technical aspects of the chemistry lab was not
different for both groups.
Many research expressed positive results towards
using technology in education and that the students
are engage in the use of virtual labs helped both
teachers and students together ((Cetin-Dindar et. Al,
(2018); Nsabayezu,, (2022).).
Also, conducting experiments come across many
obstacles such as costs, lack of time and shortage of
supplies (Ali & Ullah, 2020). Applying technology
via virtual labs could be an option for solving the long
lasting problem of aiding students in science in
general and in chemistry in specific for better lab
performance. Based on the data analysis and
discussion above, it could be concluded that: the
application of Praxilab is able to effectively enhance
students’ learning experiences but may require more
investigations to know more about enhancing
students’ technical aspects.
5.1 Recommendation
The study made the following recommendations:
• It is evident that, virtual lab is effective in
improving preservice teachers’ learning
experiences in chemistry. Therefore,
educators should use this teaching tool to
facilitate their science teaching.
• Preservice programs should incorporate
educational technology into their curriculum
for practicing during their years of studying so
that they can embrace the skills of the teaching
model for effective implementation of the in
teaching biology.
• Preservice teachers should be exposed to
virtual lab experiences prior reaching their
student teaching level and be familiarized
using it in their future classrooms.
• Virtual labs should be suggested for some
chemistry content areas in the curriculum
especially very difficult concepts or those that
are risky to be implemented in classrooms.
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Science and Technology via internal seed grant Case
253127 in year 2022.
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