Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience
Interaction in Technology-Based Events
Genildo Gomes
, Tayana Conte
, Tha
ıs Castro
and Bruno Gadelha
Institute of Computing, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brazil
Engagement, Audience Participation, Liveness, Events.
Technologies have been changing how the audience participates in different events. This participation is dis-
tinct in each type of event. For example, in educational settings, polls with clickers and word clouds are
usually used to involve the audience. For music festivals and other musical performances, organizers opt out
of providing led sticks, necklaces and wristbands. Different uses for the smartphones, such as using them as
lanterns aiming at obtaining crowd effect, are other ordinary and spontaneous ways of interaction. Recently,
more research has been published in journals and scientific conferences discussing the use of these technolo-
gies, with techniques for fostering interaction and collaboration. Therefore, we conducted a literature review
using forward and backward snowballing, looking for articles about how researchers use new technologies
to increase audience experience in different contexts of events and what concepts are raised from that per-
spective. As a result, we propose a taxonomy of those concepts related to audience experience through three
lenses: engagement, participation, and liveness.
Events are spacial-temporal phenomena with unique
characteristics, differing from environment interac-
tion and audiences (Getz, 2008). In this sense,
there are many types of events ranging from rituals,
and conference presentations, to music performances
(Johnny Allen, 2010; Getz and Page, 2016).
In several types of events, especially entertain-
ment events, the massive use of technologies to en-
gage the audience creates opportunities for interaction
with the event. Performers and event managers seek
technological alternatives to improve interaction and
audience engagement. It is necessary to provide the
audience different experiences for different contexts
and for different spaces, such as virtual, physical (face
to face), and hybrid(Webb et al., 2016).
In this sense, audience participation has been ex-
plored in different ways providing technological in-
teraction. For instance, in competitive and collabora-
tive settings (Martins et al., 2020; de Freitas Martins
et al., 2020; Martins et al., 2021), music creation (Wu
et al., 2017; H
odl et al., 2020), or visual effects in the
crowd (Gomes et al., 2020; Vasconcelos et al., 2018).
In virtual spaces, the audience can interact with the
streamer using poll sections during live streamings
(Striner et al., 2021). Besides, remote audience in-
teraction can be mediated by interactive platform re-
sources, for example, reactions such as likes (Li et al.,
2019; Tang et al., 2017; Miller et al., 2017; Br
and Hess, 2016), text comments (Lu et al., 2021; Tang
et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2020; Li et al., 2019) and
stickers (Lu et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2019). All these
previous works explore different aspects that impact
technological event interaction. Such aspects include
audience distribution (Webb et al., 2016), engagement
facets (Latulipe et al., 2011), or competitive, collabo-
rative and cooperative aspects (Martins et al., 2021).
Investigating how interactive technological expe-
riences occur in events makes it possible to under-
stand how to design technologies to support new ex-
periences. Likewise, it is relevant to consider differ-
ent contexts of events, whether face-to-face, virtual or
hybrid (Webb et al., 2016); the event type being ex-
perienced or the audience attending the performance.
Therefore, this interaction can promote engagement
and audience participation during the event.
Previous studies already presented different en-
gagement and participation aspects, such as Wu et al.
Gomes, G., Conte, T., Castro, T. and Gadelha, B.
Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events.
DOI: 10.5220/0011848600003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 264-275
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(2017) by establishing a framework to classify par-
ticipatory live music systems. Striner et al. (2021)
present a thematic map considering audience partic-
ipation from live streaming. Apart from those work,
there is a need for more research regarding a greater
variety of events and interaction forms, starting with
the perspective of how interactive technology affects
the audience experience. Therefore, based on this
context, we aim to answer the following question:
How do research in HCI and CSCW areas approach
technological interaction in events?
To answer that question, we conducted an ex-
ploratory literature review using a snowballing tech-
nique to map concepts regarding technology inter-
action in events. Those concepts were organized
through three primary lenses: Engagement, Partici-
pation, and Liveness.
From the three lenses perspective, we aimed to ob-
tain a general vision of how interactive technology is
present in different events. By identifying the con-
cepts associated with the lenses, this paper provides a
taxonomy to understand the factors affected by the ex-
perience related to interaction technologies in events.
To better understand events with technological inter-
action, we need a theoretical basis regarding types of
events and audience. Events are planned to specific
special occasions, reach objectives and social meters,
cultural and corporative (Johnny Allen, 2010). Events
are commonly explored by tourism as an entertain-
ment alternative and promote the local economy. In
this sense, we used the Getz (2007) proposed typol-
ogy involving eight types of events, being: recre-
ative Events, political and state events, cultural cele-
brations, arts and entertainment events, sporting and
competitive events, commercial events, educational
and scientific events, and private events.
Just as events have distinct characteristics, audi-
ences have goals that drive them to participate. There-
fore, audiences are groups of people who participate
in the event. An audience can be recognized accord-
ing to size, purpose, and interest level (Mackellar,
2013). Exploring audience behaviors concerning the
event helps to identify characteristics of the techno-
logical interaction (Martins et al., 2021). Mackellar
(2013) builds on audience goals to categorize them
into five different types: mass audience, special inter-
est audience, community event audiences, incidental
audiences, and media audiences.
2.1 Related Works
Previous works address several methods to promote
audience participation mediated by technologies, ex-
ploring characteristics such as interactivity and im-
mersion in distributed performances (face-to-face, re-
mote and hybrid)(Webb et al., 2016; Martins et al.,
2021). From this perspective of technological interac-
tion, researchers observe factors that affect audience
behavior in different contexts, whether expressiveness
(e.g.: actively or passively) (Cerratto-Pargman et al.,
2014; H
odl et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2020; Gomes
et al., 2020), the degree of participation (Cerratto-
Pargman et al., 2014) or audience expectations from
technological interaction (Li et al., 2019).
Wu et al. (2017) present a framework for clas-
sifying participatory live music performances. The
framework is inspired by participatory art forms and
based on audience participation levels. The frame-
work was used to classify a tool’s characteristics to
promote audience participation, the Open Symphony.
Features such as modalities, media, and motivation
affordances were identified in the tool.
Cerratto-Pargman et al. (2014) seek to understand
audience participation in interactive theater perfor-
mances. Audience members were encouraged to in-
teract and contribute to the performance by answering
questions related to the plot of the theatrical scene. To
understand the audience participation experience, the
authors designed a framework to identify the quali-
ties that emerged during the performance. Three main
qualities were identified: Constitutive, Epistemic, and
Critical. As a result, the authors identified different
individual and collective audience behaviors and re-
The works described above concepts related to
specific contexts of technological interaction: musical
interaction in concerts and live-streaming of games
and plays. Although they have been described in
specific contexts, we can observe their application to
other events. In this paper, we sought to organize
such concepts considering events of different pur-
poses where some technological interaction occurs.
Thus, we present a taxonomy that organizes such con-
cepts and guides researchers and technology devel-
opers to foster the audience experience at different
Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events
This research investigates the factors affected by the
user experience associated with interaction technol-
ogy at events. We propose a taxonomy of concepts
related to technological interaction at events based on
an exploratory literature review using backward and
forward snowballing techniques (Kitchenham et al.,
2015). By definition, a Taxonomy is ”a controlled vo-
cabulary with each term having hierarchical (broader
and narrower) and equivalent (synonymous) relation-
ships” (Whittaker and Breininger, 2008). The tax-
onomy supports the identification and understanding
of the concepts that characterize the technological in-
teraction in various events. Besides this, it can help
designers and researchers as a basis to conceptualize
how technology can affect audience behavior.
To create a taxonomy, we followed a sequence
of five steps: 1
, exploratory literature review; 2
snowballing; 3
exploratory search in national and
Latin American events, 4
concepts extraction; 5
concept synthesis.
In the 1
step, we carried out an exploratory lit-
erature review starting with a manual review of the
proceedings of the main event in the area of Collabo-
rative Systems (CSCW), considering the last six years
(2016-2021). Due to the audience’s spontaneous col-
laborative actions in events being a joint initiative, we
used the main proceeding of the area (CSCW) as a
starting point.
As inclusion criteria, we selected papers that ex-
plore concepts related to audience interaction, experi-
ence, and participation through artifacts and techno-
logical resources at events. In total, 1382 papers were
analyzed by reading the title and abstract. From the
reading of the title and abstract, we selected 21 pa-
pers to read fully. The inclusion criterion was applied
again, and as a result, ve papers were selected. From
these works, we carried out a backward and forward
snowballing (2
step) to complement the research on
definitions and concepts related to technological in-
teraction in events.
Backwards snowballing is when we use the
reference list to identify new papers to include in the
review. Forward snowballing is a locating process of
all papers citing a known article (Kitchenham et al.,
2015). For the forward snowballing we used Google
virtual library.
Snowballing technique made it possible to ana-
lyze 63 new papers, 40 returned from backward snow-
balling and 23 from forward snowballing. The papers
returned are from important vehicles, such as Confer-
ence on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI),
Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
(NordiCHI), Symposium on Computer-Human Inter-
action in Play (CHI PLAY) and Conference on Expe-
riences for TV and Online Video (TVX).
In a complementary way, we conducted an ex-
ploratory search in the main proceedings of the
Brazilian and Latin American events of HCI and Col-
laborative Systems to dialogue with previous works
already published (3
step) where 5 papers were se-
lected. The selected papers are listed in a report avail-
able as supplementary material
From the set of papers obtained from this process,
we conducted the identification and organization of
concepts related to the interaction and experience of
the audience at events (4
step). In 5
step, four re-
searchers followed the selection, analysis of these pa-
pers, concept extraction, and taxonomy consolidation.
The process of consolidation occurred through meet-
ings with the authors of this paper. In these meetings,
we discussed how the concepts obtained affected the
audience’s experience, how we can explore them in
the future in other contexts, and how technology evi-
dence/affects/provides such a concept.
During the analysis, we noted several concepts re-
lated to engagement, participation, and liveness. Con-
cepts associated with audience excitement and emo-
tions were grouped in the engagement lens; the con-
cepts that describe audience behaviors were grouped
in the participation lens; the concepts that describe the
experience of living a real-time event were grouped in
the liveness lens. We defined these lenses in the con-
cept synthesis step, using them as perspectives to or-
ganize the identified concepts in a taxonomy. In this
sense, specific papers were analyzed to characterize
these lenses better conceptually. Not all of these spe-
cific papers are about the context of events with tech-
nological interaction, but they were necessary for the-
oretical deepening
The taxonomy presented in Figure 1 shows the
organization and relationship between the concepts
from three lenses: Engagement, Participation, and
Liveness. The following sections cover each of the
lenses in detail.
Supplementary material:
These papers are also available in the supplementary
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: General overview of taxonomy.
3.1 Engagement
The literature points out different concepts for en-
gagement (Doherty and Doherty, 2018). We consider
engagement as “a quality of user experiences with
technology that is characterized by challenge, aes-
thetic and sensory appeal, feedback, novelty, interac-
tivity, perceived control and time, awareness, motiva-
tion, interest, and affect” (O’Brien and Toms, 2008).
Engagement concepts are explored from different
perspectives, such as cognitive, emotional, and behav-
ioral. The cognitive perspective relates to attributes
such as effort, energy, awareness, and attention. The
emotional perspective emphasizes the nature of expe-
rience involving attributes such as identification, be-
longing, values, attitudes, and emotions. The behav-
ioral perspective highlights the action and participa-
tion of the actors involved. Constantly, the concept
of engagement is also associated with phenomena of
immersion, motivation, involvement, and experience
(Doherty and Doherty, 2018).
In the context of technological interaction in
events, Latulipe et al. (2011) define engagement as “a
complex phenomenon that involves both valence and
arousal”. The representation of these concepts can
be seen in Figure 2. Considering the perspective of
technological interaction in events, we organized the
engagement phenomenon based on three unit analy-
ses: Crowd, Audience, and Viewer. These unit anal-
yses synthesize different behaviors, emotions, per-
sonalities and how engagement is affected by tech-
nological interaction at events. In crowd unit anal-
yses, collective engagement is observed from large
masses (Veerasawmy and McCarthy, 2014; Vasconce-
los et al., 2018). In Audience unit analyses, engage-
ment is perceived from smaller audiences, not neces-
sarily characterized as crowds (Latulipe et al., 2011;
ujo et al., 2022; Cerratto-Pargman et al., 2014). In
the Viewer unit analyses, individual experience is ob-
served (Haimson and Tang, 2017), even if the viewer
finds himself participating in an audience or crowd.
Figure 2: Representation of concepts associated with En-
3.1.1 Crowd
According to Vasconcelos et al. (2018), Crowd En-
gagement can be understood as ”a branch of crowd
dynamics, but with a focus on how the crowd interacts
with each other or as a group in a given event. The
authors use this concept to encourage mass partici-
pation, providing public engagement in performances
and art installations, such as applause and cheering.
Crowd Engagement is typical at events with large
masses, such as sporting events or music festivals,
where people collectively come together for a com-
mon goal, such as raising a smartphone flashlight,
cheering, or crowds joining in singing the team’s an-
them. The characteristics of this type of engagement
are associated with the concept of Collective Effer-
vescence (Durkheim and Swain, 2008).
Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events
Collective Effervescence is a concept that
emerged from psychology and conveyed the idea that
groups gathered in a single place share the feeling
of collective exaltation and emotion. Durkheim and
Swain (2008) describes Collective Effervescence as:
”The very fact of congregating is an exceptionally
powerful stimulant. Once the individuals are gath-
ered together, a sort of electricity is generated from
their closeness and that quickly launches them to an
extraordinary height of exaltation... Probably because
a collective emotion cannot be expressed collectively
without some order that permits harmony and unison
of movement, these gestures and cries tend to fall into
rhythm and regularity”.
In the context of technological interaction in
events, the motivation derived from the interaction of
large masses is one of the Collective Effervescence
effects, especially when there is the possibility of in-
teracting or transmitting their exaltation with the mo-
ment (Otsu et al., 2021), such as flash mobs or crowds
in football stadiums cheering for their team.
In remote events such as live streams, this col-
lective feeling is conveyed differently and can occur
through comments on streaming platforms or other
forms of interaction with the public. Therefore, in re-
mote events, the collective experience is not the same
as in events where the audience can physically inter-
act (Otsu et al., 2021).
Collective sentiment affects emerging aspects in-
fluencing the crowd’s experience, such as imitation
and invention. Imitation is a contagious movement
involving responses from the crowd to participate in
collective behaviors, characterized by moments of
emotion and arousal. In this context, invention is a
phenomenon derived from imitation and refers to the
emergence of new behaviors, such as creating new
songs, dances, or rituals (Veerasawmy and McCarthy,
The literature brings different perceptions about
behaviors and characteristics associated with Crowd
Engagement. Therefore, it is noted that Crowd En-
gagement is a broad concept with varying points of
view. However, it is necessary to understand how to
design new forms of technological interaction to pro-
mote the crowd’s experience, whether in face-to-face,
virtual or hybrid spaces.
3.1.2 Audience
Mackellar (2013) defines an audience as a group
of listeners or viewers waiting to engage with the
event. This concept of audience is generic and in-
cludes crowds to individual viewers of an event. Thus,
we consider Audience unit analyses as a grouping of
viewers participating in an event. However, this unit
analysis does not include audiences in large masses
(crowds) as a target, but smaller audiences, such as
audiences in theaters or lectures.
In the context of technological interaction, audi-
ence engagement is observed from emotional phe-
nomena such as valence (positive and negative) and
pleasure (Latulipe et al., 2011; Webb et al., 2016).
Latulipe et al. (2011) emphasize that engagement can
be used as a tool to understand how performance is
perceived by the audience and can be an indication
that the audience is engaged in different contexts. In
traditional performances such as theater or opera, si-
lence is an indicator of audience engagement (Webb
et al., 2016).
Engagement is also considered from the perspec-
tive of performances in distributed spaces (Webb
et al., 2016). In game live streamings, engagement
can be observed from audience participation when us-
ing resources made available by the broadcast plat-
form, such as chats (Chen et al., 2019; Friedlander,
2017), likes (Tang et al., 2017; Br
undl and Hess,
2016), emoticons or stickers (Lu et al., 2021; Chen
et al., 2019).
According to Latulipe et al. (2011), audience en-
gagement is presented from an emotional perspective
related to affection and how the audience expresses
their emotions when interacting and participating in
the performance. From this perspective, the affec-
tive states Arousal and Valencia stand out. Valence
is associated with audience attention and interest and
can be measured as positive and negative (Latulipe
et al., 2011). On the other hand, Arousal is related
to emotional intensity (sleepy - activated), and can
be affected by the music or what the viewer observes
around (Latulipe et al., 2011). Besides this, the con-
cept of Arousal is used as a factor to evaluate audience
reaction during a performance (Han et al., 2021).
3.1.3 Viewer
Engagement can be analyzed from the perspective of
an individual following the technological interaction
(Viewer engagement). The Viewer unit analysis rep-
resents the individual experience of a spectator who
may participate in a Crowd or an Audience. The indi-
vidual and collective experiences are distinct. Com-
mon examples occurred during the COVID-19 pan-
demic, where many live streams emerged as an al-
ternative to promote events. In this context, a sin-
gle viewer can be following a live music festival from
home, however, collectively gathered with thousands
of people through the broadcast platform chat or using
social networks (Lessel et al., 2017).
Five dimensions affect viewer engagement: im-
mersion, immediacy, interactivity, sociality (Haim-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
son and Tang, 2017) and loneliness (McLaughlin
and Wohn, 2021). These dimensions relate to what
makes live streams engaging from the viewer’s per-
spective and explore the limitations that arise from
the interaction between viewer and content trans-
mitter(streamer). Haimson and Tang (2017) and
(McLaughlin and Wohn, 2021) refer to these dimen-
sions in the context of live streams.
Haimson and Tang (2017) describe immersion as
the feeling of being present as part of the experience,
considering factors such as energy, excitement, and
whether you can see and hear the crowd during the
event. In addition, from the different modalities in
which the event is held, the experience can become
more immersive for the spectator and provide a sense
of connectedness with both the performers and audi-
ence Geigel (2017). Unlike immersion, immediacy
is represented by the unpredictable, associated with
aspects in which viewers can perceive what happens
in real-time, such as uncensored content, immedi-
ate responses, and the feeling of not knowing what
might happen next. Interactivity explores behavioral
aspects of the spectator, being concerned with active
or passive states. While a passive viewer watches the
stream, an active viewer uses resources (e.g., chat or
stickers) to interact with the stream or other viewers
(Haimson and Tang, 2017; Br
undl et al., 2017; Striner
et al., 2021). Sociality shares social aspects of par-
ticipation and is perceived when friends or acquain-
tances watch the same broadcast and share the same
experience. For instance, streamers who have friends
watching the broadcast can invite them to be part of
the show, thus promoting engagement (Haimson and
Tang, 2017). Contrary to Sociality, Loneliness is con-
sidered the state of isolation of the viewer, which
happens when one lacks appropriate social partners
to share desired social activities (McLaughlin and
Wohn, 2021).
3.2 Participation
Event and audience studies have become prominent
in areas such as tourism (Getz, 2007, 2008), where
audience participation as part of the performance has
become a popular topic. In this sense, audience par-
ticipation is conceptualized from active and passive
behaviors (Mackellar, 2013). Active participation in-
volves energy, enthusiasm, skills, and commitment to
audience resources. Passive participation doesn’t re-
quire many skills and is related to just watching and
following the event (Mackellar, 2013). The represen-
tation of this concept is presented in Figure 3.
Considering events with technological interaction,
Audience participation is a way to engage audiences,
and reinforce the liveness of the experience (Robin-
son et al., 2022). In the literature, audience partic-
ipation is synthesized from active/passive behaviors
(Cerratto-Pargman et al., 2014; Li et al., 2019). Other
works highlight qualities(Cerratto-Pargman et al.,
2014) and motivations(Martins et al., 2021) that in-
fluence audience’s experience through technological
interaction. Participation is constantly used as an
alternative to making events engaging and interac-
tive, as an essential part of interactive performances
(Cerratto-Pargman et al., 2014). Through this partic-
ipation, elements like emotional expressiveness and
interactions between artists and audience members
can emerge from audience participation (Tholander
et al., 2021). In remote events, audience participa-
tion can be performed through features such as chat
and voting (Li et al., 2019). Such interactive features
for audience participation may influence the content
of the broadcast and the content to be broadcast in
the future (Lessel et al., 2017). Consequently, immer-
sion content, the immediacy of audience action, and
the sociality of the experience can be affected (Striner
et al., 2021).
From literature, audience participation by techno-
logical interaction can be analyzed from four perspec-
tives: concerning the time or moment in which it oc-
curs, the environment in which this participation takes
place, the audience’s motivation to participate in the
event, and the qualities of this participation. A rep-
resentation of this perspective can be seen in Figure
Figure 3: Representation of concepts associated with Par-
3.2.1 Time Related Participation
Regarding time as an aspect, participation is char-
acterized by two facets: reflexive and immediate
(Cerratto-Pargman et al., 2014). The reflective facet
reflects the personal participatory experience after the
Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events
performance. The immediate facet describes emerg-
ing qualities during the show. The authors add that
sensory, emotional, and intellectual stimuli associated
with engagement are awakened from technological
From an immediate facet, two concepts were iden-
tified which affect participation with technological in-
teraction during the event: technology-mediated audi-
ence (H
odl et al., 2020) and Co-performance (Li et al.,
Moreover, we related the immediate facet with
Co-performance concept. Li et al. (2019) refer Co-
Performance as a collaboration between performance,
audiences, and streamers to present performances in
live streaming. In this sense, the authors empha-
size that Co-performance is concerned with how the
streamer and audience interaction occurs and how it
can improve such interaction.
3.2.2 Space Related Participation
Participation integrates elements that affect the expe-
rience, including the space in which the audience is
distributed (Webb et al., 2016).
One concept regarding audience participation is
Perspective. Geigel (2017) refers ’Perspective’ as the
experience of participation related to the venue of the
performance, considering where the audience view
and interact with the performance. Besides this, au-
dience view is related audience’s position in the envi-
ronment, such as the seat of the viewer during the per-
formance. Still, from Perspective, we associated an-
other concept, Intervenability. The concept of Inter-
venability refers first-person perspective, specifically
the sense of being involved in the relationship with
a member (Yakura, 2021). This concept cares about
how members can control the mode of interaction is
3.2.3 Participation Qualities
Studies emphasize the need to understand the ex-
perience through audience participation in interac-
tive performances (Williamson et al., 2014; Martins
et al., 2021; Lu, 2021; Striner et al., 2021). Cerratto-
Pargman et al. (2014) explore audience participation
from three emerging qualities: constitutive, epistemic
and critical.
The Constitutive quality seeks to understand par-
ticipation from the cultural and social perspective of
the participants concerning the performance, espe-
cially how they establish themselves to interact or ac-
company the performance (Cerratto-Pargman et al.,
2014). In live stream context, communities can be
considered as members of grups around themes such
as culture and pride. The members has roles and spe-
cific identities where a network of thematic relation-
ships and emotional connection (Striner et al., 2021;
Hilvert-Bruce et al., 2018).
In Epistemic quality, the values of participation
are associated with the experience of knowing more
about oneself, and about others around them during
the performance (Cerratto-Pargman et al., 2014). On
the other hand, Critical quality seeks to understand
the emergence of emerging social issues and critical
thinking about participation (Cerratto-Pargman et al.,
2014). Social aspects can emerge from messages with
a socio-political charge, such as themes related to mi-
norities, wars or social movements (Cerratto-Pargman
et al., 2014). As an example of Critical quality, we can
mention the live streams where performers encourage
the public to express themselves about various top-
ics. The incentive reflects in audience participation
through text comments in chat and the rise of hash-
tags associated with the theme.
3.2.4 Motivation
When designing interactive technologies at events, it
is necessary to observe motivation as a fundamen-
tal factor. Each type of audience may have different
intentions to participate (Gomes et al., 2020). H
et al. (2017) note that the audience wants unique and
special experiences and feels part of an audience. Wu
et al. (2017) suggest that the motivation to participate
is influenced by the desire to be an active spectator
and point out some characteristics that affect audi-
ence motivation, such as imitation, competitiveness,
contributing to the performance, or directing/leading
the performance.
The motivation is the intention to interact and ex-
perience new experiences. Motivation can be asso-
ciated with two main activities presented by Martins
et al. (2021), Collaboration and Competition. Collab-
oration is described as the “process by which people
act together for a common goal, being a collective,
synchronous activity that results from a sustained ef-
fort to build and maintain a shared understanding of
an issue or task” (Martins et al., 2021). Therefore,
motivation is the desire to participate in collective ac-
tivities with common goals. Otherwise, Competition
reflects the intention to participate in competitive ac-
tivities, and motivation is affected by the feeling of
challenge (Martins et al., 2021). Typical examples
are seen at sporting events where audiences are in-
fluenced to cheer for a team.
Therefore, exploring possibilities for participation
can be a challenge where it is necessary to think about
how to design new experiences and study the context
of the event.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Liveness
Liveness represents the connection of people follow-
ing and watching the event in real-time and living the
spontaneity of the experience(Mueser and Vlachos,
In the context of technological interaction, Webb
et al. (2016) describes the concept of Liveness as:
”experiencing an event in real-time with the potential
for shared social realities among participants”. Hook
et al. (2012) suggests that Liveness is conceived from
aspects of location and presence, as well as attributes
such as space and time (Webb et al., 2016). Besides
this, Liveness is considered a key aspect to captur-
ing the energy of a live performance (Robinson et al.,
2022), related to connection between viewers watch-
ing the same event and the naturalness of the live ex-
perience (Mueser and Vlachos, 2018; Jacobs, 2018).
Therefore, Liveness is associated with the experience
of being there (Hook et al., 2012), and accompanying
the audience by participating in the event (Mueser and
Vlachos, 2018). Liveness is usually used to differenti-
ate live events from recorded events concerning possi-
bilities of interaction and engagement (Geigel, 2017;
Benford et al., 2021; Striner et al., 2021). A repre-
sentation of this perspective can be seen in Figure 4.
We use the term Liveness to represent the whole at-
mosphere that affects the experience of the audience,
as well as sensations and emotions. In this sense,
two concepts are associated with Liveness: Flow and
Figure 4: Representation of concepts associated with Live-
3.3.1 Flow
The Flow represents the phenomenon of being ab-
sorbed and entwined by something (Csikszentmihalyi
and Csikzentmihaly, 1990). In the context of techno-
logical interaction, Mueser and Vlachos (2018) high-
light examples that provoke the state of Flow, such
as engagement and concentration, learning and chal-
lenge, energy and tension, shared experience and at-
mosphere, and personal and connection.
3.3.2 Presence
Unlike Flow, which represents the perception of being
absorbed, Presence is a paradigm concerned with re-
designing Liveness, considering the degree to which
spectators pay attention to the event and intensity of
engagement (Kim, 2017). For instance, in virtual re-
ality events, Presence is used to evaluate the quality of
experience, concerned with the emotional response of
”being there” (Yakura and Goto, 2020). Presence can
be associated with two concepts: Co-presence and
Social Presence.
Haimson and Tang (2017) present the concept of
Co-presence as a ”shared sense of space and time that
bridges the gap between event participants and audi-
ence”. This concept represents how audiences can
be established at the event to interact or follow the
performances. For example, in environments with
physical Co-presence, participants can socially inter-
act with (Webb et al., 2016; Geigel, 2017) audience
members. In remote or virtual spaces, this concept is
important to engage remote audiences and promote
liveness (Otsu et al., 2021), and can be associated
with audiences chatting in a shared chat(Webb et al.,
Social Presence is related to the degree of aware-
ness of others in an interaction (Geigel, 2017), con-
cerning how people present in the same space coexist
and react with other viewers (Li et al., 2020). Geigel
(2017) points to factors between audience members,
such as their verbal and non-verbal communication
and the feeling of shared simultaneous experience in
the same environment.
Sharing the same environment and reactions with
audiences can awaken new feelings. In virtual and re-
mote environments, there’s the Sense of Unity. This
concept is described as a consequence of the synergic
effect among audience excitement, such as cheering
or shouting reactions (Yakura and Goto, 2020). Sense
of Unity is also described as unique interaction be-
tween the audiences and the performers (Abe et al.,
2022). Additionally, the Sense of Belonging is one
of the reasons viewers interact during remote events.
This concept is related to community relationships,
considering emotional dependence on the group and
how users interact in these communities (Li and Guo,
In this literature review, we sought answers to the fol-
lowing research question: How researches in HCI
and CSCW areas are approaching technological in-
Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events
teraction in events? Therefore, the concepts derived
from the literature were organized into a taxonomy
structured around three major concepts, here consid-
ered lenses of analysis: engagement, participation and
Regarding HCI, the review frequently addresses
issues associated with live streaming. Researchers
are concerned with how to increase audience inter-
action and engagement with the streamer of the con-
tent (Tang et al., 2016; Fraser et al., 2019), which
makes experiences in live streaming engaging (Haim-
son and Tang, 2017). Interaction happens in many
ways, such as chat, likes, polls, or other interactive
features (Striner et al., 2021; Miller et al., 2017). An-
other concept related to live streaming is associated
with liveness since the consumption of content after
the live broadcast makes the experience different from
when performed live (Benford et al., 2021). View-
ers appreciate raw content, and value real-time inter-
action (Lu et al., 2018). For instance, lives that oc-
curred during the pandemic, although it has already
happened, the recording is available to be watched on
video-sharing platforms.
It’s important to consider keeping viewers moti-
vated and engaged in live streaming. Viewers interact
with each other or with the broadcaster. This inter-
action has the potential to change the content during
the live. Therefore, it is necessary to explore opportu-
nities from the viewers’ perspective, provide alterna-
tives to remain engaged, identify how they can change
the broadcast, and generate new interactive resources.
Outside the context of live streaming, there were
studies related to concepts of collective effervescence
in live music performances (Otsu et al., 2021) and au-
dience participation by music creation (H
odl et al.,
In CSCW, studies address how liveness experi-
ences are transformed by technology into distributed
performances (Webb et al., 2016), how participants
are collaborating in virtual spaces (Wallace et al.,
2020; Ara
ujo et al., 2022) and different forms of inter-
action and participation in live streamings (Lu et al.,
2021; Li et al., 2019; Tang et al., 2017). For the
CSCW community, it is interesting to explore audi-
ence participation in live streams, as, in many live
streams, the audience is encouraged to work together
for common goals, such as raising funds for a cam-
paign and collaborating to solve challenges in games,
for instance.
From these works, there is a growing demand for
research with interest in understanding audiences’ ex-
perience in live broadcasts. Therefore, promoting al-
ternatives to increase interaction and participation in
live broadcasts are trending topics in these areas.
The taxonomy proposed is based on three main
lenses (Engagement, Participation and Liveness).
When analyzing aspects of engagement, it is natural
to observe aspects of audience participation and live-
ness, in the same way, when investigating liveness,
aspects of engagement and participation emerge since
such concepts have an intrinsic relationship with each
other. For example, an audience may attend a remote
event and engage actively with the provided technol-
ogy interaction. Consequently, when designing forms
of technological interaction, it is important to con-
sider the experience as a whole without losing focus
on the individual experience that participates in the
Considering engagement as an emotional, cogni-
tive, and behavioral phenomenon (Doherty and Do-
herty, 2018), participation as a result of technological
interaction can arouse different levels of engagement,
that is, feelings that represent the experience. Such
feelings are presented in different ways, as presented
in the Subsection 2.1. This experience is affected
by the feeling of being there experiencing the expe-
rience and the immediacy represented by the concept
of Liveness.
Studies already propose alternatives to measure
audience engagement during events(Wang et al.,
2014; Latulipe et al., 2011). However, it needs atten-
tion since, while they seek to measure engagement,
they can also affect the audience’s experience as a
technology user. Interactive features in live streaming
can also affect the remote event experience. Text mes-
sages can be useful when interacting with audiences
or small crowds. However, when the audience grows
exponentially, it becomes difficult to manage the flow
of messages (Miller et al., 2017; Haimson and Tang,
2017). Therefore, there is a need to think about how to
explore these concepts in order to minimize difficul-
ties faced when providing experiences derived from
technological interaction in events, as Haimson and
Tang (2017) suggest message flow groupings in chat.
In this sense, the HCI area can contribute by ob-
serving how to promote and improve interactive ex-
periences based on new resources and technologies.
However, it is necessary to explore different modali-
ties, events, and audiences considering different con-
texts. Such concepts help assess how the experience
expected by technological interaction is affected by
the performance and how audience interaction is af-
fected. In this context, this is a topic to be explored, as
event producers seek to provide unique experiences to
the public, improving their involvement and engage-
ment. As a result, opportunities can be explored to
contribute to the experience, in particular, improve
the UX of technologies or study how can apply In-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
teraction Design to design products aimed at public
participation and engagement.
The CSCW area, on the other hand, can contribute
to exploring how audiences collaborate to achieve
common goals. It is noted that several aspects are to
be explored, such as remote, face-to-face, or hybrid
audiences. Therefore, how the audience and show
collaborate is essential to transform experiences lived
during the event and audience motivations to collabo-
This research contributes to the taxonomy of con-
cepts related to technological interaction in events
found in the literature. Those concepts have the po-
tential to introduce novel perspectives for engage-
ment across varying contexts and modes of occur-
rence, including frameworks or models that serve as
a foundation for comprehending and interpreting the
technology-mediated phenomenon or process. This,
in turn, may facilitate the advancement of technolo-
gies pertaining to said phenomenon or process. How-
ever, they need to be explored carefully since, in the
same way that experiences provide positive feelings
about the interaction, negative perceptions must also
be considered.
This paper presented a taxonomy of concepts asso-
ciated with technological interaction in events with
the potential to provide new audience experiences.
The organization of concepts was derived from an
exploratory literature review using backward and for-
ward snowballing techniques. As a result, three main
concepts were identified: Engagement, Participation
and Liveness.
These concepts were associated with a unit analy-
sis that helps to characterize ways of promoting tech-
nological interaction. As a result, we verified how en-
gagement could be observed from different perspec-
tives. In addition, we highlight how the audience can
be motivated to participate and the importance of their
real-time experience.
Understanding the concepts presented can change
the experience mediated by technological interaction,
considering different modalities of the event. This
representation aims to obtain an overview of concepts
that affect the experience. In future work, we aim to
validate this taxonomy through a study with special-
ists and investigate how to design technologies con-
sidering the association of all concepts.
We thank USES Research Group members for their
support. The present work is the result of the Re-
search and Development (R&D) project 001/2020,
signed with Federal University of Amazonas and
FAEPI, Brazil, which has funding from Samsung, us-
ing resources from the Informatics Law for the West-
ern Amazon (Federal Law nº 8.387/1991), and its dis-
closure is in accordance with article 39 of Decree No.
10.521/2020. Also supported by CAPES - Financing
Code 001, CNPq process 314174/2020-6, FAPEAM
process 062.00150/2020, and grant 2020/05191-2
Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
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Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events