Towards a Governance Framework for Data Platform Ecosystems in
the Construction Industry
Samaneh Bagheri
Department of Information Science, Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands
Keywords: Data Platforms, Platform Ecosystems, Governance Framework, Governance Mechanisms, Construction Industry.
Abstract: In today’s digital economy, the potential of using data platforms for secure and trusted business data exchange
between distinct user groups within a data ecosystem becomes extremely significant. The construction
industry is not exempted from the potential benefits of data platform ecosystems (DPEs). While for the
effective orchestration of DPEs, appropriate governance is required, due to specific features of the
construction industry, existing insights on the governance of DPEs may not be directly applicable to the data
platforms in this industry. In this paper, we contribute to our understanding of this phenomenon by developing
a governance framework for DPEs in the construction industry. To this end, we develop a governance
framework by identifying governance mechanisms from the platform literature and investigating if and why
these mechanisms are relevant in the construction industry by conducting a case study. The proposed
framework offers an outline for the analysis of data platform governance and provides first insights about
governance mechanisms that practitioners of the construction industry need to consider especially during the
early stage of the DPEs development.
While the construction industry contributes on
average about 8–10% to the economies of countries
around the world (Opoku et al., 2021), this industry
encounters numerous challenges such as low
productivity, poor level of data accuracy, and lack of
data sharing (Ayodele & Kajimo-Shakantu, 2021;
Opoku et al., 2021). Moreover, the fragmented nature
of the construction industry— with many
geographically dispersed actors working together
toward a common goal— leads to inconsistency and
delays in data exchange among actors who
collaborate on construction projects (Lee et al.,
2021). The complex nature of this industry and its
heavy reliance on data exchange require the adoption
of digital technologies and platforms (El Jazzar et al.,
2020). In today’s digital economy, platforms have
been changing the entire landscape of business and
gaining increasing importance and relevance (de
Reuver et al., 2018).
The potential of using platforms for the
improvement of efficiency and competitiveness as
well as for better resource utilization and data-driven
innovative services in the construction sector is
extremely significant (Begić & Galić, 2021; Opoku et
al., 2021). More specifically, data platforms have
immense potential to transform data exchange and
use in the construction industry just like in other
industries. However, the construction industry lagged
behind other industries in the uptake of platforms
(Linderoth et al., 2018; Opoku et al., 2021).
According to a European construction sector report,
few platforms have been widely adopted in this sector
yet (Digitalisation in the construction sector, 2021).
In general, platforms can be defined as a
technological foundation upon which additional
complementary products or services can be
developed (de Reuver et al., 2018; Hein et al., 2019).
Platforms can also act as a mediatory marketplace
that facilitates the transaction between multiple
groups of users (de Reuver et al., 2018). Data
platforms are a subset of platforms that specialize in
secure and trusted data exchange between user groups
(Otto & Jarke, 2019). Similar to other types of
platforms, in Data Platform Ecosystems (DPEs),
legally independent actors, such as platform owners,
data providers, and data users collectively create
value in a complex dynamic network around
platform-based infrastructures and engage in data
exchange and use to leverage data-driven innovation
(Lis & Otto, 2020; Otto & Jarke, 2019). An example
Bagheri, S.
Towards a Governance Framework for Data Platform Ecosystems in the Construction Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0011853100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 566-574
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of DPEs is a data space which is a data ecosystem of
data providers and users cooperating for data-driven
innovations (Beverungen et al., 2022).
Appropriate governance arrangements that allow
data exchange and facilitate interaction among
ecosystem actors are key to orchestrating successful
platform ecosystems (Halckenhäußer et al., 2020;
Schreieck, Wiesche, et al., 2017). However, findings
and understandings of platform governance cannot
simply be transferred to emerging data platforms due
to specific charactristics of DPEs such as data
sovereignty, data privacy, and confidentiality
considerations (de Reuver et al., 2022). Moreover,
existing insights on the governance of platform
ecosystems are dominated by examples from high-
tech industries (Hein et al., 2016; Schreieck, Hakes,
et al., 2017). Nevertheless, the construction industry
has special characteristics (e.g., fragmented structure,
project-based nature, high degree of specialization,
complexity and long life span of constructed
products, internet access problems due to remote
sites, unpredictable nature of the project processes)
that differentiate it from other industries (Pulkka et
al., 2016; Regona et al., 2022). Therefore, it is highly
unlikely that the generic platform governance
mechanisms of other industries can be directly
applied to this industry. Further research on the
relevance and applicability of governance
mechanisms of DPEs in the construction industry
context is thus needed.
The goal of this paper is to identify the right
governance mechanisms for DPEs in the specific
context of the construction industry and develop a
governance framework for DPEs in this context.
Specifically, the paper addresses the following
research question:
What Data Platform Governance Mechanisms
should be incorporated into the construction
We approach this question by adopting a two-step
research approach. First, we identify platform
governance mechanisms through a systematic
literature review (SLR). Second, we investigate if and
how these mechanisms are practically relevant in the
construction industry by conducting a case study.
The outline of the paper is as follows. Related
work is dissuaded in Section 2. Section 3 describes
the research methodology. The results of the literature
review and the case study that led to the proposed
governance framework are presented in Section 4.
Finally, Section 5 presents the discussion and
Platform governance denes who makes what
decisions about a platform (ecosystem) (Tiwana,
2013). Governance plays a particularly important role
for platform owners to make deliberate choices about
platform access, ownership, and control to orchestrate
a successful platform ecosystem (Mukhopadhyay &
Bouwman, 2019). While the focus of traditional
views on IT governance is on within-firm or dyadic
inter-organizational relationships, platform owners
are confronted with the complex task of orchestrating
actors (Halckenhäußer et al., 2020). In the context of
platform ecosystems, governance decisions are for
defining the rules to encourage desirable behaviors of
actors and defining how the benefits distributed
among the actors are made by the keystone actors
(Kretschmer et al., 2022; Otto & Jarke, 2019).
The importance of platform governance has been
emphasized by several studies (Mukhopadhyay &
Bouwman, 2019; Schreieck et al., 2016; Tiwana,
2013; Tura et al., 2018). In this regard, for instance,
Tura et al. (2018) emphasize that the health and
longevity of a platform ecosystem depend on the
effective governance of the platform. Furthermore,
various studies have identified different governance
mechanisms for platform ecosystems (Alves et al.,
2017; Halckenhäußer et al., 2020; Mukhopadhyay &
Bouwman, 2019; Schreieck et al., 2016; Tiwana,
2013; Tura et al., 2018). However, they are usually
limited in scope and their resulting governance
frameworks are diverse. For example, Schreieck et al.
(2016) identify and classify different governance
mechanisms for platform ecosystems into roles,
pricing and revenue sharing, boundary resources,
openness, control, and trust. While Halckenhäußer et
al. (2020) categorize governance mechanisms into
cooperation, resourcing, control, and market. In some
other studies, the focus is solely on the data
governance aspect of platform ecosystems (Lis &
Otto, 2021; Nokkala et al., 2019).
Although these studies provide useful insights and
relevant information about possible governance
mechanisms of DPEs, no clear aggregation of these
findings exists yet (Halckenhäußer et al., 2020). A
more comprehensive and systematic view of the
governance of platform ecosystems is thus needed. In
addition, only limited information can be found about
the governance of DPEs in the context of the
construction industry (Alreshidi et al., 2017).
Towards a Governance Framework for Data Platform Ecosystems in the Construction Industry
The goal of this research is to develop a governance
framework for DPEs in the construction industry. To
this end, firstly, governance mechanisms and
practices of platform ecosystems were identified
through SLR. Secondly, the practical relevance of
these governance mechanisms for the DPEs in the
construction industry was evaluated in a case study.
3.1 Systematic Literature Review
To systematically identify governance practices and
mechanisms of DPEs from the literature, we
conducted an SRL by following the guideline of
Okoli and Schabram (2010). This SLR answered the
following research question:
What Mechanisms Characterize the Governance
of Platform Ecosystems in the Previous Studies?
The following search query was used in our
literature review: ((“data platforms”) OR (“digital
platforms”) OR (“platform ecosystem”)) AND
We sought papers in the digital library of the Open
University, as it gave us the possibility to search
multiple databases, such as ScienceDirect, Springer,
Emerald, and Wiley, simultaneously. Only peer-
reviewed journal and conference papers in the period
2015 to 2020, written in English, with the main
objective of governance mechanisms and practices in
the context of platform ecosystems were included in
this review. Studies in which the main subject is not
on the governance of a platform ecosystem were
excluded. We also excluded studies that are limited to
intra-organizational settings. The literature search
yielded initial hits. We then scanned subsequently the
titles and abstracts of the papers and removed
irrelevant papers. Then the quality of the remaining
papers was assessed based on the quality criteria of
(Dybå & Dingsøyr, 2008). Data extraction from the
selected papers was performed by using content
analysis (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008). This process includes
open coding, creating categories, and abstraction.
Coding was performed by identifying different
aspects of governance that characterize governance
mechanisms and practices in platform ecosystems
and assigning relevant code. Then, coding categories
were created in which the codes were arranged in
categories, based on the similarities which led to the
set of governance mechanisms. Then the relations
between the categories were established which
resulted in governance dimensions.
3.2 Case Study
After identifying platform governance mechanisms,
we investigated if and why those governance
mechanisms are relevant in a real-life DEP in the
construction industry. Besides validation, we were
also looking for explanations and reasoning for the
relevancy to provide a more in-depth understanding
of the research topic. To this end, the case study
research approach was selected as it allows an in-
depth inquiry into a phenomenon within its real-life
setting (Yin, 2014). We focused our analysis on one
type of business in this industry; housing
construction, which is currently faced with a highly
competitive environment due to various customer
needs, and market pressures. As data platforms
enhance accessibility and exchange of data, enable
integrated construction information, and involvement
of all relevant actors in the housing construction
process, these platforms have gained increasing
attention in housing construction projects (Li et al.,
The selected case was a data platform
ecosystem— and not a single organization—that
focuses on secure data exchange in the development
of housing. Given that in the DPEs multiple
organizations (actors) are involved, their views
should be considered therefore, in the selected
ecosystem-wide case, we collected data from three
main actors; i.e., platform owner, data provider, and
data user as suggested by (Otto & Jarke, 2019). We
evaluated the practical relevance of the governance
mechanisms in the early phase of this DPE
development (i.e., the planning phase), to allow actors
to assess those mechanisms and express their
opinions and reasonings without any prejudice and
influence from the implementation phase.
The data were collected using semi-structured
interviews, as this allows for in-depth questions and
follow-up questions for further explanation. Within
each involved organization, we planned to interview
multiple people from different organizational
positions (e.g., business/project managers, IT
managers) to ensure triangulation. Participants should
be knowledgeable and experienced in either data or
platform governance. In addition, participants should
have a relevant background in governance, and
platforms as well as have higher education for better
abstract reasoning. at the beginning of each interview,
an introduction to the research topic and its purpose
was given. It also contains questions about the
participants and their general view on the subject,
before they see the initial list of governance
mechanisms and be biased by it. In the second part of
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the interview, we validated the initial list of
governance mechanisms by asking respondents if
they are relevant. As we also aimed to get an in-depth
understanding, the interviewees were also asked for
the reasoning behind their answers by asking why
questions. In the closing section, by asking open
questions, we inquired if any further governance-
related aspects have been experienced by the
participants, which were not covered yet.
We conducted 8 interviews with eligible people
from the three actors of the selected DPE (see Table
1) in October 2020 and each interview lasted about
1.5 hours. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all
interviews were held online, in a video meeting, and
(with permission of the interviewees) were recorded
and transcribed. The transcription was shared with the
interviewee for final checking and verification.
Table 1: Profile of the interviewees.
Role of the
in the DPE
Education Int. #
Data user
2 years Academic
& realization
11 years Bachelor
manager &
2 years Bachelor
manager &
3 years Bachelor
IT manager
12 years Bachelor
Manager DCC
4 years Bachelor
IT Director
3 years Academic
Data Manager
5 years Academic
We used a content analysis method suggested by Elo
and Kyngäs (2008) to analyze the data. The initial list
of governance mechanisms identified from the
literature was used as starting point for the analysis.
We began the data analysis by open coding to recap
each interview’s key statements. After the coding
process, we synthesized the outcome by removing
duplicates and classifying similar governance
mechanisms into one group. A difference between
empirical and theoretical governance mechanisms
can be a refinement of an existing element or a new
element. This data analysis process led to a
governance framework of a DPE.
In this section, we, first, present the results of the
SLR. Then, the results of the case study are presented.
We executed our search and identified 101 papers
of which nine were duplicates. We then screened the
92 papers based on our inclusion and exclusion
criteria of which 15 were selected for a full-text
assessment. During this assessment, we excluded
another five papers. We reviewed 11 papers in detail
and extracted relevant data. The data synthesis
process resulted in an initial list of 15 governance
mechanisms under six dimensions (see Table 2).
In the evaluation phase of this study, to provide an
in-depth understanding of the relevance of
governance mechanisms in the real-life DPE in the
construction industry, 8 semi-structured interviews
were conducted within the three organizations from
the selected DPE in the housing sector. In general, the
interview process went as planned. The participants
were able to provide sufficient data and had an in-
depth understanding of the topic.
A definition of each governance dimension and
example participants’ quotes for the relevance of the
associated governance mechanisms are provided in
the following.
Governance Structure decides the ownership
and decision rights in the platform ecosystem. This
can either be formal or informal, depending on the
needs of the ecosystem. (Abraham et al., 2019; Katz
et al., 2019; Schreieck, Wiesche, et al., 2017; Wang
et al., 2017).
Three participants prefered an informal
governance structure as, in their opinion, it would
bring trust and speed, and ease in development.
“From our experience: informal governance is good
for the start-up phase. Formal governance often
holds heavy contracts, which slows adoption and
innovation.” (Int#3). The other five stakeholders,
however, suggested a formal governance structure;
their reasons are security, the legal value of data, and
avoidance of discussion. “Always go for a formal
governance, that way you avoid discussion.
Stakeholders who participate will know what to
expect, it will give clarity.” (Int#7). The governance
structure of this DPE thus forms a continuum ranging
from informal to formal.
The case study shows that the ownership status is
important. “it must be clear who is the owner of a
certain element of the ecosystem” (Int#5). “The
ownership of a platform is always crucial, but the
ownership of data is important as well.” (Int#8).
However, the participants have mixed opinions
regarding the centralization of the ownership of a
Towards a Governance Framework for Data Platform Ecosystems in the Construction Industry
DPE. While the participants from the platform owner
think a central approach should be taken, the other
actors prefer a decentral approach. For example
participant (Int#6) stated “the ownership of the data
platform should be centralized and owned by one
company which is composed of tooling, data storage,
and master data management.”
Regarding decision rights, as the second
mechanism of governance structure, all participants
believed that all actors should, in some form, have
decision rights and be able to influence decision-
making for the platform, and most of them agree that
the decision-making responsibility remains with the
platform owner. “It would be an advantage for the
data source to have influence in the decisions on the
platform, and which data is available.” (Int#4)
Accessibility and Control of the platform are
linked to the formal or informal structure of the
governance. The control can be formal, using the
input and output control mechanisms, or informal
using the self-control and clan control mechanisms.
The accessibility is governed by entry rules
(Goldbach et al., 2018; Katz et al., 2019; Lis & Otto,
2020; Schmeiss et al., 2019; Schreieck, Wiesche, et
al., 2017; Thies et al., 2018).
All participants believed input control is a
relevant mechanism in the governance of their DPE
because it protects the level of quality in the
ecosystem and allows verifying “what” and “who”
enter the ecosystem.
“it checks if the standards are
met and prevents pollution in the platform.” (Int#7)
Output control was seen as a relevant mechanism
by all participants in order to verify the quality of the
output and check compliance with regulations
Output control is important to not lose track of data,
to meet regulation and to secure rightful access.”
Four participants believed that self-control is
relevant in combination with formal control
mechanisms. Solely self-control will not be sufficient
in the ecosystem.” (Int#1). Two participants conclude
that it is relevant to check the quality of data or to ask
verifying questions to platform users or data
Finally, six participants argued that due to
competition in the ecosystem clan control is a
mechanism with limited possibility, and
safeguarding privacy is required” (Int#6). While all
eight interviewees corroborated the formal control
mechanisms (i.e., input and output control), a smaller
number of participants stated that informal control
mechanisms (i.e., self-control and clan control) are
relevant if they are along with formal control. These
findings are in line with generic platform studies that
suggest that formal control is in use in the early stages
of platform ecosystem development, while formal
control is in use during implementation (de Reuver &
Bouwman, 2012; Hodapp et al., 2019).
Besides the control aspects, all participants
argued that entry rules which regulate entrance to the
ecosystem are a relevant and necessary mechanism
for the governance of their DPE in order to protect the
competitive position of data providers. “data
providers with the same products should not be able
to see their competition.” (Int#2). According to
Schmeiss et al. (2019) control mechanisms, like entry
rules, require a clearly articulated set of values that
allows competing stakeholders to collaborate. Five
participants stated that the platform owner should set
up these rules, with input from platform users.
Trust and Values aspect of governance means
that all parties in the ecosystem should have a shared
set of values and build trust in the reliability and
continuance of the platform (Huber et al., 2017;
Schmeiss et al., 2019; Schreieck, Wiesche, et al.,
Seven participants concluded that trust is a
relevant dimension for the governance of a DPE, with
three interviewees pointing out it is crucial. “No trust,
no trade. Trust is the basis, and always is part of a
transaction.” (Int#6). They also agreed that trust
should be complemented with regulations, or that
regulations even enforce trust in their DPE.
Seven interviewees argued that shared values are
relevant, “Someone’s shared values will be the basis
for how they collaborate. It does not have to be a
written set of values, but more if a person’s behavior
is trustworthy.” (Int#2). When a shared value is
established among ecosystem partners, informal
control can be more effective than formal controls
(Mukhopadhyay & Bouwman, 2019). In contrast, one
participant (Int#3) believed thatshared values are
unnecessary as rules and regulations will
automatically enforce the trust.”
Incentives govern the way value is shared in the
ecosystem. This can be done by a pricing mechanism
in which parties pay for access or get a fee for their
data (Lis & Otto, 2020; Schmeiss et al., 2019;
Schreieck, Wiesche, et al., 2017). Both monetary and
non-monetary rewards were mentioned by the
participants. “Data sources should be paid for the
worth of their data within the total consolidation.”
(Int#1). “receiving relevant data is an incentive for us
as it helps us better serve our clients and get insights
Boundary Resources
refers to technical tools
(such as APIs and SDKs) and documentation . These
tools are complemented with documentation and can
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
be standardized or personalized, depending on the
needs of the collaboration. They support the platform
ecosystem and internal collaborations (Foerderer et
al., 2019; Huber et al., 2017; Schreieck, Wiesche, et
al., 2017).
Six participants argued that boundary resources
keep the ecosystem dynamic and working properly.
It is good to get ecosystem-wide standards, agreed
to by all stakeholders” (Int#7). While only one
participant argued that it depends on the value of the
data (“Platform owners should decide if the data
providers are valuable enough to be facilitated for
free.” (Int#6)) the others stated that boundary
resources should be freely available in the DPE. The
data platform owner should facilitate the technical
platform to put different data together— this includes
data exchange, storage, and integrations— with any
necessary APIs, and reporting capabilities (such as
documentations) (Int#7).
Data Governance in the platform ecosystem
refers to defining, applying, and monitoring the
patterns of rules and authorities for ensuring
accountability for the entire data lifecycle (creating,
processing and sharing, and using) (Janssen et al.,
2020). It encompasses three types of governance
mechanisms. The procedural mechanisms encompass
strategy, policies, contractual agreements,
performance management, and compliance
monitoring. The structural mechanisms encompass
the roles and responsibilities, and location of
decision-making authority. The relational
mechanisms encompass communication, training,
and coordination of decision-making. Data
governance also encompasses six data decision
domains: data quality, data security, data privacy,
data architecture, data lifecycle, and metadata
(Abraham et al., 2019; Katz et al., 2019; Lis & Otto,
As confirmed by seven participants data quality,
data security, and data privacy are the most important
data decision domains for the governance of the DPE.
Security, privacy, and quality are the core of data
governance, if these are not good the other aspects
(e.g., data lifecycle, and metadata) do not matter.”
The participants agreed that data quality should be
part of the governance framework; “To protect the
level of data quality, unified quality standards could
be part of the DPE entry rules.” (Int#7). As stated by
participant (Int#1)“The platform owners should make
sure that the data in the ecosystem is on a qualitative
level to provide information for all the stakeholders.”
In addition, all participants believed that data
providers should be responsible for their data quality,
while the platform owner is responsible for the data
quality on the platform.
Seven participants argued that data security
should be governed with an ecosystem-wide
approach because “in this way, all actors have a good
security basis.” (Int#4). Most of them suggested a
split in responsibility: the platform owner should
arrange the security of the platform and set up a
minimum standard for the ecosystem, while the other
actors are responsible for their own data security
within these minimum standards.
In terms of data privacy, the interviews stated that
with sensitive personal data, privacy is a big
governance component”(Int#8). The seventh
participant noted that all data privacy concerns should
be handled before data arrives on the platform.
Furthermore, multiple privacy measures were
mentioned by the interviewees. In this regard, for
instance, the participant (Int#8) stated “As a platform
ecosystem you should have a data privacy officer, an
application to track sensitive data, a privacy-by-
design framework, and a DPIA (Data Protection
Impact Assessment) framework.
We compile the discussions with eight
participants with the identified governance
mechanisms from the literature to propose a
governance framework for DPE in the construction
sector as illustrated in table 2.
Table 2: A governance framework for DPEs in the
construction industry.
Governance structure
Ownership Decision rights
Accessibility and control
Input control
Output control
Informal control
Entry rules
Trust and values
Trust building Shared values
Pricing mechanisms Non-monetary rewards
Boundary resources
Software tools Documentation
Data governance
Data decision domains
Structural mechanisms
Procedural mechanisms
Relational mechanisms
In this section, we first discuss the main findings of
this study and then conclude with limitations and
suggestions for future studies.
Towards a Governance Framework for Data Platform Ecosystems in the Construction Industry
In the introduction section of the interviews, the
participants were asked to name the governance
mechanisms prior to discussing the theoretical list.
They suggested six governance mechanisms: security
and privacy, data ownership, data access, API
connection, open standards, and legal consideration
for the protection of personal data. Although most of
these suggestions could easily be placed into the
initial list of governance mechanisms, they provide
further confirmation of the relevance of these
mechanisms besides their corroboration in the second
part of the interviews.
In the confirmatory part of the interviews, the
initial list of governance mechanisms was used
explicitly. All but one (i.e., clan-control) mechanisms
were recognized at least by six interviewees as
relevant mechanisms for governing their DPE.
In the closing part of the interview, we asked the
participants if a subject was missing in the
governance framework. While six participants think
it is complete, the other two participants missed an
aspect related to the human side, the culture within
the ecosystem, and the soft side of governance. This
is subject to further investigation in future research.
In the closing part, we also asked about the usefulness
of this governance framework to be used in the
planning phase of the DPE development. Six
interviews concluded that this governance framework
is useful in the planning of a DPE, because “The
framework provides us with a list we usually do not
think about explicitly. If we want a good and safe
platform, this is very important.” (Int#3). The
participants also noted that it will help thinking
broader than the current business case. “It gives you
the opportunity to do a holistic analysis, to not only
focus on the business case” (Int#1), and “It will help
to design the data platform ecosystem in a good way,
in accordance with laws and regulations” (Int#8).
As a concluding question, we asked if the
participants are going to use this governance
framework in their own DPE. Four participants stated
they are going to use it. Six of our eight participants
were asked to receive the proposed governance
framework, to help them and their partners to enhance
the design and outline the governance for their DPE.
This gives an indication of the usefulness of the
proposed governance framework.
As the focus of most prior studies is on other types
of platform ecosystems, the data governance
mechanisms have not been introduced by those
studies as a distinct aspect of platform governance
(Hein et al., 2016; Mukhopadhyay & Bouwman,
2019), while in some other studies their focus is
solely on data governance aspect of platform
ecosystems (Lee et al., 2018; Lis & Otto, 2020;
Nokkala et al., 2019). This paper is a first step
towards closing this research gap by developing a
theoretically founded and practically relevant
governance framework for DPEs. To this end, by
conducting SLR, we identify a set of governance
mechanisms. We then provide empirical evidence on
the relevance as well as the reasoning for the
relevancy of almost all governance mechanisms by
performing 8 interviews of a single data platform
ecosystem in a housing construction sector.
The proposed governance framework for DPEs in
the construction industry contains six dimensions—
governance structure, accessibility and control, trust
and values, incentives, boundary resources, and data
governance— and their associated governance
mechanisms. Compared to the existing governance
frameworks of platform ecosystems, our proposed
framework provides a more comprehensive and
integrative view of the governance of data platform
ecosystems. We contribute to the platform literature
by developing a theoretically grounded and
practically relevant governance framework for DPEs
in the construction industry. We also add to the
existing knowledge by providing empirical insights
into the governance mechanisms that are relevant for
the early stage of DPEs in the construction industry.
The results of this study provide first insights into
governance mechanisms that practitioners in the
construction industry need to consider especially
during the early stage of the DPEs development (i.e.,
the planning process). The proposed governance
framework can be used by decision-makers of DPEs
in the construction industry to make more-informed
governance decisions as well as to evaluate and
improve the governance mechanisms of their DPEs.
Despite the contributions of this study, it is
constrained by limitations. The first limitation is that
while we have followed a systematic review process
to identify governance mechanisms of DPEs, due to
potential bias in the coverage of the literature, we do
not claim that the set of identified governance
mechanisms is complete or exhaustive. Future
research may identify further governance
mechanisms and thus can improve our proposed
governance framework. For instance, the human side
was mentioned by multiple participants as a missing
element; this is a subject to future research for further
validation. Second, we executed a single case study
on the ecosystem level in a housing construction
sector. Therefore, the generalizability of the results is
limited to other similar DPEs in the same sector.
Future studies could examine this governance
framework in other contexts to improve the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
generalizability of the results. Third, the case study
shows different opinions about the relevance of clan
control, as most of the participants see it as not
relevant. But before we can decide on the relevance,
and its inclusion in the framework, further research
into clan control is necessary. The fourth limitation is
that we evaluated the relevance of the identified
governance mechanisms in the planning phase of a
DPE in the selected case. The proposed governance
framework can serve as a starting point for future
empirical work on the governance aspect of DPEs in
the construction industry as they mature. To examine
how governance mechanisms might evolve over time
further research should examine the proposed
governance framework in the other phases of DPEs
development by conducting a longitudinal study.
The author wishes to thank Sander van Dienst for his
invaluable help in performing this study.
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