information, we obtain an information flow analysis
that can detect harmful flows in computer programs.
We validated our approach using 9 hand-crafted pro-
grams with complex data flows and verified that all
harmful flows were discovered by the analysis.
Our work shows that an information flow analysis
can be obtained by making only minor changes to a
modular analysis. The resulting analysis is modular,
meaning that it scales well to large programs, and in-
dependent of a particular lattice or context sensitivity.
Future work may consider distinguishing different
types of taint tags, e.g., to reflect levels of information
sensitivity where low-sensitive data may e.g., be al-
lowed at some sinks in a program. Another improve-
ment would be to extend our validation and evalua-
tion using larger programs, allowing e.g., to evaluate
the precision of the analysis (i.e., the number of false
positives found by the analysis). Our implementation
already supports these bigger programs.
This work was partially supported by the Research
Foundation – Flanders (FWO) (grant No. 11F4822N)
and by the Cybersecurity Initiative Flanders.
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MODINF: Exploiting Reified Computational Dependencies for Information Flow Analysis