Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable
Relaxation Labeling
Sara Ferro
2,1, a
, Alessandro Torcinovich
3, b
, Arianna Traviglia
1 c
and Marcello Pelillo
2,1 d
Center for Cultural Heritage Technology, Italian Institute of Technology, Venice, Italy
DAIS, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy
Department of Computer Science, ETH Z
urich, Z
urich, Switzerland
Handwriting Recognition, Relaxation Labeling Processes, Generalisation.
Handwriting Text Recognition (HTR) is a fast-moving research topic in computer vision and machine learning
domains. Many models have been introduced over the years, one of the most well-established ones being
the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN), which combines convolutional feature extraction with
recurrent processing of the visual embeddings. Such a model, however, presents some limitations such as a
limited capability to account for contextual information. To counter this problem, we propose a new learning
module built on top of the convolutional part of a classical CRNN model, derived from the relaxation labeling
processes, which is able to exploit the global context reducing the local ambiguities and increasing the global
consistency of the prediction. Experiments performed on three well-known handwritten recognition datasets
demonstrate that the relaxation labeling procedures improve the overall transcription accuracy at both character
and word levels.
The increased availability of digitized large collec-
tions of ancient and historical manuscripts in the
form of digital images is increasingly providing the
opportunity to convert past scripts into machine-
readable text formats and create digital storages of
editable content. Advancements both in layout analy-
sis and text recognition are currently paving the way
for making digitized manuscript content fully ma-
chine searchable and readable. Automatic letter/word
recognition of ancient and historic texts, however, still
has many inherent complexities. Besides the broad
range of handwriting across several centuries, there
are also many varieties in the shape of the letters due
to the writing tool type and width within the same
group of scripts; in addition, individual scribes might
have had different handwriting (e.g. in letters shape
and size), this being a common feature, especially
Equal contributions, authors listed in alphabetical or-
for historical documents. Transcription of handwrit-
ten text from badly preserved documents is also made
more difficult by the deterioration of the writing sup-
port (paper, parchment or others).
Even though, at present, handwriting transcrip-
tion has shown promising performances (Teslya and
Mohammed, 2022), (Lombardi and Marinai, 2020),
thanks to both the development of sequential mod-
els which are compatible with the sequential nature
of handwriting scripts, attention-based models, and
a mixture of both there still is a long way to go.
During the processing of the input text image, recur-
rent sequential models take into account past informa-
tion, as Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks
(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), past and future
information, as Bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM) net-
works, and multi-directional information, as Multi-
Directional LSTM (MDLSTM) networks. These
models have improved thanks to the inclusion of con-
volutional layers, which proved to be able to extract
informative features from data (Puigcerver, 2017)
(Retsinas et al., 2022). Sequential model capabili-
ties have been enhanced by using attention mecha-
nisms that weigh more the “most important” input
data (Bluche et al., 2017). Gating mechanisms bor-
rowed from LSTMs and GRUs were also used to-
Ferro, S., Torcinovich, A., Traviglia, A. and Pelillo, M.
Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable Relaxation Labeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0011849300003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 574-581
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
gether with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
to retain relevant information, showing competitive
results compared to more classical Convolutional Re-
current Neural Network (CRNN) models (Coquenet
et al., 2019). However, non-sequential models with
attention mechanisms have outperformed sequential
ones (Li et al., 2021).
Relaxation labeling procedures are parallel it-
erative processes able to simultaneously take data
into account. Data is therefore processed in a non-
sequential manner. This feature enables the model to
learn the context in relation to all characters in the
text line. In addition, they are able to refine the out-
puts concurrently, and not just one at a time. These
characteristics were introduced with attention-based
non-sequential models based on the (Vaswani et al.,
2017) Transformer architecture.
Although the models mentioned above are effi-
cient at solving the problem of sequence labeling (as
in the case of handwriting recognition), how to prop-
erly embed and use contextual information is still an
open question. Relaxation labeling processes proved
to be able to include useful contextual information, as
they reduce both local ambiguities and achieve global
consistency. These are in fact parallel iterative label-
ing processes capable of performing the exploitation
of contextual information.
Relaxation labeling processes for consistent label-
ing represented a fundamental model in the past in
solving tasks such as text recognition (Goshtasby and
Ehrich, 1988). Research, however, shifted its focus
to neural network-based approaches (Lombardi and
Marinai, 2020). This was probably due to one of the
main disadvantages of these processes: the need to
define the compatibility coefficients a-priori. To ad-
dress this problem, (Pelillo and Refice, 1994) showed
that a forward propagation error strategy is effective
in learning good compatibilities in the field of Natural
Language Processing.
In this paper, we include relaxation labeling pro-
cesses in a well-established neural network architec-
ture in the HTR field, the CRNN, to further refine the
labeling output. We use a novel learning scheme for
the parameters, i.e. the compatibility coefficients, of
relaxation labeling processes to be learned together
with those of the neural network. We conducted ex-
periments which demonstrated the ability of relax-
ation labeling processes to improve the model gen-
eralisation capability.
In this Section, we revise the theoretical framework
of relaxation labeling and describe our proposed so-
lution for handwritten text recognition.
2.1 Consistent Labeling Problem
Many models have been introduced to solve the so-
called consistent labeling problem, a class of prob-
lems widely studied in computer vision, pattern
recognition and artificial intelligence fields (Haralick
and Shapiro, 1979). These problems involve label-
ing a set of objects such that certain domain-specific
constraints must be satisfied: given a set of objects,
there exist labeling configurations that are impossible.
For example, in the case of character-level labeling in
a line of English text, if we were to decide to label
with a character knowing that the preceding charac-
ter is a comma, we would choose a space. Indeed,
the character space always follows such punctuation.
Attempts in formalizing the notion of consistent la-
beling culminated in the seminal paper of Hummel
and Zucker (Hummel and Zucker, 1983), who devel-
oped a formal theory of consistency that later turned
out to have intimate connections with non-cooperative
game-theory (Miller and Zucker, 1991). The theory
generalizes the classical constraint satisfaction prob-
lem, where the constraints are boolean, to soft com-
patibility measures and probabilistic labeling assign-
ments (Rosenfeld et al., 1976). It is possible to solve
the first kind of problem through discrete relaxation
labeling processes instead continuous relaxation la-
beling, also named probabilistic relaxation labeling
processes, can solve the second one. We will use this
second name in the case of soft compatibility mea-
In this paper, the second case scenario is consid-
ered, as it is better suited for unsegmented data. La-
bel pairs cannot be fully compatible or incompatible.
Compatibility coefficients must not be logical asser-
tions but weighted values representing relative prefer-
To consistently label our data, the classical relax-
ation labeling procedures of (Rosenfeld et al., 1976)
are used, as they present funded theoretical properties
(Pelillo, 1997): when a specific condition of symme-
try is met, such processes possess a Lyapunov func-
tion which drives them towards the nearest consistent
solution. Furthermore, even if the symmetry condi-
tion is relaxed, more of the essential dynamical prop-
erties of the algorithm continues to hold.
Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable Relaxation Labeling
2.1.1 Relaxation Labeling Processes
Here we introduce some necessary information about
the relaxation labeling algorithms of (Rosenfeld et al.,
As stated in the previous Section, relaxation la-
beling processes are iterative procedures that can take
advantage of contextual information to label in a con-
sistent manner a set of objects. The contextual in-
formation is embedded in the so-called compatibil-
ity coefficients. The compatibility coefficients are the
non-negative real-valued elements in the matrix of
compatibility coefficients, which we name R. Given
B =
, . . . , b
the set of objects to label and Λ =
1, . . . , m
the set of possible labels, R is defined in
terms of a n ×n block matrix:
R =
. . . R
. . . R
, (1)
where each R
i j
, with i and j = 1, . . . , n, is a m × m
i j
i j
(1, 1) . . . r
i j
(1, m)
i j
(m, 1) . . . r
i j
(m, m)
. (2)
Each coefficient r
i j
(λ, µ) measures the strength of
compatibility between λ assigned to object b
and µ
to object b
. High values correspond to compatibility,
and low values correspond to incompatibility.
Let’s assume p
(λ) to be the probability of an ob-
ject i to be labeled with λ. The relaxation labeling
processes are defined by the two formulas:
(λ) =
i j
(λ, µ)p
(µ), (3)
(λ) =
, (4)
with τ the iteration step of the processes. (Formula 3)
is the relaxation operator that considers the context
coded into the compatibility coefficients in R. q
represents the support of the context to labeling object
with label λ.
Iterating (Formulas 3-4), we would obtain a re-
fined probability distribution for the objects, resulting
in a less ambiguous labeling output.
The iterative procedure can be stopped after the
updates become small in the norm or after a prede-
fined number of steps.
2.1.2 Proposed Model and Learning Scheme
The proposed model is depicted in Figure 1. The ar-
chitecture is composed of a neural backbone (base-
line), taken from (Retsinas et al., 2022), and the relax-
ation labeling module. The baseline model comprises
two main modules and an interface one. The first one
is in charge of extracting visual features from images.
The second learns the sequential patterns from data.
These modules are connected through a flattening one
to obtain a 1D-sequence of feature vectors from 2D-
sequence feature representations because the recur-
rent head needs 1D-sequence data as input.
The relaxation labeling module is applied before
the recurring one to avoid running into missing con-
textual information that can be present when using re-
curring layers.
To learn the parameters, we use the backward
propagation through time, which is guaranteed to pro-
duce equivalent results to the forward propagation
scheme developed in (Pelillo and Refice, 1994) but
has the advantage of being computationally efficient
(Baydin et al., 2018). This learning scheme is com-
monly used to train neural network models (Guo,
2013), (Werbos, 1990).
In Figure 2, we report the computational graph of
the relaxation labeling module after defining the num-
ber of iterations T . In this way, it is possible to see
the architecture in the unfolded representation.
We modify the loss of (Retsinas et al., 2022) with
the term involving the relaxation labeling procedures
to train the architecture. All the used losses are
CTC losses to satisfy the unsegmented data process-
ing. The loss of (Retsinas et al., 2022) comprises two
terms, L
which is the loss at the end of the archi-
tecture, and L
which is the loss applied after the
feature extractor module, the flattening one and what
the authors called ‘CTC Shortcut’, a 1D-convolution.
The ‘CTC Shortcut’, with L
, has been intro-
duced to assist in training the network. The new term
that we introduce to the loss, L
, allows learning
the relaxation labeling compatibility coefficients to-
gether with those of the entire convolutional part of
the neural network. The loss is in fact given by the
following formula:
L (ρ
, ρ
, R;s) = L
, ρ
, R;s),
with ρ
, ρ
representing a generic parameter of
the convolutional and recurrent parts of the architec-
ture, respectively. R is the compatibility matrix, and s
is the transcription of the input line. Finally, α and
β are hyperparameters, weighting the CTC loss of
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Conv 7 × 7, 32
MaxPool 2 × 2
ResBlock 3 × 3, 64
MaxPool 2 × 2
ResBlock 3 × 3, 128
MaxPool 2 × 2
ResBlock 3 × 3, 256
BLST M, 256
Linear, m
Conv, 1 × 3, m
Figure 1: The architecture of our model. ColumnMaxPool represents the max pooling applied vertically to flatten the extracted
feature maps, and m is the number of labels.
Table 1: Cardinality for the training, validation and test sets
of the datasets.
Dataset Train. Set Valid. Set Test Set
Saint Gall 468 235 707
Parzival 2, 237 912 1, 328
IAM 6, 482 976 2, 915
the CTC Shortcut and the relaxation labeling module,
In this Section we briefly introduce the datasets used
and the pre-processing and data augmentation tech-
niques performed. We, then, explicitly state the set-
tings used for the experiments. Finally, a detailed ex-
planation of the baseline architecture, the relaxation
labeling module and how these are combined is re-
Figure 2: Computational graph of the unfolded relaxation
labeling module.
3.1 Datasets
We use both historical and modern datasets with line-
level transcription: the Saint Gall (Fischer et al.,
2011), the Parzival (Fischer et al., 2012) and the
IAM dataset (Marti and Bunke, 2002). Datasets are
available from the Research Group on Computer Vi-
sion and Artificial Intelligence at the University of
. The Saint Gall dataset comprises images of
manuscripts of the 9
century written in Latin, the
Parzival dataset contains manuscript images of the
century written in German, the IAM dataset con-
Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable Relaxation Labeling
Table 2: Experiments on the Saint Gall Dataset. Validation and test CER and WER are reported.
Model Val. CER Test CER Val. WER Test WER
Baseline 4, 56% 4, 76% 32, 70% 33, 95%
B. with Relax 4, 43% 4, 65% 31, 95% 33, 29%
Table 3: Experiments on the Parzival Dataset. Validation and test CER and WER are reported.
Model Val. CER Test CER Val. WER Test WER
Baseline 1, 29% 1, 46% 5, 60% 6, 46%
B. with Relax 1, 19% 1, 37% 5, 15% 6, 05%
Table 4: Experiments on the IAM Dataset. Validation and test CER and WER are reported.
Model Val. CER Test CER Val. WER Test WER
Baseline 4, 00% 5, 57% 14, 36% 18, 57%
B. with Relax 3, 77% 5, 50% 13, 85% 18, 50%
Table 5: Examples of refinement using the relaxation labeling module for all the datasets. Grey-filled bounding boxes highlight
Sample Image (csg562-042-24)
GT Vocavit deinde unum e fribus& eum interrogavit quid
Without Relaxation Labeling
Vocavit deinde unum
& eum interrogavit qui
With Relaxation Labeling Vocavit deinde unum e fribus& eum interrogavit quid
Sample Image (d-008b-025)
GT Gahm8reth der werde man.
Without Relaxation Labeling
Gahm8reth der werde
With Relaxation Labeling Gahm8reth der werde man.
Sample Image (d04-012-10)
GT word of God .
Without Relaxation Labeling
word of
With Relaxation Labeling word of God .
tains forms of handwritten modern English text from
657 different writers. The datasets have a different
alphabet cardinality: 50, 95, and 79, respectively. Ta-
ble 1 reports the cardinality of the partitions of the
datasets. Transcription errors are present in all the
datasets, a problem that is affecting the performance
of the models (Aradillas et al., 2020).
3.2 Data Augmentation
We apply the best practices defined in (Retsinas et al.,
2022) as image centring, left and right padding with
the median intensity. We perform classical data aug-
mentation techniques: affine transformations as rota-
tions and translations, and gaussian blur filter of ker-
nel 3 × 3 with a randomly chosen standard deviation
in the range σ [1.0, 2.0]. The images are resized to
128 ×1024 (H ×W ).
3.3 Settings
The same setting of (Retsinas et al., 2022) is used to
train the architecture: the Adam optimizer (Kingma
and Ba, 2014) with an initial learning rate of 1E 3
and weight decay of 5E 5, a fixed number of epochs
equal to 240 while decreasing the learning rate of 0.1
at specific epoch numbers (120 and 180) and α = 0.1
weighting the CTC Shortcut contribution to the loss
(cf. Equation (5)). To perform the analysis, we first
train the entire network considering only the baseline
architecture, then add the relaxation labeling mod-
ule with different numbers of iterations. The con-
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
sidered numbers of iterations are queal to 1, . . . , 5,
10 and 15. For each architecture realisation, we per-
form hyperparameter optimization varying β in the set
0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.
. We also set a maximum wall time
for the training of 24 hours. A batch size of 20 is used
with 4 NVidia Tesla V100 16 Gb GPUs.
3.4 Baseline Model
As already mentioned, the baseline model we used
is taken from (Retsinas et al., 2022). It is made of
a CRNN. Specifically, the first convolutional layer
has a kernel size 7 × 7, and presents 32 filters. It is
followed by a sequence of 3 × 3 ResNet blocks: 2
ResNet blocks with 64 filters, 4 ResNet blocks with
128 filters, and 4 ResNet blocks with 256 filters. Both
the standard convolution and ResNet blocks are fol-
lowed by ReLU activations, Batch Normalization and
dropout. Between the sequences of blocks 2 × 2 max-
pooling layer with stride 2 is set to reduce the fea-
ture map dimension. Then, the 3D feature map is re-
ported to a sequence thanks to a maxpool by column.
The recurrent head takes in input the aforementioned
sequence. It consists of three stacked BLSTM lay-
ers, with a hidden size of 256. Finally, a Fully Con-
nected (FC) layer is used to report the output dimen-
sion to the number of characters in the alphabet (in
addition with the blank character, needed for the CTC
loss (Graves et al., 2006)). The scores are then re-
ported to a probability distribution thanks to the Soft-
max function (Bridle, 1989). To aid the network in
the training process, a ‘CTC Shortcut’ was also used,
consisting of a convolutional layer with kernel dimen-
sion 1 ×3 and a number of channels equal to the num-
ber of classes where another CTC loss is applied to
help training.
3.5 Relaxation Labeling Module
The probabilistic relaxation labeling procedures are
applied to the full-text line image to consider the
whole line context. We apply it after the convolu-
tional part of the architecture (see Figure 1) to in-
clude the context before the recurring part in order to
avoid missing contextual information that can occur
when training recurring layers. The final mapping of
the convolutional part, including the 1D-convolution
1 × 3, is of dimension m × 1 × 128 (m × H × W).
The mapping elements represent the objects to label
B =
, . . . , b
, with n = 128. The labels m are all
the characters in the respective dataset’s alphabet and
the blank character necessary for the CTC loss.
The iteration number T must be chosen before-
hand. Models were released that performed optimally
even using only one iteration, T = 1 (Pelillo and
Refice, 1994). As already mentioned, the iteration
number T is treated like a hyperparameter to be tuned
by doing various experiments.
3.6 Combined Architecture
The relaxation labeling module is placed at the end
of the whole convolutional part of the baseline archi-
tecture (see Figure 1). Differently from (Pelillo and
Refice, 1994), we do not make simplifying assump-
tions as the neighbourhood hypothesis (i.e. assuming
that objects interact within a neighbourhood) and the
stationarity hypothesis (i.e. the compatibility coeffi-
cients do not depend on the absolute positions of the
objects, but on their relative distance) not to constrain
the learning of the compatibility coefficients. This is
to make all objects interact with each other, without
imposing restrictions.
Given the size of the compatibility matrix, we de-
cided to remove the relaxation labeling module in in-
ference time, dealing with the CRNN, only. The re-
laxation labeling module proves to be able to drive
the network towards a more consistent labeling out-
put (see Section 4).
4.1 Quantitative Analysis
Tables 2 - 4 report the best results for the considered
datasets. The relaxation labeling processes showed
the ability to drive the network to a more consistent
labeling, obtaining a lower validation and test CER
and WER than the baseline model. We found the best
choice for β = 0.1, for all the architectures and all the
datasets. Instead, the number of unfolds for the relax-
ation labeling module differs for each dataset. In the
case of the Saint Gall and the IAM dataset, the best
number of relaxation labeling processes iterations is
T = 15, and in the case of the Parzival dataset T = 3.
4.2 Qualitative Analysis
Table 5 reports some cases where the relaxation la-
beling module increased the transcription accuracy
for all the datasets. It is possible to notice that the
model can perform all types of modifications to the
text line: character substitutions, insertions and dele-
tions. The cases of samples csg562-042-24, d-008b-
025 and d04-012-10 report cases of substitutions. In-
sertions are present in the cases of csg562-042-24 and
Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable Relaxation Labeling
d04-012-10. Finally, an example of deletion is present
in the case of sample csg562-042-24. As already
mentioned, errors are present in the datasets. In the
IAM dataset, the GT transcriptions have many more
spaces than the correct ones, especially before punc-
tuation marks. Moreover, errors in the transcription
are present, such as in the case of d04-012-10 where
the GT transcription contains the final dot not present
in the image itself.
We empirically demonstrated that relaxation label-
ing processes help in generalisation abilities for
well-established architectures in the HTR field, the
CRNNs. Such processes can drive the network to-
wards a more consistent labeling output in all the
datasets considered. They improve the results in
terms of both validation and test CER and WER. As
a future work we consider to compare the relaxation
labeling module with attention mechanisms, which
have a similar role of contextual processing from the
context. Finally, we plan to conduct a more exten-
sive comparison of our proposed method with other
backbones, to consistently evaluate the performance
improvement provided by relaxation labeling.
We would especially like to thank Gregory Sech for
his valuable suggestions and his past work on Relax-
ation Labeling processes. Also, we want to thank the
Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) for the possibil-
ity to use their High-Performance Computing (HPC)
as it allowed for faster experimentation.
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Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable Relaxation Labeling