patients to determine the
need for the project. A recent SLR showed that people
with T2D have higher sedentary behavior, which can
cause serious health risks (Kennerly and Kirk, 2018).
The existing literature found that getting people with
T2D to break up their sitting time with little move-
ments could improve quality of life and reduce in-
creased health risks due to diabetes (Dempsey et al.,
2016). Using digital health solutions, such as sensors,
wearables, and mobile phones, was found to reduce
sitting times to 41 minutes per day (Stephenson et al.,
When evaluating the need, it was evident that min-
imizing prolonged sitting times could reduce the risk
of increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, and car-
diovascular diseases, specifically for people with type
2 diabetes (Daryabeygi-Khotbehsara et al., 2022).
The idea behind using a mobile health application was
to generate notifications by the system as to when to
stand up. Therefore, the system will have to accu-
rately predict if the user has been sitting too long and
notify them to stand up or walk around. Since the
application had to provide predictions, using AI (i.e.,
machine learning or deep learning) was a feasible so-
lution. Figure 6 shows the system’s different needs
(part a), including improving mental health as an out-
come of breaking up prolonged sitting times for peo-
ple with T2D. Part b (the green colored box) of Fig-
ure 6 shows what the system is used for.
In part c (the red colored box) of Figure 6 we show
the limitations and capabilities of the system. There
were several system limitations that were identified
early, and some of these limitations appeared as the
project advanced in the later stages. Some of the limi-
tations were easily addressed, e.g., delays in users re-
ceiving messages from the application and connection
issues between the sensors and the application. Other
system limitations were difficult to address. These in-
cluded goal settings, as the model could not achieve
this feature. Therefore, the user had to input the set-
tings manually through the user interface. Also, part
of the initial plan was to include behavioral change
techniques (BCT), such as mood. However, this was
later discarded as they found that including BCT fea-
tures would increase the number of messages sent to
the user, making it more of a hassle and an inconve-
nience to the end user.
When evaluating the reward function or evaluation
metric, we first set out to list the possible outcomes of
getting either a False Positive (FP) or a False Negative
(FN), as reflected in Part d (the purple colored box) of
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study
Figure 6: User Needs for the MoveReminderApp project.
Figure 6. We discussed these options and weighed out
the trade-off. An FP meant the system would send a
message to remind the user to stand up or walk when
they were already standing or walking. An FN hap-
pened when the person was sitting for too long, and
the application would miss sending a reminder. In the
case of an FP, the end user would lose interest in the
system if incorrect notifications were sent and most
likely become less interested in using the application
altogether. Contrarily, when an FN occurs, the end
user would not notice, as sitting is part of human na-
ture. The downside to an FN was that the user would
move less than required, which might complicate or
delay their clinical goals. However, the project man-
ager explained that from the user’s perspective, hav-
ing an FP had higher consequences than an FN, as an
FN would not irritate the end user as much as having
an FP. Thus, the aim was to minimize FP as much as
possible when selecting the reward function.
5.2 MoveReminderApp: Model Needs
The deep learning (DL) model was designed to opti-
mize for accuracy. Although we established in user
needs that precision would be the evaluation metric,
the predictions were evaluated based on accuracy only
by the experts when building the model. The selected
DL classification model was built to distinguish a per-
son’s movement behavior. Initially, the training was
done offline by collecting data from sensors manually
and using this data to train the model. Therefore, the
model was not designed to learn and adjust to users’
behavior while using the system. Figure 7 shows part
of the model-needs model developed for the MoveRe-
minderApp project.
Most of the model tuning happens at the data level
for this project. When training the model, there were
enough data instances, and the data had ground truth,
thus making it easy to train the model. However, the
experts expressed that while using the training data,
the model could not distinguish between standing and
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 7: Model Needs for the MoveReminderApp project.
walking instances. This issue was mainly due to the
data collection method, as each data-collection in-
stance had 27 sensor data records per second. One
second’s worth of data for each instance was not
enough for the model to detect the users’ movement
when it came to standing and walking. To fix this is-
sue, they had to increase the window to 128 records
per second. This increase helped the model differen-
tiate between standing and walking.
5.3 MoveReminderApp: Data Needs
The first requirement for data collection was to iden-
tify which features were needed, as shown in part
a (blue coloured box) of Figure 8. Features for the
MoveReminderApp included geographic data (longi-
tude and latitude), location, weather, time of the day,
and day of the week. The collected data was then la-
beled as sitting, walking, and standing. The data was
cleaned, and some instances of running and sleeping
were removed. An example of a row included the
user ID, physical activity, location, sitting, standing,
weather, and time. The initial sampling rate was 27
records per second, which was later updated to 128
records due to model limitations.
A private database was primarily built as the main
data source, yet some data was obtained from a public
database, such as weather (open weather), as shown in
part c (the red coloured box) of Figure 8. For the pri-
vate database, the data was collected in real-time in
batches. Data was collected using Internet of Things
(IoT) devices and sensors. Each sample was time-
stamped by the device used to ensure the data was al-
ways up to date. Other resources, such as GPS track-
ers and time applications, were used. When collecting
the data from sensors, they had to account for con-
straints, as shown in part b (the green coloured box)
of Figure 8. The first visible constraint was identified
when some attributes were missing from the collected
data. It was found that the way the user was sitting af-
fected the sensors from collecting the data correctly.
For example, data collected from a person sitting with
one knee crossed over the other provided different
measurements than someone sitting upright on a chair
with both knees bent and feet on the floor. The other
potential constraint was a mismatch between the data
rate sent from sensors and the model. This mismatch
resulted in predictions that were not accurate due to
a fault in the system. The model was trained on 27
records per second, and the device collecting the data
only transmitted two records per second. Modifica-
tions had to be made to the device to change the data
rate and fix the fault in the system.
Requirements for data quality included that the
data should be accurate, complete, consistent, cred-
ible, and current. As displayed in part d (the pur-
ple coloured box) of Figure 8. The data was col-
lected from sensors and sent to the server as raw data.
Thus, to ensure that the data was accurate, it had to
be cleaned and labeled accordingly. Each label had
its own dataset; i.e., collecting data on walking was
done by setting a timer for 10 minutes (to collect
10*60*27 records) and labeling all the collected data
as walking. Furthermore, data was collected based on
the activity and sent in chunks, which helped build
a more consistent dataset. For data completeness,
the team experienced some data loss due to connec-
tivity issues between the sensors and the device, so
they had to ensure that the sent data matched the time
stamps. For credibility, data were collected automat-
ically from sensors, which they assumed were truth-
ful. And last, data was seen as current since it was
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study
Figure 8: Data Needs for the MoveReminderApp project.
collected for the project for a period of time.
The final step was to investigate whether the col-
lected data was fair and inclusive. This is modeled
in part e (the orange coloured box) of Figure 8. First,
the team had to apply for ethics and comply with the
ethics application while collecting and using personal
information. The team mentioned that it was chal-
lenging to make sure that the users’ personal infor-
mation was protected. They ended up providing each
user with an ID and did not collect data from users
in real-time to keep them anonymous. The next step
was to find any missing features. When cleaning the
data, they found that some instances did not have 27
records per second, which caused inconsistencies in
the data. Also, the data on walking and standing was
underrepresented, which caused issues in the accu-
racy of the predicted results.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
We asked the MoveReminderApp team for feed-
back on our proposed RE4HCAI framework and its
supporting collaborative tool. Below, we present
their feedback on the framework and the tool and
present some insights from applying our framework
to the MoveReminderApp project.
6.1 RE4HCAI Framework Feedback
Collaborative Work. Both experts highly rated the
ability to work collaboratively on the platform. The
project manager felt that it was an excellent choice to
use Confluence. They explain that “using confluence
compared to other platforms that I had used before
such as Jira was easier to learn”. They also felt that
having such a platform could help shorten the dura-
tion of the study and make everything much clearer.
Visual Aspects. Both experts said that the model’s key
advantages include providing a practical visual rep-
resentation of the system’s AI-based component re-
quirements. Using yellow for limitations was favored
by our participants. One participant mentioned that
“limitations are negative, and having it colored yel-
low made it easier to distinguish”. Also, using nota-
tions such as icons, database notations, and decisions
was convenient as they could quickly point them out
without needing to go back and check the legend.
Limitations. We asked our participants about the lim-
itations of the catalog and modeling language. The
project manager explained that they had issues under-
standing some of the terminologies used in the cata-
log. “I had some questions, and some aspects I did
not understand as I am not from an engineering back-
ground, but you clarified those for me.. They sug-
gested we provide examples to the catalog to explain
the concepts and include a comment section to pro-
vide feedback when required. The major limitation
of the model was that it could get slightly complex
at times. For example, in the data needs model, a lot
of information was presented, and it got difficult to
keep track of the information provided. Suggestions
to reduce the complexity of the final models included
slicing the model into smaller parts or highlighting
aspects of the diagram based on how it is categorized.
6.2 Reflections
Missing Requirements. We noticed that the human-
centred aspects presented in our catalog were not con-
sidered when originally building the MoveReminder-
App, especially the user needs area. Our participants
said they had to re-consider most of the user needs
only after viewing the models. Requirements such
as evaluating the reward function were not discussed
among the team members when building the project.
For example, they did not consider the consequences
of having a FP vs a FN in the app before starting the
project. This reflects the need for a platform like ours
to help guide the practitioners in eliciting and model-
ing requirements when building AI software.
New Roles, Collaboration and Communication. AI
paradigm has introduced new roles and requirements,
which was not the case in traditional software engi-
neering projects. For instance, we noticed that some
of the requirements extracted from the project man-
ager were not in line with the requirements taken from
both the data scientist and software engineer. We used
our framework and tool to assist the team in clarifying
these crucial requirements issues.
For example, when we collected requirements
from the project manager, we established that pre-
cision should be used when evaluating the reward
function. However, the data scientist working on the
DL model focused on accuracy. Accuracy might not
have been the best metric to use as high accuracy
could have been achieved if the negative class was
the dominant one (Juba and Le, 2019). This would
have caused issues in the results, as there was a visi-
ble class imbalance in the dataset. Class imbalance
is when data from the major class is more repre-
sented than the other classes, which can cause the
model to present biased results towards the dominant
class (Johnson and Khoshgoftaar, 2019; Japkowicz
and Stephen, 2002). In this case, data on sitting was
more represented than standing and walking, which
might have contributed to the high accuracy.
We observed that in some instances, the differ-
ent team members were unaware of some aspects the
other members were working on prior to introducing
our tool. For example, the data scientist had to adjust
the amount of data fed into the model to 128 records
due to model limitations. The project manager be-
came aware of this only after observing this limitation
in our conceptual model. Also, the software engineer
was only aware of setting up the sensors and collect-
ing the data from the devices and was not able to pro-
vide much detail on what features were needed for the
data, such as time and weather.
Changing Requirements. Another observation
we made was that some of the MoveReminder-
App project requirements changed over time. For ex-
ample, in terms of user needs, some of the system
needs were found to be difficult to implement due to
model limitations. The original plan was to include
images when displaying the feedback to the end user.
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study
Over time, it became apparent that the model had
limitations and could only provide textual messages.
Thus, providing visual feedback became a limitation
to the system rather than a need. Also, when collect-
ing data requirements at the start of the project, it was
not very clear how the data should be used to train
the DL model. Initially, there was a lot of raw data to
work with. However, the format and the diversity of
the collected data were not adequate to use for train-
ing or testing the model. The data had to be modified
throughout the project timeline on many occasions for
it to become fit to train the selected model. This re-
flects the volatility and the exploratory nature of AI
projects. Thus a platform like ours facilitates discus-
sions in the early project stages to establish founda-
tional requirements, which all roles agree on. This
would help deal with the changing requirements as
well, and to see the impact of the changes on different
parts of user needs, model needs or data needs.
In this paper, we reported on a case study related to
our framework and the related tool for eliciting and
modeling requirements for human-centred AI. The
tool is used to support our proposed framework based
on the industrial human-centred guidelines, an analy-
sis of studies obtained from the literature, and a user
survey that we have conducted. The case study was
conducted with three experts from a team working
on a mobile health application targeted at type-2 dia-
betes patients. We found that most human-centred as-
pects were missing from the initial planning of the AI
software solution. Also, we found that requirements
change dramatically over time with AI software, and a
more iterative approach to RE needs to be considered.
In the future, we plan to conduct more case studies
of our framework and the tool. Specifically, we aim
to select projects using different AI techniques, from
different application domains, and at different stages
of development. We want to investigate the difference
in the RE process with and without our framework, in
different settings.
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