ceived as very close to the real world and how people
interact outside the Metaverse (see Figure 3). In addi-
tion, both features also allowed socialization and in-
teractivity between people within the platform. In the
following subsection, we will present aspects of user
interaction directly with the Gather.town platform that
also enabled the promotion of Immersion.
4.3 User-Platform Interaction Aspects
The platform features established user-Platform Inter-
action with some of its exclusive features and Game-
play Dynamics that promote Immersion.
Platform Techinical Features. Gather.town have of
features for videoconferencing, such as screen shar-
ing, and some differentiated features. The avatars and
proximity chat are the resources that provide com-
munication and interaction between users. It also
has some exclusive features. For instance, Private
Spaces permit a meeting within the main conference
to those in the same place. Interactive objects (Em-
bedded Objects) allow video streams, images, and in-
teractive websites to be embedded in any object in the
Gather.town space so that users can interact.
The first level of Immersion is Engagement, de-
scribed as the user’s initial interactions with the ex-
perience they are participating. Therefore, the plat-
form’s characteristics must be pleasant for the user
from the beginning of the experience to encourage
user engagement. In this sense, the main aspects that
caught the participants’ attention were the customiza-
tion of the environment and avatars, the design and
setting, and the familiarity with other tools.
One of the factors that characterize the systems
for the Metaverse is the ambiance of the spaces. For
example, the “murder at school” enigma, which takes
place in a school, needed an environment close to the
characteristics of a school to make the experience of
solving the enigma on the platform more immersive.
The ambiance ensured approval from the users: “I
also liked the customization of the space. Ours, for
example, was a school and had a meeting room. We
would gather in the meeting room and talk: now ev-
eryone is going to explore, but let us meet in the meet-
ing room in five minutes”.
In addition to the ambiance, the user must be able
to interact and, as is typical of experiences in the
Metaverse, represent himself in various ways: “One
of the things that I liked the most at first was the cus-
tomization of the stick figures. It had a lot of cool op-
tions. Including, after I found out I had a wheelchair,
I had fun with the wheelchair (laughs)”. Customiza-
tion and ambiance can be considered fundamental to
provide a high-quality immersive experience: “The
fact that it is a customizable, interactive, amazing en-
vironment, and the proximity microphone too. That
was the turning point for me”.
The customization of the environment was a posi-
tive factor. However, it does not exclude that a Meta-
verse platform must be attractive to the user in terms
of design from the beginning. The user’s first contact
with the platform needs to be positive, as this will in-
fluence the desire to use it: “For me it was something
that blew my mind when I got there, I was very inter-
ested in this platform.”. The freedom of customiza-
tion of the avatars promoted interest among the par-
ticipants, thus, a greater engagement to explore.
According to the participants, a metaverse plat-
form needs to provide a balance between simplicity
and sophistication. Simplicity is not a negative factor
as long as the platform delivers what it proposes with
high quality and in a simple way, providing different
elements to interact: “The setting is beautiful, I found
the game beautiful like that, even though it’s simple”.
One participant concluded that the sum of the plat-
form’s characteristics was the determining factor for
him/her to consider the experience positive: “Any-
way, I think it was an exciting experience, even with
my reservations, (referring to some points of Immer-
sion break, like the external pop up) it was an exciting
experience this simulation of the work environment
for us to solve the enigmas there was really cool”.
Another key feature identified for Immersion is fa-
miliarity with other platforms. Several times, partici-
pants pointed out that Gather resembled other games
and immersive experience: “I think the interaction I
liked the most is because the game is very similar to
an RPG, a game that we are already used to”.
Gameplay. Gameplay happens during the player-
game interaction, and this interaction aims to provide
a motivating, entertaining experience for the player.
(Nacke et al., 2010). Involves practicality of use, such
as commands, controls, and Storytelling. Gameplay
is affected by two factors: the features of the platform
and the established dynamics. In our study, dynamics
refers to Enigmas, which involve the arrangement of
clues and the relationship with the environment.
Making good use of the platform’s features in-
terferes with the experience and the quality of the
enigmas, consequently affecting the Gameplay. For
instance, making a good relationship between the
proposed enigmas and the elements available on the
platform can cause positive experiences in users, as
pointed out by a participant in the “Murder at school”
enigma: ’“I found it very interesting and when I found
tombs. I opened the tomb. In front of the small school,
I found the victims. I found it super funny”. Using
platform elements as an inherent part of storytelling
An Experience in the Gather.town: Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse