Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance
Jens Klenke
1 a
, Till Massing
1 b
, Natalie Reckmann
, Janine Langerbein
, Benjamin Otto
Michael Goedicke
and Christoph Hanck
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Learning Analytics, Exam Predictions, Early Warning Systems.
Individual support for students in large university courses is often difficult. To give students feedback regarding
their current level of learning at an early stage, we have implemented a warning system that is intended to
motivate students to study more intensively before the final exam. For that purpose, we use learning data
from an e-assessment platform for an introductory mathematical statistics course to predict the probability
of passing the final exam for each student. Subsequently, we sent a warning email to students with a low
predicted probability of passing the exam. Using a regression discontinuity design (RDD), we detect a positive
but imprecisely estimated effect of this treatment. Our results suggest that a single such email is only a weak
signal – in particular when they already receive other feedback via midterms, in-class quizzes, etc. to nudge
students to study more intensively.
Introductory courses at universities are often attended
by a large number of students. Many such courses
are in the first academic year, with students struggling
with increased anonymity and distributing their work-
load. It is not easy for lecturers to support each stu-
dent individually. One can, however, inform students
if their performance throughout class indicates a high
probability of them failing the final exam. (Massing
et al., 2018b) show that it is possible to predict stu-
dents’ outcome in the final exam at a relatively early
stage of an introductory statistics course. These early-
warning procedures may help students to better assess
their level of proficiency.
For such prediction, it is attractive to use data from
e-learning platforms to gain insights into the students’
learning behavior. In this paper, we use a logit model
to predict the probability of a student passing the fi-
nal exam. For model building, we use data from a
previous cohort of the course. To establish the early-
warning system, we send emails to students of the cur-
rent cohort of the course with a low predicted proba-
bility of passing the final exam. This intervention is to
serve as a wake-up call for students who may improp-
erly assess their level of proficiency. We investigate
the effectiveness of said warning emails by using a
regression discontinuity design (RDD). We find that
the emails have a positive but imprecisely estimated
effect on the students’ performance in the final exam.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 describes the statistics course investi-
gated in the study. Section 3 provides a brief overview
of related work. We present the available data and the
models used in section 4. Section 5 discusses the em-
pirical results. Section 6 concludes.
This section outlines the structure of the Inferential
Statistics course at the University of Duisburg-Essen
in 2019, in which students at risk received a warning
email. The course is compulsory for several business
and economics programs and teachers’ training, and
hence we gathered information on 802 students from
JACK and Moodle. Of these 802 students, 337 took
an exam at the end of the semester.
Note that the 802 students’ data in our platforms do not
imply that all of them actively followed the course. JACK
and Moodle are open to many students, not only those who
want or need to participate in the class.
Klenke, J., Massing, T., Reckmann, N., Langerbein, J., Otto, B., Goedicke, M. and Hanck, C.
Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0011847800003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 225-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Semester start
Lecture start
Warning mail
Final exam
Final exam
Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt
Figure 1: Timeline for the key events in the 2019 summer term course Inferential Statistics (treatment cohort). The shaded
area indicates the period after treatment. There were 57 days between the warning email and the first opportunity to take the
exam and 113 days between the warning email and the second opportunity.
The course consisted of a weekly 2-hour lecture,
which introduced concepts, and a 2-hour exercise,
which presented explanatory exercises and problems.
We conducted at least one Kahoot! game in every lec-
ture and exercise. These games were short quizzes
related to the subject of the current class. Students
were able to earn up to 2 bonus points. Both classes
were held classically in front of the auditorium. Be-
cause these classes have many students, they are lim-
ited in their ability to address students’ varying learn-
ing speeds and individual questions. To overcome this
and to encourage self-reliant learning and support-
ing students who had difficulties attending classes, all
homework was offered on the e-assessment system
JACK, where the correctness of students’ answers is
automatically assessed.
In addition to classical fill-in and multiple-choice
exercises, the course also introduces the statistics
software R. Individual learning success is supported
by offering specific automated feedback and optional
hints. Students were able to ask additional questions
in a Moodle help forum.
We offered five online tests using JACK to en-
courage students to study continuously during the
semester and not only in the weeks prior to the ex-
ams. These tests lasted 40 minutes at fixed time slots.
These summative assessments allowed students to as-
sess their individual state of knowledge during the
lecture. Students did not need to participate in online
tests to take the final exam at the end of the course. In-
stead, we offered up to 10 bonus points to encourage
participation. The bonus points were only added to
final exam points if students passed the exam without
the bonus. Students may earn up to 60 points in the
exam. We provide more detail on the data in section
Kahoot! games, exercises on JACK, and online
tests already provide students with some feedback
during the semester.
Before the last online test of the previous cohort in
, the points students reached in JACK exercises
and the previous online tests were analyzed to predict
individual probabilities of passing the final exams. In
the current cohort in 2019, we split students into three
groups according to the trained model: students with a
high probability of passing the exam, one group with
a moderate probability and the last group with a low
probability of passing the exam. The students in the
last two groups received a warning email, which was
formulated more strictly for those with a low proba-
bility of passing the course.
Students received the warning email shortly after
the third online test on June 6
. The first possibility
to take the final exam was on August 2
. The sec-
ond and last possibility to take the final exam was on
September 27
. Students who did not pass the final
exam on the first attempt were allowed to retake the
final exam. Section 5 will analyze the effectiveness
of the email regarding the passing probability of the
final exam.
The final exams were also held electronically.
While online tests during the semester could be solved
at home with open books, the final exams were of-
fered exclusively at university PC pools and proctored
by academic staff. Students can only retake an exam
if they failed or did not take the previous one (so that
students can pass at most once) but can fail several
The maximum number of points a student
achieves in an exam (over both exams per semester)
determines the final grade. We denote the correspond-
ing exam as the final exam.
The course is jointly offered by two chairs, and there-
fore held on a rotating basis. Hence, the course is only com-
parable every two years.
Students obtain 6 “malus points” for each failed exam,
of which they may collect up to 180 during their whole
bachelor’s program. This has the side effect that showing
up unprepared and hence failing (many) single exams has
limited consequences. Predicatively, this relates into rela-
tively low passing rates in our program.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
We summarize the timeline of the main events of
the course in Figure 1.
Students’ general interest and participation are among
the strongest factors for successful studies (Koc¸ak
et al., 2021; Schiefele et al., 1992). (Sosa et al.,
2011) show in a meta-study that the additional use of
e-assessment in traditional face-to-face courses posi-
tively affects student success. (Massing et al., 2018b)
measure learning effort and learning success via the
total number of (correct) entries on the e-assessment
platform JACK during the course. They can show that
this positively influences the final exam grade.
The literature has identified a number of important
predictors. (Gray, G. et al., 2014) show the impor-
tance of socioeconomic and psychometric variables
as well as pre-high school grades, which may vary
across countries (Oskouei and Askari, 2014). Vari-
ables that arise after admission to the program, such
as credits earned, degree of exam participation, and
exam success rate in previous courses, are also related
to student success (Baars et al., 2017). (Macfadyen
and Dawson, 2010; Wolff et al., 2013) analyze stu-
dent activity in learning management systems to ac-
curately predict student performance. (Burgos et al.,
2018; Huang and Fang, 2013; Massing et al., 2018a)
use the activity in e-learning frameworks and the re-
sults of midterm exams to predict student success in
the final exam, which is particularly useful as these
predictors are related to the exam under consideration.
Some researchers have already worked on identi-
fying students at risk in higher education. (Akc¸apınar
et al., 2019a; Akc¸apınar et al., 2019b; Chen et al.,
2020; Chung and Lee, 2019; Lu et al., 2018) study the
identification of students at risk in different contexts
of e-learning systems. They all show that it is pos-
sible to achieve high accuracy in predicting student
success early in the semester. Furthermore, (Ba
et al., 2020) implemented an early warning system.
However, they did not analyze the effect of the sys-
tem on students’ performance.
To summarize, data on student learning activity
can be used for the implementation of early warn-
ing systems. Purdue University (West Lafayette), In-
diana, developed the early warning system Course
Signals, see (Arnold, 2010). Email notifications and
signal lights (red, yellow, and green) inform stu-
dents of their learning status. (Arnold and Pistilli,
2012) analyze the retention and performance out-
comes achieved since the introduction of Course Sig-
nals. They find that using this early warning system
substantially affects students’ grades and retention be-
havior. (S¸ahin and Yurdug
ul, 2019) developed, based
on learning analytics, an intervention engine called
the Intelligent Intervention System (In2S). In this sys-
tem, students see signal lights for each assessment
task, representing a direct intervention in the class-
room. The system uses gamification elements such
as a leaderboard, badges, and notifications as an ad-
ditional motivational intervention. Learners who use
In2S emphasize the system’s usefulness.
(Mac Iver et al., 2019) examined the effects of
a ninth-grade early warning system on student at-
tendance and percentage of credits earned in ninth
grade. They could not find a statistically significant
impact of the intervention. (Edmunds and Tancock,
2002; Stanfield, 2008) investigate the effects of dif-
ferent incentives on third or fourth-graders’ reading
motivation. (Edmunds and Tancock, 2002; Mac Iver
et al., 2019; Stanfield, 2008) find no significant dif-
ferences in reading motivation between students who
received incentives and those who did not. (Parkin
et al., 2012) used a range of technical interventions
that can encourage the effort level. They can show
that online posting of grades, feedback and adaptive
grade release significantly improve students’ engage-
ment with their feedback.
Most researchers analyze the corresponding early
warning system qualitatively via questionnaires using
linear regression (OLS). (Laur
ıa et al., 2013) show
that their warning system leads to a higher dropout
rate of students receiving a warning. An increased
dropout rate is often viewed negatively. However,
they argue that there are also many positive aspects
from the perspective of students and instructors, such
as a higher focus on other courses, less sunk cost, and
fewer students to supervise, which may increase sup-
port for other students.
OLS cannot be used in our settings. The issue is
that the warning is inherently not assigned randomly
but instead based on student performance. Therefore
a standard OLS regression of student success on, e.g.,
variables such as whether a warning was issued would
not identify the causal effect of the warning. Such a
regression would be confounded with unobserved in-
fluences such as general ability or motivation, which
both affect the outcome, student success, as well as
whether a student receives a warning as the warning
is issued to those students, which will be less quali-
fied/motivated on average compared to students who
have not received a warning.
However, regression discontinuity designs (RDD)
may be suitable in such settings as the method can
isolate the potential effect from other influences. In
this design, there are two groups of individuals, in
Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance
which one group receives a specific treatment, such
as an early warning. A running variable, W , gives
the individual probability for each student to pass the
exam. The value of this running variable lying on ei-
ther side of a fixed threshold determines the assign-
ment to the two groups. Comparing individuals with
values of the running variable below the threshold to
those just above can be used to estimate the causal ef-
fect of the treatment on a specific outcome. (McEwan
and Shapiro, 2008) use regression discontinuity ap-
proaches to estimate the effect of delayed school en-
rollment on student outcomes, as these students will
be similar w.r.t. observed as well as unobserved con-
founders such as those mentioned below.
(Angrist, J. D. and Lavy, V., 1999) use the RDD
approach to estimate the effect of class size on test
scores. (Jacob and Lefgren, 2004) studied the effect
of remedial education on student achievement. More
details on RDD will be provided in the next section.
This section presents the data and model used for the
analysis. The raw data is collected from three differ-
ent sources. First, we collected each student’s home-
work submissions on JACK, where we monitored the
exercise ID, student ID, the number of points (on a
scale from 0 to 100) and the time stamp with a minute-
long precision. The second data source comprises
the online tests, whereby the student may earn ex-
tra points for their final grade, see section 2. Until
the treatment was assigned, three out of five online
tests were conducted. Lastly, the response variable
is given by their final exam result. For students’ fi-
nal grades, which consist of the final exam result and
earned bonus points, the following grading scheme
was applied: very good (“1”), good (“2”), satisfactory
(“3”), sufficient to pass (“4”), and failed (“5”). We
assigned “6” to 465 students who participated in the
course but did not take any final exams.
This reflects
our view that students who did not take any exam
were even less prepared than students who failed the
Over the whole course, JACK registered 175, 480
submissions of homework exercises from students.
For each student, we compute the score (JACK score
in Table 1) as the sum of the points of the latest sub-
mission over all subtasks.
To determine who should receive a treatment
(warning email), we mainly considered the results
Postponing exams to later semesters is possible and
common in our program.
from the first three online tests, which had been con-
ducted until then. We used a logit model to predict
the probability that a student with these online test re-
sults would pass the exam. The model was trained
with the data obtained from the same course given
two years earlier, see (Massing et al., 2018b; Massing
et al., 2018a). The predicted probability will serve as
our running variable W in the RDD, see equation (1)
below. These predictions were transformed to an or-
dinal variable. If the predicted probability of passing
the exam was larger than 0.4, the student was be sup-
plied with no message (0 in Table 1), and with less
than 0.4 with a warning message (1 in Table 1).
However, as the online tests were not mandatory,
we further considered the students’ general activity
during the course and thus modified the decision on
whether an email was sent for a subset of the students.
By taking into account activity during the course, we
eliminate two disadvantages that could arise if we
solely built the treatment on the online tests.
First, the online tests were not mandatory, and not
all students took the online test despite the high in-
centive to earn extra points for their final grade.
Second, the students were allowed to cooperate
during the online tests, although all students were
graded individually. This could potentially lead to a
student performing well in the online tests, although
he did not comprehend the course content that well.
Given our data and treatment design, which were
not distributed randomly but rather based on the prob-
ability to pass the exam, we use the RDD to analyze
the effectiveness of our intervention.
The method allows us to compare students around
the cutoff point and hence to causally identify a pos-
sible treatment effect. Our identifying assumption is
that the participants around the cutoff are similar with
respect to other (important) properties. Such determi-
nants, for example, include the general or quantitative
ability. To distinguish between the different RD de-
signs, first consider
= β
+ αT
+ βW
+ u
and let
1, W
0, W
> c,
where T
indicates if a student received an email,
which is determined by the threshold c, in our case
There are several possible explanations for that. E.g.,
perhaps some students could not participate due to other
commitments since the online tests were held at a fixed date
and time.
We also investigated alternative modeling approaches
like propensity score matching. However, the results were
similar, and RDD seems most suitable given the problem.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Overview of empirical quartiles, mean and standard deviation for the response variable and considered covariates.
Exam points describes the points reached in the final exam. Online test is the sum of the first four online tests, while the JACK
score describes the score until the warning mail was sent.
variable warning count min Q0.25 median mean Q0.75 max sd
Exam points 0 151 3.40 17.50 25.30 23.80 30.00 47.00 8.20
1 183 0.00 8.55 15.60 16.10 23.10 39.20 9.52
Online test 0 191 341.00 579.00 755.00 761.00 900.00 1425.00 221.00
1 607 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.50 167.00 700.00 133.00
JACK score 0 191 0.00 2216.00 3520.00 3799.00 5174.00 11580.00 2206.00
1 425 0.00 200.00 983.00 1347.00 2033.00 8385.00 1363.00
0.4 of the predicted probability to pass the exam W
is the sum of points of student i in their (latest) final
exam, and u
is an error term. For the analysis, only
students who attended at least one final exam were
included (n = 337). This design deterministically as-
signs the treatment, which means that only if W
will the student receive the treatment. The treatment
effect is represented by α.
The approach sketched above is a sharp RDD
since the two groups (treatment, no treatment) are per-
fectly separated by the cutoff.
However, as explained above, this is not the case
in our design as we also wanted to consider the stu-
dent’s activity in the course in our decision. Thus, the
groups are no longer perfectly separated.
We, therefore, employed an extension of this de-
sign, called fuzzy RDD. In this case, only the prob-
ability of receiving the treatment needs to increase
considerably at the cutoff and not from 0 to 1, as
in the sharp design. This non-parametric approach
estimates a local average treatment effect (LATE) α
in equation (3) through an instrumental variable (IV)
setting (Angrist et al., 1996).
More specifically, consider the following model
= β
+ α
+ δ
+ X
β + u
= γ
+ γ
+ γ
+ ν
, (4)
where equation (4) represents the first stage of the IV
estimation with T
denoting if a student received the
treatment, the instrument Z
= 1 [W
c] indicating if
a student is below or above the cutoff of c = 0.4 (as
in the sharp RDD), W
remains the predicted proba-
bility to pass the exam from the logit model, while
represents an error term. The fitted values
of T
are inserted into equation (3), where Y
again repre-
sents the sum of points of student i in their (latest)
final exam. u
represents the error term, X
a covariate
here the sum of points of online tests and α the
treatment effect.
The following assumptions must be met to iden-
tify a potential treatment effect; (i) the running vari-
able W needs to be continuous around the cutoff, see
(McCrary, 2008). If this assumption is not met, it
Figure 2: The McCrary sorting test for the running variable
W predicted probability to pass the exam (x-axis). There
is no jump in the density around the cutoff point of 0.4,
i.e., the density left, and right of the cutoff do not differ
could indicate that participants can manipulate the
treatment. Furthermore, the general assumptions for
IV estimation must hold. Therefore, (ii) instrument Z
only appears in equation (4) for T and not in equation
(3) for Y (the exclusion restriction). (iii) Instrument Z
must be correlated with the endogenous explanatory
variable T (Cameron and Trivedi, 2005, pp. 883-885).
We will return to assumption (i) in section 5. The
exclusion restriction for the instrument variable Z
holds since the variable is only an indicator variable
showing whether a student is to the left or right of
the cutoff (c = 0.4), and the probability of passing the
exam is also already included in the second stage of
the design. Assumption (iii) is satisfied in an RDD
model by the construction of the approach as the in-
strument is a nonlinear (step) transformation of the
running variable (Lee and Lemieux, 2010).
Table 1 shows that the treatment (warning = 1) and
control (warning = 0) groups, as expected, differ sub-
Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance
Figure 3: Graphical illustration of the RDD with the proba-
bility to pass the exam W on the x-axis and the exam points
Y on the y-axis. At the cutoff point of c = 0.4, we cannot
see any (major) decrease in earned exam points.
stantially. The performances in the online tests and
JACK score
, are much lower in the treatment group.
This also illustrates that a single OLS regression of Y
on T
would fail to identify the effect of the interven-
We first check that the assumption (i) of a continu-
ous running variable with no jump at the cutoff is met.
For this, we perform the (McCrary, 2008) sorting test,
which tests the continuity of the density of our run-
ning variable W – the predicted probability of passing
the exam – around the cutoff. In order to estimate the
effect α correctly, there must not be a jump in the den-
sity at the cutoff. Otherwise, some participants could
have manipulated the treatment, and the results would
no longer be reliable.
The McCrary sorting test indicates no discontinu-
ity of the density around the cutoff with a p-value of
0.509; see Figure 2. Since there is no jump around
the cutoff and the students were not informed before-
hand about the warning email, we can be relatively
confident that the students were not able to manipu-
late the treatment. In any case, the incentive to worsen
one’s own performance to receive the treatment seems
rather small as there is no direct benefit from receiv-
ing the warning. The idea and a possible effect of the
email lie in a change in the effort students invest from
that time on.
We employed the non-parametric local average
treatment effect (LATE) method to estimate the causal
effect. This RDD method only compares the local av-
erage around the cutoff (c = 0.4) rather than fitting
a polynomial regression.
This method is more effi-
Note that students may partially or entirely study out-
side of the JACK framework. However, since the final exam
was taken via JACK, students have a strong incentive to
mainly learn on the platform to get used to the framework.
We also performed the RDD using polynomial regres-
Table 2: Model 1 summarises the RDD model without and
Model 2 with covariates. LATE describes the Local Average
Treatment Effect. The bandwidth and F-statistics report the
(Imbens and Kalyanaraman, 2009) bandwidth and the F-
statistics for the non-parametric estimation. N is the number
of observations used.
Model 1 Model 2
Bandwith 0.255 0.255
F-statistics 0.257 0.257
N 126 126
Note: Standard errors are indicated within parenthesis.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
cient than polynomial regression since the estimation
involves fewer parameters. Furthermore, we avoid the
common concerns of fitting polynomial regressions,
e.g., determining the polynomial degree and the ten-
dencies to extremes at the edges (Lee and Lemieux,
2010). We performed all RDD regressions with and
without covariates, which is usually not necessary in
the sharp setting but is often recommended in the
fuzzy design to get a more precise estimate of the
treatment effect. Including covariates can increase the
explained variance of the model (Huntington-Klein,
2022, p. 515).
The effect point estimates (LATE) in Table 2 of
the two non-parametric RDD models are positive but
not significant (parameter α in equation (3)). Figure 3
gives a graphical illustration of the model. The LATE
is 0.193 for the estimation without covariates (model
1 in Table 2) and 0.146 if we include the covariates
(model 2 in Table 2), with corresponding standard
errors of 4.889 and 4.852. An estimate of 0.193 or
0.146 means that students who received the warning
email achieved 0.193 or 0.146 points more than com-
parable students who did not. Compared to the 60-
point final exam, the effect size seems limited.
The bandwidth of 0.255 was determined with the
data-driven approach of (Imbens and Kalyanaraman,
2009). The method fits the bandwidth as widely as
possible without introducing other confounding ef-
fects, e.g., general ability. Therefore, only students
with a predicted probability between 0.145 and 0.655
,0.4 (cutoff) ± 0.255 (bandwidth), are included in the
analysis. This leads to a sample size for the estimation
of 126 students (N). Other bandwidths were consid-
ered in the estimation process but were too conserva-
tive or violated the assumption that the groups around
the cutoff must be comparable. We provide further
sion. The results were essentially identical to those of the
LATE method.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
discussion in section 6.
Hence, our RDD results do not provide evidence
that the warning email has a significant effect on the
students’ results (or behavior). This might have sev-
eral reasons. For instance, many participants who re-
ceived a warning did not participate in any final exam.
Of the 608 students who received a warning, only
183 sat the exam. This likely compromises the de-
tection of an effect. A possible explanation is that the
warning might lead weak students to postpone par-
ticipation to a later semester. The email could give
students the impression that the chances of getting a
good grade are already relatively low. Therefore, stu-
dents might be more likely to repeat the course a year
later. In a sense, this can also be viewed as a positive
outcome, as we then at least prevent students from
collecting malus points, cf. footnote 2.
The non-parametric method used here has the dis-
advantage that (many) students, which are relatively
far from the cutoff, are not included in the analysis.
This reduces the effective sample size, and thus pre-
cise estimation of the treatment becomes more diffi-
cult. Figure 3 suggests another potential issue: both
groups’ variance around the cutoff (c = 0.4) is rather
Another important aspect of this analysis is that
students can get feedback on their proficiency JACK
homework and earn extra points through the online
tests and the Kahoot! games. From the perspective of
the students, this is probably an even bigger incentive
than the warning email. Hence, the incremental effect
of the warning email may be limited. Further incen-
tives and feedback combined with the warning emails
during the semester, might have a greater effect on
student performance than the warning emails alone.
In this paper, we analyzed whether students who per-
form relatively poorly in a current course can be pos-
itively influenced by a warning email. Even though
we did not find a significant effect of the treatment,
we see the open and transparent communication of
the student’s performance to the students as a posi-
tive aspect of the system. Furthermore, we are con-
sidering expanding the system further. One possible
approach we are currently viewing is implementing
an automatic repeatedly system for detecting inactive
students or students whose submissions show little
progress, which will regularly notify students at risk.
One more aspect that requires attention in the fu-
ture is the investigation of a possible effect of the
warning system on the dropout rate, i.e., whether the
email leads to more students withdrawing from the
exam beforehand and thus increasing the pass rate.
However, a higher dropout rate is not inherently neg-
ative. Students can focus on other courses and thus
achieve higher grades.
To conclude, we do not detect a significant effect
of the warning emails in our design. This is still note-
worthy because the successful motivation of weak and
modest students remains challenging for instructors.
We thank all colleagues who contributed to the course
“Induktive Statistik” in the summer term 2019.
Part of the work on this project was funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
under grant numbers 01PL16075 and 01JA1910 and
by the Foundation for Innovation in University Teach-
ing under grant number FBM2020-EA-1190-00081.
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