CloudWatcher is based on a two-tier architecture,
in which a set of Managers controls overlay networks
composed of Probe VMs spread among all the mon-
itored DCs. Periodically, each Manager collects data
on the status of the infrastructure interacting with its
Probes while performing Tasks, i.e., activities to col-
lect fault and performance data.
Both the types of Probe and the Tasks are managed
declaratively through a machines.json file and de-
signed to be easily customised and extended so as to
integrate personalised monitoring activities and met-
rics. Each Task employs a data collection function for
gathering data on the health of the monitored DCs, an
aggregation policy to generate a single global report
from the single Tasks’ outputs and possibly a set of
SLO thresholds, also defined declaratively.
As a use case, we deployed CloudWatcher on the
cloud of the Italian Research and Education Network
Consortium (GARR), consisting of three datacentres
scattered throughout the Italian territory. We em-
ployed a total of 3 overlay networks and 12 probes
per Manager. During the monitoring, we measured
the disk I/O performance, the latency and bandwidth
of the network and the behaviour of the Clouds while
executing a remote script and during the random dele-
tion and re-creation of the VMs. Additionally, a Web
Dashboard and alarm system using Telegram were de-
veloped. In our future work, we intend to:
• Data Analysis Pipeline. Design and imple-
ment a pipeline for the automatic production of
human-readable, insightful reports for the Cloud
administrators, based on the data available on the
database, highlighting the evolution over time and
the critical aspects of the monitored parameters.
• Large Scale Assessment. Deploy CloudWatcher
in a large-scale infrastructure for a long period to
assess its behaviour, also comparing it with other
tools. For example, in terms of the overhead pro-
duced by CloudWatcher, the reactivity of the mon-
itoring activities on spotting possible failures or
unusual measurements and how CloudWatcher re-
acts on cloud errors
• Cloud-Edge Applicability. Study the feasibil-
ity of design and develop an extension of Cloud-
Watcher suitable for a dynamic and very hetero-
geneous environment, e.g. Cloud-Edge comput-
ing. Such an extension should be also able to both
manage the scale of such infrastructures and the
mobility of Edge and IoT resources.
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Customisable Fault and Performance Monitoring Across Multiple Clouds