Structural Analysis of the Curriculum Through a Bipartite Network
Durdica Vukic
, Alen Jakupovic
and Sanja Candrlic
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Rijeka, Croatia
Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Keywords: Bipartite Network, Curriculum, Centrality Analysis, Cognitive Load.
Abstract: Investigation of curriculum elements in terms of knowledge content organisation can be based on two entities
that support the process of knowledge acquisition: concepts and learning outcomes. Motivated by this
structure of knowledge organisation, we construct curriculum knowledge content as a bipartite network of
concepts and learning outcomes. Furthermore, we examine the applicability of centrality estimates in
detecting key knowledge entities of curriculum content as well as possibilities to rethink the knowledge
organisation and teaching. Results have shown that centrality analysis is particularly suitable for identifying
concepts and learning outcomes that are key landmarks for managing cognitive load and improving learning
Many real-world systems can be represented as a
large collection of interconnected elements, i.e.,
complex networks. Modelling systems as networks has
found its application in transportation and navigation,
medicine, criminology, biochemistry, electrical
engineering, computer science, operations research,
etc. Studies in educational sciences have also shown
that network science techniques can reveal the
relational nature of knowledge (Siew, 2020).
Knowledge involves the intricate relationships
among a set of knowledge elements and is not simply
a collection of unrelated facts about a subject.
How knowledge is acquired depends largely on
the curriculum model, the role of experts in
promoting knowledge acquisition, and the method of
information transfer. In this study we examine the
quality of design and relevance of outcome-based
curriculum, as well as its linkage to effective teaching
strategies, learning processes, and information
content delivery. Learners are expected to
demonstrate mastery of a number of interrelated
information, skills, and attitudes within an outcome-
based curriculum. Because curriculum plays a crucial
role in enabling high-quality learning and in defining
and supporting education, curriculum frameworks
should cover cross-cutting competencies in addition
to subject-specific capabilities.
Consequently, knowledge domains can be
perceived as complex systems consisting of clusters
and subsystems. Therefore, we opt that the complex
nature of educators’ knowledge and expertise can be
explored through network models and that the
structural properties of this knowledge representation
can lead to insights. The aim of this paper is to explore
the applicability of bipartite network representation to
curriculum knowledge design and subdomain
recognition. To this end, we construct a bipartite
network from the content of IoT educational
programme (Veleri – OI IoT School, 2021) and
perform an analysis of the corresponding network
topology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
first work that shows how to represent and analyse the
knowledge organisation of a study programme
curriculum as a bipartite network model.
Furthermore, we examine the network science
approach to curriculum content analysis to answer the
following research questions:
RQ1 - Can curriculum knowledge content be
modelled through a bipartite network of concepts and
learning outcomes?
Vukic, D., Jakupovic, A. and Candrlic, S.
Structural Analysis of the Curriculum Through a Bipartite Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0011854700003485
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2023), pages 53-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-644-6; ISSN: 2184-5034
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
RQ2 - How can centrality score indicate the key
learning outcomes and curriculum knowledge content
that can potentially overwhelm working memory and
increase cognitive load?
The difficult part in creating a quality curriculum
is integrating multidisciplinary in planning,
architecture, and design (Centre for teaching
excellence, n.d.). There are many design examples
where subject content focuses on key knowledge
areas but does not reinforce the application of
knowledge elements from one subject area to another.
Identifying strategies that allow students to develop
more consistent thinking patterns across subjects,
could support the development of skills, attitudes and
values in more than one subject or discipline.
The application of network science in educational
research has found numerous use cases mostly
focusing on the study of students' knowledge
structure - the internal structure of the conceptual
representations that learners acquire, the analysis of
social interactions between learners/actors in the
educational setting, the quantification of knowledge
structures and the uncovering of differences in the
structural properties of the knowledge representations
of experts and novices, and the conduct of network-
based analyses in the context of curriculum design
and education (Siew, 2019, 2022; Gera et al., 2021;
Kubsch et al., 2020, Koponen & Pehkonen, 2010;
O’Meara & Vaidya, 2021; Sun et al., 2020; Ireland &
Mouthaan, 2020)
Network structure has also been widely studied in
languages, leading to new insights in phonetics,
lexical processing, word learning, cognitive science,
syntactic structures or learning grammar (Siew &
Vitevitch, 2019; Siew, 2022; Castro et al., 2017;
Goldstein & Vitevitch, 2017; Hills & Siew, 2018;
Citraro et al., 2022; Vitevitch, 2020; Teixeira et al.,
2021; Lynn & Bassett, 2020)
Knowledge is often described as a map (diagram),
a web, or a network, in which conceptual components
are interconnected and form a comprehensive and
dynamic system (Novak, 2010; Koponen, 2021;
Monahan et al., 2019; Kubsch et al., 2020; Koponen
& Nousiainen. 2014; Lynn & Bassett, 2020; Ireland
& Mouthaan, 2020) The network science approach
aims to model a structure (e.g., a semantic relation) in
which nodes (vertices) represent different knowledge
elements or concepts and edges (or links) denote a
relationship between pairs of concepts (entities or
Educational researchers have long been interested
in understanding human cognition - particularly the
organization of knowledge, the influence of
experience on understanding, and the difference in
acquiring expert-like practices and knowledge in a
subject area. An increasing number of studies have
emphasised the need of shifting from traditional
(linear) education to an interconnected model of
education that provides a networked (nonlinear) view
of knowledge organization (Sun et al., 2020; Siew &
Guru, 2022; Gera et al., 2021; Gera et al., 2022)
Understanding the nature of expertise and expert
knowledge representations is a crucial task in
curriculum development because it greatly influences
the effectiveness of instruction and the degree to
which “educational engineering” is brought about in
the learners.
Furthermore, educational outcomes are expressed
through the flow of information and the application
of effective instructional techniques that can help
students build and organize knowledge structures
(Vukić et al., 2020). In addition, curriculum design is
complex and should be motivated by the way
knowledge is organised, especially in conjunction
with educational outcomes for more engaged, longer
lasting, and more effective learning.
A fundamental thesis of expertise research is that
experts and novices have different representations of
knowledge, while experts are able to use their
understanding of the deep structure of subject matter
to solve a wide range of problems related to their area
of expertise (Siew & Guru, 2022).
Researchers emphasise the relevance and
usefulness of centrality analysis as a means of
quantifying different levels of expertise (Siew &
Guru, 2022), identifying key nodes (Lommi &
Koponen, 2019; Koponen & Nousiainen, 2019), and
measuring the importance of concepts for cohesion
(Koponen & Nousiainen, 2014).
O’Meara & Vaidya (2021) explored the role of
network theory in an effort to outline meaningful
curricular connections and discuss the nature of
connectivity in education, illustrated by the example
of pre-calculus textbook. Textbooks can be seen as
educational repositories of information enabling
transfer of expert domain knowledge. The authors
emphasise that uncovering an inherently complex
nature of connectivity between specific curriculum
topics could improve the aggregation of successful
curricula across the subject and influence the
understanding of scientific concepts and conceptual
Vukić et al. (2020) introduced the multidimen-
sional knowledge network (MKN) based on the
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
learning outcomes (Bloom's taxonomy), key concepts
in the subject matter domain and the principles of
representation and analysis of how domain
knowledge (concepts) can be modelled across four
levels of knowledge.
Planning, organising and implementing the
teaching process requires adopting a
multidisciplinary approach. Understanding the nature
of domain-specific (or subject-specific) knowledge
structures has become an important issue in
educational science.
Recent changes due to digitization, networked
resources, and interdisciplinary shifts require a
rethinking and reconceptualization of knowledge
organization. Wheeler (1980) considers two types of
relationships between learning experiences: vertical
organization of knowledge (concepts learned within
one subject area during an academic year) and
horizontal organization of knowledge (concepts from
one subject are related to concepts in other subjects as
an attempt to develop an interrelationship between
various subjects or disciplines). According to
Thagard (1988) understanding the meaning of a
concept's significance comes from its application to
different problems and not just from studying its
definitions and rules. Therefore, Thagard (1988)
emphasizes, concepts need relate to other concepts in
”various inductive, hierarchical, non-definitional
ways. This is how meaning emerges.”. Thus,
understanding grows as networks expand and
connections are strengthened by mutually reinforcing
experiences across different subject areas and more
tightly structured networks.
In addition, representing concepts and their
interrelationships as a complex network is more
consistent with our intuition that knowledge is
inherently relational in nature, and that expertise is
reflected in an interconnected, cohesive organization
of concepts in a given domain.
Detecting modules, courses or communities of
concepts/learning outcomes, allows for quantitative
investigation of relevant knowledge subdomains that
may have different properties than the aggregate
properties of the network as a whole, e.g., monolayer
representation of knowledge organisation in
curricula. Informally, a network community is a
subgraph whose vertices are more likely to be
connected to each other than to vertices outside the
subgraph (Barber, 2007).
As mentioned earlier, most network analysis
methods and literature refer to unipartite networks, or
networks with a single node type. Consequently, it is
studied that in process of transformation from
bipartite networks into unipartite networks, the loss of
information is evident. Bipartite networks have a very
particular structure that conflicts with representation in
form of square adjacency matrices. In other words,
they consist of two different types of nodes, with each
edge connecting a node of one type to a node of the
other type. In fact, a bipartite network can be used to
represent any feature type that can be expressed by a
categorical variable. Examples of these categories
come from various research areas: scientific
publications and authors (Newman, 2001), public
transportation routes and stations served (Von Ferber,
2009), food and its ingredients (Ahn et al., 2011), paper
and author (Newman, & Park, 2003), article and
concept (Palchykov & Holovatch, 2018), etc.
As a case study, Palchykov & Holovatch (2018)
uses the structure of concept-related networks of
scientific knowledge in the field of physics where
they consider a bipartite article-to-concept network
with its two one-mode projections as the basic
network representation of the publication system. In
their research, they have shown how concept features
(e.g. subject classes) may be derived from articles and
how community detection or clustering approaches
may be used to extract groups or modules in such
knowledge systems.
This paper explores unweighted directed bipartite
graph as a formal network representation of the
Veleri-OI IoT School international education
programme, which is used to identify the desirable
design of knowledge organisation. The subject of our
analysis was a collection of concepts and learning
outcomes from seven modules (courses):
M1. Business idea development
M2. Documentation of user requirements
M3. Setting up a development environment
M4. Non-relational databases
M5. Web application development
M6. Hybrid mobile applications development
M7. Arduino embedded (IoT) systems
In our previous work (Vukic et al., 2023), we
defined several steps for data collection and the
construction of a monolayer network. Following the
defined procedure and the corresponding input data,
we extracted unique entities from the aggregated IoT
education programme edge list which contains
concept pairs and associated learning outcomes. Two
types of network nodes were identified from the
module curriculum content: concepts and learning
outcomes (LO). The semantics of the connection
Structural Analysis of the Curriculum Through a Bipartite Network
between the nodes is that the concept contributes to
the achievement of the learning outcomes.
Accordingly, we created an edge list for the entire
IoT education programme - the raw data was
modified according to the use case and tool
instructions for input data.
In general, bipartite graphs are graphs in which
the set of nodes can be partitioned into two disjoint
sets such that each edge connects a vertex of one
partition to a vertex of the other partition.
The vertex set U has two types of vertices, which
represent concepts or LO. Mathematically, U = A
B where A = {a
, a
, ..., a
} is the set of vertices
representing concepts, where m is the number of
concepts in this IoT education programme, and B =
, b
, ..., b
} is the set of vertices representing LO,
where n is the number of LO. According to previous
studies, three main analytic tasks have been
highlighted for this network model (Xu et al., 2014;
Yang et al., 2022): i) measuring the importance or
role of a node within a given network; ii) identifying
clusters of similar elements in one node set in terms
of their connections to elements in another node set
and vice versa; iii) understanding the connections
between clusters in both node sets A and B.
An advantage of this type of network is the ability
to quantify the connections between actors and their
relationships, rather than relying only on attribute
data. In addition, a relational model between entities
can be created that provides details about the
properties of the network and the interactions of the
Our analysis of the bipartite network of education
programme focuses on the topology analysis
quantified by the network metrics of degree
centrality. Gephi tool was used to visualize and
analyse node’s centrality for bipartite graph (Bastian
et al., 2009)
Exploring node’s number of neighbours can be
easily done by using degree centrality which simply
counts the total number of connections of a node . For
a node i, its normalised degree value is given by
(Newman, 2018):
is the ij-th element of the adjacency
matrix K of the graph and N is the number of vertices
in the graph.
Degree centrality is a useful indicator of a node’s
total number of connections, but it does not always
provide information about a node's importance in
terms of linkage to other nodes or its degree of
centrality within a larger group (Golbeck, 2013).
Although this preliminary research focuses only on
the analysis of node centrality and its degree, the
importance of nodes in a bipartite network can be
investigated using metrics designed specifically for
this type of network, which we will discuss in the
final chapter of this paper.
In this section, we present bipartite representation of
the IoT education programme, the application of the
defined model to the subject matter area, and the
results of the network measures.
4.1 Bipartite Network Representation
The result of the bipartite network representation
(RQ1) is partially shown in Figure 1, which
demonstrates a bipartite network in which one set of
nodes represents concepts from the teaching content
(pink) and the other set represents learning outcomes
of the teaching content (green) filtered according to
the node’s degree for the value 13-30 (maximum
number of neighbours of the node) i.e. nodes that
have between 13 and 30 connections to the nodes are
shown. We chose this interval so that we can clearly
present the nodes, i.e. two sets of nodes. The
semantics of the connection between nodes is that the
concept contributes to the achievement of learning
Table 1: Example of data input for bipartite network.
LO Concepts
the phases of
user needs
user requirement
user requirement analysis
requirements management
system requirements
requirements management
requirement elicitation
requirement specification
requirement validation
requirement negotiation
M5.I3.3. Ensure
access to web
services by
creating routes
creating a route
HTTP protocol
requirements management
HTTP protocol
API call
REST architecture
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 1 shows an example of data input for
bipartite network pairing the learning outcome node
type with the concept node type concept. Based on
these two rows, two nodes of the learning outcome
type would be created: M2.I1.1. Describe the phases
of requirements management and M5.I3.3. Ensure
access to web services by creating routes that are
connected to ten Concept type nodes from the
corresponding line.
Figure 1: Bipartite network representation of the IoT education programme.
Structural Analysis of the Curriculum Through a Bipartite Network
Also, it is evident that among these 10 concepts is a
concept: requirements management which is a link to
both learning outcomes mentioned above.
4.2 Bipartite Network Analysis
Table 2 presents the results of the global
characterization of the structural properties for the
bipartite network of the IoT programme: total number
of learning outcomes (LO), total number of identified
concepts (C) and total number of edges (E).
Furthermore, we explore top five nodes from each set
in terms of the number of neighbours they are
connected to.
Table 2: Basic characteristics of the dataset
112 399 799
The subject of our analysis was a collection of LO
and concepts listed in the Veleri-OI IoT School
international education programme module’s
curriculum. The curriculum contains 511 unique
nodes. 112 of these nodes are learning outcomes and
399 are concepts.
Exploration of the module networks shows
variations in the number of nodes from network sets.
In other words, the learning outcome set has a
significantly smaller number of nodes.
Table 3: The top five ranked nodes by degree (
) for node
type: concept.
NoSQL database 15
client server architecture 9
database 9
HTTP protocol 9
Firestore 9
The degree of a node represents the largest
number of connections (neighbours) that a node has
in the network. Figure 1 presents nodes filtered by
range of degree 13-30. If a concept node is connected
with multiple links to different sets of LO, it means
that this concept contributes to different learning
outcomes at the level of the teaching unit.
Table 4: The top five ranked nodes by degree (
) for node
type: learning outcome.
Learning outcomes
M5.I1.5 Implement the entire application logic
of the web application including work with user
routes and their defense against unauthorized
M1.I2.1 Identify customer needs 27
M3.I2.2 set initial development environment on
a serverless platform in a cloud using web
browser and CLI from a local computer
M5.I2.1 Create the application logic of the web
service during which suitable external packages
will be selected
M6.I3.1 Set up a development environment for
the development of hybrid mobile applications
For example, the concept NoSQL database (Table
3) is associated with a large number of outcomes and
contributes to the achievement of multiple learning
outcomes. The centrality analysis shows that this
concept can be crucial in integrating a
multidisciplinary study that allows students to
develop important transferable skills such as critical
thinking and synthesis of ideas. Therefore, it can be
concluded that revisiting key concepts across
multiple learning outcomes may increase the
likelihood of retaining knowledge in a student's long-
term memory and improve learning retention (RQ2).
In addition, the LO node M5.I1.5 Implement the
entire application logic of the web application
including work with user routes and their defense
against unauthorized access (Table 4) which has a
degree value of 30 represents a learning outcome to
which 30 different concepts contribute. Using this
network approach we can determine the complexity
of LO based on the number of concepts that
contribute to this outcome.
Expert knowledge reflects structured, intricately
interwoven cognitive schemas that include one's
knowledge and abilities and are a necessary
component of a well-organized long-term memory.
Knowledge organisation which supports a reduction
in cognitive load during learning and problem
solving, leads to increased competence. Processing
new information results in “cognitive load” on
working memory and can affect learning outcomes
(Kalaš, & Mittermeir, 2011). Overload occurs in
learning settings where a large number of items are
thought of at once. For any outcome with a large
number of concepts, educators should consider
decomposing learning outcomes into less cognitively
complex learning outcomes or systematically
organising knowledge content (concepts) to facilitate
complex learning.
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
The essential role of curriculum is to enable quality
learning and to provide a foundational framework for
achieving high-quality learning outcomes. The
curriculum as a complex network consists of several
types of elements and exhibits multiple relations
between them, which is emphasised by the fact that
the node objects are heterogeneous and the edge types
are diverse. Acknowledging the multivariate nature of
the network, we move from the simple monolayer
representation to a more powerful abstraction for
modelling – the bipartite network model. Hence, we
extract entities from the curriculum knowledge
content - concepts and LO into two sets and construct
an unweighted directed bipartite network (RQ1). To
demonstrate and apply relationships between related
subjects, learning processes should enable students to
draw meaningful connections between subjects and
integrate multiple subjects into larger learning
domains. As a result, it would also encourage the
growth of more intricate cognitive interconnections
and structures, and consequently, of competences and
skills within and across domains. Centrality analysis
has shown that achieving the learning outcomes with
large number of concepts is highly correlated with
cognitive load during learning of new and yet
strongly interwoven concepts (RQ2). Measuring the
importance of nodes in bipartite graphs could be
easily bypassed by projecting the bipartite graph onto
a unipartite network and calculating the centrality
values using, for example, the PageRank or
Eigenvector centrality algorithms, which may lead to
information loss and distortion of the network
topology, resulting in misleading results. Therefore,
in our future work, we will investigate centrality
metrics designed specifically for bipartite networks -
BiRank, HITS, CoHITS and BGRM centrality index
and their comparison with unipartite network model
for the IoT education programme. The representation
of knowledge networks as bipartite network, apart
from enabling the key entity detection, allows the
study of the effective knowledge organisation, in
terms of optimal information transfer that student can
absorb and retain effectively provided in such a way
that it does not “overload” their mental capacity.
This work has been fully supported by the University
of Rijeka under the project number uniri-drustv-18-
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COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk