quence, more complex constraints are pushed to the
constraint stack, yet, fewer paths have to be evaluated
by the tool. While promising, Java Ranger does not
treat purely symbolic arrays (Sharma et al., 2020).
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ing up array constraints (Perry et al., 2017). This
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mentation differs in that we use implication opposed
to nested if-then-else statements with summarized
index ranges as the latter has reduced the performance
for our benchmark examples. Furthermore, we pro-
vide a mechanism to express symbolic aliasing, thus
enabling a purely symbolic treatment of arrays of ob-
jects for all solvers supporting negation, disjunction,
and conjunction of constraints as well as value equal-
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the future, it might be interesting to compare the per-
formance of other types of constraint solvers, such
as FD solvers, with SMT solvers in the context of
CLOOP. This is possible since the presented mecha-
nisms pose very few requirements towards employed
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Constraint-Logic Object-Oriented Programming with Free Arrays of Reference-Typed Elements via Symbolic Aliasing