Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection Methods: A Systematic Literature
eias Amorim Santos Silva
1 a
, Gracaliz Dimuro
1 b
, Eduardo Borges
1 c
Giancarlo Lucca
1 d
and Cedric Marco-Detchart
2 e
Center of Computational Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande, It
alia avenue, Rio Grande - RS, Brazil
Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Valencia, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain
Edge Detection, Fuzzy Methods, Systematic Literature Review.
Edge detection, or the detection of the maximum limit between two regions with different properties, is one of
the classic problems in the area of computer vision. The uncertainty associated with the nature of this detec-
tion, such as the characteristic fuzzy transition zone resulting from the image discretization processes, or even
noise and illumination variations, justifies an approach based on fuzzy logic theory. In order to understand the
state of the art in edge detection techniques using fuzzy logic-based methods, this work proposes a systematic
review considering two bibliographic sources of scientific literature, Scopus and Web Of Science. In total, 34
works were selected through a systematic literature review, and their methods were summarized and reported
in this research. From this analysis, it could be concluded that, in recent years, fuzzy logic has been em-
ployed in hybrid methods in order to improve the performance of existing techniques or reduce computational
complexity. Studies with interval fuzzy logic of higher order have been employed for its greater flexibility in
dealing with the uncertainty associated with the edge detection task.
One of the most common approaches for detecting
discontinuities in images is edge detection (Suresh
and Srinivasa Rao, 2019). An edge is defined as the
maximum boundary between two regions with differ-
ent properties (Martin, 2002), i.e. the border between
two objects or object faces in an image.
Edge detection represents an important task in
several steps of computer vision and image process-
ing such as (Wei et al., 2017); object detection (Yang
et al., 2002); pattern recognition (Mohan et al., 2021)
and others. Either because of the discretization intrin-
sic to the digital capture process, or because of some
subsequent quantization process, the edge of the ob-
jects, or the faces of the objects, show a small smooth-
ing around the actual boundary of the regions.
This uncertainty, among other characteristics of
the images, makes it difficult to accurately determine
the edge of objects, so different methods have been
proposed throughout history, from methods based on
partial derivatives such as Sobel (Sobel et al., 1968),
Log (Marr and Hildreth, 1980) and Canny (Canny,
1986) in the 1970s and 1980s, up to methods based
on convolutional neural networks in recent years (Jing
et al., 2022).
Traditional methods have a number of problems,
such as high sensitivity to noise, high complexity, and
high consumption of time and processing. In gen-
eral, these methods show very discontinuous results
and false positives.
On the other hand, methods based on fuzzy logic
(Zadeh, 1965) were developed in order to represent
the imprecision and uncertainty of the information
(Tripathi et al., 2021). In recent years, there has been
increasing research on applications of fuzzy logic in
several areas such as pattern recognition, neural net-
works, expert systems, artificial intelligence, control
theory, automata, decision-making, medical diagno-
sis, and robotics. (Muthalagu et al., 2020; Orhei et al.,
2020; Qiu et al., 2021).
In computer vision, in addition to applications in
edge detection (Bustince et al., 2009; Lopez-Molina
et al., 2010; Marco-Detchart et al., 2021b), fuzzy ap-
Silva, M., Dimuro, G., Borges, E., Lucca, G. and Marco-Detchart, C.
Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection Methods: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011853700003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 385-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
proaches have been frequent in noise reduction (Yuk-
sel and Basturk, 2012), feature extraction (Shimada
et al., 2005), classification and clustering (Koschan
and Abidi, 2005).
Considering the importance of research in edge
detection through the fuzzy theory approach, and
since, to the best of our knowledge, there are no re-
view papers devoted specifically to fuzzy methods,
a specific investigation/review of these methods is
In this sense, the main research question which is
intended to be answered is: RQF - what is the state
of the art of fuzzy edge detection methods? In order
to relate them to the rest of the literature in the area
of edge detection, the following should also be an-
swered: RQG - what is the state of the art of edge
detection methods?
For each research question, a bibliometric analy-
sis was sought in order to provide a set of information
that would appropriately position new research activ-
ities, this being another contribution of this work, be-
sides the summarization and description of the found
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2
(Methodology), the search terms, inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria, as well as the number of papers found
and admitted for review will be discussed. Next, in
Section 3, the results and discussion are presented for
each research question mentioned above, summariz-
ing the reviewed methods with their respective biblio-
metric analyses. Finally, in Section 4, the conclusions
are exposed.
This section first introduces the concept of a system-
atic literature review and then presents the methodol-
ogy used to answer the research problems.
2.1 Systematic Literature Review
According to (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007), a sys-
tematic literature review is a form of analysis that
aims to identify, evaluate, and interpret all avail-
able relevant research on a specific research problem,
topic, or phenomenon of interest. Among the various
reasons for engaging in a systematic literature review,
the most common are:
i. Summarize the existing evidence regarding treat-
ment or technology;
ii. Identify gaps in current research with the goal of
suggesting areas for future research;
iii. Provide a set of information that appropriately po-
sitions new research activities and;
iv. Reduce, or try to eliminate research bias.
In this context, this research seeks to summarize the
existing technology regarding fuzzy edge detection
methods. For this, key good practice questions for a
quality review, found in (Tacconelli, 2010), were con-
2.2 Definition of Criteria, Search in the
Indexing Bases and Obtaining
Primary Research
In order to answer the research problems, searches
were conducted in two major bibliographic databases,
Scopus (SC)
and Web of Science (WS)
. In total,
34 papers were selected by merging the results of
the searches in the two databases (21 from the SC
database and 16 from the WS database). This union,
by definition, considers the exclusion of duplicates.
The summary of all the included information and
documents that went through each exclusion step,
which will be discussed below, is shown in Table 1,
where we show for each search question, the con-
sidered inclusion terms, where ABS() refers to the
terms found in the abstract and TITLE() refers to the
terms found in the title. In the number of occurrences,
we have the total number of papers found by each
database, where inc is the number of papers found in
that search, and for each exclusion step (exc) the total
number of elected papers.
One can see in Table (1) that four exclusion steps
were considered:
i. Step one:
a) Exclusion of papers published before the
year 2017.
ii. Step two:
a) Elimination of those that were not written
in the English language;
b) Deletion those that have not been pub-
lished in the computer science or related field and;
c) Elimination papers that had a title that
demonstrated the lack of relevance of that study
to this review work.
iii. Step three:
a) Deletion of the works flagged as portrayed
by the journal and;
b) Analysis of the abstract, eliminating arti-
cles that were outside the scope of this review.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
iv. Step four:
a) Analysis of the methodology and exclu-
sion of those with no validation of the proposed
segmentation method.
2.3 Bibliometric Analysis
Bibliometric analysis is defined as the quantitative
disclosure of the characteristics of a set of works, with
the objective of managing knowledge and scientific
information on a specific theme or subject (Aria and
Cuccurullo, 2017). One can cite as observable param-
eters that are commonly analyzed from the articles
and papers selected: their references, authors, num-
ber of citations, and most relevant journals.
To perform the bibliometric analysis of the papers
in this research, we decided to use the bibliometrix
tool through the Rstudio software (Aria and Cuccu-
rullo, 2017). Each set of papers, which were selected
in order to answer one of the problems of this re-
search, was submitted to bibliometric analysis, evalu-
ating the keywords, authors, affiliation, abstract, cita-
tions, and country of origin, reporting only the infor-
mation relevant to the research problem.
This section presents the results of each bibliomet-
ric analysis of each group of papers, the summary of
the methods found in each set of papers, and a short
discussion aiming to synthesize the obtained informa-
3.1 State of the Art in Edge Detection
In order to identify the state of the art of edge detec-
tion methods in the literature, we have chosen the pa-
pers that are summarized in Table 2. The biliometry
performed aimed to understand the frequent terms, as
well as those that have gained relevance in the last 6
First, the absolute numbers of citations that each
work received were extracted from the metadata, to
determine those with greater relevance to the research
topic. In addition, the most cited papers are those that,
potentially, best summarize the state of the art until
that year of publication, and have a higher ratio be-
tween the number of citations and the time elapsed
since publication.
In this case, the articles (Magnier et al., 2018;
Kaur and Kaur, 2017; Yogesh et al., 2018) appear as
the most cited, in the first three positions. Evaluating
the number of citations/year, from publication to the
present moment, we observe that the works (Suresh
and Srinivasa Rao, 2019; Magnier et al., 2018) have
the highest scores. In the case of (Suresh and Srini-
vasa Rao, 2019) it is the most recent work with the
highest citation/year ratio.
Through the word cloud of the keywords of all the
papers, if we disregard terms such as: “edge detec-
tion”, “segmentation”, “image processing” and other
terms that are synonyms or homonyms to them since
they are expected words considering the search terms,
we find related and recurrent terms that may indicate
the methods or applications that have been developed
in the studied period. Figure 1 summarizes the most
frequent terms found, among them, we can observe
terms related to fuzzy logic, machine learning, ge-
netic algorithms, and other classical segmentation and
edge detection techniques.
Figure 1: Word clouds of key terms of RQG edge detection
The occurrence of terms related to classical seg-
mentation and edge detection techniques such as
Canny, Sobel, and Watersheed in the keywords may
indicate a movement towards improving the perfor-
mance of these techniques that have already been ex-
haustively studied. Further evidence of this could be
found through another analysis, where the terms were
considered by year. In this case, words like “edge”,
“detection” and “segmentation” were the most fre-
quent in the abstracts of the papers in the year 2020,
where performance-related terms also started, which
had a higher frequency in the year 2022. From these
papers, it is interesting to extract especially the meth-
ods reviewed by the authors regarding the state of the
art in the area of edge detection. Therefore, in the fol-
lowing, we will present a summary of the techniques,
grouped by approach.
Gradient-Based Methods: A digital image is a dis-
crete representation of the variation of light in the
real world, so each numerical value carried by the
pixel represents the intensity of light or color at that
Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection Methods: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 1: Terms of inclusion and exclusion and number of selected papers.
Research question Terms of Inclusion
Number of occurrences
(ABS( edge PRE/ detection )
ABS(image PRE/ segmentation ))
TITLE(survey or review)
inc: 768
1ª exc: 518 (i)
2ª exc: 244 (ii)
3ª exc: 15 (iii)
4ª exc: 15 (iv)
inc: 1,475
1ª exc: 1,038(i)
2ª exc: 248(ii)
3ª exc: 3(iii):
4ª exc: 3 (iv)
ABS ( fuzzy
( edge PRE/ detection ) )
TITLE ( fuzzy OR edge OR segmentation )
inc: 870
1ª exc: 247 (i)
2ª exc: 7 (ii)
3ª exc: 6 (iii)
4ª exc: 6(iv)
inc: 717
1ª exc: 224 (i)
2ª exc: 21(ii)
3ª exc: 13(iii)
4ª exc: 13(iv)
Table 2: Papers in edge detection (RQG).
Reference Paper title
(Kaur and Kaur, 2017) An Edge detection technique with image segmentation using Ant Colony Optimiza-
tion: A review
(Castillo et al., 2017) Review of Recent Type-2 Fuzzy Image Processing Applications
(Yogesh et al., 2018) A comparative review of various segmentation methods and its application
(Magnier et al., 2018) A review of supervised edge detection evaluation methods and an objective compari-
son of filtering gradient computations using hysteresis thresholds
(Magnier, 2018) Edge detection: a review of dissimilarity evaluations and a proposed normalized mea-
(Agrawal and Bhogal, 2019) A review—Edge detection techniques in dental images
(Aggarwal et al., 2019) Review of Segmentation Techniques on Multi-Dimensional Images
(Zhu and Li, 2019) Survey on the image segmentation algorithms
(Suresh and Srinivasa Rao,
Various image segmentation algorithms: A survey
(Ghosh et al., 2020) Different EDGE Detection Techniques: A Review
(Budzyn and Rzepka, 2020) Review of edge detection algorithms for application in miniature dimension measure-
ment modules
(Chakrapani et al., 2021) A Survey of Sobel Edge Detection VLSI Architectures
(Isa et al., 2021) Review of Edge-based Image Segmentation on Electrical Tree Classification in Cross-
linked Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulation
(Mubashar et al., 2022) Have We Solved Edge Detection? A Review of State-of-the-art Datasets and DNN
based Techniques
(Yadav and Pandey, 2022) Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey
(Jing et al., 2022) Recent advances on image edge detection: A comprehensive review
point. The contours of objects in the image can be
interpreted as a transition zone between these inten-
sities so that more intense transitions have a much
greater chance of being an edge than smoother transi-
tions. That is, given a direction in the image, the rate
of change or discrete difference between pixels high-
lights the likely edges of the objects (Marco-Detchart
et al., 2021a).
It was through this reasoning that the first edge de-
tectors emerged (Agrawal and Bhogal, 2019). There
are two approaches to gradient-based detection: first-
order derivative-based, and second-order derivative-
The best-known gradient-based detection methods
are first-order fixed operations; first-order oriented
operations that use the maximum energy of the ori-
entation; or two-direction operations.
To facilitate understanding regarding the develop-
ment of the techniques throughout history, we have
summarized in a timeline the publication dates of the
articles describing the first version of each method de-
scribed in this section, which can be seen in Figure.
2. The following are some of the classical gradient-
based methods and their main differences (Aggarwal
et al., 2019).
The Canny Detector (Canny, 1986), to this day
one of the most widely used, was proposed consid-
ering a Gaussian smoothing followed by a gradient
operation and finally thresholding. In the studies in
(Jing et al., 2022), we found other methods based
on first-order derivatives, inspired by Canny, such
as Infinite size Symmetrical Exponential Filters (D-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ISEF), a color-boundary and first-order derivative of
anisotropic Gaussian (FDAG).
Sobel’s detector (Sobel et al., 1968) calculates the
gradient value at each pixel position in the image us-
ing a fixed operator. In turn, Prewitt (Prewitt et al.,
1970) has a similar technique to Sobel, but unlike So-
bel it has no adjustment coefficients, varies by a con-
stant value, and calculates the magnitude of the gradi-
ent with the image orientations.
The method proposed by Roberts (Roberts, 1980)
first appears in the literature in 1963, as the product of
his doctoral thesis. This method calculates the deriva-
tive by taking the root of the difference between diag-
onally adjacent pixels. It focuses on invariant proper-
ties that edges exhibit.
The LoG (Marr and Hildreth, 1980), or Gaussian
Laplacian, is based on a Gaussian filtering followed
by a Laplacian operation. It is based on a second-
order operator, which seeks to identify the maximum
and minimum points of the variation of intensities so
that by finding these points that cross to zero, the edge
candidates in the image are found. The Gaussian filter
step is important because it is a second-order method
and therefore extremely sensitive to noise.
Region Segmentation-Based Methods: Another set
of methods for edge detection is based on region seg-
mentation. In these methods, regions are segmented,
such as clustering and automated thresholding meth-
ods, and edges are detected as the boundary of these
regions. According to (Mubashar et al., 2022), the re-
gions formed by the textures in high-complexity im-
ages can be used as a facilitator in the process of de-
tecting the edges between them.
The region-based approach outperforms direct de-
tection methods such as gradient methods. Others,
such as frequency domain filtering and statistics can
be classified as either region segmentation or direct
edge detection methods, depending on how the detec-
tion modeling is done. These works can be found in
(Jing et al., 2022; Mubashar et al., 2022).
Through the emergence of texture descriptors and
other local information such as brightness gradient,
texture gradient, and color gradient, the probabilistic
contour (Pb) method emerged (Arbelaez et al., 2010).
Methods Based on Machine Learning and Neural
Networks: Combining the Pb method with a logis-
tic regression it was possible to develop a model for
edge detection in the image (Jing et al., 2022). The
method has been extended over the years, for example
by bringing in the multi-scale probabilistic contouring
method and a multi-scale spectral clustering.
Currently, new machine learning-based tech-
niques have emerged, in particular those based on
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN’s). Other
methods based on machine learning are presented in
(Jing et al., 2022), this is the case of Holistically-
nested edge detection better known as HED that was
proposed to improve the performance of the convo-
lutional neural network, inspired other methods as,
Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network (CEDN),
Richer Convolutional Features (RCF), Learning to
Predict Crisp Boundaries (LPCB).
In 2019, the bi-directional cascade network
(BDCN) method emerges, which proposes detection
at different scales. More recently, techniques such as:
Fined, Edge Detection TransformER (EDTER), and
Pixel Difference Networks (PiDiNet) have been pro-
posed, to handle edge detection without the need for
such a large database for model training.
Fuzzy Logic Based Methods: Since Russo (Russo,
1998) first presented a fuzzy inference system model-
ing to efficiently extract edges in high noise images in
1998, the application of fuzzy theory in edge detec-
tion has increased, justified by the fuzzy nature of ob-
ject edges in a digital image, which makes fuzzy the-
ory suitable for solving such problems (Russo, 1998).
As reported by (Jing et al., 2022), detectors based
on joining techniques like divergence and fuzzy en-
tropy minimization (FED) and detectors based on
morphological gradient and type-2 fuzzy logic have
been proposed (Type-2 Color). Hybrid techniques
and fuzzy versions of neural networks have been cre-
ated, improving the performance of other approaches
and in some cases decreasing the computational com-
In the studies of (Ghosh et al., 2020) we can
identify hybrid methods that use neural networks
and fuzzy logic type-1, type-2, and type-3, which
are extensions of fuzzy logic with more degrees of
uncertainty associated, they are called Hybrid ap-
proach neuro-fuzzy-1, neuro-fuzzy-2 and neuro-fuzzy-
3 (Neuro-fuzzy’s). As well as the use of fuzzy
logic to improve classical methods such as Canny
(C&I-TYPE2), and a hybrid method that uses Sobel,
fuzzy logic type-1, and fuzzy interval system type-2
Figure 3 presents the chronology of the found
fuzzy methods, through the two proposed research
questions. Observe the predominance of applications
of fuzzy logic type-1, type-2, and type-3 and the use
of this approach in conjunction with other techniques,
evidencing a clear research trend.
3.2 Fuzzy Logic-Based Edge Detection
Methods (RQF)
Considering the current state of edge detection meth-
ods and the importance of fuzzy logic-based methods,
Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection Methods: A Systematic Literature Review
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
sobel and Prewitt
Figure 2: Chronology of non-fuzzy methods RQG.
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
Russo Method
Type-2 Color
Figure 3: Chronology of fuzzy methods RQF.
evidenced in the previous section, it was possible to
perform a bibliometric analysis of these articles in or-
der to obtain some useful information in understand-
ing the state of the art of fuzzy logic-based methods.
It is important to emphasize that some works fo-
cused on the review of segmentation methods, in gen-
eral, using fuzzy logic, were included in this review.
This is justified by the fact that the process of edge de-
tection is a method of segmentation of the boundary
between two or more regions, i.e., a particular case of
the segmentation area in general and, therefore, high-
impact works that were not specific to edge detection
but returned from consultations and went through the
exclusion processes were admitted.
Table 3 summarizes the papers returned from the
search, organized by publication date. In the first col-
umn, we show the reference and, next to it, the title of
the work.
Next, we present the relevant results of the biblio-
metric analysis, with the objective of presenting the
most important papers and the common terms among
the papers. This may allow a better understanding of
the research carried out in this area, with the help of
the description of the methods, to understand the gaps
in the literature regarding this theme.
By extracting the metadata of the papers, it was
possible, as described in the previous chapter for gen-
eral edge detection methods, to determine the most
cited papers among the selected ones. The paper with
the highest number of absolute citations was the paper
by (Castillo et al., 2017). In the second and third po-
sitions, in absolute numbers of citations, we have the
works (Kumar et al., 2019; Gonzalez et al., 2017a).
Analyzing the ratio of citations per year, we have
that the three most cited papers in absolute number,
are also those with the highest citations/year ratio
without losing the hierarchical order. Of these works,
two are about edge detection using type-2 interval
fuzzy logic, and the second position is relatively re-
Figure 4: Word cloud of key terms of fuzzy methods.
Through the word cloud, it is possible to iden-
tify, disregarding obvious terms such as those used
in the search, or synonyms and homonyms, the terms
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
that have raised the interest of researchers in the area,
when using a fuzzy treatment in solving the prob-
lem of edge detection and image segmentation. In
Figure 4, one can observe terms such as: “Medi-
cal Imaging”, “Computer Circuits”, “General Type-2
fuzzy sets”, “Classical Methods” and “Sobel Opera-
tor”. This word cloud was obtained through the fre-
quency of the terms in the keywords, which are terms
chosen by the authors to describe their work, using
the software R Studio.
The metrics presented in the results of these works
in comparison with classical methods show that the
approach plays a key role in improving the perfor-
mance of classical and other existing methods.
The found methods can be divided into four
i. Methods based on interval fuzzy logic of the type-
n (LFIT-n) (Baghbani et al., 2019; Raheja and
Kumar, 2021; Gonzalez et al., 2017a; Kaur and
Kaur, 2017; Castillo et al., 2017; Gonzalez et al.,
ii. Hybrid methods (FHM), in combination with
neural networks or improving the performance
of classical edge detection techniques (Balaban-
taray et al., 2017; Kumawat and Panda, 2021;
Moya-Albor et al., 2017; Dhargupta et al., 2019;
Kaur and Kaur, 2017; Dorrani et al., 2020);
iii. Methods that are based on fuzzy inference sys-
tems (FISM) (Dhivya and Prakash, 2019) e;
iv. Methods that are based on fuzzy clustering meth-
ods (FCEM) (Flores-Vidal et al., 2018).
Edge detection represents an important task in several
steps in computer vision, such as (Wei et al., 2017);
object detection (Yang et al., 2002); pattern recogni-
tion (Mohan et al., 2021); or image retrieval (Pavithra
and Sharmila, 2018).
Recently, research in this area has been gaining
momentum due to its importance in several applica-
tions, such as augmented reality (Orhei et al., 2020);
image colorization (Sun et al., 2019) and medical im-
age processing (Qiu et al., 2021) among others. Be-
cause of the fuzzy nature of the edges of an object
in a digital image, many methods have been devel-
oped over the years, and more recently, with the use
of fuzzy theory, which has been improving and per-
forming applications in various areas.
Considering the advancement of research in edge
detection through fuzzy theory approaches, and the
lack of review papers dedicated to these methods, a
specific investigation of these techniques is justified.
In this sense, this work presented a review of
edge detection methods in order to understand the
state of the art of fuzzy edge detection methods. For
this, searches were performed in two major databases,
Scopus and Web Of Science, and defined the terms
of inclusion and exclusion, so that of 3,830 papers
that returned from the searches, only 34 went through
the exclusion steps. The methods were reviewed and
organized by category according to the proposed ap-
proach by the method.
Classical methods can be divided into four classes:
methods based on gradient; methods based on seg-
mentation of regions; methods based on machine
learning and Neural Networks and; methods based on
Fuzzy Logic that in turn, through the specific search
can be divided into four subclasses: methods based on
interval fuzzy logic type-n; hybrid methods, in com-
bination with neural networks or improving the per-
formance of classical techniques for edge detection;
those based on fuzzy inference systems and; based on
clustering methods.
The fuzzy set theory proposed by Zadeh (Zadeh,
1965) as well as the Roberts method (Roberts, 1980)
of edge detection, has its first works in the mid-1970s.
Despite the nature of edge detection fitting clearly in a
fuzzy theory approach, fuzzy applications in this task
only appeared for the first time in the late 1990s using
fuzzy inference systems, with the method of Russo
(Russo, 1998).
Even after this initiative, little has been explored
over the years, with the first relevant papers around
the year 2012. A bibliometric analysis was also con-
ducted, where the metadata of the documents was an-
alyzed, in order to understand, in conjunction with the
summary of the methods whether there are gaps or
trends in research regarding the studied topic.
Through the analysis, it could be concluded that in
recent years, from the year 2012, fuzzy logic has been
employed in hybrid methods in order to improve the
performance of existing techniques or reduce compu-
tational complexity. Studies with interval fuzzy logic
of higher order have been employed for its greater
flexibility in dealing with the uncertainty associated
with the edge detection task.
As future work, a review dedicated to the perfor-
mance of the methods is proposed, comparing works
that used the same metrics and databases in order to
evaluate the gain that these different techniques have
in relation to other non-fuzzy methods. This quan-
titative evaluation is necessary considering the num-
ber of methods proposed in the last ten years, and the
scarcity of review work in this regard.
Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection Methods: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 3: Works in edge detection based on fuzzy logic (RQF).
References Paper title
(Gonzalez et al., 2017b) Edge detection methods based on generalized type-2 fuzzy logic systems
(Castillo et al., 2017) Review of Recent Type-2 Fuzzy Image Processing Applications
(Moya-Albor et al., 2017) An Edge Detection Method using a Fuzzy Ensemble Approach
(Gonzalez et al., 2017a) Edge detection method based on general type-2 fuzzy logic applied to color images
(Balabantaray et al., 2017) A Quantitative Performance Analysis of Edge Detectors with Hybrid Edge Detector
(Flores-Vidal et al., 2018) A New Edge Detection Approach Based on Fuzzy Segments Clustering
(Bueno et al., 2018) Two-phase flow bubble detection method applied to natural circulation system using
fuzzy image processing
(Baghbani et al., 2019) A method for image edge detection based on interval-valued fuzzy sets
(Flores-Vidal et al., 2019) A new edge detection method based on global evaluation using fuzzy clustering
(Dhargupta et al., 2019) Fuzzy edge detection based steganography using modified Gaussian distribution
(Bhogal and Agrawal, 2019) Image Edge Detection Techniques Using Sobel, T1FLS, and IT2FLS
(Kumar et al., 2019) Information hiding with adaptive steganography based on novel fuzzy edge identifi-
(Dhivya and Prakash, 2019) Edge detection of satellite image using fuzzy logic
(Dorrani et al., 2020) Image Edge Detection with Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
(Kumawat and Panda, 2021) A robust edge detection algorithm based on feature-based image registration (FBIR)
using improved canny with fuzzy logic (ICWFL)
(Raheja and Kumar, 2021) Edge detection based on type-1 fuzzy logic and guided smoothening
(Tripathi et al., 2021) Edge Detection on Medical Images Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic
This work was supported by CNPq (301618/2019-
4, 305805/2021-5), FAPERGS (19/2551-0001279-9,
19/2551-0001660, Edital FAPERGS/CNPq 07/2022
- Programa de Apoio
a Fixac¸
ao de Jovens Doutores
no Brasil, Conseller
ıa d’Innovaci
o, Universitats,
Ciencia I Societat Digital from Comunitat Valen-
ciana (APOSTD/2021/227) through the European So-
cial Fund (Investing In Your Future), and grant
PID2021-123673OB-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/
10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of
making Europe”.
The authors declare that there is no financial or per-
sonal conflict directly or indirectly related to this
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