individuals not even know they have such a disease.
Considering the problems mentioned above, the
objective of this work is to identify forecasting and
classification methodologies, mainly involving fuzzy
logic, used to help the health area.
To this end, a systematic review was carried out
with the objective of finding prediction and classifica-
tion methods for diabetes or even for other diseases,
but that could help in understanding the state of the
art, that is, that could facilitate the understanding of
which techniques, currently, are being used to predict
or classify health problems.
In order to carry out the systematic review, inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria were considered so that the
works found could be filtered and, at the end, those
that best met the pre-established conditions could be
Thus, at the end of the work, it was possible to
observe that techniques using fuzzy logic, such as:
Fuzzy C−Means, ANFIS and Takagi-Sugeno zero or-
der fuzzy modeling are being used and from that it
can be observed which is the best way to contribute
in the area proposing techniques that can improve
the quality/perfomance/explainability/interpretability
of the existing related methods.
The next step, therefore, consists of implementing
a fuzzy methodology for predicting diabetes based on
blood test variables and also on information provided
by the patients themselves, such as: sleep, physical
activity and diet.
This work is supported by the Academic Master’s
and Doctorate Program for Innovation of the National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment CNPq.
Public Notice FAPERGS/CNPq 07/2022 - Pro-
gram to Support the Settlement of Young Doctors in
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Fuzzy Logic for Diabetes Predictions: A Literature Review