Figure 7: Marginal emission factors differences between
scenarios considering versus ignoring electricity imports.
In this paper, we provide an approach for the deter-
mination of MEF profiles from the electricity sector
and applied the method to the case of the Nether-
lands from 2018 to 2022 via generation facilities merit
order construction. The impact of electricity trade
with other bidding zones is taken into account, lead-
ing to higher accuracy compared to ignoring elec-
tricity trade, which results in underestimating emis-
sion factors. Although the share of electricity gen-
erated from renewable sources has increased substan-
tially over the past few years, electricity prices are still
largely determined by carbon-intensive power plants
at the margin. Variations in MEF profiles and shifts
in marginal power plants are primarily caused by fuel
and CO
prices. It is expected that future develop-
ments will increase the share of renewables and in-
crease the variability of marginal generation as a re-
sult. Although the current share of renewable energy
in the electricity mix account for only a small share of
the marginal mix, this is expected to change in the fu-
ture. The consequences of these changes for a future
scenario could be investigated in future work.
In conclusion, the proposed MEF construction ap-
proach is well suited to be used in the emissions opti-
mization of distributed power systems to promote de-
carbonization e.g., scheduling of electricity demand
and evaluating load shifting potentials.
This study is supported by the Dutch Ministry of
Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Dutch
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
through the ROBUST project under grant agreement
MOOI32014. This study is also supported by the
Horizon 2020 program and the ARV project under
grant agreement 101036723.
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SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems