Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational
Institution: A Novel Methodology
Federico Dom
1,2 a
, Leonardo Eras
1 b
, Josu
e Tomal
2 c
and Adriana Collaguazo
2 d
Information Technology Center, Escuela Superior Polit
ecnica Del Litoral, ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Escuela Superior Polit
ecnica Del Litoral, ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Oral Presentation Skills, Human Pose Identification, Feedforward Neural Network, Automatic Presentation
Mastering oral presentation skills is of paramount importance for new graduates as they navigate the com-
petitive job market of the 21st century. Consequently, procuring the effective development of these skills in
students is an essential task for higher education institutions (HEIs). We developed a technological solution
that facilitates oral presentation skills learning by providing automatic and immediate feedback using machine
learning algorithms on audiovisual recordings of oral presentations. We have been using this tool to record
novice students’ presentations since 2017 and, by using the resulting data corpus, developed a methodology to
accurately detect and evaluate posture and gaze in oral presentations. This article presents this methodology
and its application on more than 3,000 recordings from more than 2,000 different students across all study
programs at our university. Preliminary results provide a glimpse of the prevalence and distribution of oral
presentation skills across several demographic variables. Statistically significant patterns point to possible oral
communication deficiencies in engineering programs at our HEI, highlighting the potential of our methodol-
ogy to serve as a diagnostic tool for communication skills learning strategies.
Effective oral communication is one of the core com-
petencies for higher educated professionals and one
of the main skills needed to succeed in the 21st cen-
tury society (Trilling and Fadel, 2009; van Ginkel
et al., 2015). For this reason, teaching oral presenta-
tion skills in higher education institutions, whether in
specialized communication courses or embedded in
disciplinary curricula, is becoming increasingly im-
portant. In this context, plenty of practice and timely
feedback have been identified as key components to
the effective development of oral presentation compe-
tence (De Grez et al., 2009). The limited time avail-
able in typically crowded classrooms has prompted
the development of technological solutions that fa-
cilitate practice and automate feedback of oral pre-
sentations and current research findings point to their
effectiveness in improving oral communication skills
in higher education students (Ochoa and Dominguez,
2020; van Ginkel et al., 2019).
The Automatic Feedback Presentation system
(RAP for its Spanish acronym) is one of those sys-
tems. Developed at ESPOL University in Guayaquil,
Ecuador, the RAP system provides an immersive en-
vironment for oral presentation practice, recording,
and automatic feedback delivery. The system uses
a recording of the presentation and, optionally, the
presentation slides file to extract basic oral communi-
cation features such as the presenter’s posture, gaze,
voice volume, use of filled pauses, and slides legibil-
ity to generate a feedback report (Ochoa et al., 2018).
Since 2017, the system has been experimentally inte-
grated in the educational activities of several courses,
logging more than 3,000 recordings from over 2,000
students across all programs at ESPOL University
ınguez et al., 2021).
The deployment of the RAP system in a large real
learning scenario provided us with a unique oppor-
tunity to explore the prevalence of oral presentation
skills across different disciplines in a relatively large
sample of students and academic staff. Moreover, cur-
rent state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms for
Domínguez, F., Eras, L., Tomalá, J. and Collaguazo, A.
Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational Institution: A Novel Methodology.
DOI: 10.5220/0011853900003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 39-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
human pose estimation allow us to detect and clas-
sify posture and gaze in oral presentation recordings
with increasing detail and at relatively low computa-
tional costs. Some of these techniques were not used
in the initial deployment of the RAP system, however
it is possible to retrofit them to the system’s previous
output (presentation recordings) to gain insights into
oral presentation skills in higher education students
and professionals.
This article presents a methodology to extract
and evaluate posture and gaze from oral presentation
recordings and explores the use of these two features
as a proxy measurement for oral presentation com-
petence in a sample of 2191 users. Section 2 briefly
summarizes the state-of-the-art techniques used to de-
tect and classify human pose in monocular images
and section 3 presents the methodology to detect,
classify, and evaluate posture and gaze in a RAP
recording. The results of applying this methodology
in 3726 recordings is presented in section 4. Discus-
sions and conclusions stemming from these results are
presented in sections 5 and 6.
Human pose identification can be defined as the com-
bined process of estimating the configuration of the
body (pose) from a single, typically monocular, im-
age and then classifying the pose within the context of
the image. In the context of an oral presentation, we
define posture as the configuration of the torso, arms,
and legs; and gaze as the orientation of the eyes and
head. Therefore, the human pose identification pro-
cess is used to extract both features, posture and gaze,
from an oral presentation. Aside from automatic eval-
uation of oral presentations, applications of human
pose identification range from fall detection in health
care and industry (Tran et al., 2021; Hasib et al., 2021;
Ren et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2022) to workout guidance
in sports (Hung et al., 2020). In most implementa-
tions, human pose identification is subdivided in two
distinct processes: estimation and classification.
2.1 Human Pose Estimation
The human pose estimation process outputs the co-
ordinates of the most important joints of the human
body (e.g., elbow, wrist, knee) detected in an image.
This process is key in applications such as human ac-
tivity recognition, human-computer interaction, ani-
mation, marker-less motion capture, and more (Sun
et al., 2019; Sigal, 2014). Performance of estimation
models on these application domains depends on sev-
eral factors such as occlusions and truncations of the
human body in the image, lighting and contrast, and
noise (Andriluka et al., 2014).
The state-of-the-art in human pose estimation
changes quickly as it is a relatively new technology
powered typically by Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) and the Deep Learning revolution; however
two solutions stand out for their performance, real-
time capabilities, and ease of deployment: Open-
Pose from Carnegie Mellon University and Medi-
apipe BlazePose from Google (Mroz et al., 2021;
Bazarevsky et al., 2020; Cao et al., 2019). OpenPose
relies heavily on GPU power to produce accurate re-
sults while BlazePose trades-off accuracy for faster
runtime performance (Mroz et al., 2021). BlazePose
accuracy is relatively high and close to state-of-the-art
while its real-time performance makes it suitable for
mobile applications (Mroz et al., 2021; Bazarevsky
et al., 2020). Moreover, BlazePose has been found
to outperform OpenPose in images with human self-
occlusion (Liu et al., 2022).
2.2 Human Pose Classification
The classification or annotation of the action repre-
sented by a specific human pose is a difficult problem
in itself. Human limbs have several degrees of free-
dom and in a typical image are occluded with objects
or parts of the body. Classification through a mathe-
matical model of the position of the human limbs has
been done in the original version of the RAP system
but scales poorly and it is usually discarded as a diffi-
cult problem (Ren et al., 2020).
Several machine learning (ML) algorithms have
been proposed to classify postures: fuzzy logic with
Support Vector Machines (SVM) (Ren et al., 2020),
CNNs (Hasib et al., 2021), and k-means with YOLO
(Tran et al., 2021). K-means, an unsupervised ML
algorithm, allows for automated annotation but with
mixed results. Most techniques, however, rely on su-
pervised ML algorithms that require manual annota-
tion for training, a typically onerous and expensive
Versions 1 and 2 of the RAP system, deployed in
2017 and 2019 respectively, used OpenPose for hu-
man pose estimation and a mathematical model to
classify postures as either open (one or both arms
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
open) or close (hands down closer to the body). This
methodology had an accuracy rate of 84% for cor-
rectly identifying an open/close posture and a slightly
higher accuracy rate for correctly identifying gaze to
the audience in an oral presentation. Tests on the field
revealed that, while the system was accurate enough
to generate an effective feedback report, the amount
of false positives alienated some users. For this rea-
son, for version 3 of the RAP system, deployed in
2022, we improved the extraction of the posture and
gaze features by changing both the human pose esti-
mation and human pose classification algorithms. As
the system is able to identify presentation postures
with finer granularity, it was also necessary to revisit
the automatic posture evaluation algorithm. The next
subsections detail the methodology used to improve
these algorithms.
3.1 Pose Estimation in an Oral
Figure 1: BlazePose is capable of detecting a human
pose in an image and outputs the x,y,z coordinates (land-
marks) of the 33 most important joints of the human body
(Bazarevsky et al., 2020).
For the 3rd version of the RAP system we decided to
switch the human pose estimation library from Open-
Pose to BlazePose because BlazePose:
uses, as part of Google’s Mediapipe, the Apache
2.0 open source license which provides greater
flexibility with fewer limitations;
does not require a GPU and can therefore run on a
mobile phone, aligning with the future road map
of the RAP system;
detects more body landmarks in the torso, arms,
and legs enabling finer posture classification; and
Figure 2: Five classification targets for postures were iden-
tified and are defined as such: 2HO - two hands open, 1HO
- 1 hand open, 2HD - two hands down, CHN - closed hands,
HAM - hand in arm.
Figure 3: Our annotation tool allows taggers to seek for a
specific time-lapse in the video and label the posture manu-
has a mature Python API that facilitates its inte-
gration into currently existing systems.
In the RAP system, BlazePose takes as input an
uncompressed video frame of 1500 x 1000 pixels and
outputs a data frame of 33 body landmarks (see Fig-
ure 1). These landmarks are then normalized and fed
to the posture and gaze classification module.
3.2 Posture and Gaze Classification in
an Oral Presentation
Using human pose landmarks to classify the presen-
ter’s posture and gaze requires, regardless of the clas-
sification algorithm, the previous identification of ex-
pected classification targets. For gaze it is relatively
simple, the presenter’s gaze is either aimed at the front
(audience), left or right (slides), or the back. For pos-
ture however, subtle differences in body configura-
tion can imply totally different postures spawning a
larger number of classification targets. Posture and
gaze are therefore classified separately using indepen-
dently trained algorithms.
3.2.1 Posture
The previous posture classification algorithm used
a mathematical model to discriminate between two
classification targets: open and closed posture. This
algorithm was sensitive to different video and room
configurations, affecting its accuracy which reached
a maximum of 84%. By 2019, the system had accu-
mulated 3726 recordings from 2191 users, therefore,
with the aim to improve accuracy and include new
Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational Institution: A Novel Methodology
Figure 4: Human pose identification pipeline example of a single video frame where the input is the uncompressed frame and
the output is the detected posture.
classification targets, we explored more flexible ma-
chine learning algorithms that benefited from a large
data set.
We identified 11 distinct postures employed by
users of the RAP system using a random sample of
video recordings in an initial exploratory analysis. Of
these 11 postures, only five were frequent enough to
be able to use them reliably in a training data set.
These five postures are: two hands open, one hand
open, two hands down, closed hands, and hand in arm
(see Figure 2).
After the identification of classification targets for
postures, the next step was to manually tag video
frames in RAP recordings to procure a ground truth
data set that can be used for training and evaluation
of ML algorithms. We organized an internal tag-
ging campaign by recruiting volunteers, students and
instructors, and providing them with a web annota-
tion tool to facilitate and structure the video tagging
task. This tool, written in Javascript and based on
the videojs-annotation-comments plugin (Contently,
2022), serves each volunteer a random RAP video
recording and an intuitive user interface to tag pos-
tures in a specific section of the video (see Figure 3).
Seven taggers (two professors, one research staff,
and four students) annotated 301 RAP recordings dur-
ing two tagging campaigns. To ensure a substantial
inter-rater consistency (Fleiss’ Kappa > 0.6), all tag-
gers were trained on the correct identification of all
five postures and five pre-annotated videos were used
to quantify agreement between taggers. The resulting
annotated data set consisted of more than 180 thou-
sand video frames, each frame consisting of one iden-
tified posture.
Several ML algorithms were tested using the an-
notated data set: support vector machines (SVMs),
k-nearest neighbors (kNN), logistic regression, and
a feedforward deep neural network (Feedforward
DNN). Best results were obtained with a feedforward
DNN of 6 hidden layers (see Figure 7 for the detailed
architecture) with a maximum accuracy of 95.5%.
The resulting network architecture was obtained em-
pirically and Figure 5 shows a confusion matrix with
the accuracy results per category target using 145,450
frames for training, 9,331 frames for validation, and
26,339 frames for testing.
Figure 4 details the resulting human pose identi-
fication pipeline where a video frame from a RAP
recording is first processed by BlazePose to extract
the presenter’s body landmarks; these landmarks are
then normalized and fed to the feedforward DNN
which predicts the presenter’s posture.
Figure 5: Confusion matrix for ve posture classification
targets using 145,450 frames for training, 9,331 frames for
validation, and 26,339 frames for testing.
3.2.2 Gaze
For gaze we used a kNN classification algorithm that
can use either a set of eight face points or a set of 3
angles as input to solve a PnP (Perspective-n-Point)
problem in order to get the normal to the face span-
ning from the nose. Seven of these eight points were
already extracted using BlazePose and the last one,
the chin, had to be calculated from the rest. Pitch,
yaw, and roll correspond to the 3 angles that can be
obtained after calculating the normal vector (see Fig-
ure 6).
The accuracy of the gaze prediction varies slightly
when using one of the two methods described. Us-
ing the eight face points produced a 96.42% accu-
racy, while using the normal vector angles produced a
94.11% accuracy.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) Looking at
the camera
(b) Looking away
Figure 6: The normal vector of the face (blue line) is used
to estimate the direction of the gaze. Here an example of an
individual with the gaze to the center and to the right side
of the video camera.
We identified six distinct gazes: center, back, left,
right, up, and down. Only two gazes were frequent
enough to be able to use them reliably, these are: cen-
ter and back. Of those, center is the only gaze related
to a positive score as it represents a person looking
directly at the audience. Back is related to the per-
son looking directly at the presentation slides. Up and
down gazes almost never occur in a real presentation,
only during testing. Left and right gazes, while de-
tected in a few presentations, did not appear enough
to be useful in this study.
Figure 7: Architecture of the Feedforward Artificial Neural
Network with 6 hidden layers used as the posture classifier
in the final stage of the human pose identification pipeline.
3.3 Posture and Gaze Evaluation in an
Oral Presentation
Posture and gaze evaluation is the process of discern-
ing how appropriate a given posture or gaze is in the
context of an oral presentation. For example, during
an oral presentation direct eye contact with the audi-
ence is preferred than constantly looking at the slides
or any form of gaze aversion (Gordon et al., 2006).
In a RAP recording, a gaze to the front/camera is
highly correlated with eye contact with the audience
and a gaze to the side or back is highly correlated with
the presenter looking at the slides. Therefore, during
the evaluation process a gaze to the front is rewarded
while a gaze to the side or back is penalized.
The presenter’s posture is considered a form of
body language which typically conveys an unin-
tentional and unconscious message to the audience
(Dittmann, 1987). It has been found that certain pos-
tures can unambiguously convey a positive or nega-
tive message, for example, an open posture commu-
nicates receptivity and openness to the audience (van
Ginkel et al., 2019; Bull, 1987) while a closed posture
communicates discomfort, nervousness, or disinterest
(Sheth, 2017). Moreover, an open posture has been
found to have a positive effect on the persuasiveness
of the presentation (Bull, 1987). Therefore, open pos-
tures such as two hands open and one hand open are
rewarded and closed postures such as closed hands
and hand in arm are penalized.
After a RAP presentation, the system’s evaluation
process produces a presentation score for each feature
(i.e. posture, gaze, filled-pauses, etc.). In the case of
posture, points are assigned to each video frame de-
pending on the identified posture. The overall score
is the sum of all points per frame divided by the total
number of frames. Table 1 shows the amount of points
given to each posture resulting in presentations domi-
nated with open postures receiving higher scores. Pre-
sentations where hands down or hand in arm dominate
usually due to fidgeting, communicating nervous-
ness and stiffness (Sheth, 2017; Gordon et al., 2006)
– will consequently have lower scores. The same pro-
cess is done for gaze, table 2 shows the amount of
points given to each detected gaze.
Table 1: Points assigned to each identified posture during
the evaluation process.
Posture Points
Two hands open (2HO) +2
One hand open (1HO) +1
Closed hands (CHN) -1
Two hands down (2HD) -2
Hand in arm (HAM) -3
Table 2: Points assigned to each identified gaze during the
evaluation process.
Gaze Points
To the audience (center) +2
To the left -1
To the right -1
To the back -3
We applied the methodology described in the previ-
ous section in the implementation of version 3 of the
Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational Institution: A Novel Methodology
Figure 8: This heatmap shows the average frequency us-
age of posture and gaze for all users, represented with color
bands in 5-seconds resolution, in every stage of the RAP
presentation’s 5-minute span. It shows that on average users
start their presentation looking at the front with their hands
down and move on to stare at the slides as the presentation
RAP system and on 3726 RAP recordings made using
versions 1 and 2 of the system from 2017 till 2019.
These recordings were made mostly as course assign-
ments by students but also as part of training exercises
by administrative staff and professors. Most of these
recordings came from Communication I and Physics I
courses, which are mandatory for almost all students,
providing a large sample containing students from all
study programs.
We used the evaluation process for posture and
gaze described in section 3.3 to quantify a subset of
the oral presentations skills of a RAP user. While we
are aware that presentation skills have several addi-
tional dimensions not covered by posture and gaze,
results obtained in controlled experiments of the RAP
system point to a positive correlation between these
two features and a novice student overall presentation
skills, please refer to (Ochoa and Dominguez, 2020;
ınguez et al., 2021) for details. Quantification is
presented here using the following tools: a presenta-
tion heatmap, which shows the use of postures and
gaze over the presentation time, and the mean score
per feature.
A presentation heatmap is drawn by calculat-
ing the frequency of each posture and gaze in five-
seconds intervals for the entire five minute presen-
tation; the color of each band represents how fre-
quently was a specific posture or gaze detected during
that interval of the presentation (Figure 8). Averag-
ing heatmaps across demographic categories allow us
to quickly visualize differences in presentation style
and behaviour. Findings stemming from visual dif-
ferences between heatmaps were corroborated using
a Welch t-test for the means of each heatmap band in
each category, a Bonferroni correction was applied to
all p-values.
Figure 9 shows the average heatmaps of students’
recordings per study program. Two programs stand
out, Social studies and Design and Communication,
as their students clearly spend more time looking
at the audience than the rest (center band in both
programs is darker than the rest, P < .001). Less
salient than gaze to the audience, students in both pro-
grams also use less the one hand open (1HO) posture
(P < .001 for all 1HO pairings except with Maritime
and Life sciences). As expected the average and me-
dian gaze score for students in both study programs
is higher than their peers (Figure 10), the same effect
was not observed in the average posture score.
Figure 11 compares presentation performance be-
tween students in the two extremes of academic per-
formance. Students in the 90th percentile tend to
look more to the audience than students in the 10th
percentile (P = .0015 for center). Statistical sig-
nificance was not observed within intermediate per-
centiles. Figure 12 compares presentation perfor-
mance between all students and professional staff
(high school and university professors, administrative
staff, and research staff). Professional staff tend to
perform better as they maintain their gaze to the au-
dience during the entire presentation (P < .001) and
tend to use more both hands (P < .001 for 2HO). Stu-
dents tend to use more the one hand open posture
(P < .001 for 1HO).
Figure 13 compares presentation performance for
students who used the system twice in the same
semester. In the second attempt, students tend to look
more at the audience, use more both hands, and use
less the one hand open posture (P < .001 for all). As
in previous comparisons, as users tend to look more
to the audience their use of the one hand open pos-
ture (1HO) decreases because typically this posture is
used to point at the slides while the user is looking
away from the audience.
By combining academic and demographic metadata
with our human posture and gaze evaluation method-
ology in oral presentation recordings a few important
patterns emerged from the results in the previous sec-
tions. First, at least in our academic institution, oral
presentation skills are not equally distributed among
study programs, with engineering students lagging
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: Average presentation heatmap by study program:
Students on social sciences and design programs tend to
look more at their audience.
Figure 10: Distribution of student’s gaze score by study pro-
behind. Not surprisingly, top students present better
than their peers, professional staff perform better than
novice students, and students tend to improve their
presentation skills after using the RAP system. No
differences in presentation skills were observed by
gender or social economic status.
Considering that oral presentation skills are an
essential tool for all students and that international
engineering accreditation programs such as ABET
emphasize and evaluate oral communication compe-
tency, it is important to evaluate how differences in
study program curricula affect intake of these skills.
How much time is allocated to oral presentation
skills exercises and feedback in different study pro-
grams? Nevertheless, the bulk of students that used
our system are novice students in their second or third
semester, therefore confounding factors such as extro-
verts disproportionately selecting study programs in
social and communication sciences are still important
and must be taken into account.
This article presents a methodology to evaluate hu-
man posture and gaze in oral presentation recordings
Figure 11: Average presentation heatmap by academic per-
formance: Top students look more at the audience and use
more open gestures than students in the tenth percentile.
Figure 12: Average presentation heatmap for students and
university staff: Professional staff tend to perform better
presentations than students.
Figure 13: Average presentation heatmap for students who
used the system twice: On the second attempt, students fo-
cused less on the slides.
and use this evaluation as a proxy measurement for
oral presentation skills in students in a higher edu-
cation institution. One of our main findings, based
on 3726 recordings from 2191 subjects, is that oral
presentation skills in engineering students lag behind
students in the social sciences and design and com-
munication study programs. This result can be used
as a motivation to evaluate how oral communication
skills are learned across study programs in our insti-
tution. Therefore, our methodology together with our
technological tool, the RAP system, can be used not
only as a tool to learn basic presentation skills but also
to diagnose the effectiveness of communication skills
learning strategies across study programs in an edu-
cational institution.
Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational Institution: A Novel Methodology
We would like to thank Fernando Campa
na, Karen
udez, Kelly Castro, Karina Ortega, Ricardo
Salazar, and Juan Francisco Quimi for their invalu-
able help during the execution of this project.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education