The present study has not yet clarified the most
reasonable way in generating attention map. Re-
sults shown in Figure 5 implies that External Atten-
tion sometimes emphasizes noises. Such excessive
attentions could inhibit training progresses of ADN.
So we need to establish some methodologies for ad-
justing the strength of external attention at each at-
tention point. One simple idea is to introduce spar-
sity assumptions on attention map. At the same time,
the effectiveness of Layer-wise External Attention
most likely depends on the quality of anomaly map.
In experiments that we conducted in this study, we
use CAAN to generate anomaly map for all datasets.
However, for more practical use, it is reasonable to
choose the most appropriate Anomaly Attention Net-
work for each dataset and task. The LEA-Net sys-
tem was originally designed to appropriately replace
Anomaly Attention Network to suit for the target do-
main. In this regard, we can say that Layer-wise Ex-
ternal Attention is more versatile system in compari-
son with Self-Attention.
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Layer-wise External Attention for Efficient Deep Anomaly Detection