In particular, the integrated system developed
appeared to be able to monitor all deviations from the
operating procedures established at the company
level, and based in turn on ministerial standards and
recommendations, which may represent a risk factor
for the patient, which could result in serious damage
to the image and economic for the structure, as well
as physical damage for the patient. The tool to
calculate KPIs is also useful especially for medium
and long-term monitoring, to evaluate any
improvements following future implementation of
constraints and alerts within the management
software, which can instantly report the operational
differences to the operator, in the same registration
phase on the software in use.
Future development of the study could involve the
introduction of constraints within the software, based
on the structure of the process model in execution,
which prevents the operator from completing the
tasks for which the foreseen operations have not been
performed upstream, or that return error messages in
case of discrepancies with the operating procedures.
The modelling could also be extended to other
fields of operational procedures, not directly
reproducible digitally through the BPMN 2.0
standard, due to their unstructured nature, such as
complex decision-making operations or unstructured
procedures. The latter could be modelled using other
Business Process Management tools, such as the Case
Management Model and Notation (CMMN) for
unstructured processes, and Decision Model and
Notation (DMN) for decision-making processes.
Finally, once the effects of the proposed
implementations have been assessed, should they
prove useful for the objective of safeguarding the
safety of the patient and the work of the healthcare
personnel, it could be useful to extend this approach
to all other healthcare processes that have not been
subject of the present study. This would also make it
possible to classify the latter based on their need for a
more or less structured approach, adapting the models
and systems developed to the cases analysed from
time to time.
Furthermore, this approach would follow the
latest trends and propensities of Industry 4.0, oriented
towards the introduction of automated processes and
innovative technologies, to improve working
conditions in terms of productivity and safety.
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research project Mo.Ri.San.: Monitoring and
management of clinical risk in the social and health
care sector.
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