We have three research questions to answer. The
first research question concerns the necessary and
sufficient conditions to use approaches and artifacts.
Shared values, principles, practices, tools, and pro-
cesses are critical for necessary and sufficient condi-
tions. The second research question assesses the ac-
tual usage of approaches and artifacts. ’Just enough
Upfront’ is an approach that is used across all orga-
nizations or is considered appealing. Some artifacts
are constantly in use: presentations, whiteboard dia-
grams, plans of approach, software, and commit mes-
sages. Some are never used, such as references and
final SoH. For the approach ‘Executable Documenta-
tion,’ no conclusive artifacts are included or excluded.
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third research question concerns the defining charac-
teristics of barriers to implementing the approaches
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ganizations concerns unconfirmed, loose deviations
from prescribed processes or interfering objectives.
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templation. The consideration concerns design deci-
sions, rationales, or reasons for change that should be
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