Table 1: A sample test dataset containing preset and simulated activities from one agent in a 24 hour window. The activities
have physical and time constraints when and where they may be scheduled. Further, we identify that our requirements are
met in the generated activities, i.e. ordered set, exclusivity and chain of reasoning as described in Section 3.3.
Entry Sim. order Activity type Start Time End Time Start (lat, lon) End (lat, lon)
1 preset home 17:34:14 19:35:40 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
2 restricted transport 19:35:40 19:35:40 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
3 restricted sleep 19:35:40 02:53:24 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
4 unrestricted transport 02:53:24 02:53:24 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
5 unrestricted home 02:53:24 05:12:36 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
6 unrestricted transport 05:12:36 05:13:59 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18469, 11.53327)
7 unrestricted walk 05:13:59 07:03:00 (48.18469, 11.53327) (48.18469, 11.53327)
8 unrestricted transport 07:03:00 07:08:47 (48.18469, 11.53327) (48.18418, 11.49277)
9 unrestricted walk 07:08:47 11:20:24 (48.18418, 11.49277) (48.18418, 11.49277)
10 unrestricted transport 11:20:24 11:25:34 (48.18418, 11.49277) (48.18286, 11.52519)
11 preset sleep 11:25:34 12:30:24 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
12 unrestricted transport 12:30:24 12:34:36 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18005, 11.49265)
13 unrestricted shopping 12:34:36 13:15:54 (48.18005, 11.49265) (48.18005, 11.49265)
14 unrestricted transport 13:15:54 13:20:28 (48.18005, 11.49265) (48.18286, 11.52519)
15 preset home 13:20:28 17:16:49 (48.18286, 11.52519) (48.18286, 11.52519)
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