(∆GAP close to zero). However, although NMF+CP
was able to achieve higher MAP and MRR than our
proposal, we obtained higher MRMC Genre, indicat-
ing that our method can provide genre and popularity
calibration at the same time
In this paper, we proposed a personalized calibra-
tion technique, which uses popularity and genre cali-
brations in a switch-based approach to provide fairer
recommendations to users according to their inter-
ests. Our main contribution is the possibility to
calibrate recommendations generated by any recom-
mender model, whose choice could be according to
application requirements.
We showed that the calibration of items based on
the popularity aspect is a way to improve a recom-
mendation system to bring fairer recommendations to
users to meet their preferences and reduce the impact
of popularity bias in the system. We presented a cal-
ibration approach that works in the post-processing
step and is independent of any recommendation algo-
Our experiments showed that our proposal could
reduce the popularity bias, recommending less popu-
lar items by covering the long tail and consequently
increasing diversity and fairness related to genres
and popularity in recommendations. Although we
achieved better results in precision against genre cal-
ibration, other methods provided more accurate rec-
ommendations, but at the cost of higher popularity
In future work, we plan to analyze the effect of
our calibration with other recommendation models,
particularly considering the aspects of precision and
popularity bias. We will also conduct online experi-
ments to verify the performance of the proposed cal-
ibration system with real users. In addition, we plan
to evaluate our approaches with other metadata and
different contexts.
The authors would like to thank the financial support
from FAPESP, process number 2022/07016-9.
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Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations