Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in
Latin American Population
Jorge Sanabria-Z
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo
and Marco Cruz-Sandoval
Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Salamanca University, Mexico
Keywords: Professional Education, Educational Innovation, Future of Education, Complex Thinking, Higher Education,
Latin American Countries, LATAM.
Abstract: In the context of Latin America, there are few studies that analyze complex thinking linked to disciplinary
analysis. In this sense, locating the characteristics promoted by the different disciplines presents an
opportunity to scale higher order competencies such as those of complex thinking. This article aims to show
the results of a study that seeks to show the perception of complex thinking competence in young university
students in the Latin American context. A multivariate descriptive statistical analysis has been carried out.
Among the main findings we identified that there is a higher degree of perception of male students in Latin
America on complex thinking competence and that this pattern is found in most of the countries in the sample.
Assessment of low- and high-order thinking skills is
frequently performed following the Cognitive
Process dimension of Bloom's taxonomy of
educational objectives, namely the progressive low-
to-high ladder of remember, understand, apply,
analyze, evaluate, and create. The taxonomy has
undergone a revision that separates it into Knowledge
dimension and Cognitive Process dimension
(Anderson, 2005). This breadth has made it possible
to accommodate in the Knowledge dimension
characteristics of the experimental context (e.g., type
of academic subject) on a concrete-to-abstract
continuum of factual, conceptual, procedural and
metacognitive knowledge (Poluakan et al., 2019).
Therefore, in the case of assessment of thinking skills
within a disciplinary area, it has opened the
possibility to factor the characteristics of the area into
the Knowledge dimension for their consideration, for
instance, by labeling it as more or less technology
In the Latin American university context,
disciplinary areas can be classified as either
technology or non-technology based. In this area, the
development of high-level competencies, such as
reasoning for complexity (Lipman, 1997, Morin,
1990), can support training in higher education from
multiple perspectives, considering the
characterisation of students with their socio-
demographic and disciplinary characteristics. The
aim of this article is to analyse the perception of
students from different disciplines, in terms of their
level of mastery of the competency of reasoning for
complexity, to locate possibilities to further enhance
high capacities in future professionals.
Higher Order Thinking Skills in
High-order thinking skills assessment have been an
area of interest throughout the evolution of
philosophy and psychology. Historically, the path to
defining thinking skills was already observing a
Sanabria-Z., J., Ramírez-Montoya, M., García-Peñalvo, F. and Cruz-Sandoval, M.
Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population.
DOI: 10.5220/0011856000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 288-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
certain maturity in the middle of the twentieth
century, where Newman (1990) indicated the
importance of including deep knowledge resources
and thoughtfulness dispositions to solve problems,
which must be evaluated in order to be able to
develop them. Broadly defined, higher-order thinking
skills refer to an advanced cognitive process that
involves the manipulation of previous thinking
schemes and new information to solve problems and
challenges (Heong et al., 2011). The revised Bloom's
taxonomy has been a widely accepted approach to
identifying higher-order thinking skills in higher
education, particularly aimeda at observing critical
thinking and problem solving (Hadzhikoleva et al.,
2019). The rebirth of Bloom’s taxonomy has also
promote the creation of new instruments to measure
thinking skills, and it continues to be a point of
comparison and inspiration for other alternatives.
Although there are numerous examples at different
educational levels, the implementation of educational
strategies that integrate the development of thinking
at the higher educational level continues to maintain
great interest.
Within the context of higher education, the
consideration of higher order thinking skills in
curricular activities has taken a vital role in the
teaching-learning process. Appropriate incorporation
of the concept of thinking skills from a systemic
perspective should take into account the perceptions
of both students and teachers (Shukla &
Dungsungnoen, 2016), nevertheless, students are the
natural focus for the development of thinking skills.
To this end, a study conducted by Yuliati and Lestari
(2018) on higher education students, have found that
students poorly comprehend questions aimed at
identifying higher-order thinking skills, which
beyond comprehension, may also be an indicator of
the need for better instruments to measure perception
of thinking. Certainly, exploration for the
development of thinking skills in educational
contexts, in addition to instructional design, involves
factors such as the type of environment and the type
of tools used for learning.
Currently, in both formal and informal
educational settings, the use of technologies for
learning has become the mainstream. The framework
of the fourth industrial revolution has brought with it
Education 4.0, which embraces the use of
technologies for the development of 21st century
skills (Qureshi et al., 2021). Chinedu et al. (2015)
discussed teaching practices for developing higher-
order thinking skills in design and technology formal
education contexts, featuring strategies that entail the
importance of systematic planning and collaborative
activities for creativity that enable students to develop
insights and hence work out solutions. With respect
to field implementations for non-formal education,
Sanabria-Z et al. (2022) have found a window of
opportunity to create native technologies that allow
for greater citizen involvement leading to their
development of complex thinking. With this
assimilation of technologies in education for the
development of competencies, it becomes significant
to highlight the current perception in the development
of thinking competencies.
1.2 Complex Thinking from
Disciplinary Analysis
The development of complex thinking promotes
analysis in an integrated rather than fragmented way,
as an interrelated system and not as disconnected
parts. Morin (2022) calls for "complex thinking",
especially with the experience of the
multidimensional planetary crisis resulting from the
COVID pandemic. Teixeira et al. (2021) associate
complexity in the combination of computational and
qualitative methods to extract definitions and analyse
their use. Decision-making through complex thinking
is also associated in its conceptualisation
(Mohammadi-Shahboulaghi et al., 2021). As a high-
level competence, reasoning for complexity involves
scientific, systemic, critical and innovative thinking
(Ramírez-Montoya et a., 2022). Developing
complexity reasoning competences involves the
interrelationship of analysing the parts in the whole
and the whole in its interconnected parts.
Complex thinking has a substantial challenge in
training across disciplines because of the crossover
that is required towards interdisciplinarity.
Domínguez (2022) puts forward ideas on
interdisciplinarity and its presence at the educational
level in links with the humanities, as an engine that
increases its quality in combination with other
disciplines. In the same sense, Baena-Rojas et al.
(2022) through a bibliometric analysis of the concept
of complexity locate incidence in various fields and
the breadth towards multidisciplinarity. And in a
practical analysis with students from various
disciplines, Vázquez-Parra et al. (2021) found a
greater preponderance of systemic thinking with
students from the disciplines of Engineering,
Business and Humanities, while the highest means for
critical thinking were found in architecture students.
Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary has a field of
action in the development of complex thinking.
Particularly in the context of Latin America, there
are few studies that analyse complex thinking linked
Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population
to disciplinary analyses. Among them, Maturo (2009)
finds that, in Latin America, the philosophical
discussion that stimulates complex thinking
necessarily requires culturally diverse poetic
experiences that are part of the meanings of historical
reality. In the area of health, De Bortoli et al. (2017)
emphasise that nursing education in Latin America
and the Caribbean promotes nursing curricula that
include the principles and values of Universal Health
and promote the development of critical and complex
thinking. For its part, a Mexican study found the
relationship between complex thinking and social
entrepreneurship in higher education students (Cruz-
Sandoval, et al., 2022), as well as research in the area
of education that proposes an international learning
experience between Mexican and Spanish students
(Romero-Rodríguez et al., 2022). In this sense,
locating the characteristics promoted by the different
disciplines presents an opportunity to scale higher-
order competences such as those of complex thinking.
To carry out the present study, a population sample of
150 undergraduate students from different Latin
American countries was taken for convenience (see
Table 1). The sample consists of 75 men and 75
women from different disciplinary areas. The study
was carried out during the period August - December
2022. A questionnaire was administered via Google
Forms in which the students responded voluntarily.
Taking into account that the study involves human
subjects, and being a pilot test, the implementation
has been regulated and approved by the
interdisciplinary research group R4C with the
technical support of Writing Lab. Both entities belong
to the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) of
the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Regarding the instrument to evaluate the level of
perception in the development of the complex
thinking competency, the validated eComplexity
instrument has been carried out. The purpose of this
instrument is to measure the participants’ perception
of the development of the complex thinking
competency and its sub-competencies. The instrument
comprises 25 items (i.e., questions) linked to each of
the sub-competencies of complex thinking: scientific
thinking; critical thinking; innovative thinking; and
systemic thinking. In this sense, the participant
responds to each of the items according to their
perception of achievement on a 5-level Likert scale.
The items of this instrument can be reviewed in Cruz-
Sandoval, Vázquez-Parra, and Carlos-Arroyo (2023).
Table 1: Participant data and gender. Source: Created by the
Country Men Women Total
entina 2 2 4
Chile 18 30 48
Colombia 3 3 6
3 3 6
35 23 58
Guatemala 2 2 4
Mexico 12 12 24
Total 75 75 100
Subsequently, a descriptive statistical analysis of
the data was carried out using the computation
software R (R Core Team, 2017) and RStudio (
RStudio Team , 2022). The analysis consisted mainly
of measures of central tendency (i.e., arithmetic
mean, standard deviation), complemented with
boxplot analysis and violin plot analysis. An ANOVA
analysis was also performed to observe the
significance of the difference in mean values by
gender in Latin American university students. It is
worth mentioning that, as far as possible, a
comparison was made between countries and a
comparison by gender according to the country to
which the students belong.
Figure 1 shows the first approach to the results
obtained. It shows the percentage of students per
country in Latin American context with respect to the
mean values obtained in perception of the complex
thinking competency. The results are shown in a 10
X 10 grid in which each square represents 10%.
Likewise, each square is color-coded according to the
range in mean values obtained in the perception of the
development of the competency.. In this sense, the
figure illustrates that Chile (10%) and Ecuador (2%)
present the highest percentage of population with
perception levels between 2 and 3. It is important to
mention that the results are relative to each country
and not to the population in general.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Mean values in the perception of the development
of complex thinking in [%] by country. Source: Created by
the authors.
Given that the above results could yield spurious
analyses, a more in-depth analysis has been made. In
this sense, Table 2 shows the mean values and
standard deviation (s) with respect to the perception
of the development of complex thinking competency
in Latin American students by gender. From the table
it can be observed that men are perceived as having a
higher development than their female peers,
presenting higher mean values. Likewise, the
standard deviation value indicates how dispersed the
behavior is with respect to the mean value. In this
sense, the deviation in men (0.50), being lower than
in women (0.61), would indicate that there is less
dispersion around the value of perception in men.
Table 2: Complex Thinking. Mean values and standard
deviation in perception of the development of complex
thinking by gender. Source: Created by the authors.
Mean S
Male 4.02 0.50
Female 3.80 0.61
In this context, Figure 2 illustrates the previous
results in a better way. It shows Latin American male
students with a higher perception in the development
of complex thinking and with a smaller dispersion
with respect to the mean value compared to their
female peers.
Figure 2: Complex thinking. Overall results. Mean values
and standard deviation in perception of the development of
complex thinking by gender. Source: Created by the
On the other hand, Figure 3 shows the empirical
Kernel-type distribution density analysis in a
smoothed diagram. From the figure it can be observed
that in men the distribution density is higher at mean
values of perception between 4 and 4.5, while in
women the distribution density is higher at values of
3 and 3.5.
Source: Created by the authors.
Figure 3: Flat violinplot. Distribution density. Kernel
density. Smoothed histogram of perception in the
development of complex thinking by gender.
On the other hand, in order to understand if there
is a significant difference in the perception of the
development of complex thinking between men and
women, an ANOVA analysis was performed. The
results of the analysis ( see Table 3) , show that there
are significant differences (p<=0.05) between male
and female students in how they perceive themselves
with respect to this competency in the Latin American
On the other hand, the analysis by country is
shown in Table 4. It shows that the countries with
high average values in the perception of the
development of complex thinking are the Dominican
Republic, Guatemala and Ecuador. On the other hand,
development of this competency are Argentina,
Mexico, Chile and Colombia. Similarly, the table
shows the analysis of the average values of perception
Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population
Table 3: Complex thinking. ANOVA analysis. Men vs
Women. Source: Created by the authors.
Df Sum
Men vs
1 1.782 1.782 5.66 0.018
by gender according to the country to which they
belong. The table shows that, with the exception of
the Dominican Republic and Guatemala, men are
perceived as having a greater development of
complex thinking.
Table 4: Complex thinking by country and gender. Source:
Created by the authors.
Men Women
Mean S
entina 3.86 0.59 3.30 0.20
Chile 4.02 0.59 3.67 0.51
Colombia 3.95 0.20 3.84 0.08
Dominican Rep. 3.88 0.80 4.65 0.36
4.16 0.47 4.04 0.59
Guatemala 3.72 0.62 4.56 0.28
Mexico 3.76 0.37 3.41 0.67
As a complement to the previous results, Figure 4
illustrates the behavior in perception of mean values
and deviation(s) of students with respect to complex
thinking by country. The figure shows a similar
behavior between Guatemala and Ecuador. Likewise,
Colombia and Chile show a similar trend. On the
other hand, Mexico and Argentina show the lowest
mean values. It should also be noted that although the
Dominican Republic is the country with the highest
mean value in perception, it is the one that shows the
greatest standard deviation with respect to the mean
In this context, in order to learn more about
the students' perception of complex thinking
competency, a boxplot analysis by country has been
performed. The interesting thing about this analysis
is that it helps to understand the dispersion of our
Figure 4: Complex thinking. Mean and standard deviation
by country with respect to the perception in the
development of complex thinking. Source: Created by the
data and the outliers (see Figure 5). In this sense, it is
possible to observe that the Dominican Republic,
Chile and Ecuador show a more dispersed behavior,
while Argentina and Colombia show less dispersion
in the students' perception of the development of
complex thinking.
Figure 5: Boxplot analysis of the perception in the
development of complex thinking by country. Source.
Created by the authors.
On the other hand, Figure 6 illustrates the Boxplot
analysis by gender of each country with respect to
their perception of the development of complex
thinking. The figure shows that the general behavior
(with the exception of the Dominican Republic,
Figure 6: Boxplot analysis of the perception in the
development of complex thinking by country and by
gender. Source: Created by the authors.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Guatemala and Ecuador) is that men perceive
themselves better in the development of complex
thinking competencies. Likewise, it is important to
highlight that women show less dispersion in
perception than men, that is, although the mean
values in women in some countries are low, the
dispersion is lower than in their male peers (despite
the fact that men present higher mean values).
Finally, Figure 7 shows the analysis of complex
thinking by type of discipline, showing how students
from the social sciences are perceived as having the
greatest development of complex thinking. On the
other hand, students belonging to engineering and
technology disciplines are those who are perceived as
having the least development in complex thinking.
On the other hand, students of humanities, medical
sciences and natural sciences show a similar behavior
in the average value of perception.
Figure 7: Complex thinking. Boxplot analysis by discipline.
Source: Created by the authors.
Students in Latin America in technological
disciplinary areas are perceived with a lower degree
of development of high-order thinking skills. The
analysis of complex thinking in students by discipline
shows how those in social sciences are perceived with
greater development, while those in areas related to
technology are perceived with less development of
complex thinking. This deficiency could be related to
the lack of technological developments that are linked
to the development of student involvement, as
pointed out by Sanabria-Z et al. (2022). This scenario
suggests that the stereotype of the study of
technological areas where it focuses heavily on
practice leaving aside the context may still be
governing despite the educational evolution.
Latin American male students tend to have self
greater perception in the development of complex
thinking. Based on what is represented in the BoxPlot
analysis, the perception in the development of
complex thinking by country and gender differs in
favor of males, with less dispersion of the data. This
finding, seen from the perspective of instructional
design, is supported by what Maturo (2009) points out
about Latin America, calling for the importance of
considering the cultural aspects of historical reality
when constructing narratives for the development of
thought. As a whole, the contextual nature of
educational environments where high-order thinking
skills are sought to be developed, plays a fundamental
role that is highly considered by those who design
learning activities and seek to measure the
development of competencies.
The impact of the identification of thinking skills is
of great value in the context of education 4.0, which
strongly links skills with the use of technologies. In
this study, we sought to present the state of the
perception of students from different disciplines
about the reasoning competence due to complexity,
considering the difference between disciplinary areas
with and without a technological base. Among the
main findings we identified that there is a higher
degree of perception of male students in Latin
America about complex thinking competence and
that this pattern occurs in most of the sample
The implications of this study for best practices
show that it is necessary to continue strengthening the
way of constructing reasoning development activities
for complexity considering the inclusion in the
instructional design of activities. Likewise, the
analyses give rise to reflection on how the research
has a wide area of application that ranges from
knowing the perception of students and instructors,
teaching conditions, and instruments for measuring
Some limitations of the study are limited to the
type of sample that is limited to a group of countries
but not to the entirety of Latin America; the broad
definition of the disciplinary areas between
technological and non-technological without
specifying the particularities of the subject of study;
and the lack of observation of perception over time to
identify the passage of low-order thinking skills
towards high-order skills in students. Some
limitations of the study are limited to the type of
sample that is limited to a group of countries but not
to the entirety of Latin America; the broad definition
of the disciplinary areas between technological
and non-technological without specifying the
Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population
particularities of the subject of study; and the lack of
observation of perception over time to identify the
passage of low-order thinking skills towards high-
order skills in students.
The authors acknowledge the financial and technical
support of Writing Lab, Institute for the Future of
Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, in
producing this work and the financial support from
Tecnologico de Monterrey through the “Challenge-
Based Research Funding Program 2022”. Project
name” OEM4C: Open Educational Model for
Complex Thinking” with Fund ID # I001 - IFE001 -
C1-T1 – E
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Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population