The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics
with Cloud Computing Capabilities
Christian Daase
, Matthias Volk
, Daniel Staegemann
and Klaus Turowski
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Modern Retailing, Future e-Commerce Characteristics, Cloud Computing, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: The future of retail will be shaped by the rapidly evolving digital landscape. New technologies such as big
data analytics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and cloud computing are expected to play a crucial role
in advertising products, making personalized offers tailored precisely to customers' needs, and thus meeting
rising expectations in connection with the general improvement in living standards. In this paper, the
characteristics of modern retailing and e-commerce in particular are examined in detail. Based on a systematic
literature review, the nature of current and future retail business models is analyzed step by step, starting from
more conceptual aspects to concrete underlying technological capabilities with the ultimate goal of leveraging
cloud computing tools to realize them. Common proven practices are categorized, described, and assessed to
provide a comprehensive overview of opportunities, challenges, and consequences in this area. Finally, the
identified technological capabilities are aligned with adequate cloud services, exemplarily presented with
tools of the Google Cloud.
Digitization, as one of the major buzzwords of our
time, is rapidly transforming almost every aspect of
our daily lives. Thus, it may seem obvious that the
quote The only constant in life is change”, which is
attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, also
applies partly to the sector of commerce (Sims, 2018).
While the traditional role of a retailer was to serve
customers and physically distribute products, more
and more stages of the value chain, such as payment
and delivery, are nowadays handled by third-party
companies (Reinartz and Imschloß, 2017). But not
only the businesses’ perspective regarding the pursuit
of financial efficiency is changing. Since the retail
industry in general is dependent on the overall
national economic situation and the living standards
therein (Xue et al., 2017) and today’s customers tend
to adopt increasingly busy lifestyles (Shankar et al.,
2021), the behavior of clients is evolving as well.
While becoming more demanding, customers expect
smooth and tailored processes, services, and offerings
(Alexandrova and Kochieva, 2021; Farah et al., 2019;
Marchand and Marx, 2020) across a multitude of
channels (Tyrväinen et al., 2020). The modern retail
industry faces a new generation of consumers that has
been grown up with digital technologies and therefore
expects companies that are after them as potential
new customers to align with their preferences of how
business is conducted (Kahn et al., 2018). The process
that Grewal et al. summarize with the sentence The
worlds of online and offline are converging.(Grewal
et al., 2017) is closely related to the phenomenon of
the classic stages of consumption, meaning need
occurrence, actual transaction, and consumption
itself, moving closer together (Reinartz and Imschloß,
2017). While the ability to buy products around the
clock seven days a week across multiple online and
offline channels might be a convenience for
customers, the provision of these e-commerce
platforms places pressure upon retailers (Kahn et al.,
2018; Lim et al., 2022; Reinartz and Imschloß, 2017;
Sasidhar and Mallikharjuna Rao, 2020).
In this article, the transformation of the retailing
landscape is investigated from a technological point
of view with respect to social and economic
Daase, C., Volk, M., Staegemann, D. and Turowski, K.
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0011859600003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 418-430
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
developments. The data richness of the sector
(Dekimpe, 2020), the explosive growth of social
media and networking platforms (Grewal et al., 2017;
Kahn et al., 2018), and external events such as the
COVID-19 pandemic (Guha et al., 2021; Shankar et
al., 2021; X. Wang et al., 2021) drive the need for
adjustments up to the exploitation of the big shifts in
business and society. Big data, the Internet of things
(IoT), cloud computing, machine learning (ML), and
artificial intelligence (AI) are just a few examples of
technologies whose interplay might be the most
promising revolution of the retail sector of the future
(e.g., (Dekimpe, 2020; Grewal et al., 2017; Kahn et
al., 2018; Sasidhar and Mallikharjuna Rao, 2020;
Shankar et al., 2021)). Since cloud computing, as a
paradigm in which networks of remote servers are
used to store, process, and manage data (Shankar et
al., 2021), has the ability to connect different digital
technologies and can also be extensively utilized by
smaller companies due to dynamic pricing models
(i.e., pay-per-use, pay-as-you-go) (Adewumi et al.,
2015; Chan et al., 2017; Khidzir et al., 2018), the
focus of this work is on how to leverage cloud
technologies for especially e-commerce-related
retailing activities. Thus, the following research
questions are in the center of investigation:
RQ1: Which characteristic trends shape the current
and future sector of retailing and which
consequences for managers and policy makers
arise from these?
RQ2: Which necessary technological capabilities
that could be handled or supported by cloud
computing tools can be derived from these
Subsequently to this introductory section, the
methodology that is followed to propose possible
answers to these questions is explained in more detail.
This includes an overview of the overall research
approach in accordance with the design science
research methodology (DSRM) proposed by Peffers
et al. (2007) and a detailed review protocol for the
systematic literature review (SLR) conducted in this
paper. Section 3 presents results from the SLR on
expected technological key points of future retailing
that should also be considered in e-commerce, thus
answering RQ1. In section 4, explicit recommendable
capabilities of modern (e‑)retailing are categorized
and matched against cloud computing tools of leading
cloud service providers in section 5, thus answering
RQ2. Finally, an outlook on future research and
improvements is given in section 6.
The research steps adopt a subset of the six activities
described by Peffers et al. (2007) for the DSRM,
considered as the theoretical part of a DSR project
(Daase et al., 2022). The research in this paper
includes the problem identification and motivation,
defining objectives of a solution, and a preliminary
design step. The development, demonstration, and
evaluation are outlined in the conclusion as potential
practical implementations of the findings of this
work. The step of communication is conducted by
sharing and discussing the results with the academic
community. To achieve a higher scientific rigor, the
first three steps, which are performed by means of an
SLR, additionally factor in the recommendations of
vom Brocke et al. (2009). The summarized research
process is visualized in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Design science research process with methods and
outcomes of each step.
The first step for organizing the SLR is to define a
search strategy in terms of textual queries, databases,
inclusion and exclusion criteria, and a procedure for
extracting the target information. Vom Brocke et al.
(2009) note, that usually the quality of journal
contributions can be considered higher than that of
conference proceedings. Therefore, primarily
established peer-reviewed journals covering a broad
spectrum of diverse topics in sales-oriented business
areas are included in the review. Secondarily,
SpringerLink, with its collection of in-house journals
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities
and conferences, is included due to its widely
recognized quality, as well as the abstract and citation
database Scopus, which claims to be the largest
database of its kind (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007).
As a tertiary source for articles that may not be
indexed in one of the largest databases, the first page
of a Google Scholar search ranked by relevance is
also included in the review.
As the primary source, the database ScienceDirect
of the publisher Elsevier is chosen because of its
extensive publication base of over 19 million items
and its well-organized publication browser. The
domain of business, management and accounting,
and more specifically the subdomain of marketing, is
considered as the starting point for this investigation.
The determination for screening the journals to
identify a suitable selection for further review is to
consider the criteria of being established (more than
5 years active), geographically unaffiliated, and
covering a wide range of topics related to businesses
that are associated with retail. The four journals
meeting these criteria are Electronic Commerce
Research and Applications, International Journal of
Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
Since the only journal in SpringerLink including
the term retail in its title stopped publishing in 2010,
the general advanced search of SpringerLink for all
types of publications was used instead. The other
secondary source of literature is Scopus due to its
inclusion of abstracts and citation data from various
full-text databases. Google Scholar is considered as
an addition under reservation because it also
references to uploads of papers on collaborative
networks with possible unverified assertions.
However, elaborations commissioned by a reputable
institute or similar are reviewed.
To identify abstract capabilities and
characteristics of future retailing from the Elsevier
journals, the review workflow refrains from defining
more restrictive search phrases for the journals
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications and
the Journal of Retailing. For the International
Journal of Research in Marketing, the terms retail or
retailing must appear in the abstract, because the
concept of marketing is otherwise too broad, although
it is an indispensable part of retailing. Publications
orienting from the Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services must contain a form of retail* (i.e., with an
asterisk as wildcard) in the title, since sample
searches have shown that the spectrum of articles is
too vast for an unrestricted approach. Furthermore,
only contributions marked as research article are
considered. The investigation of publications
included in the database of SpringerLink more
specifically targets the influence of cloud computing
technologies on retail and related areas. Therefore,
using the advanced search, the title of articles must
contain the terms retail, retailing, or retailer,
respectively (i.e., requiring three separate searches),
and at least the text body must contain the term cloud.
The content type is restricted to articles and
conference papers. Similarly, in Scopus, the title must
contain the construct retail* and the abstract must
include cloud. The limitation to the abstracts is
conditioned by the type of the database Scopus while
the asterisk is a placeholder for characters, thus
including terms such as retail, retailing, or retailer.
Document types are limited to the same as
SpringerLink. In Google Scholar, the simplified
search consists of the phrase future of retailing with a
sorting according to relevance (i.e., the provisioned
mechanism of the search engine). Only the first page
with its ten articles is added to the literature base.
Regarding the time frame, it is determined that the
publications should not be released before 2017 to do
justice to the designation of investigating the state of
the art up to future-oriented assumptions on the retail
industry. From the Elsevier journals, only the
volumes published starting from the year 2017 are
reviewed. The search ends with November 2022 and
the respectively last completed volume. Table 1
summarizes the above sources of literature and the
restrictions regarding the search process.
Table 1: Literature sources and specifications.
Source Restrictions
All - Published between Jan
2017 an
Nov 2022
ScienceDirect - marke
as research article
Electronic Commerce
Research and
International Journal
of Research in
- Abstract contains retail*
ournal o
Journal of Retailing
and Consume
- Title contains retail or
SpringerLink - Title contains retail,
retailing, or retailer
- Text body contains cloud
rticle o
Scopus - Title contains retail*
- Abstract contains cloud
rticle o
Google Scholar - Search future of retailing
- Sorted by relevance
- Onl
first hit
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The criteria for the process of including and
excluding publications that cannot be filtered with the
build-in mechanisms of a database have to be
transparent to allow readers to assess the
exhaustiveness and reusability of the review’s results
for their own endeavors (vom Brocke et al., 2009). To
do so, the criteria collected and presented by
Kitchenham and Charters (2007) are adopted for this
review. In summary, the inclusion and exclusion
criteria can be described as in Table 2.
Table 2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the SLR.
Inclusion Exclusion
The goal of the business
area under investigation is
to sell items and/or serve
No abstract is available, it
does not state any
information on the content
of the paper, or the paper is
The study concentrates on
one core section of the
value realization chain in
retail (e.g., trend
forecasting, supply chain,
customer management)
after manufacturing
(except when the
manufacturer itself is the
distributor) and before
tion o
The study is an exact or a
semantic duplicate,
whereas the latter is
considered as a publication
on the same subject, by the
same authors within a short
period of time.
The research is conducted
from the company's
perspective rather than
from the customer's
The study specifically
observes one country or
geographic region, with no
general or global
applicability of the results
to the retail
Statements on the state of
the art and/or future
directions are provided.
No assessment is made of
the impact of a concrete
technological innovation or
The literature review workflow is structured into
three stages. First, the automatically retrieved articles
are collected, counted, and sorted in a project internal
table structure. Second, within a fast-screening
review stage, the publication titles and abstracts are
read to allow an exclusion of apparently unsuitable
ones. Third, by reading the remaining articles in
detail, the most important details for explaining the
scientific fundamentals of the present project are
extracted. Figure 2 illustrates the review process with
numerical notes on how many articles where
originally retrieved and then excluded based on the
criteria established in section 2. From the initial 1106
potential contributions found in the Elsevier journals
and databases using the above stated search queries
and specifications, 205 were examined in detail of
which in turn 49 were deemed as sufficiently useful
for the explanations in the subsequent sections.
Figure 2: Literature review workflow visualization.
3.1 Modern Retail Environments
In this subsection, both currently established
transformations of retail business models and
development trends whose realization will be targeted
more forcefully in the future are synthesized from the
available literature. Thereby, essential parts of a
possible answer to the first research question (RQ1)
formulated in the introduction are compiled and put
into context.
3.1.1 Changed Characteristics
The value chain of the future is characterized by a
reordering of how and by whom products get into the
hands of customers. The trend toward
disintermediation (Gielens and Steenkamp, 2019;
Shankar et al., 2021), which enables the elimination
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities
of layers in the distribution channel through online
market platforms where manufacturers can sell their
products to consumers with fewer intermediaries, has
led not only to a reduction in the cost of
intermediaries but also to the rise of new powerful
players. Since companies such as Amazon and
Alibaba are well aware of their established position in
the middle of retailing processes, aspirations of
pushing own private labels turn these enterprises
partially from facilitators into competitors, thus
deeply changing the retail landscape (Alexandrova
and Kochieva, 2021; Gielens and Steenkamp, 2019;
Grewal et al., 2017; Reinartz et al., 2019; Shankar et
al., 2021). This development is largely driven by a
generally changing customer behavior. Due to the
extent of goods available online at various prices, it
became increasingly normal to extensively search for
the assumingly best purchase option, price-wise as
well as regarding the quality of a product by
comparing reviews of other consumers (Gielens and
Steenkamp, 2019; Reinartz and Imschloß, 2017).
More conveniently, platforms such as Amazon
combine these capabilities so that it is only a small
step for online shoppers to click on the perceived best
offer instead of buying offline. The trend that
platforms such as Amazon are able to compete with
traditional retailers and the entirety of their business
models, including payment systems and delivery
strategies, is supported by the simultaneous rise of
specialized third-party companies taking over
substantial parts of the commercial processes, for
example DHL (a German delivery service) for
physical distribution or PayPal for payment
transactions (Reinartz and Imschloß, 2017).
However, it is worth mentioning that the stationary
retail does incorporate new approaches to outsource
operational activities for the sake of increasing
profitability as well. Under the umbrella term
autonomization, several service-, payment-, and
delivery-related innovations have been introduced by
the retail industry, such as chatbots, self-checkouts,
and delivery drones (Bellis and Johar, 2020; Grewal
et al., 2018; Shankar et al., 2021).
As a remarkable variation of disintermediation,
Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) models allow brands to
engage directly with customers by means of digital
channels (Gielens and Steenkamp, 2019). In this
context, due to today’s widespread use of mobile
devices, an increasing number of transactions is
processed through websites or tailored mobile
applications (Khidzir et al., 2018; Lim et al., 2022;
Nikhashemi et al., 2021; Reinartz et al., 2019; Haiyue
Zhang et al., 2021). One advantage compared to
traditional sales points is that the brand does not need
to compete with other brands on the same store shelf.
However, as tempting as the opportunities of pure
online shops may be, this development is not
expected to replace physical stores entirely as
consumer interfaces but to put a certain pressure on
them to adapt more closely to customers’ needs and
desires (Ferracuti et al., 2019; Huddleston et al.,
2018; Reinartz et al., 2019). Furthermore, traditional
stores enable customers to evaluate a number of
attributes of goods that simply cannot be experienced
in online retailing, for example fit and wearing
comfort of garments (Smink et al., 2019). Yet, online
shops can reach customers living farther away from
the store, which is why they can serve as sensible
supplements (van Heerde et al., 2019). In conclusion,
a partial redefinition of the customer journey in terms
of an increasing number of touchpoints towards so-
called omnichannel retailing can be observed
whereas customers tend to seamlessly switch between
the channels (Liao and Yang, 2020; Rudkowski et al.,
2020; Tyrväinen et al., 2020).
While these developments relate to the most
dominant part of retailing, the actual transaction,
retailers should keep in mind that it builds upon
another stage of the classic consumption model, the
prepurchase phase of need occurrence (Reinartz et al.,
2019; Reinartz and Imschloß, 2017). Attracting and
directing customers’ attention therefore is an essential
task of any retailer (Huddleston et al., 2018). From
the literature findings, the reformation of marketing
strategies can be divided into two branches: the
gathering of necessary data to create purposeful
advertising concepts and the effective presentation of
these. Summarized under the key term of big data,
massive amounts of analyzable data from all available
sources, such as social media, sales data,
demographics, or other historical internal or external
data, are collected and processed (Dekimpe, 2020;
Grewal et al., 2017; Grewal et al., 2018) in order to
increase efficiency and profits, improve customer
experience and demand prediction, and to gain a
deeper understanding of customer behavior in general
(Grewal et al., 2017; Kaur et al., 2020; Sasidhar and
Mallikharjuna Rao, 2020).
The literature indicates that some of today’s
retailers are becoming increasingly interested in
micromanaging the optimization of their stores. For
example, examining customer behavior through in-
store video analytics (Kaur et al., 2020; Liciotti et al.,
2017) and customizing displayed advertisement (Han
et al., 2022), or studying that customers are used to
counter-clockwise aisle arrangements in countries
with right-handed traffic (Ferracuti et al., 2019) are a
reality nowadays. Worth noting, the underlying
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
capabilities of data analysis (e.g., storage,
networking, and computation power) require
dedicated digital infrastructures that are associated
with costs.
With the overarching theme of this article in mind,
the effort and cost of deploying efficient and scalable
solutions can be mitigated by taking advantage of the
emerging field of cloud computing (Adewumi et al.,
2015; Chandrashekhara et al., 2019; Lee, 2017).
Modern marketing, or more broadly termed
dissemination of information that can stimulate a
purchase, resorts to a variety of newer phenomena,
such as social media and video-to-retail applications
(Alexandrova and Kochieva, 2021; Dolega et al.,
2021; Grewal et al., 2017; Huaizheng Zhang et al.,
2020), and old but adapted institutions, like
temporary pop-up shops (Rudkowski et al., 2020;
Shankar et al., 2021). Personalized advertising using
enhanced data analysis techniques to craft
individually tailored advertisements can improve
customer experience and loyalty (Tyrväinen et al.,
2020). Note that it should not to be confused with
personalization, meaning the provision of
personalized offers based on (historical) customer
data (Reinartz et al., 2019; Tyrväinen et al., 2020)
only when a customer actively visits a store or
website (Gironda and Korgaonkar, 2018), thus
transforming retailing from a product-centric to a
customer-centric environment (Gupta and
Ramachandran, 2021). However, uncertainty about
how customer data were obtained can have a serious
negative impact on trust, whereby studies suggest that
this threat could be alleviated by simply disclosing
that an advertisement is in fact personalized and
where the respective data were found (Grewal et al.,
2018; Marchand and Marx, 2020). Despite this
general statement, if the data are private and not
directly consciously or unconsciously shared with the
company (e.g., data orienting from social media
profiles), the personalized advertisement can be
expected to elicit strong negative reactions (Gironda
and Korgaonkar, 2018).
Lastly in this subsection, the adaptation of supply
chains is not neglected by modern retail enterprises.
Significant cost reductions of up to about 12 percent
by means of effective information sharing (Chan et
al., 2017), substantial savings by adopting 3D
technologies for virtual prototyping (Shankar et al.,
2021), and augmented reality (AR) to allow
customers to get realistic ideas of a product before
ordering and eventually returning it (Nikhashemi et
al., 2021) are just a few examples provided by the
literature. More commonly, forecasting demand as
part of efficient logistics has been widely established
whether to reduce costly unnecessarily storage
capacities (Sasidhar and Mallikharjuna Rao, 2020) or
to avoid stock outs and missed selling opportunities
(Dekimpe, 2020; Wolters and Huchzermeier, 2021).
Besides these organizational considerations, the
adoption of robotics within the journey of a product
in the form of warehouse robots and delivery drones
has an increasing impact of the modern retail world
(Grewal et al., 2017; Shankar et al., 2021).
Concluding these observations, two hypotheses can
be set up. First, domains traditionally handled by
service employees are currently in a phase of
transformation, in a way that staff members can add
less and less value as consultations are overtaken by
online reviews, payment transactions by third-party
systems, and delivery and returns by robots (Bellis
and Johar, 2020). Second, the competition of the
future is technological (Reinartz and Imschloß,
2017). Retailers unable to exploit vital technologies
can be expected to face serious difficulties and, in the
long term, a decline in their business.
3.1.2 Potential Challenges
Available infrastructure and knowledge can evolve
into the main bottlenecks while integrating
technological advances (Chan et al., 2017; Dekimpe,
2020; Gottlieb and Bianchi, 2017). In addition, if the
perceived benefits for the retailer are not tangible
enough, the adoption is further inhibited (Shankar et
al., 2021). However, the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic has not only strengthened the role of
technologies for online retailing but has also urged
the industry to build up and switch to innovative
business models, preferably with reduced physical
contact (Guha et al., 2021; Shankar et al., 2021; X.
Wang et al., 2021). A clash between the inertia to
stick to established models and the pressure to adapt
to a new reality therefore seems conceivable.
Thereupon, two existing issues might gain intensity.
On the one hand, a phenomenon called showrooming,
where customers visit physical shops solely to inspect
a product that they are likely to buy online later under
better price conditions (Kokho Sit et al., 2018; Lee,
2017; Schneider and Zielke, 2021; J. Wang and
Wang, 2022), may become a more vexing problem as
the stationary retailer invests time and money without
reaping the rewards. Occasionally, a counter-concept
called webrooming can be observed, where
consumers visit online shops only for the purpose of
assessing products informationally but then make the
actual purchase offline (Smink et al., 2019; Z. Wang
et al., 2021). This practice indicates that the desire to
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities
be consulted in person is still present and is
furthermore valued.
A second issue, product returns, was ever existing
but has reached a new level through customers’
online shopping behavior (Smink et al., 2019). The
main reason is the intrinsic uncertainty whether a
product, for example garments, meets the
expectations (e.g., fit and coloring) when buying
online (Li et al., 2019; Haiyue Zhang et al., 2021). To
overcome these challenges, new strategies to
communicate the attributes and benefits of a product
and to handle the natural behavior of consumers must
be developed.
From the largely established characteristics, a few
possible development tendencies outlined in the
literature can be derived. The demographic change
towards a generation of digital natives as well as the
successful integration of technologies by industry
leaders (early adopters) will foster the adoption by
rather risk-averse retailers (fast followers) (Shankar et
al., 2021). Hazardous events such as the pandemic
and financial fraud will drive the need for enhanced
safety, contactless payment, and security systems
(Liao and Yang, 2020; Rudkowski et al., 2020;
Shankar et al., 2021; X. Wang et al., 2021).
Furthermore, legal regulations will certainly force the
industry to conceptualize strategies to track the
movement of goods to ensure, for example, food
safety (Shankar et al., 2021), but also to limit oneself
to anonymized customer data when it comes to
segmentation and behavior analysis (Gironda and
Korgaonkar, 2018; Kakatkar and Spann, 2019).
Regarding the issue of showrooming, retailers might
rethink their physical stores as showrooms
intentionally to give customers the chance to
experience their products while the transaction is
performed online on purpose (Li et al., 2019; Shankar
et al., 2021; Haiyue Zhang et al., 2021). Whether
forecasting trends or demand, optimizing prices,
stores, or customer experience, the future of retailing
will hold fascinating developments from which all
have one aspect in common: digital technologies
based on buzzwords such as artificial intelligence, big
data, and the Internet of Things (Alexandrova and
Kochieva, 2021; Bellis and Johar, 2020; Guha et al.,
2021; Marchand and Marx, 2020; Sasidhar and
Mallikharjuna Rao, 2020; Shankar et al., 2021). The
characteristic evolutional tendencies in the retail
sector, connected to their overarching domain, are
summarized in Figure 3 along with associated
consequences and important issues that need to be
considered by retailers.
Figure 3: Overview of development tendencies in retail and
associated consequences.
In the following, the four fields of marketing and
customer engagement, store management and
representation, prediction and forecasting, and
product assessment and shopping experience are
connected with corresponding enabling technologies.
These elaborations serve as the first part of an answer
to RQ2.
4.1.1 Marketing and Customer Engagement
Mobile applications by retailers have been
established as vital tools and more specialized
interfaces than websites to get in contact with
customers (Lim et al., 2022; van Heerde et al., 2019).
Through such apps, both sides of personalization (i.e.,
data collection and presentation of individual
offerings) can be efficiently realized. Based on the
phenomenon of big data analytics (BDA),
personalization is assumed to provide a number of
advantages. Studies indicate that the provision of
offers that are likely to fulfill a customer’s current
needs is valued (Farah et al., 2019; Reinartz et al.,
2019), leading to an improved customer experience
and loyalty (Tyrväinen et al., 2020), and ultimately
tends to increase the chances of sales (Kaur et al.,
2020). From a legal point of view, data for the
purpose of marketing research often must be
anonymized. Due to the wide availability, however, a
segmentation of customers is possible, although the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
granularity is limited (Jansen et al., 2021; Kakatkar
and Spann, 2019).
Recommending specialized offers as a
combination of identifying consumers’ needs and
matching products accordingly based on big data also
involves a realistic potential use of artificial
intelligence (Bellis and Johar, 2020; Grewal et al.,
2017; Zhu et al., 2022). Moreover, a report by
McKinsey & Company (a major management
consulting firm) projects that, out of 19 industries, the
most valuable impacts of AI will occur in the retail
sector (Bellis and Johar, 2020; Guha et al., 2021).
Marchand and Marx conclude that the current
developments, especially the widespread use of smart
devices, are moving the society into an age of
artificial intelligence-based assistance provided by
automated recommender systems (Marchand and
Marx, 2020). Social media networks such as
Facebook and Instagram have emerged as suitable
platforms for advertising campaigns and - depending
on their scope, complexity, and brand status -
generally have a positive impact on sales figures
(Dolega et al., 2021; Grewal et al., 2018). For
example, data on emerging trends and customer
behavior could be analyzed in a cloud environment,
and the knowledge gathered could be used to
automatically and regularly post relevant content on
a social media presence (Kaur et al., 2020).
Since this kind of marketing is rather impersonal
without giving customers or other interested parties
much space for interaction, companies are also trying
to find a compromise between exploiting the modern
technological capabilities, especially those enabled
by the Internet, and traditional events to push
products, such as trade fairs. Virtual reality (VR)
paved the way for virtual trade shows in which
exhibitors can connect with visitors remotely without
having to physically attend the event (Gottlieb and
Bianchi, 2017). With respect to the lessons learned
during the COVID-19 pandemic, VR-enabled
opportunities to stay in close contact with customers,
partners, or even competitors by means of trade
shows while avoiding critical physical proximity can
be expected to attract further interest.
4.1.2 Store Management and Representation
As explained in section 3.1.1, mere online retailing is
not expected to replace stationary shops entirely. The
management of a store and its representation to the
outside, however, is assumed to be reformed based on
the reviewed literature. Besides the automation of
marketing activities, as described in the previous
section, consumer processes such as purchasing can
be increasingly automated by means of the IoT and
smart household appliances that order certain
products (e.g., food or detergent) when the stock is
low (Reinartz et al., 2019). Robotics in the form of
checkout automation, drones, and driverless vehicles
further reduce the human effort needed to complete
the distribution of purchased items (Grewal et al.,
2017; Noble et al., 2022) while e-wallets for mobile
payment facilitate financial transactions, thus saving
time and potentially personnel (Liao and Yang,
Inside a store, video analytics can help to better
understand customers and to design the interior as
well as the assortment accordingly (Kaur et al., 2020;
Liciotti et al., 2017). Outside of stores, video
analytics can help assess customer sentiment in
review videos (Agrawal and Mittal, 2022). The
central component of such systems might be a cloud
environment, including capacities to store the vast
amount of visual data and analytical capabilities to
draw the right conclusions from the consumers’
movements and product selections (Ferracuti et al.,
2019; Liciotti et al., 2017). One step further towards
micromanaging a store, eye tracking made it possible
to evaluate exactly what a customer is looking at, in
what order, and for how long (Huddleston et al.,
2018). In all these applications, it can be argued that
AI in general and ML as a subcategory form the
backbone of such analyses.
4.1.3 Prediction and Forecasting
Keeping inventory for no specific reason simply
because the demand does not correspond with the
number of ordered items is an unnecessary yet
avoidable expenditure since storage capacities are
usually not for free (Sasidhar and Mallikharjuna Rao,
2020). On the other hand, ordering to small quantities
can lead to stock-outs that also result in financial
losses (i.e., generating lower profits than possible)
(Dekimpe, 2020). Extracting purchase patterns from
historical data in cloud environments to predict future
buying behavior for anticipatory shipping is already a
reality in a number of successful businesses such as
H&M and Zara, two fashion companies from Sweden
and Spain, respectively (Alexandrova and Kochieva,
2021; Lee, 2017). Additional to organizational data,
information acquired from social media (i.e., social
media data scraping) can be used to better forecast
sales, design campaigns based on trend analyses, and
ultimately increase customer satisfaction (Kaur et al.,
2020). Another aspect adding to the complexity of
inventory management is pricing, which must be
factored into the interdependencies between supply
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities
and demand. ML models, trained with different
features of a product and historical sales data, can
serve as a decision support to choose an appropriate
pricing policy for a specific product
(Chandrashekhara et al., 2019).
4.1.4 Product Assessment and Shopping
In order to make an informed purchase decision with
minimal risk of returning the product, certain
properties of a good must be carefully assessed by the
customer. Studies suggest that technologies
supporting the realistic perception of an item, such as
AR and VR, can have a positive impact on the
intention to buy it (Arghashi, 2022; Arghashi and
Yuksel, 2022; Nikhashemi et al., 2021; Z. Wang et
al., 2021). As a side effect, a more direct shopping
experience can promote trust, leading to a higher
willingness to disclose personal information (Smink
et al., 2019). The two key technologies, AR and VR,
differ in the way the visualization is presented and
thus in which scenarios a particular approach is most
suitable. VR places the user in a computer-generated,
entirely artificial environment while hiding the
surrounding real world and thus creates a highly
immersive experience (Farah et al., 2019; Gottlieb
and Bianchi, 2017). With that in mind, VR in retail is
primarily appropriate for promoting products that
either do not require to be examined in context with
other present items or do require a specific
atmosphere to be optimally presented. For example, a
virtual world consisting of an open road at sunset to
get a realistic feel for a customized car would likely
create greater anticipation for purchasing the vehicle
than just a virtual model of the car in a real-world
showroom. The latter approach corresponds to the
definition of AR where a product can be inspected by
overlaying a virtual model onto the real-world
surroundings or even the own body (Smink et al.,
2019). One possible application therefore is to try on
clothes before buying via virtual fitting rooms (Li et
al., 2019). Both technologies can help to prevent the
issue of showrooming, although stationary retailers
might not be the beneficiaries of this development.
Since the customers’ uncertainty about a product due
to the lack of tangible information can be viewed as
the main reason for showrooming (Kokho Sit et al.,
2018), a direct realistic vision of an item provided by
the capabilities of VR or AR can help to reduce the
doubts about buying it. Thus, the perceived need for
the customer to physically inspect the product could
be reduced and a retailer's resources (e.g., time to
consult with a customer) might be spared. Figure 4
summarizes the findings derived from the literature
that was available following the strict methodological
approach, without claiming completeness. Firstly, the
outermost boxes wrap the four categorized parts of
retailing, which are further divided into several more
specific activities of the respective parts. Lastly,
concrete technologies associated with these activities
are stated. The different gray colorings link
technologies that are mentioned more than once.
Figure 4: Categorization of identified future technological
(e-)retailing capabilities.
The following brief explanations originate from the
official Google Cloud website, including the
documentation and blog posts. Even though the
information given there may be glossed over for
marketing reasons, the presentation of an exemplary
selection of suitable tools for the technological
capabilities stated above does serve the purpose of
proving that such cloud-based solutions exist.
Big data is a broad field concerned with acquiring,
storing, analyzing, and presenting large quantities of
data, to some extend in real time. The GC offers a
range of services suitable for these capabilities or
specific parts of them. For example, Cloud Spanner
can be used as a relational database with practically
unlimited volume, Bigtable, on the other hand, serves
as a NoSQL database, and Cloud Storage might be
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
used as an extensive storage for binary objects. For
data streaming, Pub/Sub is a service usable for fast
voluminous data transfers based on a
publisher/subscriber model, as the name suggests.
Dataflow, thereupon, can be used for stream and
batch processing of the gathered and stored data.
Visualizing and exploring data is made possible by
using Cloud Datalab. One tool particularly
appropriate for storing and analyzing big data in
combination is BigQuery since this service links the
capacities of a data warehouse with the analytical
capabilities of machine learning through the
integration of BigQuery ML. Thus, huge amounts of
data can be stored and employed to train and evaluate
machine learning models.
Considering AI and ML more generally, Google
Cloud provides a wide range of tools for different use
cases. With text conversion via Speech-to-Text and,
inter alia, Text-to-Speech APIs, Googles Natural
Language API to extract information from
unstructured texts, and Vision AI to identify texts,
objects, properties, and logos on images, a large
selection of solutions can be specified for a variety of
use cases that revolve around the topic of text and
image analytics. Additionally, AutoML and Vertex AI
are provided as tools for the creation of general
machine learning models to classify, predict, and
forecast data values. Since this is only an exemplary
overview, it must be noted that Google does provide
an even larger collection of earmarked products as
well as rather uncommitted ML tools such as
BigQuery ML, which can be used for any given
tabular dataset.
Mobile and web applications can be made
available by using any Google Cloud tool that can
provide an application to an audience through the
public Internet. App Engine, for example, is a fully
managed serverless platform, meaning that a
developer does not have to care about underlying
infrastructure since it is handled as well as
automatically scaled by Google. The standard version
supports several popular programming languages and
frameworks (e.g., NodeJS, PHP, and Python). The
developers task hereby is solely to write the
application and, if necessary, adjust the service
account for the App Engine to enable access to other
services inside the cloud since Google allows for an
easy connectivity between cloud services without
complex authentication techniques as required when
developing locally. This way, data storage, analytics
tools, and App Engine to present something to an
external user could be linked. Other exemplary
options for offering an application would be via
Compute Engine’s virtual machines or by
containerizing the application and deploying it on a
Google Kubernetes Cluster. Not limited to cloud
products but also usable in combination with them,
the Google Pay API adds a way for users to pay with
their Google accounts for offered services in apps or
on websites.
Since the technologies AR and VR are mostly
reliant on massive data computing and real-time
rendering (i.e., high-performance computing),
Google Cloud does not offer one particular tool but a
variety of combinations of services. For instance,
with Compute Engine, compute-optimized virtual
machines with up to 96 vCPUs with 8 gigabyte
memory each can be created. The same applies to the
Google Kubernetes Cluster whose nodes run on
Compute Engine instances themselves. Thus,
developers of AR and VR projects can benefit from
the high-performance computing capabilities offered
by Google Cloud.
Regarding social media integration, a field report
by the company Computerlogy shows how cloud
tools can be utilized for data collection and analytics
from popular social media networks. As foundational
infrastructure, a Google Kubernetes Cluster running
on Compute Engine instances delivers a highly
flexible and cost-efficient basis through embedded
autoscaling capabilities. With a deployed
Elasticsearch search engine, the developers track with
this approach information from, for example,
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that are
subsequently further processed with BigQuery’s
analytical tools. Visualizations are realized with
Google Data Studio. At this point, it is worth noting
that cloud tools are often suitable for multiple
scenarios, while the ultimate benefit depends on the
exact architecture. Google Cloud offers a high degree
of flexibility and thus a reduction in the effort
required to familiarize with specialized tools.
Especially for IoT systems, IoT Core is a fully
managed service to connect and manage IoT assets.
The cloud handles security, communication, and
device management for the users and links the
necessary tools to process the data. For example, in
an approach taken from the documentation, Dataflow
might be used for streaming and batch analysis, while
Pub/Sub is responsible for managing input
connections. Again, BigQuery and Vertex AI store
the data and help develop machine learning models
for analytics. In addition, with the Google Maps
Platform, Google offers the ability to integrate
location intelligence for geographic tracking of IoT
For video analytics (i.e., the last of the
technological capabilities mentioned in Figure 4),
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities
Google offers two solutions, Video Intelligence API
and AutoML Video Intelligence, which differ in their
ability to annotate videos with custom or predefined
labels. Both products help extract information from
video material, such as objects, locations, actions,
texts, logos, faces, and others. The outlined tools are
summarized in Table 3 below and constitute the
second part of an answer to RQ2.
Table 3: (E-)retailing capabilities matched with Google
Cloud tools.
Capability /
Exemplary Google Cloud tools
Big data Cloud Spanner, Bigtable, Cloud
Storage, BigQuery (storage);
Pub/Sub, Dataflow (processing);
Datalab (exploration)
intelligence and
Natural Language AI (text
analytics); Vision AI (image
processing); AutoML, Vertex AI,
BigQuery ML (general use cases)
applications and
App Engine, Compute Engine,
Google Kubernetes Cluster (app
provision); Google Pay API
Virtual and
Compute-optimized virtual
machines (Compute Engine,
Google Kubernetes Cluster)
Social media
Compute Engine, Google
Kubernetes Cluster (foundation);
BigQuery ML (analytics); Google
Data Studio
Internet of
IoT Core (foundation); Dataflow,
Pub/Sub (processing); BigQuery,
Vertex AI (analytics); Google
s Platfor
Video Analytics Video Intelligence API, AutoML
Video Intelligence
In the near future, traditional stationary retail and its
business models are expected to undergo massive
changes due to new digital technologies such as big
data, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and social
media networks (Alexandrova and Kochieva, 2021;
Bellis and Johar, 2020; Guha et al., 2021) and due to
rising customer expectations, living standards, and
the desire for more freedom of choice (Alexandrova
and Kochieva, 2021; Farah et al., 2019; Marchand
and Marx, 2020; Xue et al., 2017). On the journey into
the digital age, cloud technologies can provide a
useful, cost efficient, flexible, and easily accessible
addition to present retail channels. Based on an
extensive body of literature reviewed through a
systematic literature search, this paper provides
possible answers to the questions of what
characteristics and technological capabilities are
likely to shape the future of retailing. In addition, an
exemplary cloud tool selection from Google Cloud is
presented and explained. In future research
endeavors, more of the identified technological
capabilities are to be integrated into purposeful cloud
reference architectures.
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