Table 4: Evaluation metrics for residence 2.
Training set residence 2
time [sec]
ARIMA 8.20 2.86 18.32 -0.37 24
SARIMA 8.23 2.87 18.81 -0.37 24
Prophet 3.18 1.78 11.23 0.47 24
LSTM 2.67 1.63 11.11 0.53 29
Testing set residence 2
time [sec]
ARIMA 6.90 2.63 19.02 -2.92 24
SARIMA 0.41 0.64 4.16 0.77 24
Prophet 1.09 1.05 7.19 0.38 24
LSTM 1.96 1.40 9.95 -0.26 29
available data set was not large enough. Also the data
were collected during the COVID-19 pandemic, when
the subsequent lockdown periods caused an unusual
behavior on the part of the consumers. The data were
collected over the past three years, but each year was
different. In 2019 the residents’ behavior was nor-
mal, since there was no lockdown, but in 2020 all
changed since people had to stay at home and thus the
energy consumption increased (Abu-Rayash and Din-
cer, 2020). Abnormalities like these heavily affect the
data especially in the seasonality aspect, that is crucial
for time-series data as the ones in hand. This might be
the reason of models performing worse when no ex-
ternal data are utilized, since the target variable that is
used is compromised. Moreover, all the models, ex-
cept FB Prophet performed worse with large sizes of
training data. The FB Prophet had better performance
with a larger size of training data.
Concluding, the forecasting models are part of a
software service that is accessible via a dashboard.
The service can be used by the customer to moni-
tor historical energy consumption, obtain predictions
and thus to draw conclusions providing a better under-
standing of the residence’s energy consumption, and
to possibly take actions in economizing. The service
can also be used by the electric company to acquire
sensor data from all residences. The company could
possibly “intervene” in the residence by switching off
unused smart plugs should they have the customer’s
consent; or even to suggest ways to reduce the resi-
dential energy consumption by replacing old and in-
efficient domestic appliances, i.e., oven, fridge, wash-
ing machine.
The current work can be expanded in several di-
rections. First, we can try to predict energy consump-
tion based on all 20 residences instead of only 2. Sec-
ond, as data continue to be gathered we could enhance
the training data sets. Finally, we could try different
forecasting models such as the transformer networks.
We would like to thank OTE Academy for provid-
ing the data, and the American College of Greece,
Deree for supporting the current work, as well as
Mr. Theodoros Diamantopoulos and Mr. Dimitrios
Salmatanis for their contribution to this project.
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Forecasting Residential Energy Consumption: A Case Study for Greece