ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI
Francesco Visalli
1 a
, Antonio Patrizio
, Antonio Lanza
, Prospero Papaleo
, Anupam Nautiyal
Mariella Pupo
, Umberto Scilinguo
, Ermelinda Oro
2 b
and Massimo Ruffolo
1 c
1, Piazza Vermicelli, c/o Technest, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), 87036, Italy
High Performance Computing and Networking Institute of the National Research Council (ICAR-CNR),
Via Pietro Bucci 8/9C, Rende (CS), 87036, Italy
Intelligent Document Processing, Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), Sustainable Investment,
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Large
Language Models, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval, Deep Learning, Knowledge Graph, Workflow,
The European Commission defines the sustainable finance as the process of taking Environmental, Social
and Governance (ESG) considerations into account when making investment decisions, leading to more long-
term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects. Banks, and other financial institutions, are
increasingly incorporating data about ESG performances, with particular reference to risks posed by climate
change, into their credit and investment portfolios evaluation methods. However, collecting the data related to
ESG performances of corporate and businesses is still a difficult task. There exist no single source from which
we can extract all the data. Furthermore, most important ESG data is in unstructured format, hence collecting
it poses many technological and methodological challenges. In this paper we propose a method that addresses
the ESG data collection problem based on AI-based approaches. We also present the implementation of the
proposed method and discuss some experiments carried out on real world documents.
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) pil-
lars describe areas that characterize a sustainable, re-
sponsible, or ethical investment. ESG investing has
evolved in recent years to meet the demands of in-
vestors and public authorities that wish to better in-
corporate long-term financial risks and opportunities
into their investment decision-making processes.
There is currently a clear challenge with the qual-
ity and consistency of ESG data. It is important
to have standardized data, but only fragmented in-
formation is available from multiple sources. Data
sources can be divided into two main sub-groups:
primary and secondary data sources. By primary
data sources, we intend the self-reported ESG data
(company websites, annual and sustainability reports,
etc.), third-party ESG data (NGO/government web-
sites and reports), and real-time ESG signals (news,
social media, company reviews, and so on). Sec-
ondary data sources are ESG data vendors (or ESG
data providers), whose job consists in manually col-
lecting, systematizing, and analyzing ESG attributes
obtained from a primary data source. Primary data
sources lock ESG data within strongly unstructured
texts and documents, while secondary data sources
are slow, not timely, and provide limited subsets of
manually built ESG data for subsets of businesses.
There’s also a lack of a standard taxonomy. ESG
factors continue to evolve, and the dictionary changes
as investors move through sectors and industries.
ESG factors are difficult to reproduce over time and
across geographies, partly because of differences in
data across regions and in how the recording of data
has evolved. Moreover, there may be discrepancies
between what certain factors are expected to do and
what they end up doing.
Traditionally, data was collected by a human ana-
lysts also responsible for pre-processing and analyz-
ing the data. This process requires a lot of human
capital and is very time-consuming, and the chances
Visalli, F., Patrizio, A., Lanza, A., Papaleo, P., Nautiyal, A., Pupo, M., Scilinguo, U., Oro, E. and Ruffolo, M.
ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0011844500003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 468-475
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that human analysts can make some mistakes while
performing these tasks are very high. Advances in
AI have made it easier than ever before to automate
complex tasks at incredible speeds and volumes, thus
revolutionizing how companies work with data. Arti-
ficial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Document Pro-
cessing (IDP) have the power to extract, filter and
structure crucial data that is used by rating agencies,
business analysts, investors, etc. at scale. IDP uses AI
technologies such as computer vision and language
models rooted in deep learning to classify, catego-
rize, extract, and validate the relevant information ex-
tracted from a variety of document formats.
In this paper, we propose an ESG data collec-
tion method grounded on Altilia Intelligent Automa-
tion (AIA) an AI-based Intelligent Document Pro-
cessing (IDP) platform. The proposed ESG data col-
lection method allows gathering various documents
and contents from disparate sources including annual
reports, sustainability report, notes to financial state-
ments, news, NGO reports, company websites ob-
tained by web scraping approaches, etc. AIA platform
is grounded on an hybrid and adaptive AI paradigms
that makes use of deep learning algorithms for Com-
puter Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing
(NLP). In particular, we combine large language mod-
els, Human-In-The-Loop AI techniques, continuous
learning, knowledge representation methods to imple-
ment machine reading comprehension techniques that
turn unstructured documents into structured data and
provide answers to many different ESG related ques-
tions. The main contributions of this work are the fol-
We describe a new approach to automatically
gather ESG related documents/contents, analyze
them and extract ESG data to use for creating
structured company profiles.
We show results of some experiments, carried out
on real world documents, that show how banks,
wealth management agencies, rating agencies, in-
vestors, and business analysts, can use the pro-
posed IDP approach to perform ESG data collec-
tion and extraction for every company regardless
the size and the industry.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: sec-
tion 2 presents the related work in the area of AI pow-
ered approaches for ESG investing and ESG data col-
lection; section 3 describes ESG data collection prob-
lems we address in the paper; section 4 describes the
Altilia Intelligent Automation platform and the pro-
posed ESG data collection method implemented by
the platform; section 5 presents some experiments
performed over a dataset we have built to show the
depth and breadth of the proposed approach; finally,
section 6 concludes the paper.
In this section we provide a short summary regarding
papers related to ESG with AI.
ESG data collection has really gone mainstream
because of the growing relevance that ESG rating is
gaining in the investment community. There are a
growing number of ESG rating agencies and reporting
frameworks, all of which have evolved to improve the
transparency and the consistency of the ESG informa-
tion that firms are reporting publicly.
(Hughes et al., 2021) describes how traditionally,
ESG ratings have been developed by human research
analysts following proprietary methodologies to an-
alyze company disclosures, articles, and industry re-
search among other sources to identify the ESG cre-
dentials of a company. Process underpinning analyst-
driven ESG research, imbued with subjectivity during
data analysis and rating generation and how within
the last few years, developments in Artificial Intel-
ligence and Machine Learning have led to creation
of a new type of ESG rating provider; one that ana-
lyzes the ESG risks and opportunities of companies
by collecting (or “scraping”) and analyzing unstruc-
tured data from internet sources using AI.
(Macpherson et al., 2021) discusses how Artifi-
cial Intelligence and FinTech-powered ESG screen-
ing and analysis solutions have become “strategic en-
ablers” that can address some of the inherent ESG in-
formation biases and potentially even ESG rating di-
vergences arising from corporate self-reporting, and
annualised, backward looking reporting of informa-
tion. In this study they discussed about implications
of regulatory and industry expectations around ESG
data and frameworks management, and AI-backed so-
lutions to better manage and align ESG information
sources, e.g. for issuer and controversies screening.
(Lee et al., 2022) describes how to analyze ESG
data through ML methods including regression, clas-
sification, and anomaly detection methods for the
dataset to perform these experiments. Their main task
is to classify whether investors conducted excellent or
bad investments, detecting anomaly data to prevent
an adversarial attack, predicting the revenue based
on ESG funds, and classifying the sentences suggest-
ing a straightforward method for predicting their ESG
In (de Franco et al., 2020), an ML algorithm was
developed to identify the patterns, between ESG pro-
file and financial performances for companies. The
ML algorithm maps region into high dimensional
ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI
ESG features. The aggregated predictions are con-
verted into scores which are used to screen invest-
ments for stocks with positive scores. This Ma-
chine Learning algorithm nonlinearly links ESG fea-
tures with financial performance. It is an efficient
stock screening tool that outperforms classic strate-
gies, which screen stocks based on their ESG ratings.
(Gupta et al., 2021) provides a framework for con-
ducting statistical analysis and leveraging ML tech-
niques to gauge the importance of ESG parameters
for investment decisions and how they affect finan-
cial performance of firms. For companies with the
best ESG ratings, “return on equity” was found to be
greater than rest of the companies. While using lin-
ear and random forest regression models, prediction
accuracy of growth variables “profit margin” and “re-
turn on assets” increased when ESG data was used
along with financial data as input. Companies having
the highest “profit margins” were the ones having the
best ESG ratings.
(Schultz and Tropmann-Frick, 2020) have de-
veloped a method for detecting unusual journal en-
tries within individual financial accounts using auto-
encoder neural networks. A manually tagged list of
entries is compared with identified journal entries.
In the comparison, all analyzed financial accounts
showed high F-scores and high recall.
(Rony et al., 2022) propose Climate Bot a machine
reading comprehension system for question answer-
ing over documents that provides answers related to
climate changes. The proposed Climate Bot makes
available an interface for users to ask questions in
natural language and get answers from reliable data
sources. All the papers discussed above describe gen-
eral AI methods adopted in the ESG investment prac-
tice. To the best of our knowledge, no work describes
the application of advanced adaptive AI techniques to
the extraction of information from ESG sources such
as sustainability reports, annual reports, websites, and
so on. This paper reflects one of the components in
our platform where we provide the possibility to ask
question related to ESG letting our AI-based platform
to extract structured and pre-processed information
before presenting it to the end user.
In this section we discuss how ESG information can
be spread across different sources of information and
the importance of mixing information that comes
from heterogeneous sources.
3.1 ESG Data Sources
ESG information can be disclosed through different
types of documents such as non-financial and sustain-
ability reports, as well as financial statements, annual
and management reports. One of the main issues is
the scanty availability of ESG data for small-cap or
mid-cap companies. Large-cap companies, due to
the availability of more resources and the fact that
ESG practices are becoming mandatory for this type
of businesses, provide ESG data through annual re-
ports, sustainability reports, media reports, social me-
dia, news, etc. But for small-cap and mid-cap com-
panies, due to limited resources and lack of standard-
ization in ESG data disclosure, it’s hard to find ESG-
related data.
There are two types of data sources: primary data
source and secondary data source. The primary data
source is available through the company website, an-
nual report, proxy report, sustainability reports, cor-
porate social report (CSR), news, social media, com-
pany reviews. This kind of data is typically available
for free, and can in turn be classified into self-reported
ESG data (all the data that the company itself dis-
closes), third-party ESG data (such as NGO or gov-
ernment websites and reports) and real-time ESG sig-
nals (such as news, social media, company reviews
etc.). The problem with self-reported ESG data is
that it can be biased as companies can choose what
type of information to disclose. On the other hand,
if we rely only on real-time signals it could happen
that, for example, a competitor spreads a mislead-
ing news about a company. So it is important to mix
both self-reported data and real-time signals. A ma-
jor challenge is the format of data available because
every company has its way to present ESG informa-
tion. Companies in different countries have different
standards to disclose data. Due, to a lack of standards
the data is present in different structures, for exam-
ple, it could be present in text form, complex tables,
or multifaceted data points. Another big challenge is
that there exists no specific place to find all the ESG-
related information for the particular company, all the
data is fragmented and available in multiple places.
In secondary data source there are ESG data ven-
dors or ESG data providers whose job consists in
collecting, systematizing, and analyzing environmen-
tal, social, and governance attributes obtained from a
primary data source. The final product of this type
of ESG information providers are reports that con-
tain analysis of a given company/sector equipped with
some ESG scores.
The problem is that nowadays as ESG is becom-
ing a hot topic and financial institutions and firms
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Point-and-click document annotation.
are heavily investing in getting ESG data and re-
ports for rating companies. But primary data sources
lock ESG data within strongly unstructured texts and
documents, while secondary data sources are slow,
not timely, provide limited sub-sets of manually built
ESG data for subsets of businesses and, sometime,
cannot be trusted due to a lack of transparency.
Altilia Intelligent Automation (AIA) is a platform de-
signed with the unique goal to democratize the use
of AI for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP). The
platform enables the automation of business processes
that require the understanding of complex documents
and unstructured data sources. It makes use of AI
techniques that allow the adaptation of its AI mod-
els to real-world changes by exploiting the human
feedback. The AIA platform gives enterprises a no-
code/low-code interface, in a cloud-based environ-
ment, allowing business domain experts to transfer
their knowledge into algorithms by training AI mod-
els (Figure 1), combining models to create AI skills,
and use AI skills within workflows to automate the
extraction of relevant ESG data. The platform allows
processing and understanding complex and visually
rich documents, with variable and non-standardized
layouts. This is crucial to automate processes that re-
quire the extraction and/or comparison of data buried
in long in-depth reports (e.g. financial and annual re-
4.1 ESG Data Collection by Altilia
Intelligent Automation Platform
In order to allow a better understanding of the ESG
data collection workflow built by using the AIA plat-
form, we consider a running example based on the
collection of datapoints from notes to financial state-
ments, sustainability reports, and web sites. Data-
Figure 2: The visual inspection and review of a datapoint
recognized within a document.
points considered in the running example are the fol-
lowing: (i) Company Description - it is a string
describing what the company concretely does; (ii)
Ateco - it is an entity representing the Italian code
for the industry which the company belongs to; (iii)
Green Product - it is a string that contains the name
and/or the description of a product obtained by fol-
lowing organic procedures or low environmental im-
pact; (iv) Non-Renewable Energy - it is a string
describing how much of non-renewable energy the
company uses for the production; (v) Efficiency
Initiatives - it is a string that describes company
initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of the
production; (vi) Environmental Certifications -
it is a an entity representing the name of the environ-
mental certifications obtained by the company (for ex-
ample ISO 14001).
In the following we explain step-by-step how we
leveraged the AIA platform to build the end-to-end
workflow, having the general structure depicted in fig-
ure 3, that allows collecting the ESG datapoints we
have defined above.
Gathering. This step aims at gathering the docu-
ments to use for the ESG data collection. In our run-
ning example we used three different types of docu-
ments. Annual and sustainability reports were manu-
ally gathered, while company websites were automat-
ically gathered by executing a data sources connector
capable of applying web crawling and web scraping
techniques. Such a connector works in two phases. In
the first phase, it crawls the Web on the base of a list
of companies where each company is equipped by its
set of firmographic data such as: company name, vat
number, headquarter address, etc. The scope of the
Web crawling phase is to provide in output the web-
sites of the companies in the input list. In the second
phase, the connector applies web scraping techniques
to gather contents of the web pages in the website.
The output of this phase is a set of documents, one for
each web page, ready to be ingested in the platform.
Ingestion. In this step the AIA platform applies doc-
ument analysis and indexing methods. AIA takes in
ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI
Figure 3: The ESG data collection process with Altilia Intelligent Automation platform.
input documents in PDF format and produces in out-
put the Altilia Spatial Document Object Model (AS-
DOM), a spatial document format (patented by Al-
tilia). More in details, document ingestion consists of
two main phases: document analysis and document
In the first phase the platform applies: (i) intelli-
gent optical character recognition (iOCR) algorithms
to documents in image format; (ii) language detection
and page orientation detection algorithms to enable
better layout and texts recognition within the docu-
ments; (iii) document layout analysis and recognition
algorithms to extract main layout elements. Further-
more, the OCR error correction technique defined in
the paper (Nguyen et al., 2021) is applied. The output
of this first phase is the document content turned into
the ASDOM format. ASDOM allows turning docu-
ment contents in machine readable format represent-
ing, in combined way, both textual contents and docu-
ment layout elements such as: text paragraphs; tables
and their sub elements like cells rows, columns, row
headers, and column headers; text columns; charts;
images; page headers and footers. ASDOM plays a
twofold role, it supports document searching, filtering
and visualization, and it simplifies Machine Learning
based document processing workflows. In particular,
ASDOM enables further document processing by ma-
chine learning models aimed at performing the con-
crete ESG data collection.
In the second phase the platform stores and in-
dexes the ASDOM within the Altilia Knowledge
Base allowing to jointly query and retrieve docu-
ment contents and layout elements. More in detail,
the platform applies text embedding algorithms like
word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013), GloVe (Penning-
ton et al., 2014), BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), etc. to
produce dense vector representations of the text con-
tained in the documents. Dense vectors produced in
this phase are linked with the layout elements in the
ASDOM in order to create the final document repre-
sentation stored, indexed, and managed by the Altilia
Knowledge Base.
Recognition and Extraction. This step takes as in-
put documents stored in ASDOM format within the
knowledge base and applies deep learning algorithms
to recognize and extract datapoints for which the al-
gorithms have been trained to. More in detail, the dat-
apoint recognition and extraction step works in two
main phases: text retrieval and text reading.
Text retrieval phase is needed because we deal
with documents that can count hundred of pages,
hence to accurately extract a specific datapoint, we
have first to identify elements of the layout that are
candidate to contain the datapoint under analysis. We
adopt two different methods to execute the retrieving
phase. The first method is based on BM25-like al-
gorithms (Kim and Gil, 2019; Amati, ), the second
makes use of dense passage retrieval search like the
one discussed in (Karpukhin et al., 2020). BM25-like
algorithms are based on queries composed by key-
words and do not take into account the semantics of
the datapoints. While dense passage retrieval allows
retrieving text passages by queries composed of piece
of texts that express the semantics of the datapoints.
The text reading phase depends on the complexity
of the documents in input and on how much difficult
are the datapoints. For very easy datapoints we use
a pure syntactic approach base on Altilia Spatial In-
formation Extraction Language (ASIEL) a rule-based
spatial language, that has the expressiveness of a con-
text free grammar enriched by a spatial algebra, ex-
ploiting the ASDOM to recognize and extract data-
points and objects from documents. For more com-
plex and semantic datapoints, that need sense dis-
ambiguation, we use different types of LLMs (Large
Language Models) and machine reading and compre-
hension algorithms to perform NLP task such as: to-
ken sequence classification, text classification, entity
extraction, and question answering. In both cases we
get very high accuracy and extraction performances.
For example, for the Ateco datapoint we use ASIEL
because extraction at token level is preferred, while
for the datapoint Company Description it is required
an extraction at sentence level, and because company
descriptions can be very different each other, we need
powerful text classification capabilities provided by
The ground truth dataset is used to develop both
the the text retriever and the text reader as discussed in
paper (Ni et al., 2018). The fine-tuning of deep learn-
ing algorithms is performed by using Altilia Models
a platform tool that assists in fine tuning LLMs. After
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
fine-tuning the text retriever and the text reader algo-
rithms, we combine them into an AI skill by means
of the platform module named Altilia Skills. The AI
skill is then used to configure a Workflow by the plat-
form tool Altilia Workflow to make everything ready
for the final datapoint collection process.
Validation. In this step, when accuracy values of ex-
tracted data are under given thresholds the platform
sends a warning to the user that can inspect the data
by the Altilia Reviews tool. This way users can check,
validate and/or correct each single datapoint.
Review step (Figure 2) implements a Human-In-
The-Loop AI approach (Wu et al., 2021) because af-
ter each validation action performed by domain ex-
perts, validated data becomes feedback stored into the
ground truth dataset that can be used for the “contin-
uous retraining/fine-tuning” of the AI models embed-
ded in a workflow.
The continuous retraining takes place on demand
or can be scheduled to be automatically executed by
the platform. This way models improve while using
the platform. It is worthwhile nothing that the human
feedback continuously enrich the ground truth dataset
with new examples coming from workflow execu-
tions, hence the platform can automatically maintain
AI models up-to-date ensuring that AI models don’t
degrade over time, avoiding the data drift (model
drift) phenomenon (Ackerman et al., 2020).
The validation step, and more in general the Al-
tilia Reviews tool, helps in visualizing collected data
for data quality check (Sheth and Thirunarayan, 2021)
and explainable AI (Do
c et al., 2018) purposes.
In particular, because we face long and complex docu-
ments such as annual and sustainability reports, a tool
that allows exploring results of deep learning models
and provide feedback is critical.
Our experience has taught us that such documents
are difficult to label, many annotations are lost. In
the context of ESG data we performed at least two
rounds of Human-In-The-Loop interactions for each
datapoint, each time the model brought up a large
amount of “false” false positives (e.g. correct exam-
ples marked as ”false positive” because escaped the
human eye during the annotation phase). Hence, we
extended the ground truth dataset improving signifi-
cantly the final accuracy of the model.
Use. This last step of the workflow allows export-
ing extracted data towards third-party databases, ap-
plications, and tools by Connectors that are software
artifacts allowing the platform interoperability. Con-
nectors and platform APIs allow accessing the data
stored in the Altilia Knowledge Base and export them
in different formats such as XML, RDF, JSON, etc.
Output connectors can directly feed external systems
and applications or interacting with other RPA, CRM,
CMS, ERP systems, etc.
In this section we describe experiments carried out in
order to train AI Skills for the recognition of ESG
datapoints. First we present the dataset and the an-
notations within it. Then, we describe in depth the
experiments and the obtained results.
5.1 Dataset
We focused on three type of unstructured data
sources: annual reports, sustainability reports and
company websites. In particular, the numbers of doc-
uments took into account in the experiments are: 322
annual reports, 185 sustainability reports and 2495
web pages. Experiments involve around 2000 com-
panies spread over various industry and with revenues
ranging from 0-2 million to >1 billion.
Table 1 shows the number of annotations for each
datapoint (rows) in each documents type (column).
The datapoint, document pairs, shown in bold in the
table, are the ones with a sufficient number of annota-
tions to continue with the experimental phase.
Table 1: Number of annotations for each couple datapoint,
Sustainability Report Annual Report Web pages
Company Description 242 592 645
Ateco 2 577 -
Green Product 371 15 146
Non-Renewable Energy 192 1 -
Efficiency Initiatives 274 21 19
Environmental Certifications 457 68 173
5.2 Experimental Settings
In order to extract the 5 datapoints of interest,
we created eight AI skills. Each skill listed here
is capable of extracting a datapoint from a spe-
cific document layout: (i) Company Description
in text composed by a syntactic retriever and neu-
ral reader; (ii) Company Description in table
composed by a syntactic retriever and a neural
reader; (iii) Ateco composed by a syntactic re-
triever and a syntactic reader; (iv) Green Product
composed by a neural retriever and neural reader;
(v) Non-Renewable Energy in text composed by
a neural retriever; (vi) Non-Renewable Energy in
table composed by a syntactic retriever; (vii)
Efficiency Initiatives composed by a neural re-
triever and a neural reader; (viii) Environmental
ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI
Table 2: Results of applying AI skills to documents of interest.
Datapoint Document Type Precision Lenient (%) Recall Lenient (%) F1 Lenient (%)
Company Description - text Annual Report 61.00 73.61 63.32
Company Description - table Annual Report 97.00 99.00 97.99
Ateco Annual Report 99.97 100.00 99.98
Green Product Sustainability Report 77.50 96.50 84.30
Green Product Web Page 35.71 100.00 52.63
Non-Renewable Energy - text Sustainability Report 55.56 73.61 63.62
Non-Renewable Energy - table Sustainability Report 71.00 89.00 78.99
Efficiency Initiatives Sustainability Report 50.00 60.00 54.00
Environmental Certifications Annual Report 40.02 98.31 57.89
Environmental Certifications Sustainability Report 26.26 99.56 41.56
Environmental Certifications Web Page 33.12 92.31 48.75
Certifications composed by a syntactic retriever
and a syntactic reader. As regards the Company De-
scription and Non-Renewable Energy datapoints, we
created two different AI skills for handling data that
can be found in tables and in text paragraphs. When
we talk about syntactic retriever we refer to BM25-
like algorithms (Kim and Gil, 2019; Amati, ), instead
when we say syntactic reader we refer to rules writ-
ten in ASIEL. Finally, when we talk about neural re-
triever and neural reader we always refer to LLMs
and Transformers-based algorithms (Vaswani et al.,
All results presented in the next section have been
obtained by 5-fold cross validation. Since some of the
data are long text paragraphs we decided to use an F1-
lenient as evaluation metric where true positives are
defined as follow: span prediction span annotation
AND at least 30% of words in common.
5.3 Results and Discussion
Table 2 shows the obtained results.
In general, we have obtained a good recall on all
datapoints. It means that both syntactic and neural
retrieval perform well. The worst - but still accept-
able - datapoint in terms of recall is Efficiency Initia-
tives (60.00%), this is due to the fact that to capture
this datapoint is very complex because of its semantic.
The precision of some datapoints is instead below an
acceptable threshold and will be the subject of future
When analyzing the results of these experiments,
we have to take into consideration that we have
worked with a view to having AI skills that gener-
alizes on all document categories. It means, for ex-
ample, that the same model leveraged for extracting
Green Product from sustainability reports has been
leveraged also for extracting the same datapoint from
web pages. It explains why, in the first case, we have
a precision of 77.50% and in the second case just
35.71%. These models are still far from generalizing
on different document categories.
In contrast, the syntactic retriever performs very
well on pipelines that involve extracting data from ta-
bles (Company Description and Non-Renewable En-
ergy: 97.00% and 71.00% of recall, respectively).
This is due to the fact that tables, by their nature, re-
port information in the form of keywords.
In this paper, we discussed how to build automatic
workflows that collect environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) data from different types of un-
structured data sources and the challenges associ-
ated with ESG data collection. We extensively dis-
cussed how the Altilia Intelligent Automation plat-
form and its modules are used to teach create AI
Skills and workflows that automate ESG data collec-
tion from documents having different formats and lay-
outs like: pdf documents, image documents, flat text,
table structures, web pages etc. We presented experi-
ments carried our to extract five datapoints leveraging
eight AI skills making use of different data extraction
techniques, based on a retriever-reader pipeline. In-
formation of interest was extracted from different ele-
ment of the layout such as text paragraphs and tables.
ESG data extraction capabilities of the AIA plat-
form can be further improved, enhancing its docu-
ment layout analysis and recognition algorithms. As
future work we are extending the AIA platform to en-
able complete machine reading and comprehension
methods providing full question answering features
that allow extracting data from documents in a con-
versational manner.
Finally, we are working on extending the initial
set of datapoints in order to cover the ESG taxonomy
approved by the European Parliament that allows us
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
to meet the ESG data collection needs of banks and
other players in the European financial service arena.
This paper has been supported by the following
“ESG - Alternative data in credit management” re-
alized in the context of the first call for project of
the Fintech Milano Hub
“Validated Question Answering” n.
F/190114/01/X44 - CUP: B28I20000040005
PON “I&C” 2014-2020 FESR - And for sustain-
able growth - Sustainable manufacturing DM
05.03.2018 - DD 20/11/2018, art. 38, 47 e 48
D.P.R. n. 445 of 28/12/2000.
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ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI