Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’
Behavior in SQL Lab Work
Abdelkader Ouared
, Moussa Amrani
and Pierre-Yves Schobbens
Faculty of Computer Science / NaDI, University of Namur, Rue Grandgagnage, Namur 5000, Belgium
SQL Language Learning, Database, Learning Analytics, Learning Analytics Dashboard, Students’ Behavior.
Computer-assisted learning is widely discussed in the literature to aid the comprehension of SQL queries
(Structured Query Language) in higher education. However, it is difficult for educators/instructors to track,
monitor and analyze students’ learning situation due to the higher education massification, and institutions with
large classes. Consequently, we need to provide for educators a learning dashboard to monitor and analyze
the digital traces issued from students during the practice learning in SQL course. We propose a system
called LSQL (Learning Analytics for SQL) that is a solution based on the learning analytics’ methodology.
To this end, we propose (i) learning environment dedicated to help students understand the syntax and logic
of SQL and getting data issued from these students during online SQL lab work, (ii) trace model which is
designed to more effectively represent and capture the complex interactions/actions carried by a student during
practice learning activities in virtual/remote laboratories, and (iii) learning analytics dashboard for educators
to visualize the statistics and metrics that represent the students’ behavior, and control the students progress in
SQL skills to enhance the teaching activities. Tool support is fully available.
The follow-up of the students during the SQL lab
work in virtual and remote laboratories are an impor-
tant element in evaluation techniques to judge their
learning progress by educators/instructors (Venant
et al., 2016; Pfeiffer et al., 2020). The learning analyt-
ics’ methodology (LA) aims to understand the student
behaviour by collecting the data from digital tools
(e.g. the keyboard/mouse/screen actions or camera),
processed and analyzed this data relating to students
and their environment (Siemens and Gasevic, 2012).
By exploring the literature, seminal work have pro-
posed a computer-assisted learning to teaching SQL
in higher education (e.g. (Mitrovic, 2003) (Ahadi
et al., 2016) (Ahadi et al., 2015) (Brass and Goldberg,
2006) (Taipalus et al., 2018) (Karimzadeh and Jamil,
2022)). In our study, we will focus on the monitor-
ing/analyzing students during the practice learning (or
laboratory work) in SQL course that is a starting point
for several purpose such as, the errors analysis, analy-
sis of students’ results, help to discover which parts of
SQL material students are having trouble with, what
should be improved or explained more clearly, also to
optimize SQL education materials.
1.1 Problem Statement
In SQL practice learning in virtual/remote laborato-
ries, the student tries to formulate a query in SQL
based on a given natural language (NL) queries with
relational database schema. During the SQL lab, the
student performs a set of solution attempts to write
the correct query in SQL. However, monitoring and
analyzing the student’s activities is difficult and an
increasingly harder challenge. First, this due to the
large number of students in the lab room, especially
in the context of Higher Education (HE), with fol-
lowing difficulty of each one individually, knowing
who is doing what and when, and difficulty in assess-
ing quantitatively and qualitatively the students’ effort
without exploring the solution attempts details. Sec-
ond, analyzing students’ writing SQL style and their
behavior during SQL problem solving requires mon-
itoring them in each solution attempts how they de-
compose the problem into a small and a sequencing
problem. Third, the lack of a tailored trace model to
handle the digital traces of training SQL activities for
Ouared, A., Amrani, M. and Schobbens, P.
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work.
DOI: 10.5220/0011848200003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 184-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
later analysis. Consequently, to analyze and moni-
tor the students’ behavior during SQL problem solv-
ing, we need to capture students’ interactions with the
measurements and metrics related to the learning pro-
cess to understand the academic performance of stu-
dents relative to SQL skills.
1.2 Our Contribution
As we said before, we need to monitor and analyze
data logs, that is the starting point of any learning
analytic solution. Despite event logs capturing be-
havioral information for large numbers of students,
this information must be represented explicitly in a
process model in order to propose an automatic ap-
proach for understanding the progress of students in
SQL lab to enhance the teaching activities. To address
this, in this paper, we propose a system called LSQL
(Learning Analytics for SQL), a learning analytic so-
lution allowing educators to monitor and analyze dig-
ital practices of the practice learning in SQL course.
To support these needs, LSQL provides: (i) learning
environment for helping students learn SQL and as-
sisting them in the laboratory during query formu-
lation in relational DBMSs (Database Management
Systems), (ii) trace model to represent actions carried
by a student on the SQL learning environment, com-
prises objects affected, and the time when the action
was performed, and (iii) learning analytics dashboard
(LAD) to support many visualization of the traces is-
sued from these students which allows educators to
track and understand student progress based on a set
of pedagogical indicators (i.e. learning behavior indi-
cators and content progress indicators) to enhance the
SQL teaching activities.
1.3 Roadmap
We start in Section 2 by motivating example and re-
lated Work. In Section 2.1 we present a motivation
scenario of a SQL learning to highlight the usefulness
to bring educators and support staff back in control of
the students during practical activities through a data-
driven analytics solutions. We also in the Section 2.2
we present the related work. In Section 3, we intro-
duce our system to monitor and analyze students be-
havior in SQL lab work. Then, in Section 4, we detail
our tool support. Finally, we conclude in Section 5.
2.1 Motivating Example
Consider a scenario of a student cognitively engag-
ing during a practical activity, she/he wants to write
the correct query in SQL depending on a database
schema hosted in a relational DBMSs (i.e. translate
NL queries to SQL). Figure 1 shows the different at-
tempts made by the student to come up with the cor-
rect query. In Figure 1, we can see an active win-
dow of history trace that is the complete record of all
changes that have occurred during the query formula-
tion. The trace is composed of four SQL query states
(A,B,C, and D), in which the steps of the query exe-
cution generate one or more errors types. One query
may contain a number of errors comes from various
categories (Ahadi et al., 2016; Taipalus et al., 2018),
it can be (i) syntax errors (i.e. occurs when the SQL
grammar are violated) like specifying an invalid state-
ment order, (ii) semantic errors (i.e. occurs when
statements has no meaning) like table or view does
not exist in the database, (iii) logical errors or analyz-
ing errors, which causes a query to produce incorrect
or undesired output, like the choice of table involved
in the join operation and using the grouping functions,
and (iv) complications like unnecessary join.
The steps from the first query Q
to the last query
represents the students’ traceability. Q
two syntax errors (undefined column and missing OR
operator), Q
contains a semantic error (OR instead
of AND), Q
, however, does not contain a semantic
error, but it contains a logical error depends on the
data fetched associated with the Q
(missing join).
contains also a logical error (i.e.exraneous OR-
DER BY clause) that produces incorrect result tables.
While, in practice the execution traces can take
various forms (e.g. logs, list of events, method calls),
we consider in this work a trace all students interac-
tions that is a sequence of SQL subqueries and steps
responsible for the query formulation changes. For
each solution attempt, the student can made an error
which may be syntactical, semantic or logical error.
However, If the instructor only analyzed the last at-
tempt (Q
), in this situation it is difficult to perceive
the history of attempts to check the types of mistakes
made by the student and quantify the students’ effort
during the practical activity sessions. So, we need to
identify trace related to SQL practice learning activ-
ities among exercises and analyze the data related to
the different classes of errors.
Usually, the student solves SQL problems by
breaking them down into smaller a small and a se-
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work
Big Change
1 3 4 5
SQL E rr or
So lut ion
at tempt
un defin ed col umn
OR in stead of AND
mi ssi ng join
exra neous OR DER BY cl ause
Change 1
Change 2
Change 3
mi ssing OR operator
SELECT COUNT(*) , firstname
FROM title t, movie_companies mc
WHEREt.id = mc.movie_id AND
t.production_year > 2010
SELECT COUNT(*) , name
FROM title t, movie_companies mc
WHERE t.id = mc.movie_id AND
t.production_year > 2010
AND mc.company_id = 5
SELECT COUNT(*) , name
FROM title t, movie_companies mc
WHERE t.id = mc.movie_id AND
t.production_year > 2010
OR mc.company_id = 5
AND mc.company_years = 2000
SELECT COUNT(*) , name
FROM title t, movie_companies mc
WHERE t.id = mc.movie_id AND
t.production_year > 2010
OR mc.company_id = 5
AND mc.company_years = 2000
Figure 1: Scenario student during SQL query formulation, annotated with intermediate steps (student’s attempts to write a
SQL), and errors associated with each attempt to solve a single query.
quencing problem (Qian, 2018). To analyze and mon-
itor the students’ behavior during SQL problem solv-
ing, we need to capture students’ actions with its cor-
responding sub-problems SQL formulation, to under-
stand how before and after a choice of a set of steps,
operation/traces affects the final result.
The change on the query state is identified when
a user tests the input query based on the SQL query
signature (e.g. tables involved in the query, relations
used in the join operation, selection/join predicates
used). For example, in the scenario presented in Fig-
ure 1, the educator could track errors related to query
states (A,B,C, and D) to get a mental image about a
particular student behavior and the overall students.
We believe providing a history of SQL learning ac-
tivities in more granularity as small changes instead
of allowing instructors to more understand and an-
alyze the students’ behavior during SQL lab work.
Furthermore, this analytic evaluation must be based
on a set of indicators to understand the students’ be-
haviors from their digital learning activities. Usu-
ally in LA, they considered measurements and met-
rics related to the learning process that are calculated
from the data captured: learning behavior indicators
(e.g. timing of starting activities, timing of completing
activities) and content progress indicators (e.g. com-
pleted course activities, current course grade, com-
pleted graded assignments) (Jivet et al., 2020).
2.2 Related Work
As we said before, there has been a many efforts to
assess student understanding of SQL in computer sci-
ence education research. Previous SQL research stud-
ies mainly focuses on one of two content areas. First,
on the development and analysis of a particular tool
for facilitating SQL learning, and second, on the study
of student errors in SQL.
In (Brusilovsky et al., 2010; Mitrovic, 2003;
Karimzadeh and Jamil, 2022), the authors provide in-
telligent tutors to help teach SQL without the instruc-
tor’s intervention. In the same direction, authors in
(Xu et al., 2022) propose Intelligent Tutoring System
(ITS) that automatically predicts difficulty of SQL
programming problems (Xu et al., 2022). Many re-
cent research papers start studying the common errors
and pitfalls that people run into while trying to learn
to write queries in SQL (Ahadi et al., 2016; Ahadi
et al., 2015; Brass and Goldberg, 2006; Taipalus
et al., 2018). In (Taipalus and Per
a, 2019), the au-
thors explored which errors are persistent, the results
show that syntax and semantic errors are less likely
to persist than logical errors and complications. The
study of (Brass and Goldberg, 2006) attempts to pre-
sented an extensive list of semantic errors to be used
in Database Management System (DBMS) compilers,
and a set of studies (Ahadi et al., 2016), which in-
spired us to this research, explored the frequencies
of syntax and semantic errors students made when
learning SQL. At the same time, several studies pro-
pose solution to enhance the SQL learning such as
ScaffoldSQL for student learning reducing students’
cognitive load towards solving SQL queries, provid-
ing immediate feedback for students, and help educa-
tors of flipped classrooms identify students who are
struggling early (Borchert, 2021; Borchert and Walia,
2022) and gamification to improve student motiva-
tion and learning (Deterding et al., 2011; Thom et al.,
2012; Fitz-Walter et al., 2011; Narasareddygari et al.,
2019). Similarly, (Tuparov and Tuparova, 2021) a
pilot study of the implementation of gamified self-
training and self-assessment in an online SQL course
as solution using Moodle
-based LMS practices. The
authors exploit the generated digital traces expressed
in xAPI
that would be interesting to collected and an-
alyzed to motivate students to attend pure online ac-
tivities in the educational process to improve learning
and help educational stakeholders in their decision-
making. In another line of research, the authors of
(Godinez and Jamil, 2019) addressed the case of ad-
vancing NLP-based voice querying. By having an in-
teractive spoken dialogue interface for querying rela-
tional databases, they were able to build a functional
learning management system for SQL that has the po-
tential to support the classes of queries novice SQL
A learning management system (LMS) is a software
application or web-based technology used to plan, imple-
ment and assess a specific learning process.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
students encounter frequently (Godinez and Jamil,
2019). In a similar trend, the authors in (Tur
and Farana, 2022) present a database and SQL mi-
crolearning course that offers students the opportunity
to more easily absorb through small chunks that usu-
ally last no longer than a few minutes. In (Ouared and
Chadli, 2021) the authors present the usefulness of
domain-specific languages in education of SQL query
By exploring the literature, to the best of our
knowledge, there is no work propose a dedicated
model trace in order to capture students’ writing SQL
style and their behavior, this model will be serve as
a starting point for more comprehensive students’ be-
havior using learning analytic methodology. Similar
efforts have been conducted using learning analytics
to analyze the students’ behavior in programming lan-
guage courses (e.g. (Fu et al., 2017; Chaparro et al.,
Figure 2 shows an overall view of our proposed solu-
tion. Our system LSQL (Learning Analytics for SQL)
starts by storing data from the students’ interactions
(i.e. event log) during the SQL query formulation for
later analysis. Thus, LSQL offers constructive feed-
back in incremental way to help students to spot the
errors and solving SQL queries.
The trace represents the history of the necessary
data for the calculation of the indicator such as, the
actions related to the SQL learning activities, and user
statistics (i.e. input users, click action sequences, op-
tions[choice], browse SQL education materials). On
the other hand, educators use a learning analytics
dashboard (LAD) to track students from the collected
data to identify and monitor the important indica-
tor related to SQL learning that reflects the student’s
behavior and understanding progress from the event
log. Based on these pedagogical indicators, educa-
tors identify error types, and understand the progress
of their students in the knowledge of SQL queries in
order to enhance the teaching activities.
3.1 Trace of SQL Learning Activity
As we said previously, data logs can be extracted from
different student’s actions (i.e. input user, click ac-
tion sequences, options[choice], browse SQL educa-
tion materials). It consists of a set of the required dig-
ital practices of SQL practice learning in virtual/re-
mote laboratories. A digital practice is defined as a
set of events. Each event involves several attributes
SQL digital practices
SQL Errors
SQL Query
SQL Lab Work
Database server
Historical results
errors types
DB Relational
NL question & Query
How to optimize SQL
education materials ?
SQL trace
Input for
Figure 2: High-level view of the system architecture.
such as: the query input, query rewrite, query test,
and report errors generated by DBMS when execute
an SQL query.
SQL query problems solving are very popular in
many application domains, and often tackled by de-
composing them into a small problem and a sequenc-
ing subproblems. Student actions sequencing are not
independent subproblems of SQL formulation, since
finding the basic building blocks that are introduced
and composed to realise complex queries. To perceive
these digital traces related to the practice learning in
SQL course, we must construct a SQL learning trace
to handle the data log entries during the learning ac-
tivities (Figure 3).
The change is identified when a user test the in-
put query based on the SQL query signature that is
expressed in the class SQLQuery (Figure 3). This
class describe the number of tables involved in the
query, multiple tables used in the join operation, join
and selection predicates used in the query, number of
equality selection predicates, number of non-equality
selection predicates, number of equijoin predicates,
number of non-equijoin predicates, number of sort
columns (ORDER BY clause), aggregate functions
(GROUP BY with HAVING clause) used , and num-
ber of nested subqueries.
To handle the digital traces of training SQL activ-
ities, we have propose a SQL trace constructor based
on a set of operations. These latter provide the solu-
tion path that reflect the students’ writing SQL style
and their behavior aspects during SQL problem solv-
ing. Figure 4 visualizes the main operations required
for students’ trace construction.
initializeQuery: initialize the first SQL query in-
troduced by a student as first attempt in the activ-
ity log.
addStudentAction: add a student action op-
eration in the event trace if query state creat-
ed/deleted or changed by a student.
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work
Figure 3: Excerpt of SQL trace model.
addSQLSmallChange: add a small change in the
SQL trace.
bigSQLChangeStarted: means that a big change
has started on the initial query signature.
bigSQLChangeEnded: means that a big step has
ended in the last attempt.
We remind you that we want to know the stu-
dents behavior during SQL lab work. As illus-
trated in our motivating example (Figure 2 of Sec-
tion 1), a big step during SQL formulation is sim-
ply a sequence of small steps, we only need to cap-
ture query states with its error type before and af-
ter small steps. However, we also need to capture
when steps occur, hence addSQLSmallChange must
be called at small steps, while bigSQLChangeStarted
and bigSQLChangeEnded must be called before and
after a big step, respectively.
In summary, all the solution attempts required to
construct the trace to represent actions carried by a
student during practice learning activities. Figure 5
shows the construction process as follows: stay tuned
to check if a student do an action (cf.
), if a student
introduce an action (e.g. input query, test, choice),
our system execute the operation initializeQuery to
initialize the first attempt in the activity log and and
annotate the bigSQLChangeStarted (cf.
), then, its
analyze change in solution attempt, for that, it start
by identify the traced objects affected (i.e. tables, at-
tributes, functions, predicates) by changing based on
SQL query signature (cf.
), based on the object af-
fected by students’ actions, our system identify the
kind change in terms of SmallChange and BigChange
related to solution attempts (cf.
), after based on
query testing, our system identify the SQL class er-
ror with its category corresponding to the solution at-
tempts (cf.
). At the last attempt, a big step has
ended in the last attempt, i.e. bigSQLChangeEnded
3.2 Traceability and Constructive
The collected data through our SQL trace construc-
tor are persisted and exploited graphically to repre-
sent attempts, type of errors, students’ behavior and
progress. We based on the classification proposed
by (Taipalus et al., 2018) for identifying various cat-
egories of SQL query such as syntax errors, logical
errors, semantic errors and complications (see Figure
6). This identification is based on DBMS error codes
and underlying reasons, for example in PostgresQL
DBMS, the error code 42601 means ”wrong syntax”.
The category of errors gives the possibility to clas-
sify each attempt of the student in a category. In or-
der to help the student to identify the cause of any er-
rors and increase the interactivity with our system, we
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Data log
Adding selection predicates
Adding table with its join
Adding GROUP BY with
HAVING clause
Adding selection predicates
Adding table with its join predicates
Figure 4: Illustration of operations of the SQL trace constructor.
Does a learner do
action ?
Stay tuned
SQL log
the change
Error type
Does the query
correct ?
Attempt step
Change analysis in solution attempt
Figure 5: Process to construct the trace of actions carried by a student during training activities.
Figure 6: Error classes and their error categories, and complications with an exemplary query in SQL query formulation.
have proposed an algorithm to obtain an immediate
answer as hints, or constructive feedbacks (see Figure
7). If a query contains an error, a guidance through
incremental feedback (hint) is dedicated to guide the
student to spot the SQL errors. The hints are applied
based on the error type and the number of solution
attempts. Table 1 shows a constructive feedbacks in
incremental way with its corresponding level.
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work
Level 1: provides hints expressed in general state-
ment at high level of abstraction, in which stu-
dents must cognitively engaging with these expla-
Level 2: expresses in specific statement with vo-
cabulary depending on SQL language query, with
more explanation than the level 1, as guidance for
Level 3: provides hint contains the error type by
comprehensible explanations than the level 2 to
spot the error type in the current query.
We formalized the application of the hints as ECA
type (Event, Condition -Action) using the tables that
are defined as follows:
ActivityLog (LogID, TracedObject, currentStep, windowSize, de-
scription, location)
SolutionAttempt (attemptID, eventType, objectAffected, action-
Perf, QueryEvaluation, SQLError, description)
Action (actionID, actionType, time, event, prevAction, postAction)
Change (changeID, object, SmallChange, BigChange,
bigSQLChangeStarted, bigSQLChangeEnded)
So, here’s an example of hint application.
Example of hint application: Use hint contains the error type (level 3).
- When: Logical Errors (Event).
- When: Query SQL contain Join error, [not updating](Event).
- Where: [always] Join on multiple relations (Condition).
- What: join on incorrect table (Action).
3.2.1 Analyze Students’ Behavior
Analyzing students’ behavior that makes attempts to
solve the given NL query during the learning activ-
ity can be traced as a path using the tree structure at
a detailed level of granularity according to the edu-
cator’s requirements. When the educator zooming on
the behavior or content progress indicators of a stu-
dent, he/she can see more information about the types
of actions he/she makes and we can filter actions and
activity timeline for a specific student. These indi-
cates a status in different aspects of the student’s be-
havior ( e.g. Engagement in the SQL lab work, Tim-
ing of starting activities, Timing of completing activ-
ities) thereby providing a global overview of the stu-
Analyzing students’ behavior is a process com-
posed by a set of steps that must be applied to the
data sources in order to understand his/her behavior
from the performance of learning activity. With the
aim of guiding educators to analyze students’ behav-
ior, we propose a tree structure, the aspects to be an-
alyzed are represented as nodes to drive user to the
next analysis. The first step is selecting the aspect that
will be analyzed, the leaf nodes represent the possi-
ble metrics and measurement that would be useful for
the educator. Figure 8 shows an example of to an-
alyze students’ behavior in SQL lab work, in which
the students’ interactions compose the path leading
to understanding the student behaviour. Thanks to
SQL model traces of learning activities (i.e. opera-
tion, small, and big before and after change with the
corresponding feedback), the educators can track and
analyze students behavior step by step by checking
the logic leading to the final query proposed by stu-
dents. This structure indicates attempts made by the
student with their results, and their digital learning ac-
tivities using measurements and metrics of the learn-
ing process such as the learning behavior indicators
(e.g. timing of starting activities, timing of complet-
ing activities, user statistics) and content progress in-
dicators (e.g. completed learning activities, success
rate, error rate of wrong answer, and the type of er-
rors). On the other hand, this trace helps to see how
the student behaves and identify the difficulty of SQL
writing problems.
Our system has been implemented with MVC (Model
View Controller) framework, using Java FX with
, available on Github
. A prototype of
our system was developed to be used by the second-
year Bachelor’s program at the computer science de-
partment. Our tool support contains two parts:
SQL learning environment Side: the first part
shows the learning environment dedicated for
SQL self-training in undergraduate database
Learning analytics dashboard Side: the second
part provides the learning analytics dashboard for
educators and the overall tendencies of learning
The usage scenario of LSQL is organized as it is
shown in Figure 9. In the following we detail it step
by step.
4.1 SQL Learning Environment Side
Our tool is deployed using three layered components,
including presentation and access, compuation and
storage. A student connects to a database server layer
using a TCP/IP local-area network (LAN) with no or
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 7: constructive feedbacks in incremental way with its corresponding levels.
Table 1: The three level of SQL hints.
Hint Level Description SQL Syntax Error Example
Level 1 Hint is expressed in general statement Wrong syntax
Level 2 Hint is expressed in specific statement Invalid pedicat syntax
Level 3 Hint contains the error type Argument of AND must be type Boolean
Analyze a students’ behavior in SQL lab work
by browsing measurements/metrics of the practice learning process
Correct SQL query in the first attempt
Timing of completing activities: 10 minutes
End analysis
Showing the summarizing of attempts
Showing content progress indicators ...
Showing the summarizing of error
Syntax error: 2
Semantic error: 3
Logical error: 17
End analysis
Filtering logical error
Operator error: 2
Join error: 12
Expression error: 3
End analysis Getting details ”Join error”
Join on incorrect table: 2
Join when join needs to be omitted: 5
Join on incorrect column: 0
Join with incorrect comparison operator: 2
Missing join: 1
End analysis
Number of attempts submitted:20
Number of logged accesses:2
Zooming on time spent by a student
Number of attempts submitted:20
Average time spent between attempts: 5 minutes
Number of attempts that take too long time: 12
Number of attempts that not succeed: 15
End analysis
Timing of starting activities
Number of logged accesses:2
10 Feb 05:45 2022: logged in
10 Feb 06:55 2022: logged out
11 Feb 16:00 2022: logged in
11 Feb 18:37 2022: logged out
End analysis
Figure 8: Example of analyze students’ behavior from to the learning activities history.
internet connections. The choice of LAN network
is motivated by conducting a fairer evaluation of the
groups during SQL lab work to identify students cog-
nitively engaging during a practical activity, and avoid
students that submit reports copied from others.
In Figure 10a, the student uses the module re-
sponsible for gives information about his/here iden-
tity, and the connection establishment with the DBMS
server. Users use this interface to introduce connec-
tion parameters, i.e. server name, DBMS, database
name, destination port, IP address, user, and pass-
word. When connected, our system provides a sim-
ple and and intuitive user interface to build a query
and to aid SQL understanding as shown in the Figure
10b. A student starts by selecting an exercise from
the repository of questions or exercises. Each exer-
cise presented by a relational database with a set of
queries expressed in natural language (NL). Through
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work
SQL material
SQL learning environment Side
Learning analytics dashboard Side
Database Server
SQL Queries
Browse metrics of the
practice learning process
Improve SQL
Get a set of pedagogical
indicators (i.e. learning
behavior, content progress )
Figure 9: Conceptual processes of LSQL components.
this user interface, the user has first to select the
database schema, and NL query to be translated in
SQL language (Figure 10b) and check the correctness
of the solution. Note that every change made to the
user interface is stored using our SQL trace model.
The student introduces the SQL query and executes
his/here query to receive the result table or error mes-
sages with some improvement hints. This interface il-
lustrated in Figure 10b includes the constructive feed-
backs process to help when a student makes differ-
ent errors among incorrect final solutions after a num-
ber of attempts. This process sends hints as feedback
without direct instructor intervention when an answer
was considered incorrect.
4.2 Learning Analytics Dashboard Side
For educators, our tool supports provide a learning an-
alytics dashboard to more understand visual percep-
tion and perceive visual changes states to each stu-
dent. Educators use their account to browse the learn-
ing progress in SQL knowledge and behavioral ten-
dencies were shown from charts and events logs. The
detailed functions of the dashboard are described in
the following subsections.
4.2.1 Interface for Reporting the Students’
Our dashboard shows an overview of a given student
activity on his/her profile (Figure 11). It gives viewers
more detailed information about the digital practices
of the lab work per student and actions types he/she
makes. Figure 11a shows a graphical user dedicated
for educators to track the learning behaviour of digital
practices. This interface offers a wide possibility to
monitor the performance of students relative to SQL
skills, also allow educators to have reports of their ac-
tivity in a timely manner and a human understandable
way. Moreover, our LAD provides a students list pro-
viding correct responses with a good response time
to spot these students since the number of students is
very high.
The errors type of a student during the lab work in-
dicate a status in different aspects of the students’ be-
havior thereby providing a global overview of the stu-
dent. When they select a given student, our tool gives
an overview section to show all actions performed by
this student with its evaluation: true, false (see Figure
4.2.2 SQL Error Analysis
To monitor the students’ learning activity during the
sessions of practical work, our LAD reports con-
textual information and activities related to a given
course to help educators identify and understand the
common mistakes that students run into while try-
ing to learn to write SQL queries. Identifying the
most common SQL mistakes can also help educator
discover which parts of material students are having
trouble with, what should be improved or explained
more clearly, how to optimize SQL education materi-
als, etc.
The visualization offered by our LAD will facil-
itate instructors analyzing students’ behavior, as it is
shown in Figure 12, our dashboard shows the actual
state of difficulties in SQL skills. The dashboard con-
tains two four parts: the top-left part indicates the var-
ious SQL errors for a selected student to better under-
stand each student’s writing SQL style and behavior
(Fig. 12a), this chart allows us to characterize stu-
dents’ weaknesses in their understanding of SQL ma-
terial and reflects students’ progression, the top-right
part indicates total number of solution attempts (Fig.
12b), the down-left part indicates the traceability of
SQL questions (Fig. 12c), and the down-right part in-
dicates total number of errors for each question using
a bar chart to show the error distribution by class (i.e.
syntax, semantic and logic) based on the log data pro-
duced by students’ interactions (Fig. 12d).
Using these visualizations, any change in a stu-
dent’s learning behavior reflects a change in his/her
reporting state. This change in behavior is caused
by providing constructive feedback for students to re-
duce students’ cognitive load towards solving SQL
queries and reducing instructor intervention.
4.2.3 Timing of Starting Activities
Another factor that must be considered to analyze the
students behavior aspects, is to examine the timing of
starting activities. In the context of SQL lab work,
the repetition and the longest in activity are indicators
to perceive the students’ efforts. A repetition usually
leads to an improvement of exercise results and in-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) System connection (b) Interactive interface of SQL practice learning
Figure 10: The LSQL learning environment.
(a) Digital practices of the Lab Work per student (b) Detail trace of digital practices of a selected student
Figure 11: Analyzing the digital practices of students in the lab work.
(a) Number of error for each question for a selected student (b) SQL error distribution.
(c) Traceability on questions with SQL error distribution (d) Total number of errors among questions
Figure 12: Situation of different students upon trying to run SQL query.
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work
(a) Logged in/logged out statistics (b) Student’s active time
Figure 13: A student’s detailed timing of starting activities.
creased success rates at the last attempt. Our dash-
board provides information about the timing of start-
ing activities to qualitatively appreciate the students’
activities during a learning session (Figure 13).
This aspect appears in logged in/logged out statis-
tics by student as shown in Figure 13a, and the stu-
dent’s active time as shown in figure 13b (active, not
active). When educators look at a student active with
a set of actions performed during SQL practicing,
they can appreciate the effort of the students during
the learning activity session. With this chart, we can
easily detect the active and inactive students, and can
help to conduct a fairer evaluation of the groups dur-
ing SQL lab work. For example, the student gener-
ates a lot of log data by keeping trying to test a query
with many solution attempts that can be interpreted
as really engaged during lab work. In contrast, the
student not active can be interpreted as not engaged
with SQL, also, a pause period may be interpreted as
a student taking a large thinking period without inter-
actions. Furthermore, tutors can check if the timing
of starting activities has negative or positive correla-
tion with the performance of students’ progress and
understanding (e.g. completing activities, errors num-
ber). However, the educators can switch between the
visualization, and cross all this visualization to link
students’ behavior aspects aspects with their digital
learning activities to get a state about each student and
a big picture about the overall students.
In this paper, we have tackled the problem of eliciting
and analyzing students’ behavior during the practice
learning in SQL course in virtual/remote laboratories.
This work is motivated by the difficulty of the evalua-
tion due the higher education massification, and insti-
tutions with large classes. We have presented a learn-
ing analytics solution for monitoring and analyzing
students behavior in SQL lab work. Behaviour ana-
lytics is driven by an automatic process to capture a
student’s activities from an event log that is purposely
designed for any relational DBMS. The proposed ap-
proach is useful for helping students learn SQL and
assisting them when formulating SQL queries, (ii)
collecting digital traces before and after each small
and big step performed by students, and (iii) learn-
ing analytics dashboard to support reporting the traces
issued from these students which allows educators
to track and understand student progress in the SQL
skills to enhance their teaching activities. The trace
model contains objects with their attributes, which
represent the main entities involved in the process
of solving query SQL, and the relationships between
the small steps performed by the student to achieve
the global query. We have considered the state be-
fore and after each execution step in the event log
and represent them via the learning analytics dash-
board. Two important directions for future works can
be considered. First, we will conducted some form of
exploratory statistical analysis, such as correlational
analysis, regression, or factor analysis. Second, ap-
plied machine learning techniques to obtain predic-
tive model dedicated to to identify students’ behaviors
and trends, also to build adaptive learning in which
the problem difficulty or challenge is recommended
according to students’ SQL skills in our system.
We sincerely thank Mr. Houari ZEGAI (Software En-
gineer at DKV Belgium) for his contributions to the
development of the support tool ”LSQL”.
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Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work