Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to
Improve Hate Speech Detection
Aillkeen Bezerra de Oliveira
1 a
, Cl
audio de Souza Baptista
1 b
, Anderson Almeida Firmino
1 c
and Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
2 d
Federal University of Campina Grande, Rua Aprigio Veloso, 882 - Universit
ario, Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil
Federal University of Maranh
ao, Av. dos Portugueses, 1966 - Vila Bacanga, S
ao Lu
ıs, Maranh
ao, Brazil
Hate Speech Detection, Natural Language Processing, Cross-Lingual Learning.
In the Internet age people are increasingly connected. They have complete freedom of speech, being able to
share their opinions with the society on social media. However, freedom of speech is often used to spread
hate speech. This type of behavior can lead to criminality and may result in negative psychological effects.
Therefore, the use of computer technology is very useful for detecting and consequently mitigating this kind
of cyber attacks. Thus, this paper proposes the use of a state-of-the-art model for detecting political-related
hate speech on social media. We used three datasets with a significant lexical distance between them. The
datasets are in English, Italian, and Filipino languages. To detect hate speech, we propose the use of a Pre-
Trained Language Model (PTLM) with Cross-Lingual Learning (CLL) along with techniques such as Zero-
Shot (ZST), Joint Learning (JL), Cascade Learning (CL), and CL/JL+. We achieved 94.3% in the F-Score
metric using CL/JL+ strategy with the Italian and Filipino datasets as the source language and the English
dataset as the target language.
Over the years, humanity has made significant ad-
vances in communication technology, such as radio,
television, and the Internet. The Internet, combined
with mobile devices such as tablets, cell phones and
smartphones, allowed the transmission of information
in real time.
According to the Datareportal
, most of these de-
vices are currently dedicated to social activities. Peo-
ple’s interest in these activities and the availability of
real-time communicability encouraged companies to
create large social networks, facilitating the sharing
of opinions among people. Social media is a struc-
ture composed of people or organizations that are con-
nected by interests in which they share common opin-
ions and objectives. The number of people interested
in expressing their opinions on social platforms has
become increasingly large (Mathew et al., 2019).
By using these networks (Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, etc.) the population has
complete freedom of speech, being able to share their
ideologies, opinions, dissatisfactions, happiness, un-
happiness, etc. This kind of sharing occurs most of-
ten through texts open to the public and/or directed to
someone so that anybody can see it and discuss it.
However, this freedom of speech is also used to
spread aggressiveness on social media, because peo-
ple produce attacks such as cybernetic aggression
(Fortuna and Nunes, 2018; Mladenovic et al., 2021;
Whittaker and Kowalski, 2015). Such behavior pro-
duces what is called Hate Speech. (Fortuna and
Nunes, 2018) defined hate speech as a language that
encourages the increase of violence and it leads to at-
tacks on certain people groups. Most attacks target
people who fit certain aspects, such as physical ap-
pearance, religion, descent, nationality, ethnic origin,
gender, etc.
The term hate speech became the subject of great
interest and research in computing (Mladenovic et al.,
2021). The dispersion of hate speech on social net-
works can negatively affect psychologically people
who are targets of this kind of attack. It can lead vic-
tims to more serious psychological problems such as
de Oliveira, A., Baptista, C., Firmino, A. and de Paiva, A.
Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0011851800003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 374-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
depression, anxiety disorders and even suicide. These
aggressive acts practiced by people can also encour-
age other individuals to do the same behavior. This
behavior can generate a negative propagation of these
acts, which can reach more victims in society. Be-
sides that, we can also correlate behaviors like these
with criminal practices (Mondal et al., 2018). There-
fore, this is a subject of great interest and study, be-
cause reducing hate speech cases means a decrease in
cases of violence and criminality. If we reduce the
spread of hate speech, it also increases the well-being
of people who suffer from this type of attack.
However, mitigating this problem is not easy be-
cause the amount of messages sent daily is very large.
Twitter, for instance, is one of the social networks
with the most problems with messages related to hate
speech (Hewitt et al., 2016). According to the Internet
Live Stats
, this social network published 500 million
messages daily, which corresponds to 350,000 posts
per minute. However, Twitter relies on the collabora-
tion of the platform users to identify and remove these
aggressive comments (Hewitt et al., 2016). The task
of watching, deleting, or manually restricting mes-
sages from social media like that is extremely ex-
hausting and expensive for companies that own this
type of social platform.
Given the lack of control and the infeasibility of
monitoring hate speech by humans, computational
techniques can be used to speed up, reduce costs and
automate the detection of such problems. Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and state-of-the-art tech-
niques in Machine Learning can be useful to detect
and control hate speech in social media (Agrawal and
Awekar, 2018; L
ıno et al., 2021; Chang
et al., 2021). Therefore, considering the great im-
portance of computing in this social problem, this pa-
per aims to use state-of-the-art computational tools in
NLP, Cross-Lingual Learning (CLL), and Pre-Trained
Language Model (PTLM) to detect cases of hate
speech in social media texts.
We structured the remainder of this article as fol-
lows. In Section 2, discusses related works on hate
speech detection. In Section 3, we highlight our
method for hate speech detection. We present the
corpora used in our experiment in Section 4. Sec-
tion 5, focuses on the experiments that we performed.
We present an analysis of the results from the exper-
iments in Section 6. Concluding remarks and limita-
tions about the proposed work are addressed in Sec-
tion 7.
(Waseem and Hovy, 2016) built a dataset with 3,383
tweets related to sexist content and 1,972 tweets re-
lated to racist content. They used logistic regression
to classify the texts. They obtained 73.93% in the
F-Score metric. The authors only performed exper-
iments and analyzed the results using a single model
(RL), thus not making comparisons with other com-
putational models. Moreover, there is no comparison
with other datasets with more than one language.
(Davidson et al., 2017) mention that there is
a problem in distinguishing and classifying Hate
Speech sentences from other common offenses. The
authors used the website that contains
a set of terms considered offensive. They used these
terms to gather the tweets. Once they collected the
data, the authors randomly selected 25,000 tweets
from this dataset. The authors submitted the tweets to
CrowdFlower so that people could label the collected
data. They used traditional models for classification.
The best metric that the authors obtained was 91% in
the F-score. They did not perform any experiments
using datasets with more than one language.
(Fortuna and Nunes, 2018) did an important sur-
vey and developed a definition of the concept of Hate
Speech based on the code of conduct of the European
Union Commission, the terms and conditions of so-
cial networks such as Facebook and Twitter, and sci-
entific articles in the area. They categorized the arti-
cles according to the tools used to detect hate speech
(n-grams, TF-IDF, etc.), the model used for classifi-
cation, and also the domain of hate speech, such as
racism, sexism, etc. They pointed out some chal-
lenges and opportunities related to this area of re-
search. Despite providing a wealth of information
on hate speech, the authors have explored very lit-
tle about this area when related to multiple languages.
Most of the works presented by the authors are related
to the English language, so there is a lack of research
related to other languages.
(Frenda et al., 2019) focused on hate speech re-
lated to women. The authors investigated analogies
and differences between sexism and misogyny from
a computational point of view. They used data on
misogyny called IberEval 2018 and Evalita 2018 and
they also used data from (Waseem and Hovy, 2016)
that contains data on sexism. The authors performed
n-grams and TF-IDF on data and used SVM as a
classifier to detect hate speech in texts. The authors
did not perform experiments with more than one lan-
guage. They only used data in the English language.
The authors used only accuracy to evaluate the per-
formance of the model, they did not used other met-
Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection
rics such as precision, recall, and f-score. In addition,
they only used a single model (SVM) to perform the
experiment, with no comparisons to other models.
(Pamungkas and Patti, 2019) used the concept of
transfer learning. The authors used datasets in the fol-
lowing languages: English, Spanish, Italian, and Ger-
man. The authors performed experiments using the
models: Linear Support Vector Classifier (LSVC) and
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). They achieved
the best result using the Joint Learning strategy, along
with Hurtlex (Bassignana et al., 2018). They used
datasets with more than one language, however, in-
stead of using the source datasets, they used the
Google Translation API to translate the non-English
datasets. In addition, the authors did not take any ap-
proach to mitigate translation errors made automati-
cally by the API.
(Stappen et al., 2020) used an approach to detect
hate speech in more than one language, in which they
added part of the classification target language in the
model training step. The authors used an approach
called Attention-Maximum-Average Pooling (AXEL)
and a FastText-generated embedding and the extractor
feature (BERT or XLM) to accomplish this task. They
used datasets with more than one language, however,
instead of using the source datasets, the authors used
an Amazon tool to translate the data into English.
They did not use any approach to mitigate translation
errors by the tool.
(Corazza et al., 2020) used a technique to detect
hate speech regardless of the language being used.
They developed a modular neural architecture that
contains a hidden layer of 100 neurons. They per-
formed some experiments in which they achieved the
best results for the corpus in English using LSTM.
Besides the English corpus, they performed experi-
ments with an Italian dataset in which they obtained
the best values with the LSTM model combined
with character embeddings, unigrams, and emoji tran-
scripts. The authors also used a German dataset and
they obtained the best result for that language us-
ing character embeddings and a GRU network. They
also used resources such as embeddings, emoji em-
beddings, n-grams, emotional lexicon, and social net-
work resources (hashtags, mentions, links, etc). The
authors reported that they transcribed the emojis into
english text using a python library and then they used
the Google translation tool to translate English into
Italian and German, but they did not mention the level
of accuracy of this translation.
(del Arco et al., 2021) addressed the detection of
Hate Speech on social networks in the Spanish lan-
guage. The authors compared the performance of
Deep Learning models with more recent pre-trained
Transfer Learning models and with traditional ma-
chine learning models. They used two datasets. The
first one is a dataset with 6,000 tweets that were col-
lected using HaterNet: an intelligent system used by
the Spanish National Office against Hate Crimes of
the Secretary of State for Security in Spain. The sec-
ond dataset was provided by SemEval 2019, called
HatEval 2019, with 1,600 tweets. They compared
some Deep Learning models and traditional models.
Deep Learning models outperformed traditional mod-
els according to the authors. Besides that, the authors
concluded that models using Transfer Learning had
great results. The authors performed the experiments
with an unbalanced dataset. They did not perform the
same experiment with balanced data to compare the
results. In addition, the authors used one language
(Spanish) in the experiment, with no comparison of
models tested in other languages.
(Bigoulaeva et al., 2021) presents the problem of
Hate Speech, showing that it is difficult to detect be-
cause social networks are vast. The authors used data
in German and English for the training and classi-
fication of the models. This approach was used to
train the model in one language and test it in another
language. In the experiment, the authors used the
English as source language and German as the tar-
get language. They used multiple models of Deep
Neural Networks using zero-shot and joint learning
strategies. The authors built the models using transfer
learning based on Cross-Lingual Learning (CLL) and
Bilingual Word Embedding(BWE). However, the au-
thors did not perform experiments with balanced data.
They used two languages whose lexical distance be-
tween them is close. Therefore, they did not perform
experiments between languages with a greater lexical
distance to compare the results.
(Pamungkas et al., 2021) used CLL to detect hate
speech in texts. The authors used seven languages:
English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, In-
donesian, and Italian. They used English as the source
language and the other six languages as the target lan-
guage. The authors used traditional machine learn-
ing models and Deep Learning models such as BERT.
They used one-shot and joint-learning as learning
strategies in their experiments. They concluded that
the best model tested by them was an LSTM neu-
ral network along with multilingual embeddings pro-
vided by Facebook (MUSE - (Lample et al., 2018)).
The authors proposed a model called Joint Learning,
which comprises using two models to classify the data
separately and, at the end of the model, connecting
the results obtained by these two models through a
dense layer. The results presented by this model were
promising when compared to other models or com-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
parison techniques presented in the article (LASER
Embeddings, Facebook Muse, and BERT Multilin-
gual). However, in the experiments, the authors used
Google’s translation API to translate the texts into En-
glish to train the models with the translated data. The
authors did not take any approach to mitigate trans-
lation errors made by the API. In addition, the au-
thors did not perform isolated experiments using a
pre-trained model for each language.
(Karim et al., 2021) used Machine Learning, Deep
Learning, and PTLMs to detect hate speech in Bengali
texts. The authors used multiple techniques, such as
Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, CNN, and PTLMs.
They achieved the best results using a combination of
PTLMs (BERT Bengali, XLM-R, and BERT Multi-
lingual). They achieved state-of-the-art detection in
Bengali language texts containing hate speech, scor-
ing around 88% on the F1-Score. The data used in the
experiment are unbalanced in their categories, with
the most predominant being the personal attacks cate-
gory and the least predominant being the political cat-
egory. However, they did not perform experiments
with the data balanced for each category.
(Soto et al., 2022) used a CNN network together
with different embeddings to perform text classifica-
tion. They used embeddings for the corpus called
HSD and embeddings obtained from NILC (Hart-
mann et al., 2017). The authors used and tested the
Wang2Vec, Word2Vec, FastText, and Glove embed-
dings. The authors achieved the best result for the
HSD corpus using the Glove with 300 dimensions
combined with the NILC embeddings.
Most related works used only a single language as
a source and works that use more than one language
usually used translation tools. In this work, we use
more than one source language to detect hate speech
in a target language, without translation tools. Most
of the related works use languages with a close lexi-
cal distance. In this work, we will address the classi-
fication of hate speech using languages whose lexical
distance is not close.
In this work, we used CLL to detect hate speech in
texts published by users in social media. The first step
to detect hate speech in social media is to collect the
data necessary to train the model. In our experiment,
we used data from three different languages.
In the second step, we used a Pre-Trained Lan-
guage Model (PLTM) to carry out the data classifica-
tion. In the third step, we submitted the model to four
training strategies (Pikuliak et al., 2021) to detect hate
speech in a target language (T
). In order to achieve
this goal we used two different languages as source
language (S
Finally, in the last step, we performed the model
evaluation. We evaluated the model using the results
obtained in the classification of the target language
). We used Precision, Recall, and F-measure to
get model evaluation metrics. Figure 1 demonstrates
an overview of the methodology that we used. In the
next subsections, we give more details on the method-
3.1 Corpora Acquisition and PTLM
Usually, we need a dataset so we can use it to train the
model. In CLL, at least two corpora are required: one
in the source language and the other one in the target
language. These corpora can be obtained by crawlers
to collect texts on websites. For instance, (de Pelle
and Moreira, 2017) collected politics and sports data
by comments from news pages. Another way to col-
lect data is by using an API. This way we can pass
search parameters to the API
and it returns the texts
that were found based on the informed parameters.
For instance, Twitter provides an API to search for
tweets published by its users. We can use data that
other works have already collected, and that is pub-
licly available. In most cases, these data are available
by the authors themselves, or at conferences, events,
workshops, etc.
Among the presented options, in this work, we
chose a publicly available corpora. We used the cor-
pora described in the works by (Vigna et al., 2017;
Grimminger and Klinger, 2021; Cabasag et al., 2019).
The next step is to find a PTLM to train it with the
collected corpora. In this work, we chose BERT
as the PTLM option. The corpora that we used
are from three languages: Italian, English, and Fil-
ipino. In Section 4, we describe why we chose these
three languages. Because of the choice of these three
languages, we used two BERT distributions: Italian
BERT (Schweter, 2020), and English BERT (Devlin
et al., 2019). We did not use any BERT Filipino
language distribution because we did not find a pre-
trained BERT model for that language.
Another thing necessary for this step is data pre-
processing. Usually, most of the pre-processing tech-
niques in Deep Learning use vector representation of
data. We can achieve this using approaches such as
Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013), FastText (Grave
et al., 2018), ELMO (Peters et al., 2018), etc. Usu-
ally, pre-trained models already have some functions
to perform data pre-processing. The model we chose
Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection
Figure 1: Methodology overview.
already has a module responsible for carrying out this
3.2 Training Steps
To carry out model training, we used five approaches:
Zero-shot transfer (ZST): in this strategy, we use
only the source language(S
) in the first fine-
tuning of the PTLM. The target language(T
) is
used to evaluate the model;
Joint Learning (JL): in this strategy, we use both
and T
simultaneously in the first fine-tuning
of the PTLM;
Cascade Learning (CL): in this strategy, we use
the S
data in the first fine-tuning, then we use the
data in the second fine-tuning;
CL/JL+: in this approach, we use both CL and JL
strategies. Therefore, we use a percentage of the
data in the first fine-tuning, and the remaining
percentage of the T
data is used for the test and
evaluation stages of the PTLM. Besides that, in
the fine-tuning stage, we perform multiple fine-
tunings using T
In section 5, we show details of how we used each
one of these strategies in our experiment.
3.3 Evaluation
This is the last step. We used metrics to evaluate the
model after the previous steps. Hence, we used Pre-
cision, Recall, and F1-measure (Zhang et al., 2009).
It is worth mentioning that we used weighted F1-
measure for model evaluation in our experiment.
Some related works on hate speech detection used
datasets that contain texts related to several domains
at the same time, such as religion, sexism, racism, etc.
In our work, we did a different approach. We used
only a single domain related to hate speech to verify
if we could obtain good results. Therefore, in our ex-
periments, we used three datasets related to politics, a
domain present in most of the world.
Many works related to CLL and hate speech de-
tection have datasets whose lexical distance between
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Corpora summary.
Corpus Texts without hate speech Texts with hate speech Total Context
Italian 1,941 (48.5%) 2059 (51.5%) 4,000 Politics
English 2,640 (88%) 360 (12%) 3,000 Politics
Filipino 9,864 (53.42%) 8,600 (46.58%) 18,464 Politics
their languages is close. For instance, Portuguese and
Spanish or Italian and French, etc. For that reason,
in this work, we used three datasets with a significant
lexical distance between them. Our goal is to verify if
there are any significant results in the model results,
even in languages with a significant lexical distance.
The datasets that we used are in English, Italian, and
Filipino languages. Table 1 summarizes the data.
4.1 The Evalita 2018 Corpus
The Evalita 2018 corpus has 17,000 texts collected
from Facebook users’ comments in Italian. The Is-
tituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR, Pisa (Vigna
et al., 2017) created the corpus. The corpus contains
1,941 texts labeled as non-hateful, and 2,059 texts la-
beled as hateful.
4.2 The Grimminger Klinger WASSA
2021 Corpus
(Grimminger and Klinger, 2021) collected 3,000 texts
in English from the 2020 election between Biden and
Trump. They collected it from a social media dur-
ing the election campaign. They labeled 360 texts as
hateful and 2,640 texts as non-hateful.
4.3 The Filipino Corpus
(Cabasag et al., 2019) collected Filipino tweets and
labeled 8,600 texts as hate speech and 9,864 as non-
hate speech. The authors collected the data during the
2016 Philippine Presidential Elections.
In this section, we describe the settings and some in-
formation about our experiments.
5.1 Experiment Description
We used several strategies during the experiment to
achieve significant results. For each experiment, we
used the strategies described in section 3.2: ZST, JL,
CL, and CL/JL+.
We used two datasets as S
and one dataset as T
each experiment. In the first experiment, we used the
English and Filipino datasets as S
, the Italian dataset
as T
, and the Italian PTLM BERT. In the second ex-
periment, we used the Italian and Filipino datasets as
, the English dataset as T
, and the English PTLM
BERT. Most experiments from other works use only
two datasets for CLL tasks. These datasets usually are
from two different languages. They use one of these
datasets as S
and the other one as T
. In our experi-
ment, we used three datasets with different languages.
We used two datasets as S
and one dataset as T
. Our
goal is to verify if there is a significant increase in the
results when adding another language as S
We used the same settings for all PTLMs in this
work. Our experiments used a learning rate of 1 ×
, and a number of epochs equal to three (Devlin
et al., 2019; Conneau et al., 2021). We used AdamW
as the optimizer with epsilon equal to 1 × 10
. We
used the binary cross entropy function as the loss
function and Softmax as the activation function. We
ran all experiments on Google Colab with an Nvidia
Tesla K80 GPU and the PyTorch library.
It was necessary to pre process the data. This pro-
cess comprises removing noise from the text, as well
as undesirable characters, such as URLs, emojis, spe-
cial characters, blank lines or spaces, etc. This pre
processing is fundamental, as it will help the PTLM
to better understand the data improving the results.
After pre processing the data, we used the data to
train and test the model. We used 128 as text size tok-
enization because, after we analysed data, most of the
texts was less than 128 words. We did that to improve
the experiment performance and to reduce computa-
tional costs. Therefore, the model mapped the entries
into a vector with a dimension equal to 128. When
the text length is smaller than this value, the vector
is filled with 0’s. When the text is greater than this
value, it was truncated.
In the ZST strategy, we used 90% of the corpus
data S
when training the PTLMs, and the remaining
10% for testing. In the test step, we used only the cor-
pus T
. Regarding the JL strategy, we used the same
proportion of the data presented in the ZST strategy.
However, we used a subset of 30% of the test corpus
in training, and the remaining 70% left we used
only for the final test of the model.
In the CL strategy, we used 70% of the S
Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection
pus for training, 10% for the validation step, and 20%
for the test step. After performing this process, we
adjusted the PTLMs. We then used the T
corpus, fol-
lowing the same previous pattern, with 70% of the T
corpus for training, 10% for validation, and 20% for
In the CL/JL+ strategy, we used 70% of the data
from the corpus S
and 30% of the data from the cor-
pus T
for training. For validation, we used 20% of
the data from the corpus S
, and 10% of the data from
the corpus T
. We used the remaining data from the
corpus S
to perform the test.
We used the remaining data from the T
corpus to
perform the fine-tuning. Therefore, in this step, we
divided the corpus of the remaining T
according to
the number of fine adjustments performed. We used
k-fold cross-validation (k=5) to guarantee the propor-
tionality of the classes over the iterations. For each
cross-validation iteration, we kept the same propor-
tion as in the previous steps, 70% for training, 20%
for validation, and 10% for testing.
5.2 Monolingual Baseline Experiment
We did an experiment using only one corpus based on
the PTLM language. Our objective is to create a base-
line experiment to understand if using CLL brings any
significant improvement to the proposed method. To
accomplish this, we did not use a T
dataset. There-
fore, we did not use an auxiliary corpus in the method.
In the first experiment, we used PTLM BERT En-
glish. We used 80% of the English dataset to train
the PTLM and 20% to test it. In the second exper-
iment, we used the PTLM BERT Italian and 80%
of the Italian dataset to train it and 20% to test the
PTLM. We did not use the Filipino dataset because
none of the two PTLMs belongs to that language. Ta-
ble 2 presents the results.
Table 2: Monolingual baseline results.
PTLM Precision Recall F1-Score
BERT English 80% 90% 85%
BERT Italian 81% 84% 82%
5.3 Experiment Results
In the first experiment, we used the English and Fil-
ipino datasets as S
, the Italian dataset as T
, and the
Italian PTLM BERT. In the second experiment, we
used the Italian and Filipino datasets as S
, the En-
glish dataset as T
, and the English PTLM BERT. We
used these settings for all strategies. In Table 3 we
can see the settings.
Table 3: Experiment settings.
BERT English Italian and Filipino English
BERT Italian English and Filipino Italian
Table 4 shows the ZST strategy results using the
settings from Table 3. The results to PTLM BERT
were really poor, we only obtained 34% in the F1-
Score. In contrast, we achieved 84% on the F1-Score
for PTLM English, which is a good value.
Table 4: ZST strategy results.
PTLM Precision Recall F1-Score
BERT English 86% 82% 84%
BERT Italian 59% 51% 34%
Regarding the JL training strategy, Table 5
presents the results using this strategy for the PTLMs.
The results were really improved using this strategy,
especially on PTLM Italian. We reached 83% in the
F1-Score, which is a 49% of improvement regarding
the previous results using the ZST strategy. Regarding
the PTLM English, we obtained 86% in the F1-Score,
which is an improvement of 2%.
Table 5: JL strategy results.
PTLM Precision Recall F1-Score
BERT English 84% 88% 86%
BERT Italian 79% 87% 83%
Table 6 shows the CL strategy results. We ob-
tained 84% in the F1-Score for PTLM Italian, which
is a 1% of improvement regarding the previous results
using the JL strategy. Regarding the PTLM English,
we achieved 84.31% in the F1-Score, which is an im-
provement of 0.31%, but smaller improvement com-
pared to the Italian model.
Table 6: CL strategy results.
PTLM Precision Recall F1-Score
BERT English 85% 89% 84.31%
BERT Italian 85% 84% 84%
Table 7 shows the CL/JL+ strategy results. We
used k-fold cross-validation (k=5) in this strategy,
then we did the average of scores to get the results.
For both PTLMs we obtained good values using this
strategy. We achieved 92.4% in the F1-Score for
PTLM Italian and regarding the PTLM English we
obtained 94.3% in the F1-Score, which is a good
value too.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 7: CL/JL+ strategy results.
PTLM Precision Recall F1-Score
BERT English 94.1% 94.5% 94.3%
BERT Italian 93% 92% 92.4%
In this section, we will comment on the results accom-
plished by the CLL and the strategies that we used.
Initially, we performed an experiment with just a sin-
gle language. Our goal was to create a base experi-
ment to verify if the CLL can improve the results ob-
tained when adding more than one source language.
Table 2 shows the results. We achieved 85% in the
F1-Score metric using BERT English and 82% on that
same metric using BERT Italian.
After that, we performed several other experi-
ments using the strategies mentioned in section 3.2. In
these strategies, we used two languages as the source
and one language as the target, as shown in Table 3.
We have a big challenge here because we need to get
a good result using two languages in the training (S
with a lexical difference between them. In addition,
the training languages have a significant lexical dif-
ference from the target language (T
) as well.
We used ZST as the first strategy. Table 4 shows
the results. The results were worse in this strategy
compared to the baseline experiment. We obtained
85% in the F1-Score metric for the BERT English
model and 34% in this same metric for the BERT
Italian model. Both results were lower than the base
experiment, especially the Italian model, which per-
formed poorly than expected. We believe this hap-
pened because we added two languages (English and
Filipino) as S
with a very large lexical distance com-
pared to the T
Table 5 shows the results for the second strategy
(JL). The results were better than the ZST strategy.
We were able to obtain values of 86% in the F1-Score
for the English model and 83% for the Italian model.
These results were better than those of the baseline
experiment too. We think the results were better be-
cause in this strategy we added part of the T
data in
the first fine-tuning of the PTLMs.
Table 6 presents the results for the third strategy
(CL). The result was better for the Italian model,
showing an improvement to the result obtained for
this model compared to the results that we achieved
in the JL strategy. However, the English model had a
worse result compared to the previous strategy.
Finally, Table 7 shows the results for the last strat-
egy (CL/JL+). We obtained the best results with
it. We achieved 94.3% in the F1-Score using the
BERT English model and 92.4% using the BERT Ital-
ian model. Both values are significant, especially if
we consider that the languages used in both models
have a large lexical distance. We believe the results
were better than the previous strategies because in this
strategy we performed multiple fine-tunings in con-
junction with cross-validation.
In this work, we developed strategies for detecting
hate speech in texts. In most works involving hate
speech detection, the authors usually use only a sin-
gle language as S
to perform this task. Most of the
time, this happens because of the lack of data, mak-
ing the works restricted to only one language. In addi-
tion, many works only use data in English to carry out
the experiments because it is a widely used language
globally, making most hate speech detection restricted
to that language. Therefore, there is a lack of experi-
ments aimed at other languages.
In this work, we used more than one language to
perform hate speech detection, because this way we
can reduce the problem of lack of data and expand
the detection of hate speech using multiple languages,
even if these are not in the same language as the target
texts used to perform detection.
To achieve this goal, we used three datasets from
three different languages: English, Italian, and Fil-
ipino. Our objective was to verify if using CLL can
help us get results similar to experiments that use only
a single language or if it is possible to reach better re-
sults, even using different languages that have a con-
siderable lexical distance.
We did a baseline experiment to compare with our
experiments using CLL. We did this to verify if using
CLL we could really get significant results when com-
pared to an experiment that uses only one language.
Besides the CLL, we used some strategies to improve
the results obtained by the model. The strategies are
Zero-shot transfer, Joint Learning, Cascade Learning
(CL), and CL/JL+. For each of them, we used two
datasets as source(S
) and one dataset as target (T
as shown in Table 3.
The best strategy was the CL/JL+. We achieved
94.3% in the F1-Score using the BERT English model
and 92.4% using the BERT Italian model. Both val-
ues are significant, especially if we consider that the
languages used in both models have a large lexical
distance. Thus, we can conclude that using more than
one language in conjunction with the CLL is indeed
promising to accomplish good results in the detection
Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection
of hate speech.
7.1 Limitations
A limitation of this work is that we did not perform
any experiments with balanced data. Therefore, we
do not know if the results could be better or worse
with balanced data.
Another limitation is that we only used a corpus
on politics. We do not know the model behavior
when performing an experiment on a dataset contain-
ing texts on various domains at the same time, such as
sexism, racism, etc.
Another limitation of this work is the subjectivity
of data labeling. Different people annotated the data,
so there may be subjectivity in the text labeling. For
instance, there are texts that one person could identify
as hate speech, but someone else who is labeling the
data might not identify as hate speech in that same
7.2 Future Work
We suggest as future work to use datasets from other
languages with a smaller lexical distance. It would
also be interesting to carry out the experiment with
other PTLM besides BERT to compare results. In ad-
dition, the experiment could be carried out with bal-
anced data, perhaps the results could be better.
In this work, we used data related to politics. We
suggest also running the experiment using hate speech
data related to other domains, such as sexism, racism,
etc. Besides that, we used three datasets in this work.
It would also be interesting to carry out the experi-
ment with more source languages or with more target
languages to verify if there are significant improve-
ments to the model.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian Na-
tional Council for Scientific and Technological De-
velopment (CNPq) for partially funding this work.
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